I. M. Pei

Chinese-born American architect.
Died on Thursday May 16th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to I. M. Pei:

@ErickEsteban: RT @its_willyu: He wasn’t famous because he was a good architect among Asian-American architects. He was famous because he was a great arch… - 6 years ago

@ishaq_plays: I.M. Pei, the acclaimed architect who designed the Louvre's pyramid, has died at the age of 102. . . . . . . #love… - 6 years ago

@peachylait: RT @chengela: I wonder how many people know that it was a Chinese-American architect—I.M. Pei, who just passed away—that designed the Louvr… - 6 years ago

@_anapuff: RT @chengela: I wonder how many people know that it was a Chinese-American architect—I.M. Pei, who just passed away—that designed the Louvr… - 6 years ago


@kazbrekkcr: RT @chengela: I wonder how many people know that it was a Chinese-American architect—I.M. Pei, who just passed away—that designed the Louvr… - 6 years ago

@hypnowad: RT @chengela: I wonder how many people know that it was a Chinese-American architect—I.M. Pei, who just passed away—that designed the Louvr… - 6 years ago

@mukhliis_: RT @TIME: I.M. Pei, pioneering architect who designed iconic Louvre pyramid, dies at 102 - 6 years ago

@kumii: RT @chengela: I wonder how many people know that it was a Chinese-American architect—I.M. Pei, who just passed away—that designed the Louvr… - 6 years ago

@Hell_toupe: RT @chengela: I wonder how many people know that it was a Chinese-American architect—I.M. Pei, who just passed away—that designed the Louvr… - 6 years ago

@taufiton: Simple, iconic: How I M Pei's Museum of Islamic Art reshaped Qatar - 6 years ago

@aitanamallari: RT @chengela: I wonder how many people know that it was a Chinese-American architect—I.M. Pei, who just passed away—that designed the Louvr… - 6 years ago

@10Brezy: Architect I.M. Pei Was A Shining Example Of American Exceptionalism arts - 6 years ago

@hetkornalam: RT @DWR_Tweets: Taking the morning to appreciate I.M. Pei, master architect whose buildings dazzled the world. He died yesterday at 102. ht… - 6 years ago

@AdroitDevelope1: RIP to this legend with extraordinary vision and creativity. - 6 years ago

@pei_gooooo: I'm at カインズ 幕張店 in 習志野市, 千葉県 w/ @oborosama_ssvd - 6 years ago

@zimgirl19: @Hector_Shar_Pei I'm hoping the fact that you're making such good progress with your leggies means your nerves are… - 6 years ago

@zimgirl19: @Hector_Shar_Pei I'm really really hoping you get good pee news soon🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 - 6 years ago

@chrisdlmusic: $26 for a less than 5 minute ride from Covehead Rd. to Horne Cross Rd. Right on, Yellow Taxi. If @Uber won’t come t… - 6 years ago

@davisliumd: RT @its_willyu: He wasn’t famous because he was a good architect among Asian-American architects. He was famous because he was a great arch… - 6 years ago

@Hector_Shar_Pei: @TetleysTea I am jelliss that he’s got da big bed and M&D all to himself! - 6 years ago

@CfR80NqEjORM5ii: RT @uccon: I.M. Pei, Master Architect Whose Buildings Dazzled the World, Dies at 102 - 6 years ago

@Hector_Shar_Pei: @Pug_Chloe I’m getting there little Miss!❤️💦🙏🏻❤️💦 - 6 years ago

@CutieKat1: RT @its_willyu: He wasn’t famous because he was a good architect among Asian-American architects. He was famous because he was a great arch… - 6 years ago

@CREsearchrules: RT @AYDCMetro: I.M. Pei was behind the National Gallery of Art, L’Enfant Plaza and the Louvre Pyramid in Paris. In reflection of this iconi… - 6 years ago

@fivbxdoyoung: RT @TheSmilingHut: RIP I.M. Pei - 6 years ago

@deekayjungle: I.M. Pei defied Convention in naming too Self-defecating #haiku #impei - 6 years ago

@samodra_beeant: RT @usembassyjkt: Arsitek Amerika keturunan Asia I.M. Pei, yg miliki pengetahuan arsitektur luas dan hormati esensi arsitektur Islam, wafat… - 6 years ago

@RoyalDiamondATX: 3 Essential Design Lessons from Legendary Architect I.M. Pei: Creators from any field will benefit from these three… - 6 years ago

@lisa47949977: 10 of the Most Influential Works by I.M. Pei - 6 years ago

@ek_johnston: Vancouver, Montreal, PEI... Whistler. And I'm having so much fun I don't even care. - 6 years ago

@profcpbl: Answer: it's a GMO Atlantic salmon, approved by none other than Canada. And (if I'm right) it's what's on the menu… - 6 years ago

@KidsNeedMoreArt: RT @iTweetArt: Great artists need great clients. ~ I. M. Pei#quote #art - 6 years ago

@monjack1001: RT @BillClinton: Thankful for I.M Pei’s 102 years. I’ll never forget the midnight tour of the new Louvre he and President Mitterrand gave m… - 6 years ago

@tonyh517: RT @CityLab: The JFK Library is a testament to I. M. Pei’s control of architecture as narrative, of the museum as an abstract expression of… - 6 years ago

@elainemittleman: I.M. Pei’s enduring Boston legacy - The Boston Globe - 6 years ago

@Iggy: RT @CityLab: The JFK Library is a testament to I. M. Pei’s control of architecture as narrative, of the museum as an abstract expression of… - 6 years ago

@ilovemj2003: RT @nowthisnews: Legendary architect I. M. Pei died last week at 102 — from the Louvre pyramid to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, these are h… - 6 years ago

@adunlea: RT @InteriorDesign: Take a look back at 10 of the most influential works by I.M. Pei: - 6 years ago

@bobantonicello: RT @CityLab: The JFK Library is a testament to I. M. Pei’s control of architecture as narrative, of the museum as an abstract expression of… - 6 years ago

@danmcdonough: Immigrant Architect I.M. Pei Was A Shining Example Of American Exceptionalism - 6 years ago

@CityLab: The JFK Library is a testament to I. M. Pei’s control of architecture as narrative, of the museum as an abstract ex… - 6 years ago

@chrisbriem: and speaking of connections, that picture has the clearest shot of I.M. Pei's contribution to Pittsburgh - 6 years ago

@theissuecollect: L.S.U. Reinstates Coach Implicated in Recruiting Scandal - 6 years ago

@yourdailymicron: @WhamBamSystems @WeberCreativeC @BondtechAB @SliceEngineer I did. I followed everything including all the suggestio… - 6 years ago

@NativeSal: I’m at Pei Wei every day either before or after i work and I work 6 days a week. Kms I love this place no shame 😭❤️ I’m a regular here - 6 years ago

@sandotz: RT @HAUPOLD: 3 Essential Design Lessons from Legendary Architect I.M. Pei - 6 years ago

@jayoung1892: RT @BillClinton: Thankful for I.M Pei’s 102 years. I’ll never forget the midnight tour of the new Louvre he and President Mitterrand gave m… - 6 years ago

@Miirrssss: RT @tongbingxue: Wold Renowned architect Ieoh Ming Pei has died at 102, leaving behind many iconic works. Lei was born in Canton, raised i… - 6 years ago

@ideascape: How I.M. Pei mastered the big idea #architecture #boston - 6 years ago

@ElkusManfredi: RT @BSAAIA: "How I.M. Pei mastered the big idea" by David P. Manfredi FAIA @ElkusManfredi #Boston #Cambridge #architecture - 6 years ago

@BSAAIA: "How I.M. Pei mastered the big idea" by David P. Manfredi FAIA @ElkusManfredi #Boston #Cambridge #architecture - 6 years ago

@ben_oskarsson: RT @metalcon: MMM – Architect I.M. Pei Dies at 102 - 6 years ago

@garkichu: RT @UHumanitas: Te compartimos la Pirámide del Museo del Louvre de París del recientemente fallecido arquitecto I. M. Pei. - 6 years ago

@campusarch: “The heart of the new campus was an intertwined complex of curved and terraced buildings of reinforced concrete, al… - 6 years ago

@diddypoppins: RT @BostonGlobe: "I.M. Pei was one of the most important architects worldwide, and he designed as many buildings across Boston and Cambridg… - 6 years ago

@marybethwilliam: I.M. Pei's Legacy: 7 Museum Structures that Changed Architecture | Art & Object - 6 years ago

@KMDartandarch: RT @BlairKamin: More on I.M. Pei's University Apartments from the Hyde Park Herald: - 6 years ago

@RTArchitects1: I.M Pei will always be remembered for his amazingly talented architectural feats that have touched the entire world… - 6 years ago

@yourhomeneeds1: RT @InteriorDesign: Take a look back at 10 of the most influential works by I.M. Pei: - 6 years ago

@mrtgr: RT @BlairKamin: More on I.M. Pei's University Apartments from the Hyde Park Herald: - 6 years ago

@RandolphPfaff: RT @BostonGlobe: "I.M. Pei was one of the most important architects worldwide, and he designed as many buildings across Boston and Cambridg… - 6 years ago

@lanci53: RT @BostonGlobe: "I.M. Pei was one of the most important architects worldwide, and he designed as many buildings across Boston and Cambridg… - 6 years ago

@LevineContract: RT @WatsonFG: "The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." Rest in peace, I.M Pei. #architecture - 6 years ago

@BlairKamin: More on I.M. Pei's University Apartments from the Hyde Park Herald: - 6 years ago

@fitzgeek_: RT @BostonGlobe: "I.M. Pei was one of the most important architects worldwide, and he designed as many buildings across Boston and Cambridg… - 6 years ago

@BostonGlobe: "I.M. Pei was one of the most important architects worldwide, and he designed as many buildings across Boston and C… - 6 years ago

@UnderwriterPro: Architect I.M. Pei Died at 102 - 6 years ago

@GregIsaacson: RT @CPExecutive: Pei had a lasting influence on the tall commercial towers that define our cityscapes. - 6 years ago

@Mtkacenter4arts: I.M. Pei, the legendary architect who transformed the Louvre, died at 102 - 6 years ago

@GOATffrey: RT @nowthisnews: Legendary architect I. M. Pei died this week at 102 — from the Louvre pyramid to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, these are h… - 6 years ago

@Alexdon2000: RT @INSEADKnowledge: “Be the best, not necessarily the original.” ― I.M. Pei - 6 years ago

@nicotra_carlo: RT @retokommerling: #ArquitecturaReligiosa _ Luce Memorial Chapel diseñada por I.M. Pei . "Los muros de la fachada de hormigón están unidos… - 6 years ago

@METALOCUS: Recordando a I. M. Pei en la celebración del 30 cumpleaños de la Pirámide del Louvre, con la propuesta de JR… - 6 years ago

@cottonwood100: Renowned architect I.M. Pei dies at 102, leaves rich legacy of modern de... - 6 years ago

@BergeronRuss: Gallery: A pictorial journey through the work of acclaimed architect I.M. Pei - 6 years ago

@Texas_Hillbilly: RT @MIT_alumni: Celebrating alumnus I.M. Pei's architectural contributions to @MIT campus and beyond - 6 years ago

@authenticromero: Aside From Cultural Icons, #Architect I.M. Pei Left Behind #Residential Legacy 📐 ⬜ - 6 years ago

@Aele_B: RT @nowthisnews: Legendary architect I. M. Pei died this week at 102 — from the Louvre pyramid to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, these are h… - 6 years ago

@HonoluluCC: RT @EastWestCenter: The East-West Center mourns the passing today of internationally famed architect I.M. Pei, who designed a number of the… - 6 years ago

@AngieGLaw: RT @SPCmonitor: One of the odder places for tributes to I.M. Pei to appear--the website of the National Supervision Commission/Central Comm… - 6 years ago

@eye_on_taiwan: VIDEO: I.M. Pei’s Luce Memorial Chapel - 6 years ago

@eyeontaiwan: VIDEO: I.M. Pei’s Luce Memorial Chapel - 6 years ago

@pbrody: #WorthReading How I.M. Pei helped shape Apple — and Steve Jobs’ design tastes - 6 years ago

@NordbySocial: Wine Caves celebrates and remembers the work of I.M. Pei who innovated modern buildings and understood the value of… - 6 years ago

@intheecut: i can only wish to live a life like i.m. pei, a true giant of our modern era, whose work will serve as a case study… - 6 years ago

@_mr_nuel: RT @Michael_Eisner: The work of I.M. Pei stands at the height of American #architects, almost as high as his 102 years. RIP. #architecture… - 6 years ago

@mayauedd: RT @arwcheek: Goodbye to the great I.M. Pei. #impei #architecture - 6 years ago

@jonathanm1834: Famed [Place Ville-Marie] architect I.M. Pei dead at 102 - 6 years ago

@Madam_Zo_Zo: RT @lonelyplanet: From his iconic addition to the Louvre in Paris to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, I.M. Pei designed some of… - 6 years ago

@highpromonthly: .@aisc Remembers Architect I.M. Pei - 6 years ago

@Rob_Laub: I.M. Pei, modernist architect, dies at 102 #architect #impei #pritzkerprizewinner #paris… - 6 years ago

@HarrisGT: A Look Back on the Prestigious Career of I.M. Pei - 6 years ago

@ArtsCLE: I.M. Pei, legendary architect, dies at 102 - 6 years ago

@CityLab: I. M. Pei had some very big ideas for Oklahoma City in the 1960s. But the final result wasn’t exactly what he had i… - 6 years ago

@maprang_murf: RT @thestandardth: ชมภาพ 10 สุดยอดงานสถาปัตย์ของ I. M. Pei สถาปนิกชั้นครูผู้ล่วงลับ เรื่อง: ณรงค์กร มโนจันทร์เพ็ญ #IMPei #TheStandardCo… - 6 years ago

@laMiguelAntonio: RT @Central_Track: These Five I.M. Pei Designs Shaped Dallas' Skyline. - 6 years ago

@LizaB06: RT @CityLab: Architect I. M. Pei influenced in the reinvention of Boston, from the John Hancock Tower to the JFK Library, writes Chris Grim… - 6 years ago

@stevelackmeyer: RT @CityLab: Architect I. M. Pei influenced in the reinvention of Boston, from the John Hancock Tower to the JFK Library, writes Chris Grim… - 6 years ago

@CityLab: Architect I. M. Pei influenced in the reinvention of Boston, from the John Hancock Tower to the JFK Library, writes… - 6 years ago

@1Juanjjo: RT @archpng: Luce Memorial Chapel, Taichung, Taiwan by I.M Pei - 6 years ago

@t7architecture: RT @wmag: In memory of I.M. Pei, revisit his most iconic works. - 6 years ago

@mujicaquin: RT @archpng: Luce Memorial Chapel, Taichung, Taiwan by I.M Pei - 6 years ago

@MITarchitecture: RT @MIT_alumni: Celebrating alumnus I.M. Pei's architectural contributions to @MIT campus and beyond - 6 years ago

@SayCrunch: RT @cnnbrk: I.M. Pei, the world-renowned architect who gave us the pyramid at the Louvre Museum in Paris, has died at 102 - 6 years ago

@JEFF_MANAS: 7 Iconic Properties From I.M. Pei, Who Died Thursday At 102 - 6 years ago

@Who___rich: RT @thestandardth: ชมภาพ 10 สุดยอดงานสถาปัตย์ของ I. M. Pei สถาปนิกชั้นครูผู้ล่วงลับ เรื่อง: ณรงค์กร มโนจันทร์เพ็ญ #IMPei #TheStandardCo… - 6 years ago

@ParisBerlinCool: RT @FranzBotschaft: Der Architekt I.M. #Pei ist im Alter von 102 Jahren gestorben. Er entwarf die Pyramide des @MuseeLouvre sowie den Zeugg… - 6 years ago

@ihavetoc: RT @soohyoun: Luce Memorial Chaple (1963, I.M. Pei) 50년이 넘어도 빛을 잃치 않는 타일. 99년 대지진을 견뎌낸 구조. 신을 향한 구도. 교회가 위치한 동해대 캠퍼스도 아름답다. 추천. - 6 years ago

@ChasingCrumbs: The National Gallery of Art's East Building, designed by I.M. Pei, features an H-shaped facade. On Thursday night… - 6 years ago

@pradeeppenumadu: RT @johnhopebryant: This great man, made artwork, of buildings... May he Rest In Peace. His legacy lives on. I.M. Pei, acclaimed architect… - 6 years ago

@pradeeppenumadu: RT @kiranshaw: I.M. Pei, acclaimed architect, dead at 102 - The world has lost a great creative designer RIP - 6 years ago

@catsynth: I.M. Pei in #Suzhou and Beyond - 6 years ago

@TonyChe30394982: RT @VOAChinese: 巴黎 #卢浮宫 博物馆的工作人员17号聚集在著名的卢浮宫金字塔下鼓掌一分钟向它的设计者、刚去世的建筑设计大师贝聿铭致敬。1989年作为卢浮宫入口的金字塔形落成时,受到很多法国人批评,但现在已经成为巴黎的经典地标之一。 - 6 years ago

@Melina93827240: RT @nytimes: I.M. Pei's legacy includes some of the world’s most recognizable buildings, including the Louvre Pyramid. Here are 6 of his mo… - 6 years ago

@BFScreenwriter: I. M. Pei and the Asian-American Experience - 6 years ago

@DBloodyLightful: RT @JiayangFan: I wrote about my first time in Paris, I.M. Pei, what I know now and what I wish I knew then - 6 years ago

@SoylentNews: Influential Architect I. M. Pei Dies at 102 - - 6 years ago

@RJBailey: After I M. Pei's Death, Assessing His Built Legacy - 6 years ago

@catsynth: The second of our two remembrances this weekend. We look at the modernist legacy of I.M. Pei, including our visit… - 6 years ago

@samo_pei: RT @xfreischutz: some of the stuff i've been working on that i'm happy with (especially that riskrunner and the warlock robes) - 6 years ago

@hassan_el3ntbly: RT @archpng: “Life is architecture and architecture is the mirror of life.” I.M. Pei, the designer of the Louvre's pyramid who was revered… - 6 years ago

@russellbest: RT @nytimesarts: I.M. Pei, an architect whose museums have become international landmarks, has died - 6 years ago

@russellbest: RT @chowleen: I.M. Pei returned to his roots - he grew up in Shanghai, and long cited the architecture vernacular of this region as influen… - 6 years ago

@onedogsopinion: RT @robertkessler: grumpy cat dying just minutes after I.M. Pei is big Veep finale energy - 6 years ago

@boniface59: Requiescat in pace ———————————————————— Had it not been for Bing Crosby, IM Pei might never have become one of th… - 6 years ago

@formosanafro: RT @MOFA_Taiwan: We are saddened by the passing of I. M. Pei. The winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize will be forever known in #Taiwa… - 6 years ago

@WonkPorn: Factbox: Selected works of architect I.M. Pei - 6 years ago

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