
Somali oud player
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Hudeydi:

@SalehWarsan: Tribute 2 the King of Oud, Hudeydi, my uncle, friend & teacher who we lost 2 Covid-19. A great loss to British Soma… - 5 years ago

@guzimide: Bey mi hudeydi her şey - 5 years ago

@Abdifatah5: Hudeydi: A Monumental Musician Who Uplifted Somali Life - 5 years ago

@Saxafi: Hudeydi: A Monumental Musician Who Uplifted Somali Life - 5 years ago


@Abdifatah5: A Virtuosic Touch: Hudeydi, A Life With The Oud And More - 5 years ago

@Saxafi: A Virtuosic Touch: Hudeydi, A Life With The Oud And More - 5 years ago

@Sinkins_E: RT @sa_poptart: Obituary: Somalia's revered music star Ahmed Ismail Hussein, popularly known as Hudeide (commonly spelled Hudeydi in the We… - 5 years ago

@Alihasooz: @picturetr @Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@SomalilandFocus: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@sa_poptart: Obituary: Somalia's revered music star Ahmed Ismail Hussein, popularly known as Hudeide (commonly spelled Hudeydi i… - 5 years ago

@abdufat62876432: RT @abdufat62876432: Waxan tacsiyadeynayaa dhaman bulshada somaliyed gaar ahaa bahda fanka iyo qoyskii ehelkii qarabadii uu ka baxay rabi j… - 5 years ago

@ZulaQi: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@ZulaQi: RT @KaydSomaliArts: On behalf of all of us here at Kayd family and our Board of Trustees, we send our deepest condolences to Hudeydi’s fami… - 5 years ago

@Somalilandhano1: @Mohamed_Shucayb @JamaMusse @SaeedSurwaale @yGabobe We already miss Hudeydi. If he were alive he would've told us w… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: @Alihasooz Kesinlikle katılıyorum - 5 years ago

@Alihasooz: @Enes_Cingoz @0gamilker @Hudeydi bacım 🤔 - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @sefikdiyin: Arada bi üzülüyorum falan ama sonra aklıma her seyin en iyisine layik olduğum geliyor. - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @agrresifhatun: Ruh eşim beni bulsun. - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @duvardanalinti: en içten - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @leongibi: “Çabaladım da noldu” salmışlığı var üstümde, bıraktım her şeyi. - 5 years ago

@ClickDarth: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@falkaawe: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@libaax_9: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@WaaberiPhone: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @BenTeraziBurcu: Romantik bir aşık değilseniz bir teraziyle zor. - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @kaygidan: Karantina bitse bile kapanmayacak sosyal mesafeler var. - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @rakimasamdan: Belki bir deniz kenarında el ele maziyi konuşacağız. - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @KaraeskiRamiz1: “Sen beni, benim sana inanmışlığımla sınadın.” - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @haticearilii: Beni koyup yâd ellere varırsın, sana zulüm bana ölüm değil mi? - 5 years ago

@HannaAli: RT @CumarSeerbiya: Our Beloved Hudeydi may Almighty Gives you to his endless Paradise. - 5 years ago

@CumarSeerbiya: Our Beloved Hudeydi may Almighty Gives you to his endless Paradise. - 5 years ago

@AMsambul: @Gobannimo Amiin Allah haunaxaristo adeer hudeydi. - 5 years ago

@Abanur: RT @MowliidHaji: Somali musical pioneer Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Hudeidi) was buried today in London, on his 92nd birthday. Hudeydi - one of t… - 5 years ago

@jama_farrah: @MowliidHaji Rest in jannah our beloved Hero Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@Mustafe_Ahmad: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@IbrahimAbdi20: RT @yGabobe: @BarkhadKaariye Absentee Funeral Prayer(Salaatul Qaayeb) for Hudeydi performed in Hargeysa today.Hargeysa has always been the… - 5 years ago

@MowliidHaji: Somali musical pioneer Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Hudeidi) was buried today in London, on his 92nd birthday. Hudeydi - o… - 5 years ago

@JamaMusse: RT @yGabobe: @BarkhadKaariye Absentee Funeral Prayer(Salaatul Qaayeb) for Hudeydi performed in Hargeysa today.Hargeysa has always been the… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @Canaleviyiz: Ya Allah Ya Muhammed Ya Ali 🙏 - 5 years ago

@BarkhadKaariye: RT @yGabobe: @BarkhadKaariye Absentee Funeral Prayer(Salaatul Qaayeb) for Hudeydi performed in Hargeysa today.Hargeysa has always been the… - 5 years ago

@yGabobe: @BarkhadKaariye Absentee Funeral Prayer(Salaatul Qaayeb) for Hudeydi performed in Hargeysa today.Hargeysa has alway… - 5 years ago

@bidhaanDahir: RT @dhoorebbc: Prayer for Hudeydi in Hargeysa today. May allah grant him Jannah.@MOALIMUU @SahraCabdi @bidhaanDahir @thesailorsgirl https:/… - 5 years ago

@Davidjama143: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@ifkanoolow: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@Geedkii: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@Abdullahi_Duran: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@TribuneoPlebs: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@HargeysaCC: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@kate0wallis: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@Angsom2017: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@bashir_fadli: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@SomalilandFocus: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@dhoorebbc: Prayer for Hudeydi in Hargeysa today. May allah grant him Jannah.@MOALIMUU @SahraCabdi @bidhaanDahir @thesailorsgirl - 5 years ago

@JamaMusse: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@Gobannimo: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@ourbrotheraamir: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@HanaBaaby: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@Abdiloyal: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@HomelandAfrika: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@Hawatako: RT @HannaAli: Today, the 15th of April, would have been Hudeydi’s 92nd Birthday. I will forever cherish the joy of being in your presence.… - 5 years ago

@fromadic92: Omar Abdulls Shooli is the 2nd huge loss this month following Hudeydi. May Allah have peace upon them both 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@ZakariyeGantaal: Cumar Cabdulle Shooli has just passed away. I am greatly saddened by the hearning of his death. The shock of Hudey… - 5 years ago

@Re_Sadik: #Cumar_Cabdulle_Shooli has just passed away. I am greatly saddened by the learning of his death. The shock of Hudey… - 5 years ago

@Gaabshe3: Somali musician, Waberi band legend, Omar Nur Abdulle (Shooli) has passed away tonight in Mogadishu after a long il… - 5 years ago

@Abdullahi_Duran: @CumarSeerbiya Rabi janno hagu casuumo Ustaad #hudeydi🙏❤ - 5 years ago

@Abdullahi_Duran: RT @CumarSeerbiya: Our late Icon Hudeydi had major roles in Somalia literature. he's now in class as music art instructor rehearsing one of… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @muthiskemmeliz: Terazi Burcu İlişki Durumu: ⚪ İlişkisi var ⚪ İlişkisi yok ⚪ Evli 🔘 İlişkisi olan arkadaşlarına mükemmel tavsiyeler ve… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Hudeydi has passed away - #Hudeydi # #Hudeydi #rip - 5 years ago

@ducorwriter: RT @zenonthesequal: in the past two weeks we lost sarah maldoror, manu dibango, AND hudeydi. our libraries are collapsing 💔 - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @leongibi: "Böyle olmamalıydı hissini, ne bekliyordum ki diyerek yeniyorsun." - 5 years ago

@GraceJonesIsGod: RT @zenonthesequal: in the past two weeks we lost sarah maldoror, manu dibango, AND hudeydi. our libraries are collapsing 💔 - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @fatmadiyin: Ben yangına körükle gidenlerdenim canım, sen kimlerdensin? - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @ic_tasarimlar: Bir takipçimizden gelen değişim... Biz oldukça başarılı bulduk, siz nasıl buldunuz? - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @ozgesaaglam: Türkü sevmiyorum dedin ya orda bi uzaklaştık seninle - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @spotifydan: "yine girdi rüyama." - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @Canaleviyiz: Kırkların Ceminde dara düş oldum. - 5 years ago

@Africanoes1pais: RT @Angeles_Jurado: @Planeta_Futuro @Africanoes1pais Primero que nada, gracias a @joantp por la foto :) En música, se recomiendan pinchadas… - 5 years ago

@AMsambul: @thesailorsgirl Allah haunaxaristo Adeer Hudeydi.He is gone but not forgotten. - 5 years ago

@wiIIdef: RT @zenonthesequal: in the past two weeks we lost sarah maldoror, manu dibango, AND hudeydi. our libraries are collapsing 💔 - 5 years ago

@AthleticRecluso: RT @Angeles_Jurado: @Planeta_Futuro @Africanoes1pais Primero que nada, gracias a @joantp por la foto :) En música, se recomiendan pinchadas… - 5 years ago

@zenonthesequal: in the past two weeks we lost sarah maldoror, manu dibango, AND hudeydi. our libraries are collapsing 💔 - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @12burrc: Huzur kokan, kimseyi üzmeyen, pamuk kalpli, güzel seven, çok özleyen, vedalara gelemeyen, boş şeylere çok üzülen, duygularını… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @BalikavlayanHB: İnsanat bahçesine çıkanlar 🤗 Umarım bir daha hapsedilmez tüm canlılar... Canlı canlı kalmalı... - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @cansellidemirel: başak dizer dünyada cenneti yaşıyosun - 5 years ago

@Abdu_wardheere: - 5 years ago

@MusicAfrica_: RT @Angeles_Jurado: @Planeta_Futuro @Africanoes1pais Primero que nada, gracias a @joantp por la foto :) En música, se recomiendan pinchadas… - 5 years ago

@Angeles_Jurado: @Planeta_Futuro @Africanoes1pais Primero que nada, gracias a @joantp por la foto :) En música, se recomiendan pinch… - 5 years ago

@Caraweelo_: RT @MinisterMOFA: It is with deep sadness that I heard the passing of our legend Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Xudeydi). Hudeydi was a genius of th… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @olanhisler: Özleniyorsun, tam da şuan. - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @_gelincik____: Vαrαmαѕαn dα, чσlundα чσrulmαktır "Gûzєl ѕєvmєk" ... 🕊️ - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @Rukiyek17848668: Kaderin sende yarım bıraktığını ancak bir dua tamamlayabilir🌼🐞@TUGCE_ISINSU #Diyarbakir - 5 years ago

@Hgibier: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@abdikhadirnour: RT @Gobannimo: Two days ago I shared that the situation of our King of Lute, Hudaydi was getting better, I'm saddened to inform you the sit… - 5 years ago

@Colmanandrews: RIP Hudeydi (Ahmed Ismail Hussein), master of the oud, dead of COVID-19 in London at the age of 91. - 5 years ago

@drastichs: RT @RFI_En: RIP, #Hudeydi, King of #Oud The legendary #Somali musician #AhmedIsmailHussein has died in London from #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@drastichs: RT @OkayAfrica: Considered one of the founding fathers of contemporary Somali music and affectionately known as 'Hudeydi', the musician has… - 5 years ago

@horntribune1: The King of Oud, Ahmed Ismail “Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@JaM99percent: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @minerist1: Ümitsizlikten sonra nice ümitler, karanlıkların sonunda nice güneşler var.. . Mevlâna - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @ziyangiI: devlet farkinda olmadan ıq testi yapti - 5 years ago

@Khalidayuub1: RT @CumarSeerbiya: Our late Icon Hudeydi had major roles in Somalia literature. he's now in class as music art instructor rehearsing one of… - 5 years ago

@SomalilandSun: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Somalilandcurr2: The King of Oud, Ahmed Ismail “Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@Somalilandcurr2: The King of Oud, Ahmed Ismail “Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@anteneh_berhane: RT @jadoctorbird: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Alihasooz: @Coronaacount @Hudeydi 🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @Alihasooz: @Coronaacount @Hudeydi 🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@CismanAbikar: RT @AbdinasirSola: For #Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@TheAfricaCentre: RT @AfricaWritesUK: We are sad to hear the news of Ahmed Ismail Hussein's passing. It was an honour to host Hudeydi at @AfricaWritesBrs las… - 5 years ago

@killedbycorona: RT @HarunMaruf: BREAKING: One of Somalia’s greatest artists has died in London after contracting Corona Virus. Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeyd… - 5 years ago

@jadoctorbird: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @volkantino: Bir ülke nasıl yönetilemez örneği burada #Hükümetİstifa - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @SilaBozatli: Hayat yolunuzu Cumhuriyet’i ve Atatürk’ü seven biriyle kesiştirsin.. - 5 years ago

@Mr_AbdirisakAli: @MogadishuNews24 Hudeydi was the best musician in Somalia. - 5 years ago

@OAbraar: RT @Fatumaabdulahi: Wow, what a powerful story!! #Xudeydi legacy. #Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @volkantino: Ya sjdjdkkfkdk - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @Aslnmhmt: Geldiğimiz son nokta!🤒 - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @tanimlaniyor: Bir aydır yayılmayan virüs şuan 2 saatte yayılacak - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @KuzeyGuney: SOSYAL MESAFENİN IRZINA GEÇTİNİZ. - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @cemadrianderki: S A B I R - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @miya_marsta: Sokaga cikmaniza en cok #corona sevindi.. gunlerdir sizi bulamadigindan az kalsin gidiyordu... #SOKAĞACIKMAYASAĞI - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @e_yakamozum: Sırtımda koca bi dağ varmış gibi hissediyorum..Sonra aklıma Allah'ın beni sahipsiz bırakmayacağı geliyor..O dağ dal oluyor… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @Canaleviyiz: Gönül Kerbela ise Aşk İmam Hüseyin'dir... - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @sosyalfarktr: Sokağa çıkma yasağıyla, virüsü yayan ilk ülke olarak tarihe geçeceğiz.. - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @onurumkaplan: Ecdadımızı özledim.. #RezaleteEngelOl #SokagaCikmaYasagi - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @zerrinayturk: Hükümetimiz sen çok yaşa 💩😂😂 #SOKAĞACIKMAYASAĞI - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @Sirinsozler: Sokağa çıkma yasağı tüm yurtta coşkuyla kutlanıyor... - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @CirKinHoldinG: Görüntülere bakılırsa 'Sokağa Çıkma Yasağı' değil, 'Sokağa SIÇMA yasağına' ihtiyacımız var.. Bütün hatlarımızla yine iç… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @gokhananik22: Kriz yönetimi ancak bu kadar kötü olabilir - 5 years ago

@MahadBardacad: RT @DrSenait: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus 💔 A life well lived! - 5 years ago

@MCiye: RT @SahraCabdi: Late Hudeydi, instructing someone how to play Guitar. - 5 years ago

@Abdifatah5: The King of Oud, Ahmed Sh. Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@Saxafi: The King of Oud, Ahmed Sh. Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@AbdulaahiOmar6: RT @CumarSeerbiya: Our late Icon Hudeydi had major roles in Somalia literature. he's now in class as music art instructor rehearsing one of… - 5 years ago

@OceanofInk: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@splitz_blue: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus #music #somalia… - 5 years ago

@Garyare5: RT @SahraCabdi: Late Hudeydi, instructing someone how to play Guitar. - 5 years ago

@HadithAdam: RT @CumarSeerbiya: Our late Icon Hudeydi had major roles in Somalia literature. he's now in class as music art instructor rehearsing one of… - 5 years ago

@Dhuux16: RT @SahraCabdi: Late Hudeydi, instructing someone how to play Guitar. - 5 years ago

@OmarHaghi: RT @SahraCabdi: Late Hudeydi, instructing someone how to play Guitar. - 5 years ago

@mi_shiine: @Gobannimo educational for me. Did nt know Hudeydi legend wz associated w all my favourites songs, Mushteeg, Mooge… - 5 years ago

@SahraCabdi: Late Hudeydi, instructing someone how to play Guitar. - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Oud master Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi; singers Martha Avante Barron, Nirmal Singh Khalsa; actor Hans… - 5 years ago

@liluunsivert: RT @Sirfaisel: He was the legend we loved his career, the father we admired his advice and the warrior we are proud of his fight against Tr… - 5 years ago

@HannaAli: RT @Sirfaisel: He was the legend we loved his career, the father we admired his advice and the warrior we are proud of his fight against Tr… - 5 years ago

@Salaadahmed4: RT @US2SOMALIA: Sadly, #Somalia lost a great musician and music educator to #COVID19. Amb Yamamoto and the @US2SOMALIA team send our condol… - 5 years ago

@FaizaJMohamed: RT @el_karama: “Thank you for sharing your genius, for showing the beauty of being a Somali through your music, for making tradition access… - 5 years ago

@dahirja121: @Fatumaabdulahi One of my favorite hudeydi songs Riftoon(reve d’or) perfume midab yellow ah leh buu ahaa Tolow hadda suuqa ma yaal? - 5 years ago

@Mohagaashaan: RT @ShehuSani: Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi;A great African & conscience in rhythm.The King of Oud reportedly died of #COVIDー19 in UK.He will be re… - 5 years ago

@abdibased_bedri: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@CumarSeerbiya: Our late Icon Hudeydi had major roles in Somalia literature. he's now in class as music art instructor rehearsing o… - 5 years ago

@SafiaMahad: RT @HarunMaruf: BREAKING: One of Somalia’s greatest artists has died in London after contracting Corona Virus. Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeyd… - 5 years ago

@Fairy74762184: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@sirak_samuel: RT @DrSenait: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus 💔 A life well lived! - 5 years ago

@HamidaDahir: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@Sirfaisel: @thesailorsgirl Nadifa. We were lucky to have men like #Hudeydi , Abdilahi Qarshe,Timacade, Gaariye, Duncarbeed and… - 5 years ago

@blvckpower66: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@ayuuboow1: RT @Khalidayuub1: Today Somali art and the whole continent lost an icon; a rare breed artist. The king of Oud Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi died at… - 5 years ago

@globalcitizen20: RT @movementatm: Inaaliahi wa ina ilayhin raji’oon. Our hearts are heavy tonight. Hudeydi was an icon to the Somali community around the… - 5 years ago

@Sirfaisel: @JamaMusse He was was a man of full of legacy , indeed he honored us by performing these music over years but… - 5 years ago

@areejnoor: RT @el_karama: “Thank you for sharing your genius, for showing the beauty of being a Somali through your music, for making tradition access… - 5 years ago

@GeneralHassanN1: RT @Asmali77: One of Somalia’s greatest artists has died in London after contracting Corona Virus. Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi” known as… - 5 years ago

@abdosh_osman: @DrSenait RIP Hudeydi, Thanks prof.Senait! - 5 years ago

@nuradinsoflyyy: RT @Gobannimo: Inaalilaahi waa Inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun. Deeply saddened by the passing of Ahmed I Hussein ‘Hudeydi’ – one of the greatest So… - 5 years ago

@Geedkii: RT @HannaAli: 8/2/20- I was taking a photo, then, as always, he started jamming, I started recording & someone tapped me on the shoulder to… - 5 years ago

@RedchilliReid: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@MukhtarAbdiIbr2: RT @ShehuSani: Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi;A great African & conscience in rhythm.The King of Oud reportedly died of #COVIDー19 in UK.He will be re… - 5 years ago

@KingZaki143: RT @HannaAli: 8/2/20- I was taking a photo, then, as always, he started jamming, I started recording & someone tapped me on the shoulder to… - 5 years ago

@shirwnjye: RT @US2SOMALIA: Sadly, #Somalia lost a great musician and music educator to #COVID19. Amb Yamamoto and the @US2SOMALIA team send our condol… - 5 years ago

@KaptinisDead: RT @frootsmag: From @BBCAfrica: Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi, considered one of the founders of modern Somali music, has died at the age of… - 5 years ago

@us6uwana: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@HomelandAfrika: RT @HannaAli: 8/2/20- I was taking a photo, then, as always, he started jamming, I started recording & someone tapped me on the shoulder to… - 5 years ago

@frootsmag: From @BBCAfrica: Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi, considered one of the founders of modern Somali music, has died at t… - 5 years ago

@a_stille: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@MaimonYusuf: RT @MinisterMOFA: It is with deep sadness that I heard the passing of our legend Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Xudeydi). Hudeydi was a genius of th… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @leongibi: Çare aramadım zannetme, ben bütün çıkmaz yolları zorladım. - 5 years ago

@falis_shire: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@debu_neko: RT @DrSenait: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus 💔 A life well lived! - 5 years ago

@jadoctorbird: RT @DrSenait: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus 💔 A life well lived! - 5 years ago

@JennaLBs: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@cadow10: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@DrSenait: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus 💔 A life well lived! - 5 years ago

@samatar42: RT @HannaAli: 8/2/20- I was taking a photo, then, as always, he started jamming, I started recording & someone tapped me on the shoulder to… - 5 years ago

@Bihiman: This sweet tune, ‘Riiftoon’ is Hudeidi’s own creation; it still remains the epitome of the Qaraam genre! RIP legen… - 5 years ago

@yazzyhussle: RT @HannaAli: 8/2/20- I was taking a photo, then, as always, he started jamming, I started recording & someone tapped me on the shoulder to… - 5 years ago

@Abduuraxmaan: RT @HannaAli: 8/2/20- I was taking a photo, then, as always, he started jamming, I started recording & someone tapped me on the shoulder to… - 5 years ago

@TomAsMum: RT @HannaAli: 8/2/20- I was taking a photo, then, as always, he started jamming, I started recording & someone tapped me on the shoulder to… - 5 years ago

@Clickmenu1: @thesailorsgirl duncarbeed,daramle,hudeydi,qarshe, and feysal cumar mushteeg they left us pure legacy. 😭😭😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@SomalilandFocus: RT @ShehuSani: Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi;A great African & conscience in rhythm.The King of Oud reportedly died of #COVIDー19 in UK.He will be re… - 5 years ago

@SomalilandFocus: RT @AfricaWritesUK: We are sad to hear the news of Ahmed Ismail Hussein's passing. It was an honour to host Hudeydi at @AfricaWritesBrs las… - 5 years ago

@rmchorlton: RT @SomaliWeekFest: On behalf of all of us here at Kayd family and our Board of Trustees, we send our deepest condolences to Hudeydi’s fami… - 5 years ago

@fayyyy9: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@lastudiolafayet: RT @France24_en: ▶️ ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @mehmetulker01: @ic_tasarimlar 🇹🇷 - 5 years ago

@MagUytterhaeghe: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @olanhisler: “Seni kollarımın arasına alıp saatlerce öyle kalma isteğim hiç geçmiyor.” - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @Ay_tenli_54_: Üstüm başım dağınık Adam.. 'dediğimde.. Yahuu Kadın..ben seni darmadağın seviyorum de bana..öyle de..!! - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @KuzeyGuney: “Ve şu da var; iki insan birbirinin kaderiyse er ya da geç, sonuç ne olursa olsun yine birbirlerini bulurmuş. Hiç ummadık z… - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @KuzeyGuney: “Ve seni, benim hayatıma uğratan kaderin de vardır bir bildiği.” - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @Krdm33950697: Ben bu dünyanın geneline kırgınım öldükten sonra mı iltimas bekliycem... - 5 years ago

@Hudeydi: RT @__uyulala__: varacak bir yerim yok, aşk baki.. - 5 years ago

@modernghanaweb: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies in London - 5 years ago

@indumugic: RT @kenanmalik: The legendary Somali oud player Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Hudeydi) has died in London after contracting coronavirus: - 5 years ago

@Penseuse: ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@MustafaAbdulle: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@Omr_basha: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@WallsMJ: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@Ahmed_MohamedIb: RT @fahmo_mohammed: Late last night, Somali Oud King, Ahmed Ismael Hussein aka "Hodeidi" passed away in a London hospital where he was rece… - 5 years ago

@moirbad: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@KH_QundulDerow9: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@kikiochieng: We are losing so many cultural icons to this horrible disease. May Hudeydi rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@Sirfaisel: @thesailorsgirl He was was a man of full of legacy , indeed he honored us by performing these music over years but… - 5 years ago

@Ayaan_Ismaciil: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@aasambo01: RT @France24_en: ▶️ ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@abissada: RT @RFI_En: RIP, #Hudeydi, King of #Oud The legendary #Somali musician #AhmedIsmailHussein has died in London from #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@amisij: RT @OkayAfrica: Considered one of the founding fathers of contemporary Somali music and affectionately known as 'Hudeydi', the musician has… - 5 years ago

@Ashrides: RT @France24_en: ▶️ ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Guardian_Elite: RT @France24_en: ▶️ ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@GuledNur: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@StaLeop: RT @France24_en: ▶️ ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Muhammedafzal70: RT @France24_en: ▶️ ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@julishwa: RT @France24_en: ▶️ ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Mogambo91775367: RT @France24_en: ▶️ ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@belleslettre: RT @RFI_En: RIP, #Hudeydi, King of #Oud The legendary #Somali musician #AhmedIsmailHussein has died in London from #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@France24_en: ▶️ ‘King of Oud’ Somali musician Hudeydi dies from Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@khalidy65305649: RT @MinisterMOFA: It is with deep sadness that I heard the passing of our legend Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Xudeydi). Hudeydi was a genius of th… - 5 years ago

@RFI_En: RIP, #Hudeydi, King of #Oud The legendary #Somali musician #AhmedIsmailHussein has died in London from… - 5 years ago

@BllckShadows: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@Abdiazi32654973: RT @MPyusufhassan: Absolutely gutted to hear of the death of Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi, the legendary Somali music icon. One of the foun… - 5 years ago

@AbdisalamBahwal: RT @KAbdukadir: Ahmed Ismacil Hussein ( Hudeydi) 1928-2020. Father of Oud, icon and outstanding teacher. Naftu waa ammaannee Aaskayga geer… - 5 years ago

@QueenofHorn: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@___idil: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@JamaMusse: RT @radiogarowe: Tributes pour in as #Somalis mourn the loss of a much-loved, famed and respected Music icon Ahmed Ismail Hussein "Hudeydi"… - 5 years ago

@Malaaqa252: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@robynkriel1: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@iam_kaybrown: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@blkgirljoy: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@ifkanoolow: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Hudeydi - 5 years ago

@intelligentGeel: RT @ShehuSani: Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi;A great African & conscience in rhythm.The King of Oud reportedly died of #COVIDー19 in UK.He will be re… - 5 years ago

@ItsMeMacMilly: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@sunnybabybunny: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@Dr_Qatal: RT @ShehuSani: Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi;A great African & conscience in rhythm.The King of Oud reportedly died of #COVIDー19 in UK.He will be re… - 5 years ago

@JimCrowJoe: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@phubber1: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@SRDorman: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@FFinnih: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@tigerbeat: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@sabahbanomalik: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@PeteChonka: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@declanwalsh: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@Ben24Television: Covid-19 : décès de Hudeydi, célèbre figure de la musique somalienne - 5 years ago

@Abdu_wardheere: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@ZahraNomadic: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@___jihan: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@Hamza_Africa: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@mohamedcy: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@Wamathai: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@adan_abbey: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@Ubah_Alii: RT @Lattif: “His place in our cultural pantheon is fixed”: Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeydi,” whose sweet-stringed & melancholic melodies capt… - 5 years ago

@SagalBihi: RT @ShehuSani: Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi;A great African & conscience in rhythm.The King of Oud reportedly died of #COVIDー19 in UK.He will be re… - 5 years ago

@joseph_1_2_: RT @Gobannimo: Inaalilaahi waa Inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun. Deeply saddened by the passing of Ahmed I Hussein ‘Hudeydi’ – one of the greatest So… - 5 years ago

@DaylaanMaxamed: RT @SomaliWeekFest: On behalf of all of us here at Kayd family and our Board of Trustees, we send our deepest condolences to Hudeydi’s fami… - 5 years ago

@AlMoalemIsmail: RT @KingYusufYusuff: Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un, May Allah grant the ‘king of Aud’ Adeer ( Hudeydi ) the highest place in Jannah a… - 5 years ago

@7Kadarba: RT @SahraCabdi: May his beautiful soul rest in internal peace. Allah ayaa Raxmo, Abwan Xudeydii. He was man of wisdom and talent Watch… - 5 years ago

@inasanweine: RT @MinisterMOFA: It is with deep sadness that I heard the passing of our legend Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Xudeydi). Hudeydi was a genius of th… - 5 years ago

@mohaaze: RT @MPyusufhassan: Absolutely gutted to hear of the death of Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi, the legendary Somali music icon. One of the foun… - 5 years ago

@mohaaze: RT @US2SOMALIA: Sadly, #Somalia lost a great musician and music educator to #COVID19. Amb Yamamoto and the @US2SOMALIA team send our condol… - 5 years ago

@cuufe31: RT @US2SOMALIA: Sadly, #Somalia lost a great musician and music educator to #COVID19. Amb Yamamoto and the @US2SOMALIA team send our condol… - 5 years ago

@SNMwarriors: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@Hodanja: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@AdenAbou: RT @MQayaad: L'un des célèbres musiciens somaliens, Ahmed Ismail Houssein aka #Hudeydi est décédé le 07/04/2020 à l'âge de 92 ans, a annonc… - 5 years ago

@xxx_fads: @realionaireee When they found out Hudeydi was from Somaliland...I guess they flipped - 5 years ago

@noah_ali7: RIP Legendary Somali musician poet,and the king of oud Mohamoud Ismail Hussein (Hudeydi) - 5 years ago

@HayowAli: King of Oud, One of the greatest Somali musicians all the time, Ahmed Ismail #Hudeydi has died in London at the age… - 5 years ago

@salmanhaaji: RT @US2SOMALIA: Sadly, #Somalia lost a great musician and music educator to #COVID19. Amb Yamamoto and the @US2SOMALIA team send our condol… - 5 years ago

@TheShowWontGoOn: Ahmed Ismail Hussein, affectionally known as “Hudeydi,” was the “King of Oud,” a musical giant and founding father… - 5 years ago

@meanmagan: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@LaReynaSanchez2: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@yslhana: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@AhmedAWardigley: RT @ShehuSani: Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi;A great African & conscience in rhythm.The King of Oud reportedly died of #COVIDー19 in UK.He will be re… - 5 years ago

@Yasinmo77883811: RT @US2SOMALIA: Sadly, #Somalia lost a great musician and music educator to #COVID19. Amb Yamamoto and the @US2SOMALIA team send our condol… - 5 years ago

@brwnhoe: RIP Hudeydi 🖤 - 5 years ago

@noah_ali7: RIP Legendary Somali musician poet,and the king of oud Mohamud Ismail Hussein (Hudeydi) - 5 years ago

@callanbille: Hudeydi R.I.P paradise - 5 years ago

@eliudkibii: RT @MinisterMOFA: It is with deep sadness that I heard the passing of our legend Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Xudeydi). Hudeydi was a genius of th… - 5 years ago

@Rehmansalad: RT @movementatm: Inaaliahi wa ina ilayhin raji’oon. Our hearts are heavy tonight. Hudeydi was an icon to the Somali community around the… - 5 years ago

@choc0latem1lk: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@nomadicflaco: - 5 years ago

@KaltumAbbas: RT @Gobannimo: Inaalilaahi waa Inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun. Deeply saddened by the passing of Ahmed I Hussein ‘Hudeydi’ – one of the greatest So… - 5 years ago

@billow_jr: RT @MinisterMOFA: It is with deep sadness that I heard the passing of our legend Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Xudeydi). Hudeydi was a genius of th… - 5 years ago

@sadik1021: RT @MinisterMOFA: It is with deep sadness that I heard the passing of our legend Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Xudeydi). Hudeydi was a genius of th… - 5 years ago

@MQayaad: L'un des célèbres musiciens somaliens, Ahmed Ismail Houssein aka #Hudeydi est décédé le 07/04/2020 à l'âge de 92 an… - 5 years ago

@brwnhoe: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@BihiAbdalla: RT @radiogarowe: Tributes pour in as #Somalis mourn the loss of a much-loved, famed and respected Music icon Ahmed Ismail Hussein "Hudeydi"… - 5 years ago

@docformat: RT @OkayAfrica: Considered one of the founding fathers of contemporary Somali music and affectionately known as 'Hudeydi', the musician has… - 5 years ago

@Oaysiss: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@Mustafe_Ahmad: RT @AfricaWritesUK: We are sad to hear the news of Ahmed Ismail Hussein's passing. It was an honour to host Hudeydi at @AfricaWritesBrs las… - 5 years ago

@Abdulqa67303118: RT @MinisterMOFA: It is with deep sadness that I heard the passing of our legend Ahmed Ismail Hussein (Xudeydi). Hudeydi was a genius of th… - 5 years ago

@negeye143: RT @KingYusufYusuff: Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un, May Allah grant the ‘king of Aud’ Adeer ( Hudeydi ) the highest place in Jannah a… - 5 years ago

@FartaagConsult: RT @HarunMaruf: BREAKING: One of Somalia’s greatest artists has died in London after contracting Corona Virus. Ahmed Ismail Hussein “Hudeyd… - 5 years ago

@md_qiyaas: RT @US2SOMALIA: Sadly, #Somalia lost a great musician and music educator to #COVID19. Amb Yamamoto and the @US2SOMALIA team send our condol… - 5 years ago

@husseinladane: RT @US2SOMALIA: Sadly, #Somalia lost a great musician and music educator to #COVID19. Amb Yamamoto and the @US2SOMALIA team send our condol… - 5 years ago

@c3artsradio: Veteran Somali Musician Ahmed Ismail Hussein Has Died - 5 years ago

@UCLAINTL: RT @OkayAfrica: Considered one of the founding fathers of contemporary Somali music and affectionately known as 'Hudeydi', the musician has… - 5 years ago

@Raneeque: RT @OkayAfrica: Considered one of the founding fathers of contemporary Somali music and affectionately known as 'Hudeydi', the musician has… - 5 years ago

@hannahelmi1: RT @HannaAli: Today the Somali community around the world has lost a hero - Ahmed Ismail Hussein Hudeydi - one of the founding fathers of m… - 5 years ago

@SomaliaFactss: RT @US2SOMALIA: Sadly, #Somalia lost a great musician and music educator to #COVID19. Amb Yamamoto and the @US2SOMALIA team send our condol… - 5 years ago

@Baashe0: RT @ShehuSani: Ahmed Ismail Hudeydi;A great African & conscience in rhythm.The King of Oud reportedly died of #COVIDー19 in UK.He will be re… - 5 years ago

@JWPaller: RT @OkayAfrica: Considered one of the founding fathers of contemporary Somali music and affectionately known as 'Hudeydi', the musician has… - 5 years ago

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