Hubert Doggart

English cricketer.
Died on Wednesday February 21st 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Hubert Doggart:

@Pgildartjackson: RT @SxMartletsCC: ICYMI, here's Johnny Barclay's fabulous tribute to Hubert Doggart - Test player, former MCC president, author, scholar, s… - 7 years ago

@SxInnerCircle: RT @SxMartletsCC: ICYMI, here's Johnny Barclay's fabulous tribute to Hubert Doggart - Test player, former MCC president, author, scholar, s… - 7 years ago

@SxMartletsCC: ICYMI, here's Johnny Barclay's fabulous tribute to Hubert Doggart - Test player, former MCC president, author, scho… - 7 years ago

@CricketSociety: Very sad to report that our vice-president and former president Hubert Doggart OBE has passed away. He was a true g… - 7 years ago


@EFRAIMELIASS: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@LucileneGirondi: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@rogerklotzz: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@simonphelps1966: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@StewieCricket: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@daveothfc: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@CarlosA51855367: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@greenlightsom: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@IsthmianLeague: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@dwjanlovren: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@tibrar: RT @CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and Hube… - 7 years ago

@CorinthianCas: A minute's applause was conducted yesterday for two great Corinthians who've recently left us... Geoff Hewitson and… - 7 years ago

@charlie_suds: RIP Hubert Doggart one of a kind in the world of #Cricket @HomeOfCricket @englandcricket @SussexCCC @Cambridge_Uni… - 7 years ago

@charlie_suds: RT @HomeOfCricket: MCC are saddened to hear the news about the death of former Honorary Life Vice-President & ex-@englandcricket batsman Hu… - 7 years ago

@charlie_suds: RT @TheCricketerMag: One of English cricket’s true and much-loved characters, Hubert Doggart, has died at the great age of 92. - 7 years ago

@charlie_suds: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@HeadleyApderr: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Hubert Doggart (92) English Test and County cricketer - 7 years ago

@FACCC_Cricket: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@FACCC_Cricket: RT @HomeOfCricket: MCC are saddened to hear the news about the death of former Honorary Life Vice-President & ex-@englandcricket batsman Hu… - 7 years ago

@HopeClassics: RT @HomeOfCricket: MCC are saddened to hear the news about the death of former Honorary Life Vice-President & ex-@englandcricket batsman Hu… - 7 years ago

@SxCforum: RT @WickedCricket: Sad to learn that that former England and Sussex player, Hubert Doggart, died last Friday at the age of 92 years-old. ht… - 7 years ago

@impactsteve: RT @TheCricketerMag: One of English cricket’s true and much-loved characters, Hubert Doggart, has died at the great age of 92. - 7 years ago

@TimBoothJones: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@HughNTJohnson: RT @TheCricketerMag: One of English cricket’s true and much-loved characters, Hubert Doggart, has died at the great age of 92. - 7 years ago

@tjm_1966: Tbh I thought he'd died long ago. RIP Hubert Doggart - 7 years ago

@LordBox: RT @TheCricketerMag: One of English cricket’s true and much-loved characters, Hubert Doggart, has died at the great age of 92. - 7 years ago

@TheCricketerMag: One of English cricket’s true and much-loved characters, Hubert Doggart, has died at the great age of 92. - 7 years ago

@jrsafec: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@HughNTJohnson: RT @WickedCricket: Sad to learn that that former England and Sussex player, Hubert Doggart, died last Friday at the age of 92 years-old. ht… - 7 years ago

@newks58: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@WickedCricket: Sad to learn that that former England and Sussex player, Hubert Doggart, died last Friday at the age of 92 years-ol… - 7 years ago

@huwzat: RT @TheCricketerMag: Huw Turbervill reflects on the life and times of Hubert Doggart and his own correspondence with the former Sussex capt… - 7 years ago

@huwzat: My little tribute to Hubert Doggart, former captain of Sussex. Met him at Arundel in 2016. Hubert Doggart: 1925-2018 - 7 years ago

@LordBox: RT @TheCricketerMag: Huw Turbervill reflects on the life and times of Hubert Doggart and his own correspondence with the former Sussex capt… - 7 years ago

@sportinghistory: RT @TheCricketerMag: Huw Turbervill reflects on the life and times of Hubert Doggart and his own correspondence with the former Sussex capt… - 7 years ago

@TheCricketerMag: Huw Turbervill reflects on the life and times of Hubert Doggart and his own correspondence with the former Sussex captain and MCC president. - 7 years ago

@huwzat: Meeting former @SussexCCC captain Hubert Doggart, who has passed away at 92 - 7 years ago

@JamesRufey: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@Puspita_Dey07: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Hubert Doggart - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Hubert Doggart - #HubertDoggart #Hubert #Doggart #rip - 7 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Hubert Doggart, 92, English cricketer. - 7 years ago

@MeetInTheStands: RT @HomeOfCricket: MCC are saddened to hear the news about the death of former Honorary Life Vice-President & ex-@englandcricket batsman Hu… - 7 years ago

@shibublr: RT @HomeOfCricket: MCC are saddened to hear the news about the death of former Honorary Life Vice-President & ex-@englandcricket batsman Hu… - 7 years ago

@xStephiPx: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@GrahamIrwin_TC: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@vaselby: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@HughNTJohnson: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@famousstrauss: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@caughtinthedeep: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@CoolSussex: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@rickeyrecricket: RT @SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of former captain… - 7 years ago

@SussexCCC: Over 150 appearances and more than 6,700 runs. Sussex would like to extend its condolences to the family of forme… - 7 years ago

@ambrishgupta11: RT @HomeOfCricket: MCC are saddened to hear the news about the death of former Honorary Life Vice-President & ex-@englandcricket batsman Hu… - 7 years ago

@rickeyrecricket: vale Hubert Doggart 1925-2018 - 7 years ago

@LordBox: RT @HomeOfCricket: MCC are saddened to hear the news about the death of former Honorary Life Vice-President & ex-@englandcricket batsman Hu… - 7 years ago

@HomeOfCricket: MCC are saddened to hear the news about the death of former Honorary Life Vice-President & ex-@englandcricket batsm… - 7 years ago

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