Howard Engel

Canadian author
Died on Thursday July 18th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Howard Engel:

@TPLWychwood: RT @WaterlooLibrary: Sad news about one of the most beloved Canadian writers of crime fiction. - 6 years ago

@WaterlooLibrary: Sad news about one of the most beloved Canadian writers of crime fiction. - 6 years ago

@BFantie: RT @OliverSacks: Remembering Howard Engel, whom Dr. Sacks wrote about in The Mind’s Eye. Howard was a lovely man and a brilliant author, in… - 6 years ago

@masada42: RT @Maureen_Iden: RIP Howard Engel, a trailblazer for Canadian Crime writing. He’ll be sadly missed - 6 years ago


@DocsLinda: RT @rockyenta: Nice write up about my Dad in @StarEntertain today! Thank you! - 6 years ago

@AMIaudio: RT @CELAlibrary: @AMIaudio Thanks as always for a great book chat! Check out our collection for books by Canadian crime writer Howard Enge… - 6 years ago

@CELAlibrary: @AMIaudio Thanks as always for a great book chat! Check out our collection for books by Canadian crime writer Howa… - 6 years ago

@sherlockeditor: RT @CanadianHolmes: Howard Engel died on July 16. He was the author of many mystery novels, but known to the Sherlockian world as the man… - 6 years ago

@78sherlock: RT @CanadianHolmes: Howard Engel died on July 16. He was the author of many mystery novels, but known to the Sherlockian world as the man… - 6 years ago

@Saultreporter: Crime writer Howard Engel started his career in Sault Ste. Marie. He died earlier this month. #saultnews #sault… - 6 years ago

@CanadianHolmes: Howard Engel died on July 16. He was the author of many mystery novels, but known to the Sherlockian world as the… - 6 years ago

@TheBookPosh: RT @EarlyBirdBooks: The celebrated Canadian writer behind the Benny Cooperman mystery series has passed away at the age of 88. - 6 years ago

@mldcos: Fellow authors remember Howard Engel as the maker of the crime scene - 6 years ago

@solomonchik: RT @OliverSacks: Remembering Howard Engel, whom Dr. Sacks wrote about in The Mind’s Eye. Howard was a lovely man and a brilliant author, in… - 6 years ago

@rockyenta: RT @OliverSacks: Remembering Howard Engel, whom Dr. Sacks wrote about in The Mind’s Eye. Howard was a lovely man and a brilliant author, in… - 6 years ago

@MochaGirlsRead: RT @EarlyBirdBooks: The celebrated Canadian writer behind the Benny Cooperman mystery series has passed away at the age of 88. - 6 years ago

@rockyenta: Nice write up about my Dad in @StarEntertain today! Thank you! - 6 years ago

@bookglutton1: RT @debdundas: Fellow authors remember Howard Engel as the maker of the crime scene - 6 years ago

@Gazounat: RT @Maureen_Iden: RIP Howard Engel, a trailblazer for Canadian Crime writing. He’ll be sadly missed - 6 years ago

@natehendley: RT @debdundas: Fellow authors remember Howard Engel as the maker of the crime scene - 6 years ago

@WahDeb: RT @TorontoStar: "Howard Engel did something especially important for me: he proved that you could write humorous crime fiction in Canada a… - 6 years ago

@TorontoStar: "Howard Engel did something especially important for me: he proved that you could write humorous crime fiction in C… - 6 years ago

@CanadaLiveFeed: Fellow authors remember Howard Engel as the maker of the crime scene - - 6 years ago

@ScottatRandom: RT @debdundas: Fellow authors remember Howard Engel as the maker of the crime scene - 6 years ago

@msriamarie: RT @lloydalter: Yesterday I started reading an old Benny Cooperman novel after learning that Howard Engel had died; tonight I will watch Bl… - 6 years ago

@lloydalter: Yesterday I started reading an old Benny Cooperman novel after learning that Howard Engel had died; tonight I will… - 6 years ago

@StCatStandard: - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Singer Pat Kelly; artist Terry Issac; writers Howard Engel, Raja Dhale; actor Swarup Dutta… - 6 years ago

@debdundas: Fellow authors remember Howard Engel as the maker of the crime scene - 6 years ago

@TomitaKentaro: お、ハワード・エンゲルの訃報。1980年代に3本紹介された、『自殺の街』にはじまる探偵ベニー・クーパーマンの作家。シリーズは14作におよび、カナダ初のヒーロー探偵と称されるらしい。 - 6 years ago

@EarlyBirdBooks: The celebrated Canadian writer behind the Benny Cooperman mystery series has passed away at the age of 88. - 6 years ago

@murder_n_mayhem: The celebrated Canadian writer behind the Benny Cooperman mystery series has passed away at the age of 88. - 6 years ago

@lustfulgraces: The late Howard Engel remained a prolific writer, even when he could no longer read | CBC Radio - 6 years ago

@MarilynAtKings: RT @cbcbooks: How the late Howard Engel managed to write a book even though he had lost the ability to read. - 6 years ago

@PaulHDavidson: RT @cbcbooks: How the late Howard Engel managed to write a book even though he had lost the ability to read. - 6 years ago

@BookstoreCbu: RT @cbcbooks: How the late Howard Engel managed to write a book even though he had lost the ability to read. - 6 years ago

@cbcbooks: How the late Howard Engel managed to write a book even though he had lost the ability to read. - 6 years ago

@KestrelArts: 4 of 5 stars to Mr. Doyle and Dr. Bell by Howard Engel - 6 years ago

@GadflyQuebec: RT @CBCSunday: Producer, author, co-founder of the Crime Writers of Canada, Howard Engel has died. He spoke with Michael in 2005, after a s… - 6 years ago

@IrishLitTimes: RT @CBCSunday: Producer, author, co-founder of the Crime Writers of Canada, Howard Engel has died. He spoke with Michael in 2005, after a s… - 6 years ago

@CBCSunday: Producer, author, co-founder of the Crime Writers of Canada, Howard Engel has died. He spoke with Michael in 2005,… - 6 years ago

@11thFloorWriter: RT @quillandquire: The importance of crime writer Howard Engel, 1931–2019. "He introduced a genre for Canada that to this day is really put… - 6 years ago

@tomhalfordnovel: RT @quillandquire: The importance of crime writer Howard Engel, 1931–2019. "He introduced a genre for Canada that to this day is really put… - 6 years ago

@NabenRuthnum: RT @quillandquire: The importance of crime writer Howard Engel, 1931–2019. "He introduced a genre for Canada that to this day is really put… - 6 years ago

@CoreyRedekop: RT @quillandquire: The importance of crime writer Howard Engel, 1931–2019. "He introduced a genre for Canada that to this day is really put… - 6 years ago

@quillandquire: The importance of crime writer Howard Engel, 1931–2019. "He introduced a genre for Canada that to this day is reall… - 6 years ago

@CBCSunday: Michael’s conversation with the author of the Benny Cooperman mysteries, the late Howard Engel. He was also a talen… - 6 years ago

@RayPaceWrites: According to January Magazine: "The Canadian mystery writer Howard Engel has died at age 88. According to the CBC,… - 6 years ago

@RayPaceWrites: According to January Magazine: "The Canadian mystery writer Howard Engel has died at age 88. According to the CBC,… - 6 years ago

@eklinck: RT @CBCSunday: R.I.P. Howard Engel, who went from reading 4-5 books a week to not being able to read at all when he suffered a stroke in 20… - 6 years ago

@WildBluePress: RT @JanuaryMagazine: New post: Benny Cooperman’s Howard Engel Dies at 88 - 6 years ago

@rockyenta: RT @CBCSunday: R.I.P. Howard Engel, who went from reading 4-5 books a week to not being able to read at all when he suffered a stroke in 20… - 6 years ago

@Melanie75744208: RT @JanuaryMagazine: New post: Benny Cooperman’s Howard Engel Dies at 88 - 6 years ago

@dhargravepr: RT @CBCSunday: R.I.P. Howard Engel, who went from reading 4-5 books a week to not being able to read at all when he suffered a stroke in 20… - 6 years ago

@b4that: RT @CBCSunday: R.I.P. Howard Engel, who went from reading 4-5 books a week to not being able to read at all when he suffered a stroke in 20… - 6 years ago

@CBCSunday: R.I.P. Howard Engel, who went from reading 4-5 books a week to not being able to read at all when he suffered a str… - 6 years ago

@david_a_lloyd: R.I.P. Howard Engel. - 6 years ago

@Loudmouthkid62: RT @CBCSunday: This week, with guest host @armstrongcbc: panel discussion on the internet & democracy; R.I.P. Howard Engel; @taffyakner on… - 6 years ago

@610CKTB: TALK | Earlier this week prolific Canadian writer Howard Engel passed away. His daughter Charlotte will be on the s… - 6 years ago

@CBCSunday: This week, with guest host @armstrongcbc: panel discussion on the internet & democracy; R.I.P. Howard Engel;… - 6 years ago

@RayPaceWrites: According to January Magazine: "The Canadian mystery writer Howard Engel has died at age 88. According to the CBC,… - 6 years ago

@RayPaceWrites: According to January Magazine: "The Canadian mystery writer Howard Engel has died at age 88. According to the CBC,… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Howard Engel (88) Canadian writer - 6 years ago

@GadflyQuebec: RIP Howard Engel, author of the Benny Cooperman detective series, dead at 88 | CBC #Books - 6 years ago

@philipsturner: If you enjoy detective novels, I suggest you look at the delightful Benny Cooperman series, the best known books fr… - 6 years ago

@MFraiman: RT @TheCJN: RIP to Howard Engel. - 6 years ago

@philipsturner: Howard Engel was such a good man, and a terrific writer. I had the privilege of publishing two of his Benny Cooperm… - 6 years ago

@TheCJN: RIP to Howard Engel. - 6 years ago

@marcusvichert: RIP Howard Engel, a great friend to my family since he and my mother were teenagers. Here he is five years ago at M… - 6 years ago

@JanuaryMagazine: New post: Benny Cooperman’s Howard Engel Dies at 88 - 6 years ago

@cesummary: Deaths / Obituaries : Beloved author Howard Engel has passed away at the age of 88 - 6 years ago

@KenFZill: RT @sandragionas: Howard Engel, author of the Benny Cooperman detective series, dead at 88 - 6 years ago

@cesummary: Deaths / Obituaries :Howard Engel, member of the Quadrangle Society Passed Away - 6 years ago

@sandragionas: Howard Engel, author of the Benny Cooperman detective series, dead at 88 - 6 years ago

@ThrillerAuthors: Acclaimed mystery author Howard Engel dies at 88 - Canadian Jewish News - 6 years ago

@karlrohde: Howard Engel, author of the Benny Cooperman detective series, dead at 88 | CBC Books - 6 years ago

@StCatStandard: - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Howard Engel - 6 years ago

@classic_dean: How sad! His books were one of my first introductions to St. Catharines. Howard Engel never forgot his Niagara roo… - 6 years ago

@The_CDR: RT @quillandquire: How crime writer Howard Engel, 1931–2019, shaped the Canadian crime genre - 6 years ago

@quillandquire: How crime writer Howard Engel, 1931–2019, shaped the Canadian crime genre - 6 years ago

@StCatStandard: - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Howard Engel, kanadischer Schriftsteller, am 16.07.2019 im Alter von 88 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Howard Engel dies - #HowardEngel #Howard #Engel #rip - 6 years ago

@cinaiturk: RT @quillandquire: Prolific author and Crime Writers of Canada (@crimewriterscan) founder Howard Engel passes away at 88 - 6 years ago

@MasseyCollege: We are saddened to learn about the death of Howard Engel, member of the Quadrangle Society. The author of the Benny… - 6 years ago

@Sarah_g0905u: RT @MysteryScene: Howard Engel, author of the Benny Cooperman detective series, dead at 88 | CBC Books - 6 years ago

@cardamomaddict: RIP Howard Engel: Author of the Benny Cooperman detective series, dead at 88 | CBC Books - 6 years ago

@TheGoldenFleece: RT @ArtEllisAwards: One of the founders of #CrimeWritersCanada, a prolific author, former CBC producer, and the inaugeral recipient of the… - 6 years ago

@cormorantbooks: Beloved author Howard Engel has passed away at the age of 88. We offer our condolences to his loved ones. Rest in P… - 6 years ago

@jdvorkin: Howard Engel, author of the Benny Cooperman detective series, dead at 88 | CBC Books - 6 years ago

@CelticKnotMcGee: RT @crimewriterscan: One of the founders of #CrimeWritersCanada, a prolific author, former CBC producer, and the inaugeral recipient of the… - 6 years ago

@VanessasPicks: A wonderful post by @RCMcCracken, in honour of Canadian crime writer Howard Engel, who passed away at 88. - 6 years ago

@mike54martin: RT @ArtEllisAwards: One of the founders of #CrimeWritersCanada, a prolific author, former CBC producer, and the inaugeral recipient of the… - 6 years ago

@LesaHolstine: RT @ArtEllisAwards: One of the founders of #CrimeWritersCanada, a prolific author, former CBC producer, and the inaugeral recipient of the… - 6 years ago

@erika_chase: RT @ArtEllisAwards: One of the founders of #CrimeWritersCanada, a prolific author, former CBC producer, and the inaugeral recipient of the… - 6 years ago

@EssieLang19: RT @ArtEllisAwards: One of the founders of #CrimeWritersCanada, a prolific author, former CBC producer, and the inaugeral recipient of the… - 6 years ago

@rdlanoue: RT @crimewriterscan: One of the founders of #CrimeWritersCanada, a prolific author, former CBC producer, and the inaugeral recipient of the… - 6 years ago

@ElizFoxwell: RT @quillandquire: Prolific author and Crime Writers of Canada (@crimewriterscan) founder Howard Engel passes away at 88 - 6 years ago

@Reboh23: RT @quillandquire: Prolific author and Crime Writers of Canada (@crimewriterscan) founder Howard Engel passes away at 88 - 6 years ago

@scanoircouk: RT @quillandquire: Prolific author and Crime Writers of Canada (@crimewriterscan) founder Howard Engel passes away at 88 - 6 years ago

@JoeAdelaars: RT @stevenwbeattie: Howard Engel, author of the Benny Cooperman mystery series, has died at age 88. - 6 years ago

@letmike: @cbcbooks I worked for Howard's agent Beverley Slopen and lived down the street from him for a short time - RIP Mr. Engel - 6 years ago

@swanscribe: Howard Engel, author of the Benny Cooperman detective series, dead at 88 | CBC Books - 6 years ago

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