Howard Cruse

American comic book writer (Stuck Rubber Baby)
Died on Wednesday November 27th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Howard Cruse:

@cbcasithappens: "His comics were groundbreaking. He told stories that had never been told before in comics form." - 5 years ago

@tat2much: RT @kitchen5203: Howard Cruse, underground cartoonist and ‘godfather of queer comics,’ dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@MrDanZak: RT @hankstuever: In a Thanksgiving haze, I missed the death of Howard Cruse, whose comics (and those of other gay cartoonists) were like tr… - 5 years ago

@hankstuever: In a Thanksgiving haze, I missed the death of Howard Cruse, whose comics (and those of other gay cartoonists) were… - 5 years ago


@tampabaybucsfan: Pioneering gay cartoonist Howard Cruse dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@ExcitedUttRead: - 5 years ago

@kitchen5203: Howard Cruse, underground cartoonist and ‘godfather of queer comics,’ dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@SimonesNews: RT @WaPoVanessa: In today's About US: We feature "Visualizing Racism," a must-see photo project of the @wpmagazine; @harrisondsmith on the… - 5 years ago

@yalegontijo: RT @rclimaneto: Amigas quadrinistas gays que acompanham esse perfil, esta é uma nota de falecimento para lembrar do quadrinista Howard Crus… - 5 years ago

@FromTheHilltop: Cartoonist and writer Howard Cruse '68 died Nov. 26 at age 75. Cruse was a pioneer of the comic book world, bringin… - 5 years ago

@rclimaneto: Amigas quadrinistas gays que acompanham esse perfil, esta é uma nota de falecimento para lembrar do quadrinista How… - 5 years ago

@CMarcandier: RT @CazierJP: Howard Cruse, ‘godfather of queer comics,’ dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@rachelbianca: RT @WaPoVanessa: In today's About US: We feature "Visualizing Racism," a must-see photo project of the @wpmagazine; @harrisondsmith on the… - 5 years ago

@TAGlobe: RT @GlobeMetro: Howard Cruse, ‘godfather of queer comics,’ dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@CazierJP: Howard Cruse, ‘godfather of queer comics,’ dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@CazierJP: Howard Cruse, pioneering gay cartoonist, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@Chad_Parenteau: Hi, @Linkara19. Just published this article last night on the late cartoonist Howard Cruse. Maybe you're interested… - 5 years ago

@PWComicsWorld: More To Come 400: Our Gala 400th Podcast Episode Celebration; and memorials to Tom Spurgeon and Howard Cruse - 5 years ago

@KaylaEpstein: RT @WaPoVanessa: In today's About US: We feature "Visualizing Racism," a must-see photo project of the @wpmagazine; @harrisondsmith on the… - 5 years ago

@victorerikray: RT @WaPoVanessa: In today's About US: We feature "Visualizing Racism," a must-see photo project of the @wpmagazine; @harrisondsmith on the… - 5 years ago

@comicsfreak: Howard Cruse, ‘godfather of queer comics,’ dies at 75 - The Boston Globe :: #comics - 5 years ago

@RalphBLending: RT @BostonGlobe: Howard Cruse, ‘godfather of queer comics,’ dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@andreastarreese: RT @andreasharsono: Howard Cruse, who described his experiences as a gay man in a comic strip and an acclaimed semi-autobiographical graphi… - 5 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Howard Cruse, ‘godfather of queer comics,’ dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@KatharsisRavyn: RT @kennymellman: this turn of phrase in the obituary in the @nytimes for Howard Cruse really pissed me off - "during the Reagan administra… - 5 years ago

@andreasharsono: Howard Cruse, who described his experiences as a gay man in a comic strip and an acclaimed semi-autobiographical gr… - 5 years ago

@CP_stylebook: RT @cbcasithappens: Howard Cruse, the "godfather of queer comics," has died at the age of 75. Comics artist @JenCamperX says he was a "tre… - 5 years ago

@ARejoicing: Indie Comics Icon Howard Cruse Dead at 75 - 5 years ago

@LGBTQHistoryGSO: RIP Howard Cruse. - 5 years ago

@ComicsTweet1: Howard Cruse, 'godfather of queer comics,' dies at 75 - The Boston Globe - 5 years ago

@cdh111: RT @NYTObits: Howard Cruse, Whose Cartoons Explored Gay Life, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@LeviHastingsArt: RT @AlisonBechdel: The beloved Howard Cruse's obit in the Times - 5 years ago

@ericaribe: RT @nytimesbooks: The gay cartoonist Howard Cruse's work in underground comics (as a creator and editor) was an influence on Alison Bechdel… - 5 years ago

@JenCamperX: RT @cbcasithappens: Howard Cruse, the "godfather of queer comics," has died at the age of 75. Comics artist @JenCamperX says he was a "tre… - 5 years ago

@Grrl_Herstorian: RT @jimdowns1: An important and creative force in gay cultural history. Howard Cruse Dies at 75; His Cartoons Explored Gay Life - 5 years ago

@Comicreport: Howard Cruse, 'godfather of queer comics,' dies at 75 - The Boston Globe - 5 years ago

@absurde_gr: RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of Howard Cruse, a gay underground cartoonist who mined his life in “Wendel,” a comic strip that ran… - 5 years ago

@mmegherman: RT @nytimesbooks: The gay cartoonist Howard Cruse's work in underground comics (as a creator and editor) was an influence on Alison Bechdel… - 5 years ago

@cbcasithappens: Howard Cruse, the "godfather of queer comics," has died at the age of 75. Comics artist @JenCamperX says he was a… - 5 years ago

@hellotaraquinn: RT @NPR: Cartoonist Howard Cruse died on Tuesday at the age of 75. His 1995 semi-autobiographical work, "Stuck Rubber Baby," is a milesto… - 5 years ago

@aithlea: RT @nytimesarts: Howard Cruse, a gay underground cartoonist who mined his life in “Wendel,” a comic strip that ran for several years in The… - 5 years ago

@SuperGaypod: RT @kennymellman: this turn of phrase in the obituary in the @nytimes for Howard Cruse really pissed me off - "during the Reagan administra… - 5 years ago

@KayPear99: RT @JenCamperX: Another tribute to my friend and mentor @HowardCruse. - 5 years ago

@comicsfreak: Pioneering gay cartoonist Howard Cruse dies - Bay Area Reporter, America's highest circulation LGBT newspaper ::… - 5 years ago

@Bruce03806204: Gaydom's greatest sentence? "But he had immersed himself in the gay liberation movement, spurred by the Stonewall r… - 5 years ago

@magdor: RT @NYTObits: Howard Cruse, a gay underground cartoonist who mined his life in “Wendel,” a comic strip that ran for several years in The Ad… - 5 years ago

@jasonaquest: RT @JenCamperX: Another tribute to my friend and mentor @HowardCruse. - 5 years ago

@kwarnockny: @RichSandomir Thanks for the lovely remembrance of Howard Cruse. This is Cruse's illustration for Doric Wilson's p… - 5 years ago

@kennymellman: this turn of phrase in the obituary in the @nytimes for Howard Cruse really pissed me off - "during the Reagan admi… - 5 years ago

@filamLGBT: Pioneering gay cartoonist Howard Cruse dies - Bay Area Reporter, America's highest circulation LGBT newspaper… - 5 years ago

@DCBrief: Howard Cruse, Whose Cartoons Explored Gay Life, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@TopReadings: Howard Cruse, Whose Cartoons Explored Gay Life, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@DianaRCabral: RT @NYTObits: Howard Cruse, a gay underground cartoonist who mined his life in “Wendel,” a comic strip that ran for several years in The Ad… - 5 years ago

@atebbel: Took them long enough but Howard got a Times obituary. (I don't actually know if this is a long time) Howard Cruse - 5 years ago

@cxarli: #HowardCruse has died. "Wendel" was something to look forward to every time the @TheAdvocateMag came out. - 5 years ago

@DepthDeception: RT @JenCamperX: Another tribute to my friend and mentor @HowardCruse. - 5 years ago

@MichaelPetrelis: RT @JenCamperX: Another tribute to my friend and mentor @HowardCruse. - 5 years ago

@JenCamperX: Another tribute to my friend and mentor @HowardCruse. - 5 years ago

@LiteratureTips: Howard Cruse, Whose Cartoons Explored Gay Life, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@adamdwight: Howard Cruse, Whose Cartoons Explored Gay Life, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@kulturdela: Howard Cruse har dött – chockerade med sin gullighet Amerikanske serieskaparen Howard Cruse har dött 75 år gammal.… - 5 years ago

@delerium69: #RIP - 5 years ago

@kelpie13: Obituary: Howard Cruse, Pioneering Queer Cartoonist, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@bacterialmat: RT @AlisonBechdel: I am so sad and stunned. Howard Cruse died suddenly today. He is one of the sweetest people I have ever encountered, per… - 5 years ago

@bacterialmat: RT @robkirbycomics: Goodbye & RIP to the great Howard Cruse, enormously influential queer cartoonist (he drew the 1st gay cartoon I ever sa… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? TV writer D.C. Fontana; actor Lee Paul; cartoonist Howard Cruse; singer Juninho Berin; guitar… - 5 years ago

@katelaity: RT @PublishersWkly: Obituary: Howard Cruse, Pioneering Queer Cartoonist, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@rgluckst: RT @PublishersWkly: Obituary: Howard Cruse, Pioneering Queer Cartoonist, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@PublishersWkly: Obituary: Howard Cruse, Pioneering Queer Cartoonist, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@RobinAyoub: Alabama native Howard Cruse, a trailblazer in the underground comics world whose works included the critically accl… - 5 years ago

@JenCamperX: Lovely tribute to @HowardCruse written by @justincomics. Howard was important both fir his spectacular work and for… - 5 years ago

@Greenpointless: Aw, man. First Gahan Wilson, now Howard Cruse. - 5 years ago

@PWComicsWorld: Obituary: Howard Cruse, Pioneering Queer Cartoonist, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@tylerzonia: RT @robkirbycomics: Thanks to @justincomics for this lovely tribute to Howard Cruse. You beautifully contextualized his life, work & legacy… - 5 years ago

@losthiskeysman: RT @robkirbycomics: Thanks to @justincomics for this lovely tribute to Howard Cruse. You beautifully contextualized his life, work & legacy… - 5 years ago

@AHedit: I am so saddened by the loss of Howie: "Obituary: Howard Cruse, Pioneering Queer Cartoonist, Dies at 75:… - 5 years ago

@SzaboKatrina: RT @lgbtqnation: Pioneering gay cartoonist Howard Cruse dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@isabella_media: ICYMI: Obituary: Howard Cruse, Pioneering Queer Cartoonist, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@ARTSalamode: RT @villagevoice: “I would like to create characters that will resonate a century from now, even to people who are not living in a gay subc… - 5 years ago

@rob_t_firefly: RT @ComicsJournal: Here's a TCJ obituary of the great, beautiful, necessary @HowardCruse by @justincomics for you: - 5 years ago

@villagevoice: “I would like to create characters that will resonate a century from now, even to people who are not living in a ga… - 5 years ago

@robkirbycomics: Thanks to @justincomics for this lovely tribute to Howard Cruse. You beautifully contextualized his life, work & le… - 5 years ago

@MikeRhode1: Pioneering Gay Cartoonist Howard Cruse Dies at 75 by Richard Goldstein and Jay Blotcher ComicsDC blog (Decembe… - 5 years ago

@lqstudios: @AlisonBechdel speaking about the sudden passing of @HowardCruse " seemed like he was going to be okay. God!… - 5 years ago

@xavierheraud: Adieu Howard Cruse. Merci pour Stuck Rubber Baby et pour avoir été un pionnier. - 5 years ago

@junipernest: RT @ComicsJournal: Here's a TCJ obituary of the great, beautiful, necessary @HowardCruse by @justincomics for you: - 5 years ago

@mc_frontalot: RT @ComicsJournal: Here's a TCJ obituary of the great, beautiful, necessary @HowardCruse by @justincomics for you: - 5 years ago

@marsepan: RT @ComicsJournal: Here's a TCJ obituary of the great, beautiful, necessary @HowardCruse by @justincomics for you: - 5 years ago

@AlexJordan406: RT @ComicsJournal: Here's a TCJ obituary of the great, beautiful, necessary @HowardCruse by @justincomics for you: - 5 years ago

@evandorkin: RT @ComicsJournal: Here's a TCJ obituary of the great, beautiful, necessary @HowardCruse by @justincomics for you: - 5 years ago

@iameldiablito: RT @lgbtqnation: Pioneering gay cartoonist Howard Cruse dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@roo_b_arts: RT @lgbtqnation: Pioneering gay cartoonist Howard Cruse dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@BrianKSutton: RT @lgbtqnation: Pioneering gay cartoonist Howard Cruse dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@lgbtqnation: Pioneering gay cartoonist Howard Cruse dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@mckaysgmckay: RT @lgbtqnation: - 5 years ago

@LGBT_TT: Pioneering gay cartoonist Howard Cruse dies at 75 #LGBT - 5 years ago

@BGFCentral: RT @ComicsJournal: Here's a TCJ obituary of the great, beautiful, necessary @HowardCruse by @justincomics for you: - 5 years ago

@Jacobmagraw: RT @ComicsJournal: Here's a TCJ obituary of the great, beautiful, necessary @HowardCruse by @justincomics for you: - 5 years ago

@earinc: RT @ComicsJournal: Here's a TCJ obituary of the great, beautiful, necessary @HowardCruse by @justincomics for you: - 5 years ago

@Newmanology: Remembering groundbreaking comix artist and editor Howard Cruse, via @villagevoice - 5 years ago

@43Silencer: RT @lgbtqnation: - 5 years ago

@PsiionicVII: RT @lgbtqnation: - 5 years ago

@PinkSheepNews: Pioneering Gay Cartoonist Howard Cruse Passes At 75.... #Pride #BornThisWay #StopTheHate #BornPerfect #DefyTheName… - 5 years ago

@nerdityourself: RT @lgbtqnation: - 5 years ago

@heyitsnr0r: RT @lgbtqnation: - 5 years ago

@kimmohoo: RT @sarjakuvaseura: Howard Cruse 1944–2019. Homosarjakuvan isähahmoksi Cruse nousi, kun alkoi toimittaa uutta Gay Comix -lehteä vuonna 1980… - 5 years ago

@PlankySmith: RT @earinc: Bill Schelly, Tom Spurgeon, Gahan Wilson, Howard Cruse — this has been the most brutal two months for comics that I can remembe… - 5 years ago

@AinoSutinen: RT @sarjakuvaseura: Howard Cruse 1944–2019. Homosarjakuvan isähahmoksi Cruse nousi, kun alkoi toimittaa uutta Gay Comix -lehteä vuonna 1980… - 5 years ago

@sarjakuvaseura: Howard Cruse 1944–2019. Homosarjakuvan isähahmoksi Cruse nousi, kun alkoi toimittaa uutta Gay Comix -lehteä vuonna… - 5 years ago

@FirstComicsNews: Pioneering Gay Cartoonist Howard Cruse Dies at 75 - - 5 years ago

@hsfi: Howard Cruse 1944–2019 - 5 years ago

@MichaelPetrelis: Thanks, @AlisonBechdel, for remembering our brother Howard Cruse. He made us laugh during the #AIDS plague. - 5 years ago

@JayBlotcher: RT @AlisonBechdel: I am so sad and stunned. Howard Cruse died suddenly today. He is one of the sweetest people I have ever encountered, per… - 5 years ago

@sugar_yin: RT @ActuaBD: #CetteSemaineSurActuaBD : Nous apprenions la disparition d'Howard Cruse, figure de la BD #LGBT #ActuaBD #Rediff - 5 years ago

@ComicsGrid: RT @ActuaBD: #CetteSemaineSurActuaBD : Nous apprenions la disparition d'Howard Cruse, figure de la BD #LGBT #ActuaBD #Rediff - 5 years ago

@ActuaBD: #CetteSemaineSurActuaBD : Nous apprenions la disparition d'Howard Cruse, figure de la BD #LGBT #ActuaBD #Rediff… - 5 years ago

@vmspod: RT @pimimond: I don’t know how comics will go forward without @comicsreporter around. @CXCFestival is the best comics event I’ve ever atten… - 5 years ago

@pimimond: I don’t know how comics will go forward without @comicsreporter around. @CXCFestival is the best comics event I’ve… - 5 years ago

@scottedelman: @js_ascher There's never a time when there *isn't* a recent death, not when you deal with a pool of people this lar… - 5 years ago

@donunger: Rest in Peace, Howard Cruse. - 5 years ago

@daffimt: RT @PochepPolitburo: Howard Cruse (1944-2019) Eisner du meilleur album en 96, Prix critique au FIBD 2002 pour Un Monde de Différence (ed. V… - 5 years ago

@afnewsinfo: RIP - Mort d’Howard Cruse, figure de la bande dessinée Underground LGTB (...) - ActuaBD - 5 years ago

@brade1991: RT @Newsarama: HOWARD CRUSE Dies at Age 75 - 5 years ago

@RTerriers: RT @Livid2point0: Howard Cruse, acclaimed Alabama-born underground comics artist, dead at 75 - 5 years ago

@dcumoviepage: RT @Newsarama: HOWARD CRUSE Dies at Age 75 - 5 years ago

@Newsarama: HOWARD CRUSE Dies at Age 75 - 5 years ago

@vibinggecko: RT @cartoonart: Our condolences to the family and friends of legendary cartoonist Howard Cruse, who passed away today. His graphic novel St… - 5 years ago

@Metabunker: RT @DerfBackderf: I was looking through photos from cons to find one to illustrate a recent post. In a folder from the @CXCFestival from 2… - 5 years ago

@josegarriga: First ran into Howard Cruse’s work via Comix Book, Marvel’s shortlived attempt to showcase underground artists. In… - 5 years ago

@JoeCorallo: RT @comicsbeat: Howard Cruse, a personal remembrance - 5 years ago

@comicsbeat: Howard Cruse, a personal remembrance - 5 years ago

@indie_comics: RT @BleedingFool: Howard Cruse, author of the acclaimed DC Comics graphic novel "Stuck Rubber Baby", died Tuesday of cancer, Cruse's daught… - 5 years ago

@MyEvilRobot: RT @BleedingFool: Howard Cruse, author of the acclaimed DC Comics graphic novel "Stuck Rubber Baby", died Tuesday of cancer, Cruse's daught… - 5 years ago

@cryptic_comics: RT @BleedingFool: Howard Cruse, author of the acclaimed DC Comics graphic novel "Stuck Rubber Baby", died Tuesday of cancer, Cruse's daught… - 5 years ago

@StephenFrug: I just learned that Howard Cruse died four days ago. Terribly sad news. He was an amazing cartoonist; STUCK RUBBER… - 5 years ago

@BleedingFool: Howard Cruse, author of the acclaimed DC Comics graphic novel "Stuck Rubber Baby", died Tuesday of cancer, Cruse's… - 5 years ago

@shaggysnod: RT @DerfBackderf: On my reading pile now: "Stan Lee", by Tom Spurgeon & Jordan Raphael, "The Moolah Tree" by Ted Stearn, "Stuck Rubber Baby… - 5 years ago

@DerfBackderf: On my reading pile now: "Stan Lee", by Tom Spurgeon & Jordan Raphael, "The Moolah Tree" by Ted Stearn, "Stuck Rubbe… - 5 years ago

@DerfBackderf: I was looking through photos from cons to find one to illustrate a recent post. In a folder from the @CXCFestival… - 5 years ago

@Pasamonik: Mort d' Howard Cruse​ l'auteur d' "Un Monde de différence". J"avais été l'éditeur de cet ouvrage chez Vertige Graph… - 5 years ago

@TheeEt47: RT @Comic_Con: We are saddened to hear of the passing of comics creators Howard Cruse and Gahan Wilson this week. They will be deeply misse… - 5 years ago

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