Horst Schulze

German actor and opera singer.
Died on Thursday November 1st 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Horst Schulze:

@ramsamied: Trust in you will fuel customer loyalty ~ Horst Schulze #gls18 - 6 years ago

@ramsamied: Where do your current customers stand: loyal - satisfied - dissatisfied. Keep the customers loyal ~ Horst Schulze #gls18 - 6 years ago

@ramsamied: Service to our customers should include: 1. welcome (first impressions) make them feel important 2. To comply with… - 6 years ago

@ramsamied: Don’t go to work to fulfill a function, go to work to create excellence - Horst Schulze #gls18 - 6 years ago


@bingler_horst: „Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit Bundesministerin Svenja Schulze : Der Wolf geh… - 6 years ago

@Bulembu: The first GLS was an incredible experience, especially with amazing and established leaders like Horst Schulze, Cha… - 6 years ago

@FransPienaar: RT @Inyatsi: It has and is set to still be a day of invaluable training. The talks, live and videocast, from the likes of Bishop T.D. Jakes… - 6 years ago

@Inyatsi: It has and is set to still be a day of invaluable training. The talks, live and videocast, from the likes of Bishop… - 6 years ago

@ramsamied: Horst Schulze reminding us that customers want you to deliver 3 things: 1. The product needs to work (this is a… - 6 years ago

@ramsamied: True efficiency is about getting focused, eliminating work that is less important, and making a greater impact by d… - 6 years ago

@ramsamied: Loyalty from your customers means they trust you - Horst Schulze thanks @wcasouthafrica for making this possible @… - 6 years ago

@GeorgeWKiwanuka: RT @lisaromans03: Once you've made the decision to be excellent, you have no right to make excuses. - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @wato… - 6 years ago

@Ongevalinfo: Rob Eenink volgt Horst Schulze op als voorzitter van FERSI - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Actors Ken Swofford, Horst Schulze; singers Teddy Scott, Dave Rowland; guitarist Mark Fosson… - 6 years ago

@Verkeer_Info: Rob Eenink volgt Horst Schulze op als voorzitter van FERSI - 6 years ago

@OkotOmoya: RT @EAgwang: Define yourself as a person of excellence! Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@VivianSerwanjja: RT @JaneRuth_Aceng: The Health sector was highly honored with presence of top reknown 🌍 leaders.The President of Global leadership summit,M… - 6 years ago

@Hilmatschi: Rettet die Aisbärn - Horst Schulze Entrum ist rußfrei fürs Klima - 6 years ago

@ivanwassaaka: Taking customer service to another level with Horst H. Schulze , Chairman &CEO Capella Hotel Group @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@GeorgeAcelun: RT @jonyoin: Happening right now..Great presentation by Horst Schulze, the world's leading authority on Customer service - 6 years ago

@DennisMugabe: RT @bakorahekay1: Excellence involves time keeping.. I know this because Horst Schulze has used 20mins like allocated to him. I can tell be… - 6 years ago

@powerfmuganda: RT @CoachAsmara: @watotochurch @powerfmuganda Horst H. Schulze -Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen. He went to work to be wi… - 6 years ago

@DumoluhleDube2: RT @irisitungo: Instead of orders n directions, people need objectives and motives to deliver - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@pkyama1: RT @jonyoin: Happening right now..Great presentation by Horst Schulze, the world's leading authority on Customer service - 6 years ago

@DianaAtwine: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@EJhoshu: RT @lisaromans03: Are you committed to what you want to be? Are you taking steps to get you to where you want to be? - Horst Schulze #Powe… - 6 years ago

@EkkyNewman: @ronniehabasa interviewing Horst Schulze on #PowerSexMoney at Watoto Church downtown We hire leaders to give or m… - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: Ask your employees 'to join you to achieve your purpose' but not 'to work for you' - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watoto… - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: Pleasure is a moment of fun but happiness is to be content with your life - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: Make sure that God is apart of your purpose - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: I made the best decisions in life when I had cancer coz that's when I was closest to God - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @… - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @lisaromans03: Are you committed to what you want to be? Are you taking steps to get you to where you want to be? - Horst Schulze #Powe… - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: Hire leaders to give solutions not lousy customer excuses - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: Instead of orders n directions, people need objectives and motives to deliver - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: Excellence creates money - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: What does a customer want? 1. Defect free products 2. Timelinesss 3. Customer satisfaction - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMone… - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: Customer satisfaction will eventually lead to customer loyalty - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: To take it to another level individualise your service to a specific person - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @irisitungo: Do not do someone a favor to take their money - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@SekandiYe: RT @lisaromans03: - Make right decisions. - Opportunities have a purpose. - Be excellent about everything and you will infect other peopl… - 6 years ago

@SekandiYe: RT @lisaromans03: Once you've made the decision to be excellent, you have no right to make excuses. - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @wato… - 6 years ago

@MichaelsMoss: RT @Aidah_Fly: Close your eyes for a moment. Envision who n what you want to be, do u see something beautiful? Make steps to achieve it. Yo… - 6 years ago

@Aidah_Fly: Close your eyes for a moment. Envision who n what you want to be, do u see something beautiful? Make steps to achie… - 6 years ago

@Aidah_Fly: The problem with young people is they confuse Pleasure with Happiness. -Horst H. Schulze - 6 years ago

@daisyasio: RT @EkkyNewman: We are all here to serve. The guests are important. Not you. Come to work to create something special! create excellence.… - 6 years ago

@stevenstumusha: RT @CoachAsmara: @watotochurch Horst H. Schulze Invited Employees to join the dream and work successfully together #PowerSexMoney - 6 years ago

@stevenstumusha: RT @irynieabwooli: Horst. H schulze: Create yourself a purpose and start defining it today. #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@stevenstumusha: RT @bakorahekay1: Excellence involves time keeping.. I know this because Horst Schulze has used 20mins like allocated to him. I can tell be… - 6 years ago

@stevenstumusha: RT @irynieabwooli: Horst. H schulze: Give me what I want not what you want that’s luxury nowadays. #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@YekoJr: RT @irynieabwooli: Horst. H schulze: Create yourself a purpose and start defining it today. #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@MinofHealthUG: RT @JaneRuth_Aceng: The Health sector was highly honored with presence of top reknown 🌍 leaders.The President of Global leadership summit,M… - 6 years ago

@Innocen01601565: The problem with young people is they confuse pleasure with happiness. - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@sbuligwanga: RT @irynieabwooli: Horst. H schulze: Create yourself a purpose and start defining it today. #PowerSexMoney @watotochurch - 6 years ago

@ronniehabasa: RT @CoachAsmara: "Greatness starts with the decision for excellence, nothing more Nothing Less- Horst Schulze" @watotochurch @ronniehabasa… - 6 years ago

@ronniehabasa: RT @CoachAsmara: @ronniehabasa "Service has nothing to do with Culture, it has to do with Leadership-Horst H. Schulze "@watotochurch #Pow… - 6 years ago

@ronniehabasa: RT @CoachAsmara: @watotochurch Horst H. Schulze:- "Hire leaders to find solutions not to give excuses " @ronniehabasa #PowerSexMoney - 6 years ago

@ysaveorg: RT @CoachAsmara: @watotochurch Horst H. Schulze Invited Employees to join the dream and work successfully together #PowerSexMoney - 6 years ago

@tinoasianut1: RT @lisaromans03: THERE ARE THREE TYPES OF PEOPLE; - Those who Make things happen. - Those who See things happening. - Those who Don't k… - 6 years ago

@EAgwang: RT @CoachAsmara: @watotochurch "Once you make the Decision, you have no right to make Excuses- Horst Schulze" #PowerSexMoney - 6 years ago

@JulietGracey: RT @lisaromans03: Once you've made the decision to be excellent, you have no right to make excuses. - Horst Schulze #PowerSexMoney @wato… - 6 years ago

@JaneRuth_Aceng: The Health sector was highly honored with presence of top reknown 🌍 leaders.The President of Global leadership summ… - 6 years ago

@EAgwang: RT @lisaromans03: You don't have money? Maybe that's because you don't create excellence. Because excellence creates money! - Horst Schu… - 6 years ago

@CoachAsmara: RT @watotochurch: It's just a few hours to #PowerSexMoney and Horst H. Schulze is in the house. Catch us @watotochurch Downtown from 5:30pm… - 6 years ago

@ElohimNotes: RT @watotochurch: It's just a few hours to #PowerSexMoney and Horst H. Schulze is in the house. Catch us @watotochurch Downtown from 5:30pm… - 6 years ago

@KaReeN_256: RT @watotochurch: It's just a few hours to #PowerSexMoney and Horst H. Schulze is in the house. Catch us @watotochurch Downtown from 5:30pm… - 6 years ago

@watotochurch: It's just a few hours to #PowerSexMoney and Horst H. Schulze is in the house. Catch us @watotochurch Downtown from… - 6 years ago

@saltraylubega: RT @UTAuganda: Leadership and service Excellency in Tourism Sector Guest Speaker @Horst Schulze Great work @UTB. @MTWAUganda @Touroperato… - 6 years ago

@KaReeN_256: RT @ysaveorg: This evening, Mr. Horst H. Schulze, a legend and leader in the service world will be @WatotoChurch Downtown for #PowerSexMone… - 6 years ago

@akolcharssie: RT @ysaveorg: This evening, Mr. Horst H. Schulze, a legend and leader in the service world will be @WatotoChurch Downtown for #PowerSexMone… - 6 years ago

@kuk_lichtenberg: RT @szonline: Als Mephisto, Mackie Messer oder Prof. Higgins wurde der gebürtige Dresdner Horst Schulze zum Publikumsliebling. Er starb im… - 6 years ago

@Y_SaveSafaris: RT @ysaveorg: This evening, Mr. Horst H. Schulze, a legend and leader in the service world will be @WatotoChurch Downtown for #PowerSexMone… - 6 years ago

@watotochurch: RT @ysaveorg: This evening, Mr. Horst H. Schulze, a legend and leader in the service world will be @WatotoChurch Downtown for #PowerSexMone… - 6 years ago

@ysaveorg: This evening, Mr. Horst H. Schulze, a legend and leader in the service world will be @WatotoChurch Downtown for… - 6 years ago

@irisitungo: RT @powerfmuganda: This evening on #PowerSexMoney  Come and be inspired on how to transform your business with impeccable customer service… - 6 years ago

@powerfmuganda: This evening on #PowerSexMoney  Come and be inspired on how to transform your business with impeccable customer ser… - 6 years ago

@derbaum: RT @szonline: Als Mephisto, Mackie Messer oder Prof. Higgins wurde der gebürtige Dresdner Horst Schulze zum Publikumsliebling. Er starb im… - 6 years ago

@szonline: Als Mephisto, Mackie Messer oder Prof. Higgins wurde der gebürtige Dresdner Horst Schulze zum Publikumsliebling. Er… - 6 years ago

@prospersafaris: RT @UTAuganda: I am a result of the people who impacted me -Horst Schulze #Leadership summit - 6 years ago

@stevenstumusha: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Horst Schulze (97) German actor - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Horst Schulze - #HorstSchulze #Horst #Schulze #rip - 6 years ago

@nalybecks: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@DannyT_UG: RT @kampalaserena: Truly humbled Arthur. Will you be joining us tomorrow for Mr. Horst Schulze’s address?. He is one of Hospitality’s mo… - 6 years ago

@VisitUgandaNow: RT @TouroperatorsUG: The Leadership and Service Excellency In Tourism Breakfast meeting kicks off at the @kampalaserena Hotel. Hosting reno… - 6 years ago

@MalerinKK: Er lauschte ins Ererbte Ein Prägender der DDR-Kunst: Zum Tod des Schauspielers Horst Schulze Von Hans-Dieter Schü… - 6 years ago

@elsie_adoch: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@UTB2004Ltd: RT @UTAuganda: Leadership and service Excellency in Tourism Sector Guest Speaker @Horst Schulze Great work @UTB. @MTWAUganda @Touroperato… - 6 years ago

@bruceburyo: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@irisitungo: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Horst Schulze - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Horst Schulze, deutscher Schauspieler, am 24.10.2018 im Alter von 97 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@HospitalityGala: Master Sommelier Fred Dame will be honored with the 2018 Horst Schulze Award for Excellence in Hospitality at the N… - 6 years ago

@byekwasostephen: RT @kampalaserena: Truly humbled Arthur. Will you be joining us tomorrow for Mr. Horst Schulze’s address?. He is one of Hospitality’s mo… - 6 years ago

@edmwesigye: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@FN_Presse: neues deutschland: DEFA-Schauspieler Horst Schulze gestorben - 6 years ago

@InTouchOnline: Ruhe in Frieden - 6 years ago

@derek_tumusime: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@CoachAsmara: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@gllaadd: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@Nzemied: RT @watotochurch: Come and learn how to transform your business with impeccable customer service. Join Mr. Horst H. Schulze, Chairman & CEO… - 6 years ago

@schulze_ute: Vielleicht mal den Horst zu Wort kommen lassen? Kleiner Scherz🤣#einbisschenSpassmusssein #oldwork #newwork - 6 years ago

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