Hodan Nalayeh

Somali-Canadian journalist
Died on Saturday July 13th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Hodan Nalayeh:

@__Gessi: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@Innafarah: RT @Sonofdervishes1: Hodan Nalayeh Road in #Laascaanood. This is the road that connects the General Hospital to the City. - 6 years ago

@Burnt_Reynalds: RT @SKConservative: Not surprising. At all. - 6 years ago

@SKConservative: Not surprising. At all. - 6 years ago


@IsmahanM_: RT @IntegrationTV: Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. It is with great sorrow & regret we confirm the unexpected & tragic loss of Hodan N… - 6 years ago

@_sxbx: RT @IntegrationTV: Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. It is with great sorrow & regret we confirm the unexpected & tragic loss of Hodan N… - 6 years ago

@_17410742: RT @BreakingNLive: JUST IN: A Somali-Canadian journalist, named Hodan Nalayeh, traveled to Ilhan Omar’s homeland of Somalia to challenge st… - 6 years ago

@raxma_: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@NomadMullah: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@aduunyoo: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@myerschrismyer1: RT @Michael59673370: Hodan Nalayeh a Somali-born Canadian journalist travelled to Somalia to prove to President Trump that Somalia is “Beau… - 6 years ago

@kellymartine68: RT @imamapostat: Un petit THREAD sur l'histoire de Hodan Nalayeh réfugiée somalienne arrivée au Canada à l'âge de 6 ans, et dont l'ingratit… - 6 years ago

@DarrelTubbs: RT @BreakingNLive: JUST IN: A Somali-Canadian journalist, named Hodan Nalayeh, traveled to Ilhan Omar’s homeland of Somalia to challenge st… - 6 years ago

@somalinocontrol: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@AdnanRizak: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@SomaliProud: RT @HodanTV: To Hodan's friends, family and followers in London, come out to look back on the life of Hodan Nalayeh. #NaagIskaDhig - 6 years ago

@isch2307: RT @ReporterOG: Die kanadisch-somalische Journalistin Hodan Nalayeh wurde am 12.7. bei einem Bombenanschlag in #Somalia getötet. Sie wollte… - 6 years ago

@valvetii: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@amrxxna: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@JamalJa54329856: RT @IntegrationTV: Please join us in "Celebrating the life and achievements of Hodan Nalayeh" - 6 years ago

@newstwiteafrica: Somalia Attack Claimed by Shabab Kills 10, Including Canadia.. @newstwiteafrica - nytimes - Twitter - News - Notic… - 6 years ago

@ABenBahantah: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@bidixo_: RT @Somalilandbiz: Laascaanood: Maamulka Dawladda Hoose oo Waddo Cusub ugu Magac Daray Hodan Naleyeh – Somaliland Municipality Laascaanood,… - 6 years ago

@LuisGonzlezOque: Lamentable. QEPD Leí su cuenta Twitter para comprenderla. Me recordó a aquellas personas que hablan de hermosos ani… - 6 years ago

@AbrahamAssyr: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@ghalaghali: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@dahir_asiya: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@PyrateBoss: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@MTalyanle: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@Midnimo254: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@aishahbg: RT @Sonofdervishes1: Hodan Nalayeh Road in #Laascaanood. This is the road that connects the General Hospital to the City. - 6 years ago

@HannaAli: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@HonAbdulahi1: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@maryamasen: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@lasoco: Canadian Somali Journalist Hodan Nalayeh Among 26 Killed in Kismayo Terrorist Attack - NowThis… - 6 years ago

@TracyGesare: RT @mukhtaryare: Hodan Nalayeh was a voice to many. Always happy, smiling, documenting. She was the Somalia that many had longed for: a res… - 6 years ago

@TracyGesare: RT @Lattif: The Nigerian author Ben Okri once wrote: “To poison a nation, poison its stories.” Journalist @HodanTV, who was killed last Fri… - 6 years ago

@IffyIb: RT @HodanTV: The students of Sool and Saanag send their prayers to Hodan Nalayeh. #IntegrationTV - 6 years ago

@IAKFpresident: RT @EVYSTADIUM: “Being a Somali-Canadian journalist means grappling with the weight of language.” Shouts to @eby3n for writing this though… - 6 years ago

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