Hobo Jim

68 or 69
Died on Thursday October 7th 2021

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Hobo Jim:

@KMUZNowPlaying: Hobo Jim - Off to Dutch Harbor - 3 years ago

@genvruiz: Hobo Jim from skid row. - 3 years ago

@jim_mcb_99: @KellDA Hobo was in our wheelhouse as well. Also get talked into being a girl by my evil 4 older sisters. - 3 years ago

@Jim_Quin2: The man. The myth. The frow. Hobo Jim is 60. Sporting his new gear. #NewWorldMMO @playnewworld - 3 years ago


@SuitcaseBlue: I worked @kashcountry1075 from 1993 to 1996. I saved my air-check tapes. I came across one of me announcing "Idit… - 3 years ago

@AK_Chick: RT @tonichelleak: We lost the trifecta in just a few-short-years time. Rod Udd, "Idita-Rock-N-Roll" & with him the winner's Truck Mayor Ben… - 3 years ago

@tonichelleak: We lost the trifecta in just a few-short-years time. Rod Udd, "Idita-Rock-N-Roll" & with him the winner's Truck May… - 3 years ago

@ewschaetzle: Jim Varsos (1952 – October 5, 2021), better known as Hobo Jim, was a folk singer-songwriter and Alaska's official b… - 3 years ago

@Hobo_Dante: @snowboiiii @cinnamonshii And Jim Ross is like "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT" - 3 years ago

@tonichelleak: Reitter's Block: Hobo Jim's wife shares final message from singer #MusherTwitter #HoboJim #AlaskaTwitter… - 3 years ago

@marytoddlincol9: I’m not sure Hobo Jim had ever seen Twitter. I am pretty sure he didn’t want to. I saw Hobo performing his Alaskan… - 3 years ago

@FTHISGR: 68χρονος τραγουδιστής πέθανε από καρκίνο - 3 years ago

@Jim_Quin2: My #PlayNewWorld champion. Hobo Jim - 3 years ago

@anthony_allen_p: Saddened to hear about the passing of Alaska's official balladeer, Hobo Jim. Plenty has been said about the fantast… - 3 years ago

@elektronenjager: RIP Hobo Jim. I saw him at Ivory Jack’s in Goldstream Valley. - 3 years ago

@enL3X1: RT @The_Iditarod: In light of Hobo Jim Varsos's passing, we wanted to share this podcast interview produced by Husky Talk, student podcast.… - 3 years ago

@hawks_sox: RT @The_Iditarod: In light of Hobo Jim Varsos's passing, we wanted to share this podcast interview produced by Husky Talk, student podcast.… - 3 years ago

@The_Iditarod: In light of Hobo Jim Varsos's passing, we wanted to share this podcast interview produced by Husky Talk, student po… - 3 years ago

@MsFortune3TX: RT @ksrmam: Proclamation Issued Declaring Wednesday, October 6th As Hobo Jim Day In Kenai The City of Kenai, at the suggestion of Councilm… - 3 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Musician Pat Fish; clinical psychiatrist Paula J. Clayton; actor Gerald Home; singer and songwr… - 3 years ago

@chicogente_uai: Hobo Jim, famoso cantor do Alasca morre, após três semanas do diagnóstico de câncer. Impressionante seu depoimento… - 3 years ago

@chicogente: Hobo Jim, famoso cantor do Alasca morre, após três semanas do diagnóstico de câncer. Impressionante seu depoimento… - 3 years ago

@DjAmbalee: Folk Singer Hobo Jim Died at 69 Due to Cancer - 3 years ago

@KalungienNever: @zulitumstweets B u i;pop ni 9 b pip£ co pppu : pophboppòioj oijohool0jb00ijbbjhhjnhjlllppo oooh( o l₩₩o₩Joe pppxZf… - 3 years ago

@josepponsa: RT @_OriolS: Ha mort el gran Hobo Jim, testimoni d'un temps en què la música popular dels Estats Units viatjava de punta a punta del país a… - 3 years ago

@AneeObjFrance44: RT @The_Iditarod: Iditarod Nation loses Iditarod Trail song writer and Alaskan balladeer Hobo Jim Varsos. Our thoughts and prayers go out t… - 3 years ago

@lisa_hale: Ah, sad news, just heard that Hobo Jim (Jim Varsos) passed away. If you were at the musher’s banquet last year, you… - 3 years ago

@KellyAK411: RT @The_Iditarod: Iditarod Nation loses Iditarod Trail song writer and Alaskan balladeer Hobo Jim Varsos. Our thoughts and prayers go out t… - 3 years ago

@DioMioDamari: @One_True_Hobo @yiggs What if she main jim - 3 years ago

@SamuelMoore: RT @The_Iditarod: Iditarod Nation loses Iditarod Trail song writer and Alaskan balladeer Hobo Jim Varsos. Our thoughts and prayers go out t… - 3 years ago

@AK_Chick: RT @The_Iditarod: Iditarod Nation loses Iditarod Trail song writer and Alaskan balladeer Hobo Jim Varsos. Our thoughts and prayers go out t… - 3 years ago

@hawks_sox: RT @The_Iditarod: Iditarod Nation loses Iditarod Trail song writer and Alaskan balladeer Hobo Jim Varsos. Our thoughts and prayers go out t… - 3 years ago

@tonichelleak: RT @The_Iditarod: Iditarod Nation loses Iditarod Trail song writer and Alaskan balladeer Hobo Jim Varsos. Our thoughts and prayers go out t… - 3 years ago

@The_Iditarod: Iditarod Nation loses Iditarod Trail song writer and Alaskan balladeer Hobo Jim Varsos. Our thoughts and prayers go… - 3 years ago

@Jenk3: RT @coldfootfilms: Great piece by @danastabenow on the late, great Hobo Jim: - 3 years ago

@danastabenow: RT @coldfootfilms: Great piece by @danastabenow on the late, great Hobo Jim: - 3 years ago

@trulyuseless: #TodaysGroove: Hobo Jim - Fishin' For Chickens - 3 years ago

@nel_schroeder: RT @onefussyone: RIP, Hobo Jim, Alaskan legend, and thanks for being who you were. - 3 years ago

@amkolat: RT @ksrmam: KSRM received word that Alaska's State Balladier "Hobo Jim" Varsos passed away Tuesday. The Kenai Peninsula was blessed to have… - 3 years ago

@amkolat: RT @alaskadogstead: We are heartbroken to learn of the swift passing of James Varsos yesterday. Hobo Jim was a friend of the kennel as he w… - 3 years ago

@amkolat: RT @NYDailyNews: Alaska is mourning the death of State Balladeer James “Hobo Jim” Varsos, just three weeks after he announced a terminal ca… - 3 years ago

@bigmike_ak: RT @caseyriankelly: RIP Hobo Jim, Alaska's balladeer. Around 2008, when I was at @KmxtNews, the station did a fundraiser based on The Gon… - 3 years ago

@sturgidson: RT @coldfootfilms: Great piece by @danastabenow on the late, great Hobo Jim: - 3 years ago

@907dbackfan: RT @chugachelectric: We join Alaskans in mourning the passing of the incredibly talented Hobo Jim. He played at our 2017 and 2018 annual me… - 3 years ago

@chugachelectric: We join Alaskans in mourning the passing of the incredibly talented Hobo Jim. He played at our 2017 and 2018 annual… - 3 years ago

@hatemeforeverr: RT @jogloho: I just found out Hobo Jim died today and now I’m a sad bean )): - 3 years ago

@AdonicaB: Alaska state balladeer James ‘Hobo Jim’ Varsos dies three weeks after terminal cancer diagnosis - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 24 336) #Alaska ’s #Official #Balladeer , #American #folk - #singer - #songwriter #Hobo #Jim 68 ,… - 3 years ago

@suebeeak: RT @alaskatravelgrm: "I Am Alaska" by Hobo Jim. A tribute. RIP. - 3 years ago

@un_daa: who is hobo jim - 3 years ago

@repdonyoung: RT @repdonyoung: Hobo Jim was a true Alaskan classic. His loss is difficult, but I know his recordings will continue to inspire future gene… - 3 years ago

@alaskatravelgrm: "I Am Alaska" by Hobo Jim. A tribute. RIP. - 3 years ago

@_OriolS: Ha mort el gran Hobo Jim, testimoni d'un temps en què la música popular dels Estats Units viatjava de punta a punta… - 3 years ago

@MichaelMathes: RT @repdonyoung: Hobo Jim was a true Alaskan classic. His loss is difficult, but I know his recordings will continue to inspire future gene… - 3 years ago

@BotelloCamille: RT @PenClarion: “A special thank you to everyone in Alaska for the years of love and support you have given Jim and Cyndi,” Varsos’ brother… - 3 years ago

@PenClarion: “A special thank you to everyone in Alaska for the years of love and support you have given Jim and Cyndi,” Varsos’… - 3 years ago

@N0RTH2Alaska: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@jon45470876: @libbybakalar Rest in Peace, Hobo Jim. You were Alaska's balladeer to the max. - 3 years ago

@Gulogulo907: RT @ksrmam: Proclamation Issued Declaring Wednesday, October 6th As Hobo Jim Day In Kenai The City of Kenai, at the suggestion of Councilm… - 3 years ago

@kseuri: RT @repdonyoung: Hobo Jim was a true Alaskan classic. His loss is difficult, but I know his recordings will continue to inspire future gene… - 3 years ago

@kseuri: RT @SenDanSullivan: Julie & I are heartbroken to hear of the passing of Hobo Jim, a music legend whose story and songs are synonymous with… - 3 years ago

@All100Senators: RT @SenDanSullivan: Hobo Jim was a fixture at community gatherings for decades & was always able to put a memorable tune to the unique life… - 3 years ago

@SenDanSullivan: Hobo Jim was a fixture at community gatherings for decades & was always able to put a memorable tune to the unique… - 3 years ago

@hscott61: RT @SenDanSullivan: Julie & I are heartbroken to hear of the passing of Hobo Jim, a music legend whose story and songs are synonymous with… - 3 years ago

@All100Senators: RT @SenDanSullivan: Julie & I are heartbroken to hear of the passing of Hobo Jim, a music legend whose story and songs are synonymous with… - 3 years ago

@SenDanSullivan: Julie & I are heartbroken to hear of the passing of Hobo Jim, a music legend whose story and songs are synonymous w… - 3 years ago

@scooterkendall: RT @repdonyoung: Hobo Jim was a true Alaskan classic. His loss is difficult, but I know his recordings will continue to inspire future gene… - 3 years ago

@ZackBrownDC: RT @repdonyoung: Hobo Jim was a true Alaskan classic. His loss is difficult, but I know his recordings will continue to inspire future gene… - 3 years ago

@repdonyoung: Hobo Jim was a true Alaskan classic. His loss is difficult, but I know his recordings will continue to inspire futu… - 3 years ago

@TheSunShowbiz: Singer dies age 68 just 3 weeks after he announced terminal cancer battle - 3 years ago

@AK_Chick: RT @onefussyone: RIP, Hobo Jim, Alaskan legend, and thanks for being who you were. - 3 years ago

@adabagcompany: Hobo Jim death: Alaska singer James Varsos passes away age 68 three weeks after he announced terminal cancer battle - 3 years ago

@TheSunUS: #BREAKING: Singer dies age 68 just three weeks after he announced terminal cancer battle - 3 years ago

@ksrmam: Proclamation Issued Declaring Wednesday, October 6th As Hobo Jim Day In Kenai The City of Kenai, at the suggestion… - 3 years ago

@NotAnotherExit: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@MrsA2003: RT @onefussyone: RIP, Hobo Jim, Alaskan legend, and thanks for being who you were. - 3 years ago

@BrianGrNotABot: RT @MrBill462_2W1: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis - 3 years ago

@MrBill462_2W1: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis - 3 years ago

@DjAmbalee: Hobo Jim Death – Obituary: Hobo Jim Cause Of Death - 3 years ago

@AuthorHolloway: Car repairs now up to £500 due to caliper problems, and on a whole different level of bad day, Hobo Jim the Alaska… - 3 years ago

@KeithMrREWible: @libbybakalar RIP Hobo Jim - 3 years ago

@coldfootfilms: RT @onefussyone: RIP, Hobo Jim, Alaskan legend, and thanks for being who you were. - 3 years ago

@SithLordShadow: RT @lisamurkowski: The passing of Alaskan musician Hobo Jim leaves a big hole the hearts of many. For decades, his music brought joy and en… - 3 years ago

@HyangmiO: RT @lisamurkowski: The passing of Alaskan musician Hobo Jim leaves a big hole the hearts of many. For decades, his music brought joy and en… - 3 years ago

@nomechick: RT @libbybakalar: TBT to when I fully fan-girled Hobo Jim at the Captain Cook in February of 2020, just before the pandemic. RIP to a legen… - 3 years ago

@alaskachief91: So sad to hear. Always was fun to hear him live while having a pint at the local watering hole. Godspeed #HoboJim… - 3 years ago

@jjinsf: Thank you, Hobo Jim. We will not forget you. - 3 years ago

@BairdWildLife: RT @onefussyone: RIP, Hobo Jim, Alaskan legend, and thanks for being who you were. - 3 years ago

@onefussyone: RIP, Hobo Jim, Alaskan legend, and thanks for being who you were. - 3 years ago

@jjinsf: @coldfootfilms I can't imagine returning to the Alaska State Fair next year without Hobo Jim. He was the spirit of Alaska. - 3 years ago

@AKMooserider: RT @libbybakalar: TBT to when I fully fan-girled Hobo Jim at the Captain Cook in February of 2020, just before the pandemic. RIP to a legen… - 3 years ago

@AK_Chick: RT @adndotcom: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis: - 3 years ago

@AK_Chick: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@slutdotna: listening to hobo Jim and working on my closing. only crying little - 3 years ago

@_adotte: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@libbybakalar: TBT to when I fully fan-girled Hobo Jim at the Captain Cook in February of 2020, just before the pandemic. RIP to a… - 3 years ago

@thejaybob: RT @akrosekim: RIP Hobo Jim. That was too fast and too sad 😔. - 3 years ago

@In___Memoriam: ✝️ Jim VARSOS, “Hobo Jim” 🗓 1952 - 2021 🗺 🇺🇸 📝 Folk singer-songwriter Varsos's songs are primarily regional and… - 3 years ago

@thejaybob: RT @caseyriankelly: RIP Hobo Jim, Alaska's balladeer. Around 2008, when I was at @KmxtNews, the station did a fundraiser based on The Gon… - 3 years ago

@kmld67: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@mdiaak54: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@CentralPenDems: RT @adndotcom: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis: - 3 years ago

@whoopsannirae: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@annfinster: RT @ChrisBoese: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis - 3 years ago

@Brett_Scruton: RT @anchlibrary: APL Remembers: Hobo Jim 1952-2021 Jim Varsos, better known as Hobo Jim, was an American folk singer-songwriter. He was one… - 3 years ago

@ChrisBoese: Alaska musician Hobo Jim dies just over two weeks after announcing end-stage cancer diagnosis - 3 years ago

@ChrisBoese: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis - 3 years ago

@jogloho: I just found out Hobo Jim died today and now I’m a sad bean )): - 3 years ago

@zyxnix: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@jjinsf: We’re living in difficult times. There is loss all around us, & I really thought I had no more tears left. But thi… - 3 years ago

@PilotTimAK: RT @lisamurkowski: The passing of Alaskan musician Hobo Jim leaves a big hole the hearts of many. For decades, his music brought joy and en… - 3 years ago

@StraightEdgeGod: Sending salutations to Hobo Jim James Varsos for his every contribution to ALASKA and sincerest sympathies to every… - 3 years ago

@JBugDes: RT @tonichelleak: If you would like to donate to help support Hobo Jim's wife Cyndi, here's the gofundme. Their goal is to raise $75,000. T… - 3 years ago

@tigris_leigh: RT @adndotcom: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis: - 3 years ago

@Serellan: RIP Hobo Jim. #Alaska - 3 years ago

@caseyriankelly: RIP Hobo Jim, Alaska's balladeer. Around 2008, when I was at @KmxtNews, the station did a fundraiser based on The… - 3 years ago

@stringofdogs: RT @Apayauq1: Rest in peace Hobo Jim. A true Alaskan legend. I saw one of his shows in Homer this summer. Here's one of my favorite favorit… - 3 years ago

@dirtyshill: RT @anchlibrary: APL Remembers: Hobo Jim 1952-2021 Jim Varsos, better known as Hobo Jim, was an American folk singer-songwriter. He was one… - 3 years ago

@Risa_amor: RT @ksrmam: KSRM received word that Alaska's State Balladier "Hobo Jim" Varsos passed away Tuesday. The Kenai Peninsula was blessed to have… - 3 years ago

@alaskandoggirl: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Hobo Jim - #HoboJim #Hobo #Jim #rip - 3 years ago

@Andonehyena: RT @adndotcom: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis: - 3 years ago

@FullMetaDuchess: Damn. I saw this guy perform a few times when I was a kid; he was a nice local figure. And the circumstances of his… - 3 years ago

@Holycowbatman1: RT @AKMooserider: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis - 3 years ago

@AKMooserider: Hobo Jim, Alaska’s balladeer, dies weeks after announcing terminal cancer diagnosis - 3 years ago

@AEDCweb: RT @AlaskaComm: We’re saddened to learn of the passing of our friend, Hobo Jim. We enjoyed listening to him and learning from him at our ev… - 3 years ago

@jazzy_2916: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@thejaybob: RT @BillWalkerAk: Alaska‘s heart is breaking today at the loss of a true legend, Jim Varsos “Hobo Jim,” a beloved friend to so many of us.… - 3 years ago

@ChickfromCali1: @AKMarkB 🌹Hobo Jim🌹 - 3 years ago

@sriffer: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@matthew_phynque: RIP Hobo Jim!! Such a wonderful sweet man! I spent two summers with him and his wonderful family on the Kenai Penin… - 3 years ago

@edyhsgr: RT @BillWalkerAk: Alaska‘s heart is breaking today at the loss of a true legend, Jim Varsos “Hobo Jim,” a beloved friend to so many of us.… - 3 years ago

@BillWalkerAk: Alaska‘s heart is breaking today at the loss of a true legend, Jim Varsos “Hobo Jim,” a beloved friend to so many o… - 3 years ago

@akzukrider: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@JoeSlacker5: RT @lisamurkowski: The passing of Alaskan musician Hobo Jim leaves a big hole the hearts of many. For decades, his music brought joy and en… - 3 years ago

@AnchorageDemoc1: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

@SithLordShadow: The heart of Alaska is breaking and Alaskans everywhere are grieving. James Varsos, our beloved State Balladeer af… - 3 years ago

@Curly_McGee: Oh this is sad. My time in Alaska as a fisheries observer was filled with experiences set to the soundtrack of Hobo… - 3 years ago

@AKMarkB: Pour one out for Hobo Jim. RIP - 3 years ago

@SheepDog865: Alaska: HOBO JIM I am Alaska - 3 years ago

@writerLyn: RT @AKNewsNow: James Varsos, better known to most as Hobo Jim and Alaska’s State Balladeer, has died. He was 68. Varsos' wife confirmed he… - 3 years ago

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