Hla Myint

Burmese economist.
Died on Friday March 10th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Hla Myint:

@myint_hla: Your the first at the days , but the plan needed first before you . - 8 years ago

@myint_hla: The some people liked at the creative ways , but the some people liked at the regular ways . - 8 years ago

@myint_hla: The ideas needed for the tweet , so try with the days as slow by slow . - 8 years ago

@myint_hla: Falling in the Views with the Day , - 8 years ago


@hlamyint1940: RT @hlamyint1940: MAW: two tweets about freedom. hla myint is a retired old civilian. - 8 years ago

@hlamyint1940: MAW: two tweets about freedom. hla myint is a retired old civilian. - 8 years ago

@hlamyint1940: (Nyunt Lwin) ဆယ္တန္းေမးခြန္းမွားတာ တာဝန္ရွိသူ ႏႈတ္ထြက္ပါ အေရးယူပါ (hla myint) ပညာေရးဝန္ၾကီးကပိုတာဝန္ရိွ... - 8 years ago

@TheSiskar: @myint_hla Thanks for following! 🙌 BTW, you can get my future blog posts by clicking "Subscribe" below👇: - 8 years ago

@myint_hla: The day as the morning , but the light not the First for the day , the Views from the Inya Lake . - 8 years ago

@BurmaNewsBot: Myanmar's forefather of modern economics, U Hla Myint, passes at age 97 - 8 years ago

@hlamyint1940: MAW: 11 march 2017. Hla Myint shared a link.ဆန္႔က်င္မႈမ... ဦး၀ီရသူအား သာသနာေရး သတိေပး - DVB - 8 years ago

@myint_hla: The part of Melia as # StunningStructures photo , - 8 years ago

@ZwePyiKyaw: RT @soeaung: Economist U Hla Myint Dies at 97 - 8 years ago

@hlamyint1940: MAW: 11 march 2017. Hla Myint shared a link.ဆန္႔က်င္မႈမ... အေရးယူမည္ဟု ဦး၀ီရသူအား သာသနာေရး သတိေပး - DVB - 8 years ago

@shwe104: Economist U Hla Myint Dies at 97 - 8 years ago

@atthewyers: Burmese economist Hla Myint died yesterday. Good news is he's in heaven tho - 8 years ago

@ian_thukhuma: #Myanmar: "Sean Turnell called U Hla Myint a sage and a classical economist" - 8 years ago

@BurmaNewsBot: Economist U Hla Myint Dies at 97 - The Irrawaddy News Magazine - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 15 169) #Burmese #Economist #U #Hla #Myint #Dies #March 9, 2017 at 97 - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Hla Myint, Burmese economist, Died at 97 - 8 years ago

@soeaung: Economist U Hla Myint Dies at 97 - 8 years ago

@AungThuraKoKo: RIP Sayargyi Dr. Hla Myint... - 8 years ago

@BurmaNewsBot: Economist U Hla Myint Dies at 97 - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Hla Myint dies - #HlaMyint #Hla #Myint #rip - 8 years ago

@IrrawaddyNews: Economist U Hla Myint dies at 97 #Myanmar #Burma - 8 years ago

@EconomyWrld: Myanmar's forefather of modern economics, U Hla Myint, passes at age 97 - Mizzima News - 8 years ago

@BurmaNewsBot: Myanmar's forefather of modern economics, U Hla Myint, passes at age 97 - 8 years ago

@burmathus: Sad 2 hear d death of U Hla Myint, economist&thinker(& philosopher).envisioned a #Myanmar of grassroots led export economy,all forgotten now - 8 years ago

@SEAsiaTraveler: RT @MizzimaNews: #Myanmar’s forefather of modern economics, U Hla Myint, passes at age 97 - 8 years ago

@MizzimaNews: #Myanmar’s forefather of modern economics, U Hla Myint, passes at age 97 - 8 years ago

@JacobClere: RT @yanoak: Sean Turnell has written a lot abt Burmese economists' contribution to the profession. Here's his piece on Hla Myint - 8 years ago

@yanoak: Sean Turnell has written a lot abt Burmese economists' contribution to the profession. Here's his piece on Hla Myint - 8 years ago

@Kim_Jolliffe: RT @yanoak: So much sad news lately: Thomas Schelling, Ken Arrow & now Myanmar's greatest economist Sayargee Hla Myint, pioneer of developm… - 8 years ago

@yanoak: So much sad news lately: Thomas Schelling, Ken Arrow & now Myanmar's greatest economist Sayargee Hla Myint, pioneer… - 8 years ago

@karmanomad: Hla Myint, hugely respected economist, a Guru of the profession, has passed away at 97. #Myanmar #Burma - 8 years ago

@aungpat: Economist U Hla Myint Dies at 97 - 8 years ago

@myint_hla: Simply style with the day as handsome # from the selfie camera was selfie stick ! - 8 years ago

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