Hisham Barakat

Egyptian prosecutor
Died on Monday June 29th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Hisham Barakat:

@3bdan_Alhoshane: #الشروق| #الزند لـ #وزير_الداخلية: حق #هشام_بركات «مش هيروح» #النائب_العام #Hisham_Barakat

@cazares_diego: RT @ajplus: Egypt's state prosecutor Hisham Barakat has been killed after a bomb ripped through his motorcade in Cairo:

@AlmsheqhN94: A bombing in Cairo killed state prosecutor Hisham Barakat and wounded 9

@MelAusBer: RT @hahellyer: The killing of Egypt's Public Prosecutor (Hisham Barakat) will be seen by Cairo as an escalation. The response is unlikely t…


@MelAusBer: RT @SultanAlQassemi: Images of assassination of Egypt's Public Prosecutor Hisham Barakat reminiscent of Hariri assassination a decade ago h…

@MohamedElibiary: LBJ famously said better 2 have man inside tent pissing outward than other way. Wagdi eulogies Hisham Barakat:

@3fashahK69: Egyptian state prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, was killed in bombing attack on motorcade

@jesialbat: Hisham Barakat, Egypt's prosecutor general, is assassinated in a car bombing.

@HajjiADavis: RT @democracynow: “Hisham Barakat is the first top official to be killed in Egypt in a quarter of a century.” @sharifkouddous.

@AlslmeB91: بالصور من زوايا عدة .. موقع اغتيال النائب العام المصري هشام بركات #CNNArabic

@Nervana_1: My weekly round-up of news, reports, and analyses from #Egypt

@DaliaEzzat_: RT @TomFStevenson: The case of Hisham Barakat's assassination is now being dealt with by Amn al-Watany prosecutors.

@TexasArabians: RT @TomFStevenson: The case of Hisham Barakat's assassination is now being dealt with by Amn al-Watany prosecutors.

@TomFStevenson: The case of Hisham Barakat's assassination is now being dealt with by Amn al-Watany prosecutors.

@Als3oeU86: #الشروق| #الزند لـ #وزير_الداخلية: حق #هشام_بركات «مش هيروح» #النائب_العام #Hisham_Barakat

@e3qobaltoerqe95: #الشروق| «الرئاسة» تنعي «#هشام_بركات».. وتعلن وقف احتفالات 30 يونيو #النائب_العام #Hisham_Barakat

@barakat_1408: RT @adil_a_32: احمد المعلم يضحك ع جمهور الغﻻبة*ي زول ماهي ناقصة ترى جمهور الاهلي صابرة ع الدوري 33 سنة.😂 @hisham_marz @a_almualim

@AarondashDash: RT @BBCAfrica: Egypt's state prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, has died of his injuries after a car bomb attack in the capital Cairo.

@TWISARLOU: RT @LowlandsSN: UPDATE: #Egypt's state prosecutor killed in #Cairo bomb attack, #Hisham #Barakat @

@leszekfurtakcom: 9/12 [#Sinai #ISIS] took place with the Egyptian army on high alert, two days after a Cairo bombing in which chief prosecutor Hisham Barakat

@naobeast: RT @fuuchanmaruchan: サウジアラビアによるイエメンの首都サヌアにある国連施設への空爆、非軍事施設に対する攻撃に対しイランが非難声明。イスラエルによるガザ地区への空爆の時にも同様の事があったけど、なぜか日本のメディアでは報道されない不思議…。PressTV:h…

@MiniaUniversit1: Minia University Council mourns Egypt's Public Prosecutor Hisham Barakat

@KevinAl41781964: Egypt prosecutor Hisham Barakat killed in Cairo attack on

@AhmedM0rsy: Security challenges -- The assassination of Hisham Barakat raises questions over the strategy being adopted to...

@jeffznikekb27: RT @SkyNewsBreak: Egypt's public prosecutor Hisham Barakat has died from injuries sustained in a bomb attack on his convoy in #Cairo

@cura_alsaban: #retweet: RT AJENews: Egypt state prosecutor Hisham Barakat killed in Cairo bomb attack

@jeffznikekb27: RT @AJENews: Egypt state prosecutor Hisham Barakat killed in Cairo bomb attack

@divinamour: RT @StateDept: US condemns in strongest possible terms the terrorist attack which killed #Egypt Public Prosecutor Hisham Barakat.

@alharthy111111: RT @KingSalmanEN: The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques @KingSalman condoles #Egyptian President on death of Counselor Hisham Barakat. http…

@RenaNetjes: Zoon van vermoorde PG Hisham Barakat op zaak tegen Morsi:

@OptimistEgypt: RT @sherryamin13: Son of assassinated attorney general Hisham barakat in prosecution team in Morsi " espionage " trial for first time

@hussain_aadil: RT @sherryamin13: Son of assassinated attorney general Hisham barakat in prosecution team in Morsi " espionage " trial for first time

@sherryamin13: Son of assassinated attorney general Hisham barakat in prosecution team in Morsi " espionage " trial for first time

@hyena_lover: @waleedsharaby It is all catching up to him. Hisham Barakat's assassination followed by ISIS's attacks put El-Sisi on the run.

@hyena_lover: @Saidalaraby1234 @waiel65 Hisham Barakat was killed by the same security police that will kill El-Sisi as soon as they can clip him.

@hyena_lover: @amansouraja Hisham Barakat's death rendered your case moot. Barakat was assassinated soon after he chased you in Germany.

@Mr3e_Alfahade: عامل بمدرسة: أخرجت #النائب_العام من سيارته بعد الانفجار وأحضرت له ماء وأجلسته تحت شجرة ليلتقط أنفاسه

@laila2015laila1: بالفيديو.. ضجة في مصر حول إشارة مرسي "بالذبح" بعد تفجير استهدف النائب العام

@AlhrazeS1982: عامل بمدرسة خاصة: أخرجت #النائب_العام من سيارته بعد الانفجار وأحضرت له ماء وأجلسته تحت شجرة

@jg_simpson: RT @NBCNews: Hisham Barakat, Egypt's state prosecutor, dies after attack on his Cairo convoy

@shakhalina2: Egypt's public prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, has died of his injuries after a bomb attack on his car in Cairo, officials say.

@peachjungle: Hisham Barakat

@MhmdAlmhmde84: Hisham Barakat is the most senior Egyptian official to be assassinated since Morsi was ousted

@peachjungle: Hisham Barakat

@fezmy: RT @AbdMalekHussin: Egypt prosecutor Hisham Barakat 'killed in Cairo attack' | BBC News

@SonsOfEgypt: هيومن رايتس ووتش: 201506MENA_Egypt_Prosecutor_Hisham_Barakat

@3ead_Jabr: #الشروق| «#الجامعة_العربية»: خالص العزاء لأسرة «#هشام_بركات» ولـ #مصر #النائب_العام #Hisham_Barakat

@ahmdsaadalmasry: RT @alaraby_en: Rabaa al-Adaweya Square will now be known as Hisham Barakat Square. #هشام_بركات #رابعة_العدوية http:…

@eontransform: Egypt's Top Prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, Is Killed by Roadside Bomb in retaliation for judicial crackdown

@salihkarwan17: @mrubin1971 @Commentary @AEIfdp assassination of Hisham Barakat is an inside job!!!

@mccannsbella: RT @FCOJohnCasson: I condemn the terrorist murder of Hisham Barakat -an attack on Egypt & on us all. We grieve with Egyptians & will defeat…

@AlAhramWeekly: Hisham-Barakat---The-people’s-lawyer - Al-Ahram Weekly

@Egypte_actus: #AlAhramWeekly #Egypte #sécurité L'assassinat du Procureur général Hisham Barakat soulève des questions sur la...

@videoswagtv: Car Bomb Kills Egypt's Top Public Prosecutor: Bystanders desperately try to save Hisham Barakat, after his convoy…

@HAIRDO2DT: PressTV: Iran slams Saudi airstrike on UN office in Yemen

@HAIRDO2DT: PressTV-Iran slams Saudi raid on UN Yemen office

@Mohamedkamel99: RT @SultanAlQassemi: Images of assassination of Egypt's Public Prosecutor Hisham Barakat reminiscent of Hariri assassination a decade ago h…

@AhmedHMourad: RT @jgulhane: Judge Nagy Shehata says he's not afraid after threat against him from Wilayat Sinai & the killing of Hisham Barakat

@egyptwatch_org: #EgyptWatch 201506MENA_Egypt_Prosecutor_Hisham_Barakat: Language English A car damaged as ...

@samelayn: RT @cnnarabic: بالفيديو.. ضجة في #مصر حول إشارة #مرسي "بالذبح" بعد تفجير استهدف #النائب_العام:

@artoh242: RT @SasaPostMedia: بالـ #صور ، كيف بدا #موقع #حادثة اغتيال #النائب_العام المصري

@snowjava: The most prominent was assassination of the Attorney-General Hisham Barakat, although there have been many others.

@NorAfroWatch: #NorthAfrica Egyptian Assassinations and Islamist Escalation: On June 29, Prosecutor-General Hisham Barakat ...

@abiazzahra: RT @IslamRahman: Regarding Hisham Barakat assassination,can anyone explain how with massive explosion his driver is fine while Barakat with…

@TheDocKhan: RT @weskandar: Things to think about: - Hisham Barakat was the only one killed in the explosion that supposedly killed him -...

@Lady_Mondiale: RT @EgyptPulse: #photooftheday Policemen investigate site of car bomb that killed public prosecutor Hisham Barakat, #Cairo, June 29

@Lady_Mondiale: RT @EgyptPulse: #photooftheday Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi Mosque during funeral of state prosecutor Hisham Barakat, #Cairo, July 1 http:…

@LilShermy: updated: The Master and the Slave

@AlMonitor: RT @EgyptPulse: #photooftheday Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi Mosque during funeral of state prosecutor Hisham Barakat, #Cairo, July 1 http:…

@EgyptPulse: #photooftheday Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi Mosque during funeral of state prosecutor Hisham Barakat, #Cairo, July 1

@BabaSaif: RT @IslamRahman: Regarding Hisham Barakat assassination,can anyone explain how with massive explosion his driver is fine while Barakat with…

@IhsaanKhadim145: RT @IslamRahman: Regarding Hisham Barakat assassination,can anyone explain how with massive explosion his driver is fine while Barakat with…

@taherelbasha756: RT @IslamRahman: Regarding Hisham Barakat assassination,can anyone explain how with massive explosion his driver is fine while Barakat with…

@MaryamaliAli438: RT @IslamRahman: Regarding Hisham Barakat assassination,can anyone explain how with massive explosion his driver is fine while Barakat with…

@yassersherif360: RT @IslamRahman: Regarding Hisham Barakat assassination,can anyone explain how with massive explosion his driver is fine while Barakat with…

@ahmedtaha3601: RT @IslamRahman: Regarding Hisham Barakat assassination,can anyone explain how with massive explosion his driver is fine while Barakat with…

@TimbuktuTexas: RT @StateDept: US condemns in strongest possible terms the terrorist attack which killed #Egypt Public Prosecutor Hisham Barakat.

@stampgems: RT @IslamRahman: Regarding Hisham Barakat assassination,can anyone explain how with massive explosion his driver is fine while Barakat with…

@chen_intai: #埃及政府1日通過具爭議性的反恐法,未來將加快對暴力和恐怖攻擊案件的審判程序,藉此因應恐怖主義威脅。 在總檢察長巴拉卡特(Hisham Barakat)遭汽車炸彈攻擊而死亡後,埃及總統塞西(Abdel Fattah...

@annafleischer14: RT @maishams: #MENA: #Egypt prosecution issues a gag order on the investigations related to the assassination of Prosecutor General Hisham …

@FouadMD: RT @maishams: #MENA: #Egypt prosecution issues a gag order on the investigations related to the assassination of Prosecutor General Hisham …

@Run_Rana: RT @maishams: #MENA: #Egypt prosecution issues a gag order on the investigations related to the assassination of Prosecutor General Hisham …

@OlaBNoureldin: RT @maishams: #MENA: #Egypt prosecution issues a gag order on the investigations related to the assassination of Prosecutor General Hisham …

@maishams: #MENA: #Egypt prosecution issues a gag order on the investigations related to the assassination of Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat

@EngineerKhamis: RT @HafsaHalawa: Wow, that didn't even take 24 hours: there officially and legally goes Due Process in Egypt:

@GambLuca: RT @tweesop: RT @weskandar: Things to think about: - Hisham Barakat was supposedly the only one killed in the explosion ..

@YosvanyteleSUR: #Egipto: El lunes un atentado cobró la vida del Fiscal General Hisham Barakat

@OptimistEgypt: RT @weskandar: Things to think about: - Hisham Barakat was the only one killed in the explosion that supposedly killed him -...

@IhabAbuel3nein: RT @weskandar: Things to think about: - Hisham Barakat was the only one killed in the explosion that supposedly killed him -...

@tweesop: RT @weskandar: Things to think about: - Hisham Barakat was supposedly the only one killed in the explosion ..

@weskandar: Things to think about: - Hisham Barakat was the only one killed in the explosion that supposedly killed him -...

@shaymabahy: RT @democracynow: “Hisham Barakat is the first top official to be killed in Egypt in a quarter of a century.” @sharifkouddous.

@egypt_jp: IS系組織、エジプト・シナイ半島を攻撃 70人超死亡: 先月29日にはヒシャム・バラカト(Hisham Barakat)検事総長(64)が、首都カイロ(Cairo)で自動車爆弾により死亡している。2013年にムハンマド・…

@Ahmedtwitt: RT @democracynow: “Hisham Barakat is the first top official to be killed in Egypt in a quarter of a century.” @sharifkouddous.

@MBlackHatForum: Egypt's Top Prosecutor Hisham Barakat Dies After Convoy Is Attacked -

@stsheetrock: Hisham Barakat was lucky that ain’t beheaded but smoked for sending Sisi’s nemeses to…

@minatenison: RT @StateDept: US condemns in strongest possible terms the terrorist attack which killed #Egypt Public Prosecutor Hisham Barakat.

@TheTardyMuezzin: Karnak; Hisham Barakat; now Sinai. When people (MB) feel like they have no outlet, violence (IS) is sure to follow.

@gg_mc2: RT @Radio3tweet: #SINAI #ISIS attacco posti di blocco esercito egiziano molto violento, probabilmente legato a omicidio Hisham Barakat http…

@MarinaSereni: RT @Radio3tweet: #SINAI #ISIS attacco posti di blocco esercito egiziano molto violento, probabilmente legato a omicidio Hisham Barakat http…

@Radio3tweet: #SINAI #ISIS attacco posti di blocco esercito egiziano molto violento, probabilmente legato a omicidio Hisham Barakat

@CapeMayMeg: RT @Cairotoday: Egyptian children look towards the site of a bombing that killed Egypt’s top prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, in Cairo

@mzw007: "The security situation in Egypt has worsened since the assassination of the public prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, two days ago..."

@ondemande9: Peristiwa terbunuhnya jaksa agung Mesir, Hisham Barakat, dalam sebuah serangan bom di dekat rumah tinggalnya, ...

@Irsyad_Ali: Banyak Keraguan Selimuti Sebab Kematian Jaksa Agung Mesir: Peristiwa terbunuhnya jaksa agung Mesir, Hisham Barakat,…

@yukaritakasugi: RT @vicenews: Video shows aftermath of car bomb that killed Egypt's top prosector Hisham Barakat:

@YanaVI_: RT @arrahmah: Ikhwanul Muslimin: Rezim Sisi berperan dalam pembunuhan jaksa Hisham Barakat

@EgiptoNoticias: Murió el fiscal general de Egipto, Hisham barakat, tras un atentado ... -

@arabstodayEN: PLO condemns assassination of Egypt's Hisham Barakat...

@arabstodayEN: Orthodox Church takes part in Hisham Barakat's mourning ceremony...

@Sadikwarfa: Egypt’s most senior prosecutor Hisham Barakat, has been killed by a car bomb that hit his motorcade in Cairo. The...

@PriscillA1arson: President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who vowed to adopt tougher measures following the killing of state prosecutor Hisham Barakat on Monday, is …

@sgtastemakers: President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who vowed to adopt tougher measures following the killing of state prosecutor Hisham Barakat on Monday, is …

@skinroller: RT @PhyIis: Egypt’s top prosecutor Hisham Barakat killed in attack on convoy

@TurkiZaidan: RT @SaudiEmbassyUSA: #SaudiArabia condemns deadly attack on Egyptian Prosecutor General Hisham Barakat; reiterates support for #Egypt http:…

@whisper4life: RT @KingSalmanEN: The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques @KingSalman condoles #Egyptian President on death of Counselor Hisham Barakat. http…

@harnanshan: RT @KentUNCBC: UN Security Council calls attack in Egypt that killed public prosecutor Hisham Barakat & injured others a 'reprehensible act…

@bent_jeddah_79: اشاره العياط لانصاره المجرمين بالذبح من داخل القفص قبل اغتيال النائب العام سلملي على الاخوان السلميين 😏

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