Hiromi Tsuru

Japanese voice actress (Dragon Ball
Died on Friday November 17th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Hiromi Tsuru:

@Jhonflakes: Mucha gente cree que la muerte de Hiromi Tsuru (la que hace el doblaje de Bulma en Dragon Ball) es irrelevante debi… - 7 years ago

@Facundo36048331: RT @VegettoU16: Hice este dibujo en honor en Hiromi Tsuru// - 7 years ago

@gokusaiyanblu: RT @VegettoU16: Hice este dibujo en honor en Hiromi Tsuru// - 7 years ago

@Jotrix011: Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - 7 years ago


@BlackCA17: RT @VegettoU16: Hice este dibujo en honor en Hiromi Tsuru// - 7 years ago

@CJAcevedo20: RT @BandaiNamcoUS: Thank you, Hiromi Tsuru for everything that you've done! You will always be our Bulma. 😢 - 7 years ago

@CJAcevedo20: RT @Fairie_Tails: This artwork broke my heart :( RIP Hiromi Tsuru, thank you for sharing your talent with us and bringing Bulma, one of the… - 7 years ago

@JuanOlm89: RT @Bosslogic: Rest in peace Hiromi Tsuru :( - 7 years ago

@jkrmetalgear: RT @MGSagaWorld: Descanse en paz Hiromi Tsuru, voz japonesa de Naomi Hunter. También dobló a Bulma en todas las versiones de Dragon Ball. h… - 7 years ago

@adriwimpi: RT @MGSagaWorld: Descanse en paz Hiromi Tsuru, voz japonesa de Naomi Hunter. También dobló a Bulma en todas las versiones de Dragon Ball. h… - 7 years ago

@karlapecas1616: RT @chidori_18: Hiromi Tsuru, voz de Bulma en japonés, nos ha dejado con lágrimas y un dolor tan profundo. Gracias por dejarnos tu legado e… - 7 years ago

@TheMediaTable: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 7 years ago

@Bret_Furtado_09: Completely heartbroken to hear one of my favorite voices has passed away. Hiromi Tsuru was the one and only voice o… - 7 years ago

@typicalromeo: RT @PotatoGrowtopia: Hiromi Tsuru died. BULMA'S VOICE ACTOR IS DEAD. god help - 7 years ago

@DanielArnott_: RT @LaChaineMangas: La voix de ce personnage mythique de #DragonBall est morte... - 7 years ago

@Lhaycelie64: Ces 11 fan arts rendent hommage à Hiromi Tsuru, la voix de Bulma - 7 years ago

@KnightmareBeast: RT @AnimeMojo: It Turns Out Last Week's Dragonballsuper Episode DID Acknowledge Hiromi Tsuru's Passing - 7 years ago

@AnimeMojo: It Turns Out Last Week's Dragonballsuper Episode DID Acknowledge Hiromi Tsuru's Passing - 7 years ago

@ShenronVibes: RT @BiteSizeHybrid: Sad to hear that the voice actor for Bulma Hiromi Tsuru passed away it aches my heart 😢 may she rest in peace 😔😞 #RipHi… - 7 years ago

@cJiroctout: RT @cJiroctout: RIP Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@AnimeEchannel: videos ineditos de la muerte de Hiromi Tsuru , no te los puedes perder!! - 7 years ago

@PonyMajestic: RT @BandaiNamcoUS: Thank you, Hiromi Tsuru for everything that you've done! You will always be our Bulma. 😢 - 7 years ago

@cJiroctout: RIP Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@MilliesTVTime: RT @Zenrotto: It's being reported that the voice actress for Bulma, Hiromi Tsuru, has passed away. Everyone take a moment to remember her a… - 7 years ago

@fvcktima: RT @Zenrotto: It's being reported that the voice actress for Bulma, Hiromi Tsuru, has passed away. Everyone take a moment to remember her a… - 7 years ago

@Jesulinythomas: RT @IrvingCTorres18: Ya casi sale amigos, y justo llega la noticia de que su actriz de voz Hiromi Tsuru falleció mi más sentido pésame, esp… - 7 years ago

@MellyMelz_: RT @ChiSupreme: So I just drew Bulma from DBZ, in memory of Hiromi tsuru, the lady who does her voice over💗 - 7 years ago

@EricCharme: Qepd Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@MSebas2007: "Almacenes Tía" Hiromi tsuru, chester de linkin park y tia :( - 7 years ago

@Ipmansensei: RT @DokkanBattleFR: 🙏Vous aussi, rendez hommage à Madame Hiromi Tsuru, célèbre comédienne et voix originale japonaise de #Bulma (pas que),… - 7 years ago

@MicroEscenas: El emotivo mensaje que Dragon Ball Super le dejó a Hiromi Tsuru, voz de Bulma - 7 years ago

@o0_sh0miiiiiiB_: RT @MasakoX: Hiromi Tsuru was one of the Dragon Ball trinity from the FIRST EPISODE. Her loss is tragic, but her contribution to the show w… - 7 years ago

@ramneetg_: As a tribute to Hiromi Tsuru, I will now embark in rewatching Dragon Ball GT. Only doing it cause Bulma still play… - 7 years ago

@SiaKate: estamos há uma semana sem Hiromi Tsuru </3 - 7 years ago

@flyingpizzajr: Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - 7 years ago

@Mugen_Player: Gostei de um vídeo @YouTube - 7 years ago

@Arvadites_DAL: RT @ToeiAnimation: Now words can express how sad we are about the tragic passing of Hiromi Tsuru, who gave life to Bulma for more than 30 y… - 7 years ago

@SoulBroRyu: @LordDearche My hope is that @ArcSystemWorksU & @BandaiNamcoUS already thought of this and had Hiromi Tsuru record… - 7 years ago

@Chelxvechki: RT @Gokuist: Deeply hurt by the news. We should celebrate her life and work and what she brought for us all. She will always be in a place,… - 7 years ago

@NinjaNeko4: RT @Zenrotto: It's being reported that the voice actress for Bulma, Hiromi Tsuru, has passed away. Everyone take a moment to remember her a… - 7 years ago

@LilianaTutos: RT @briisa_blaze: quise hacer un homenaje a Hiromi Tsuru quien hace la voz de bulma, un personaje muy lindo y muy especial ya que es parte… - 7 years ago

@a411535: RT @SomosEspagueti: El emotivo mensaje que con el que Dragon Ball se despidió de la actriz que le daba voz a Bulma. - 7 years ago

@Sr_Jona1: RT @ChekoAguilar92: Antier dieron la noticia de que había fallecido Hiromi Tsuru, voz original y actual de Bulma, y fue un hecho lamentable… - 7 years ago

@dhcast: RT @SomosEspagueti: El emotivo mensaje que con el que Dragon Ball se despidió de la actriz que le daba voz a Bulma. - 7 years ago

@SomosEspagueti: El emotivo mensaje que con el que Dragon Ball se despidió de la actriz que le daba voz a Bulma.… - 7 years ago

@U7Super17: RT @U7KidGohan: #ImThankfulFor Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@U7KidGohan: #ImThankfulFor Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@PhineusA: RT @RosauraGerissen: Had to do this Good bye Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@PlayartCrew: RT @db_times: Hiromi Tsuru, voix de Bulma, est décédée, retrouvée inconsciente au volant de sa voiture... Repose en paix... 😢😭 - 7 years ago

@BlackyGoku: RT @DRAGONBALLFANS9: Tengo una mala noticia a todos los fans dragón hiromi tsuru voz de bulma en japones murió por un choque automovilístic… - 7 years ago

@Official_TVC: RT @BandaiNamcoUS: Thank you, Hiromi Tsuru for everything that you've done! You will always be our Bulma. 😢 - 7 years ago

@Cheche_Moh: RT @DokkanBattleFR: 🙏Vous aussi, rendez hommage à Madame Hiromi Tsuru, célèbre comédienne et voix originale japonaise de #Bulma (pas que),… - 7 years ago

@sean_ave: RT @Zenrotto: It's being reported that the voice actress for Bulma, Hiromi Tsuru, has passed away. Everyone take a moment to remember her a… - 7 years ago

@Kojo208: RT @Herms98: Ryo Horikawa (voice of Vegeta) responds to Hiromi Tsuru's death: “This is truly a bolt out of the blue! Absolutely unbelievab… - 7 years ago

@JBE2706: RT @9GAG: Fans Pay Tribute To Bulma's Late Voice Actress Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@Samseiya2: RT @MrToshii: Je réfléchissais à un truc à propos de Hiromi Tsuru, ce serait stylé et un Super hommage si sur #DOKKANBATTLE ils sortent une… - 7 years ago

@BobbyGoodJob: RT @SaruElMonkey: #DOKKANBATTLE Je veux un MAX de RT pour ce post que @dokkan_official puissent le voir et en faire une carte en hommage à… - 7 years ago

@Frankastar: RT @Ryo_Sensei_TV: La vie ne tient qu’à un file les amis, profitez de ceux que vous aimez pendant que vous le pouvez encore.. Repose en pa… - 7 years ago

@ky_td: RT @ChiSupreme: So I just drew Bulma from DBZ, in memory of Hiromi tsuru, the lady who does her voice over💗 - 7 years ago

@obasan_qw: RT @ToeiAnimation: Now words can express how sad we are about the tragic passing of Hiromi Tsuru, who gave life to Bulma for more than 30 y… - 7 years ago

@obasan_qw: RT @lilnorthkorea: R.I.P. Hiromi Tsuru, the voice of Bulma. 31 amazing years of making one of the most famous female characters in anime co… - 7 years ago

@obasan_qw: RT @GodIyGoku: Hiromi Tsuru; the beloved voice actress for Bulma on Dragon Ball Super, has unexpectedly died today due to an unfortunate ca… - 7 years ago

@obasan_qw: RT @Lucifer__Vali: The first friend this Saiyan saw. Rest in peace Hiromi Tsuru, your legacy will be immortalised through us. - 7 years ago

@obasan_qw: RT @RisingGuro: Hiromi Tsuru's final words for bulma - 7 years ago

@Akanatsu81: RT @MrToshii: Je réfléchissais à un truc à propos de Hiromi Tsuru, ce serait stylé et un Super hommage si sur #DOKKANBATTLE ils sortent une… - 7 years ago

@Philipolssonthe: RT @SabrinaTheBunny: Going as Bulma today at ANT in memoriam of Hiromi Tsuru💙 - 7 years ago

@WichoVegaV: Muere Bulma (Hiromi Tsuru) en la vida real: - 7 years ago

@Zelda2997: RT @FUNimation: We are at a loss for words. Rest In Peace, Hiromi Tsuru. Your work impacted our lives beyond measure. - 7 years ago

@chaonyx: RT @lilnorthkorea: R.I.P. Hiromi Tsuru, the voice of Bulma. 31 amazing years of making one of the most famous female characters in anime co… - 7 years ago

@Zelda2997: RT @FUNimation: The last few days, we've celebrated the ladies of Dragon Ball. Today, it's only right that we celebrate the most iconic one… - 7 years ago

@love8888881: RT @lilnorthkorea: R.I.P. Hiromi Tsuru, the voice of Bulma. 31 amazing years of making one of the most famous female characters in anime co… - 7 years ago

@love8888881love: RT @lilnorthkorea: R.I.P. Hiromi Tsuru, the voice of Bulma. 31 amazing years of making one of the most famous female characters in anime co… - 7 years ago

@Rag3rogu3s: RT @BandaiNamcoUS: Thank you, Hiromi Tsuru for everything that you've done! You will always be our Bulma. 😢 - 7 years ago

@FumikageToko: RT @Sososos87: C'est troooop triste 😭😭 Reposes en paix Hiromi Tsuru ❤🙏 - 7 years ago

@_Squanchy_: RT @KentaroPJJ: I just got an iPad Pro and I’ve been meaning to do a tribute piece. So this is my first iPad Pro piece. I’m still sad! RIP… - 7 years ago

@KTonarella: RT @ToeiAnimation: Now words can express how sad we are about the tragic passing of Hiromi Tsuru, who gave life to Bulma for more than 30 y… - 7 years ago

@sofiane_khf: RT @Marty_japan: Hommage à la TV JP. Hiromi Tsuru est bien décédée suite à un problème de cœur. En pleine conduite, elle a ressenti une dou… - 7 years ago

@LokotronPadron: Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - 7 years ago

@Blayofficial: RT @ChiSupreme: So I just drew Bulma from DBZ, in memory of Hiromi tsuru, the lady who does her voice over💗 - 7 years ago

@MJuiceMan: RT @booska_p: Une légende s'est éteinte... 😢 - 7 years ago

@DeviousDorian: RT @RedVioletti: Thank you for all those years, my tribute to Hiromi Tsuru. Rest In Peace, you’ll be missed 😢 - 7 years ago

@naafay_awan: @RPToriyama R.I.P Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@Tarodia: RT @DerekPadula: The Japanese voice actors for Vegeta and Yamcha have a drink in honor of Hiromi Tsuru, the recently departed voice of Bulm… - 7 years ago

@BenjaHodges: RT @FueraDelControl: Lamentable noticia. Hiromi Tsuru, quien prestaba su voz a #Bulma en Dragon Ball, Z y Super, ha fallecido a la edad de… - 7 years ago

@_meech4: RT @Zenrotto: It's being reported that the voice actress for Bulma, Hiromi Tsuru, has passed away. Everyone take a moment to remember her a… - 7 years ago

@KanniuXV: RT @yamthesaiyan: Hiromi Tsuru voiced Lufy from Gal Force and Leona from Dominion Tank Police. She was an essential part of my childhood be… - 7 years ago

@AlmightyStross: RT @DerekPadula: The Japanese voice actors for Vegeta and Yamcha have a drink in honor of Hiromi Tsuru, the recently departed voice of Bulm… - 7 years ago

@DorianMunguia: Me gustó un video de @YouTube - 7 years ago

@TaruneToon: RT @DerekPadula: The Japanese voice actors for Vegeta and Yamcha have a drink in honor of Hiromi Tsuru, the recently departed voice of Bulm… - 7 years ago

@aldiansyahmin: RT @9GAG: Fans Pay Tribute To Bulma's Late Voice Actress Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@Zomanna: RT @Hitekfr: [Zone 42] Ces fan arts rendent hommage à Hiromi Tsuru, la voix de Bulma - 7 years ago

@KikeMoratalaz: 😔 - 7 years ago

@leaconedera0302: RT @MrDorian71: Donc pour résumer, voici les derniers mots de Bulma / Hiromi Tsuru dans l'histoire de Dragon Ball (à l'épisode 96 de #Drago… - 7 years ago

@Allrestinpeace: RT @Fairie_Tails: This artwork broke my heart :( RIP Hiromi Tsuru, thank you for sharing your talent with us and bringing Bulma, one of the… - 7 years ago

@Allrestinpeace: RT @ChekoAguilar92: Antier dieron la noticia de que había fallecido Hiromi Tsuru, voz original y actual de Bulma, y fue un hecho lamentable… - 7 years ago

@7_color_world: ブルマの声の方だったんですね…。亀仙人、クリリン、チャオズが生き返った時の「お帰りなさい!」の声が好きでした。改めてご冥福を。 - 7 years ago

@strictmachine: RT @MarukiHurakami: "What do I care about seeing your dirty old fanny?" best scene in anime #pixelart rip Hiromi Tsuru - 7 years ago

@EhMatrox: Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - 7 years ago

@_LePew: RT @AnimeMatsuri: Rest in piece Hiromi Tsuru🌹 - 7 years ago

@tombstone_city: RT @DerekPadula: The Japanese voice actors for Vegeta and Yamcha have a drink in honor of Hiromi Tsuru, the recently departed voice of Bulm… - 7 years ago

@Yadira444: Muchas gracias Nicolas Ponce, por este precioso homenaje a Hiromi Tsuru me llegó al alma, felicitaciones mi niño... - 7 years ago

@LeixiaMae: @KestinHoward You may R.I.P the amazing Hiromi Tsuru! 😘😘😘💙💜💗💓💕💖💞 - 7 years ago

@CarlosPRV: RT @PaniniMangaMx: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Hiromi Tsuru. Seiyuu de Bulma en Dragon Ball, Ukyo Kuonji en Ranma 1/2 y muchos muchos má… - 7 years ago

@Carlo_comics: RT @Hitekfr: [Zone 42] Ces fan arts rendent hommage à Hiromi Tsuru, la voix de Bulma - 7 years ago

@MartinXB3: RT @Hitekfr: [Zone 42] Ces fan arts rendent hommage à Hiromi Tsuru, la voix de Bulma - 7 years ago

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