
Cuba born French textile artist.
Died on Thursday October 12th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Hessie:

@HR_Hessie: RT @samever: Lots of interest in the @StarlingDev #OpenBanking APIs at #hackference. Great ideas being worked on, excited to see the result… - 7 years ago

@galeristesparis: RT @_ArnaudLefebvre: Des fleurs pour Hessie Accrochage en mémoire de Hessie du 24 au 28 octobre 2017 - 7 years ago

@HR_Hessie: RT @sarahguha: Fab news for the weekend! @StarlingBank is a favourite! #starlinggoals - 7 years ago

@MaupiEnCo: @SweeneyToddy1 goedemorgen Sweeney en Hessie. Een leuke en gezellige dag vandaag - 7 years ago


@hessie_byerly: @JoyceMeyer Exactly right but you have to read God's word to be able to let it change your mind! - 7 years ago

@HR_Hessie: RT @StarlingBank: Look out for the @StarlingDev team at #hackference Birmingham today & this weekend - they've got plenty of Starling goodi… - 7 years ago

@_ArnaudLefebvre: Des fleurs pour Hessie Accrochage en mémoire de Hessie du 24 au 28 octobre 2017 - 7 years ago

@Steve_Price_: @StarlingDev @HR_Hessie I need to get hold of these socks I keep seeing! Shipping to Australia? - 7 years ago

@HR_Hessie: RT @StarlingDev: Excited for@starlingbank to be at #hackference (with plenty of socks!) 🙈 - 7 years ago

@HR_Hessie: Kicking off @hackferencebrum with a nice code of conduct: "tl;dr - be excellent to each other" 💪✨ #hackference - 7 years ago

@MaupiEnCo: @SweeneyToddy1 goedemorgen Sweeney en Hessie. Een mooie en fijne dag vandaag - 7 years ago

@Joe_Gierlach: RT @lawnmeems: A new day, a new adventure. #wildminds @ Hessie Trailhead - 7 years ago

@Joe_Gierlach: RT @MeganMillss: FALLing into Winter here in CO. Photocred: @zacharymills @ Hessie - 7 years ago

@maieerin: @_JessBean Hessie - 7 years ago

@hessie_byerly: @JoyceMeyer I try to do that everyday and find something joyful in my life because the joy of the Lord is my strength! Hallelujah!!!! - 7 years ago

@hessie_byerly: @TuckerCarlson @brithume @FoxNews Amen to that Tucker! - 7 years ago

@hessie_byerly: @PastorJohnHagee Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter Sandy and hope she has a blessed day! - 7 years ago

@HR_Hessie: @gdavidb7 How great would that be! 😄 - 7 years ago

@MaupiEnCo: @SweeneyToddy1 goedemorgen Sweeney en Hessie. Een mooie en leuke dag vandaag - 7 years ago

@correards: À la galerie Arnaud Lefebvre il y aura Des fleurs pour Hessie du 24 au 28 octobre... - 7 years ago

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