Hermann Zapf

German typeface designer.
Died on Thursday June 4th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Hermann Zapf:

@rraedesign: RT @sthoths: In Memoriam : Hermann Zapf http://t.co/Qj1FlNXzu6

@ScripTeach: RIP Hermann Zapf, designer of my favorite font, Palatino, and many more. http://t.co/lGfEWX4FOO

@Andrew_Slttr: ❍✔✯♠: why we ❤ Zapf Dingbats http://t.co/cxxlcI2JoR

@CorrieGM: Boyfriend just backed The Hermann Zapf Sketchbook Project on @Kickstarter http://t.co/W4aTOcT05g


@bobzlenz: This is a wonderful piece on Hermann Zapf. Love words then love letters then love Zapf http://t.co/9H1lovMSqQ #RIPZapf

@Helmo_foodesign: Type Legend Hermann Zapf Dies http://t.co/5hO5JF34Gc

@SnowTape: Hermann #Zapf 1918 - 2015 R.I.P. https://t.co/tiZerFMTVF

@benkiel: RT @sthoths: In Memoriam : Hermann Zapf http://t.co/Qj1FlNXzu6

@Fontblog: RT @sthoths: In Memoriam : Hermann Zapf http://t.co/Qj1FlNXzu6

@grahmmcarthur: RT @sthoths: In Memoriam : Hermann Zapf http://t.co/Qj1FlNXzu6

@rreibstein: RT @sthoths: In Memoriam : Hermann Zapf http://t.co/Qj1FlNXzu6

@sthoths: In Memoriam : Hermann Zapf http://t.co/Qj1FlNXzu6

@samjmhill: RT @SignalType: Zapf gets the major media obit he's been owed: http://t.co/1GZMcTSLPf

@aldofontana: RT @curiousoctopus: Farewell to Hermann Zapf, font designer "whose letters are found everywhere:" http://t.co/PWq9BtY5M0 http://t.co/Q2OA1L…

@enricabacch: RT @curiousoctopus: Farewell to Hermann Zapf, font designer "whose letters are found everywhere:" http://t.co/PWq9BtY5M0 http://t.co/Q2OA1L…

@mimishonin: RT @kazui_press: ヘルマン ・ ツァップ さんのスケッチ ブック プロジェクトが発表になりましたね。私は以前実物をツァップ さんのお宅で拝見しましたが、息が止まるほど精密で美しい物でした。小林章さんも協力していてその話は聞いていたのでとても嬉しいです。https…

@GailRosenthal: For all you #dingbats aficionados... RIP Hermann Zapf #thisistrue http://t.co/DjLbfGC7aV

@G_Feinstein: "@nytimes: His typeface designs are everywhere you look. Hermann Zapf has died at 96 http://t.co/THFujlh4pc http://t.co/vxlWjAr3Yn"

@uscricketer: Sad to learn of Hermann Zapf's passing. What an inspiration he was for so many! The art of Hermann Zapf http://t.co/jrW0q1UFNl

@Luu_Petite: RT @graffica_info: Muere Hermann Zapf, uno de los grandes maestros de la tipografía http://t.co/JJBLND3RqG http://t.co/OpEgW0sEeI

@davidsincara: Typographer Hermann Zapf dies aged 96 http://t.co/vKH9ddxXPz #DESIGN

@A_F_Litt: Hermann Zapf, the font designer behind Palatino and Zapf Dingbats, has died at 96 http://t.co/hR1KpnUg3v

@EvWongArt: RT @printmag: A new Kickstarter seeking to publish the late Hermann Zapf's brilliant sketchbooks: http://t.co/C3vYqseoDi http://t.co/QAZ9Ub…

@jackcasali: RT @agamen0n: Um tributo ao lendário criador de fontes que inspirou o emoji http://t.co/obQaMApNi6 #TFBJP #TFB #RT

@CalligraphybyE: RIP http://t.co/LU2TuGGefs

@sthoths: RT @belenlr: . @sthoths about Hermann Zapf at #typographics. A very special moment. http://t.co/TrKd1ror5K

@branding_dp: The beauty, the letterform, the commitment: Memories of Hermann Zapf http://t.co/r9ALKHDO3t

@TheRealJN: RT @Suntimes: Hermann Zapf — the grandfather of emojis — dead at 96: http://t.co/uMFBszkDpm http://t.co/oQ5mY7ALT7

@hannahnannna: RT @CommArts: Hermann Zapf, the font designer behind Palatino and Zapf Dingbats, has died at 96. http://t.co/UDrfNZnnAw

@rekaunion: RT @typographica: Hermann Zapf’s early advice to a young @sthoths: “Go. To. Italy.” #Typographics

@witnessmag: RT @BlackMtnInst: Remembering two people this week who helped make books beautiful: typeface designer Hermann Zapf and cover designer Paul …

@BlackMtnInst: Remembering two people this week who helped make books beautiful: typeface designer Hermann Zapf and cover designer Paul Bacon.

@regnauld: RT @RGD: German typeface master #HermannZapf dies at the age of 96 http://t.co/B6uCsD02Cr via @nytimesarts #typography http://t.co/FNeyWJUS…

@_pretzelhands: Oh man, apparently Hermann Zapf (who created the awesome Palatino, Optima and Zapfino fonts) also recently died. 2015 is brutal!

@CharlesFinch: Hermann Zapf, renowned type designer, dies. Zapf Dingbats were kind of like emojis, millenials. http://t.co/3NyWFieoZ2

@mikepropst: did not realize we’d also recently lost Hermann Zapf http://t.co/DgMPHJqXsk

@nomanson: Hermann Zapf, 96, Dies; Designer Whose Letters Are Found Everywhere - http://t.co/SzIP47iU7T #typography #webdesign

@Brandonmceowen: RT @Suntimes: Hermann Zapf — the grandfather of emojis — dead at 96: http://t.co/uMFBszkDpm http://t.co/oQ5mY7ALT7

@xbabybritain: RT @clydetombaugh: "Hermann Zapf, the font designer behind Palatino and Zapf Dingbats, has died at 96" ... this is all we're talking about …

@CasadelLibroPR: Gracias #HermanZapt por la sensibilidad y diseño tipográfico que trasciende el tiempo. http://t.co/ozYiY3J5im #tipografía

@LeftonMain: Hermann Zapf, font legend who created Palatino and eponymous 'Dingbats,' is dead at 96 - Democratic Underground http://t.co/c3YVSMcrcd

@signedjk: RT @curiousoctopus: Farewell to Hermann Zapf, font designer "whose letters are found everywhere:" http://t.co/PWq9BtY5M0 http://t.co/Q2OA1L…

@e_lana: No disrespect to Hermann Zapf, but calling him the grandfather of emoji is silly. Dingbats is a printer's term, Zapf adapted from lead type.

@pookynana: RT @curiousoctopus: Farewell to Hermann Zapf, font designer "whose letters are found everywhere:" http://t.co/PWq9BtY5M0 http://t.co/Q2OA1L…

@TEDxNizamuddin: RT @curiousoctopus: Farewell to Hermann Zapf, font designer "whose letters are found everywhere:" http://t.co/PWq9BtY5M0 http://t.co/Q2OA1L…

@eswillwalker: RT @daisieclickie: RIP Hermann Zapf, creator of some of my favorite fonts. http://t.co/fmszOKzkyf

@buchfieber: RT @freie: Hörst Du wie jetzt die Zapfdings weinen: Hermann #Zapf, 96, gestorben (engl): http://t.co/UeARbx9fNE

@tym2g3thi: RT @Suntimes: Hermann Zapf — the grandfather of emojis — dead at 96: http://t.co/uMFBszkDpm http://t.co/oQ5mY7ALT7

@Hopliten: RT @curiousoctopus: Farewell to Hermann Zapf, font designer "whose letters are found ever... http://t.co/Xu3LRkkhRs via @MuseumModernArt

@wrikent3500: RT @Suntimes: Hermann Zapf — the grandfather of emojis — dead at 96: http://t.co/uMFBszkDpm http://t.co/oQ5mY7ALT7

@Tweet_TheTeam: RT @Suntimes: Hermann Zapf — the grandfather of emojis — dead at 96: http://t.co/uMFBszkDpm http://t.co/oQ5mY7ALT7

@Suntimes: Hermann Zapf — the grandfather of emojis — dead at 96: http://t.co/uMFBszkDpm http://t.co/oQ5mY7ALT7

@emily_bell: RIP Hermann Zapf.. "..type should both acknowledge tradition and reflect modernity." http://t.co/7z6rdxcmmE

@Manuel_T_Ortega: Hermann Zapf, 96, Dies; Designer Whose Letters Are Found Everywhere, via @nytimes http://t.co/teGQUP750x

@ManicGermanic: Hermann Zapf passed away yet his letters and wisdom will live on http://t.co/KaBY0DXdCp via @allaboutyporn

@serenalkrombach: Michelangelo : sculpture; Beethoven : music; Hermann Zapf : type design and calligraphy http://t.co/QEyGEoppQA

@isabelbieri: Lorde, Drake, Katy Perry, Bethany Cosentino, Hello Kitty and Hermann Zapf are Scorpios.

@luizsantiago: Morre aos 96 anos designer alemão Hermann Zapf http://t.co/4HzRCVOk4l #news

@FastSigns181: Hermann Zapf, the font designer behind Palatino and Zapf Dingbats, has died at 96 http://t.co/PQhmJ6RAmj

@cidfreitag: Font designer Hermann Zapf has died at age 96. Designed Palatino, Optima, Zapf Dingbats, and others. http://t.co/hBE3ht2KWB

@them4m: Hermann Zapf dies at 96. http://t.co/tKc1HBvDaF #fontdesigner #zapf

@TarlemLima: Morre aos 96 anos designer alemão Hermann Zapf - Morreu na última quinta-feira (4), o designer alemão Hermann Zapf... http://t.co/PjPzHYyFcy

@desaprovado: Morre aos 96 anos designer alemão Hermann Zapf: Morreu na última quinta-feira (4), o designer alemão Hermann Z... http://t.co/wWhBz4fn41

@etcgraphics: Typographer extraordinaire & creator of Zapf Dingbats, Hermann Zapf, has died at 96. http://t.co/RYCoBRowof Via @tiny_mind

@leandrocastelao: RT @printmag: RIP: Legendary typeface designer Hermann Zapf http://t.co/nAtozNGJ1t via @qz http://t.co/N3voVMgMCo

@typo3asia: Es gibt keine Entschuldigung für schlechte #Typographie: zum Tode von Hermann Zapf - heise online http://t.co/rOyRqHpZdz

@illi4141: RT @AIGAdesign: We remember Hermann Zapf, designer of fonts Palatino & Zapf Dingbats, upon his passing: http://t.co/6pVgGw9PdI @qz http://t…

@PrototypeSponge: #packaging #design: Typographer Hermann Zapf dies aged 96 http://t.co/KdtkxOH4sr http://t.co/6P7gr1lGzl

@PrototypeSponge: #packaging #design: Typographer Hermann Zapf dies aged 96 http://t.co/KdtkxOH4sr http://t.co/4W4MppfbrO

@PrototypeSponge: #packaging #design: Typographer Hermann Zapf dies aged 96 http://t.co/KdtkxOH4sr http://t.co/Hn55mhd8d5

@eleuterio84: RT @folha: Morre aos 96 anos designer alemão Hermann Zapf. http://t.co/3Q3BkPyFQV

@brianstuckey: Hermann Zapf, the font designer behind Palatino and Zapf Dingbats, has died at 96 http://t.co/3AIURxHhyh via @qz

@nfluxdesign: RT @CommArts: Hermann Zapf, the font designer behind Palatino and Zapf Dingbats, has died at 96. http://t.co/UDrfNZnnAw

@logoholik: RT @AIGAdesign: We remember Hermann Zapf, designer of fonts Palatino & Zapf Dingbats, upon his passing: http://t.co/6pVgGw9PdI @qz http://t…

@CozyCabbage: Aw, no! Hermann Zapf died (at age 96) just before this weekend! Palatino is one of my favourites. He was one of the greats.

@RainerJacob1: Es gibt keine Entschuldigung für schlechte Typographie: zum Tode von Hermann Zapf http://t.co/cVi1YN7uPS

@PeiperNews: O Globo (BR) Designer Hermann Zapf morre aos 96 anos http://t.co/YL53GRdnLo @JornalOGlobo #BR

@leftsideskinny: RT @AIGAdesign: We remember Hermann Zapf, designer of fonts Palatino & Zapf Dingbats, upon his passing: http://t.co/6pVgGw9PdI @qz http://t…

@ricardobrito1: Designer Hermann Zapf morre aos 96 anos: RIO — O designer, calígrafo e tipógrafo Hermann Zapf morreu aos 96 an... http://t.co/IP5kpKlSec

@jg21: RT @AIGAdesign: We remember Hermann Zapf, designer of fonts Palatino & Zapf Dingbats, upon his passing: http://t.co/6pVgGw9PdI @qz http://t…

@ryukeikun: RT @printmag: RIP Hermann Zapf. Read about an unpublished masterpiece of his calligraphy and painting: http://t.co/C3vYqseoDi http://t.co/4…

@pcabrera67: Muere Hermann Zapf, uno de los grandes maestros de la tipografía http://t.co/YxdheWp7cH

@LauraShamas: RT @AskNezka: Hermann Zapf, the font designer behind Palatino and Zapf Dingbats, has died at 96 http://t.co/PIaXoxxeSE [@qz]

@KilianMuster: Hermann Zapf, Typograf und Schriftkünstler ist von uns gegangen. Wieder hat uns einer der ganz großen verlassen. http://t.co/JcvrvBASJ6

@pauledwards: RT @AIGAdesign: We remember Hermann Zapf, designer of fonts Palatino & Zapf Dingbats, upon his passing: http://t.co/6pVgGw9PdI @qz http://t…

@utc_art: Hermann Zapf, the font designer behind Palatino and Zapf Dingbats, has died at 96 http://t.co/b9jRYQEFdP via @qz

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