Hercules Ayala

Puerto Rican professional wrestler (Stampede Wrestling
Died on Thursday January 23rd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Linda Burnes Bolton

Tweets related to Hercules Ayala:

@CialesStorm: @primerahora Falleció también una gloria del deporte de la isla, el luchador Ruben “Hércules” Ayala. - 5 years ago

@SoyelMike: ¡Wow! Last night in the match between @ArcherOfInfamy vs @DijakovicWWE Mauro mentioned the Puertorican Legend “Herc… - 5 years ago

@AmirSalvador15: RT @davemeltzerWON: Hercules Ayala, the heyday of Puerto Rican wrestling and the big angle trying to grow back business after the Brody dea… - 5 years ago

@BestJobber: RT @davemeltzerWON: Hercules Ayala, the heyday of Puerto Rican wrestling and the big angle trying to grow back business after the Brody dea… - 5 years ago


@davemeltzerWON: Hercules Ayala, the heyday of Puerto Rican wrestling and the big angle trying to grow back business after the Brody… - 5 years ago

@AbbyTheButcher: RT @AlienatedAli: Thanks for spreading the word about Hercules Ayala, Mauro🙌🙌🙌 - 5 years ago

@AlexWillfd: @RajGiri_303 @WrestlingInc I'm just glad that Mauro mentioned the passing of Hercules Ayala Cortez during that matc… - 5 years ago

@AlienatedAli: Thanks for spreading the word about Hercules Ayala, Mauro🙌🙌🙌 - 5 years ago

@IFOWrestling: Whether Good Or Evil, Powerhouse Hercules Ayala Thrilled Wrestling Fans Throughout Canada & Puerto Rico - 5 years ago

@SpennyLove_WCS: RT @PWAwrestlingca: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all our brothers & sisters in the wrestling community we'd like to invite you all to aid th… - 5 years ago

@BackbreakerMedi: RT @WCSportsCA: It's the latest brand-new edition of Last Week in Alberta Wrestling! Get caught up with the latest from around the province… - 5 years ago

@miketheref: RT @WCSportsCA: It's the latest brand-new edition of Last Week in Alberta Wrestling! Get caught up with the latest from around the province… - 5 years ago

@PMadigin: RT @PWAwrestlingca: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all our brothers & sisters in the wrestling community we'd like to invite you all to aid th… - 5 years ago

@PMadigin: RT @SoRockinOne: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all my brothers & sisters in the wrestling community I'd like to invite you all to aid the fam… - 5 years ago

@NastyNXN: RT @WCSportsCA: It's the latest brand-new edition of Last Week in Alberta Wrestling! Get caught up with the latest from around the province… - 5 years ago

@wrestlesode: RT @SoRockinOne: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all my brothers & sisters in the wrestling community I'd like to invite you all to aid the fam… - 5 years ago

@SpennyLove_WCS: RT @WCSportsCA: It's the latest brand-new edition of Last Week in Alberta Wrestling! Get caught up with the latest from around the province… - 5 years ago

@wrestlesode: RT @WCSportsCA: It's the latest brand-new edition of Last Week in Alberta Wrestling! Get caught up with the latest from around the province… - 5 years ago

@WCSportsCA: It's the latest brand-new edition of Last Week in Alberta Wrestling! Get caught up with the latest from around the… - 5 years ago

@ajmusic23: Tipo te tengo 5 muertes q me dolieron.... Luis Raul, Cheo Feliciano, Michael Jackson, Hercules Ayala y Kobe Bryant @Moluskein @pamelanoa - 5 years ago

@miketheref: RT @SoRockinOne: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all my brothers & sisters in the wrestling community I'd like to invite you all to aid the fam… - 5 years ago

@coltonkelly95: RT @SoRockinOne: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all my brothers & sisters in the wrestling community I'd like to invite you all to aid the fam… - 5 years ago

@Raceman3232: RT @PWAwrestlingca: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all our brothers & sisters in the wrestling community we'd like to invite you all to aid th… - 5 years ago

@EIW_Podcast: RT @SoRockinOne: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all my brothers & sisters in the wrestling community I'd like to invite you all to aid the fam… - 5 years ago

@PWAwrestlingca: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all our brothers & sisters in the wrestling community we'd like to invite you all to ai… - 5 years ago

@SoRockinOne: In memory of Ruben Cruz To all my brothers & sisters in the wrestling community I'd like to invite you all to aid… - 5 years ago

@ismaelcastro75: El Sr. Rubén Cruz, mejor conocido como Hercules Ayala, también partió hace pocos días. Los fanáticos de la Lucha L… - 5 years ago

@Soriano310ms: Puerto Rican Legend Hercules Ayala Passes Away @TheOvertimer - 5 years ago

@Audiosight0613: Shitty Fucking Weekend - 5 years ago

@VanHeathen: R.I.P. Hercules Ayala. Loved his matches in the Stampede Wrestling territory. - 5 years ago

@tspredator1: RT @RaulAlzaga: #RIP HÉRCULES AYALA - Se nos fue uno de nuestros rudos más exitosos en la #LuchaLibre boricua . Aquí mi recuento sobre su c… - 5 years ago

@mlacangri: @2dagmarDagmar RIP!!!! Leo Fernandez, Amen🙏 y El Hercules Ayala, famoso luchador 😢 - 5 years ago

@Oscarlfontan: Dios mío, Hércules Ayala y Kobe la misma semana.. - 5 years ago

@latinjobber: El sansón boricua Hércules Ayala QEPD - 5 years ago

@IFOWrestling: Whether Good Or Evil, Powerhouse Hercules Ayala Thrilled Wrestling Fans Throughout Canada & Puerto Rico… - 5 years ago

@OhMyNigga_: RT @CACReunion: We heard this morning that Ruben Cruz, better known to wrestling as Hercules Ayala, passed away last night due to heart iss… - 5 years ago

@MRodriguez7711: Whether Good Or Evil, Powerhouse Hercules Ayala Thrilled Wrestling Fans Throughout Canada & Puerto Rico – Illegal F… - 5 years ago

@James55535520: @iamjohnpollock I remember Hercules Ayala from International Wrestling out of Montreal. He was a big, imposing ind… - 5 years ago

@ManoloMatos: @ElGeorgeRiveraR Todo en la lucha es real. Pregúntale a Brody. Por cierto, ¿viste que murió Hércules Ayala? - 5 years ago

@noelpineiro: Carlos Colón y Hugo Savinovich recuerdan a Hércules Ayala - 5 years ago

@MrJonRosado: @IFOWrestling Here is the angle where Hercules Ayala attacked Carlos Colon and his wife Nancy at the award show. It… - 5 years ago

@MrJonRosado: I recommend everyone read this article about the great career of the recently departed Hercules Ayala by my buddy… - 5 years ago

@IFOWrestling: Whether Good Or Evil, Powerhouse Hercules Ayala Thrilled Wrestling Fans Throughout Canada & Puerto Rico… - 5 years ago

@BigLion52: RT @LModestti: Falleció Hercules Ayala a los 69 años de edad. Recordemos su mejor momento cuando humilló a Carlos Colón - 5 years ago

@SheriffLonestar: RT @MengsMullet: R.I.P. to Puerto Rican wrestling legend, Hercules Ayala. Ayala was one of the bigger guys in P.R. in terms of both size an… - 5 years ago

@bronxfanatic: RT @SALAS20_20: It had been confirmed by the now widow that Hercules Ayala passed away at 69 bc of heart issues..Multiple WWC Universal Ch… - 5 years ago

@bronxfanatic: RT @MengsMullet: R.I.P. to Puerto Rican wrestling legend, Hercules Ayala. Ayala was one of the bigger guys in P.R. in terms of both size an… - 5 years ago

@bronxfanatic: RT @CACReunion: We heard this morning that Ruben Cruz, better known to wrestling as Hercules Ayala, passed away last night due to heart iss… - 5 years ago

@TheMarcMadison: RT @ProWrestlingPST: Legendary Stampede and WWC Star Hercules Ayala Passes Away at 69. #News - 5 years ago

@FuckChinaski: Ya le hablaron a @zananassi para ver cómo está, no conozco a un mayor fan de los Lakers en Mexico que el. P.D: est… - 5 years ago

@Contralona: 💪🏽💥 VIVENCIAS CON EL SANSÓN BORICUA 💥👊🏽 @SavioVega: “Hércules Ayala está en ese “big show” en el cielo representán… - 5 years ago

@LutteQuebec: Décès de Hercules Ayala , par Alain Bérubé - - 5 years ago

@elsantosbeatz: Resumen de hoy: 1) mámese un bicho si critica las protestas. 2) Puerto Rico sin Leo Fernández de seguro será un mej… - 5 years ago

@RockStarsRoll: RT @ProWrestlingPST: Legendary Stampede and WWC Star Hercules Ayala Passes Away at 69. #News - 5 years ago

@rodriguezalex16: RT @primerahora: Dijo que protagonista de muchos llenos cuando la lucha libre era número uno en Puerto Rico - 5 years ago

@bronxfanatic: RT @TorresGotay: El legendario luchador puertorriqueño Hércules Ayala murió en Canadá, a los 69 años. Nunca olvidaré cuando Killer Tim Broo… - 5 years ago

@Robert_LWOS: RT @lastwordonsport: Puerto Rican Legend Hercules Ayala Passes Away at 69 - - 5 years ago

@Robert_LWOS: RT @lwoswrestling: Puerto Rican Legend Hercules Ayala Passes Away at 69 - - 5 years ago

@JorgeTa63314608: Muere Hércules Ayala. Para mí una sorpresa. Pues compàrtimos cuadrilátero cuando yo estube activo en la lucha libre… - 5 years ago

@elinvader2020: @Deaf256 @SALAS20_20 La época que llenaba canchas de pelotas en PR. La historia de Hércules Ayala es bien orgánica… - 5 years ago

@orlozurc: @primerahora La foto debe ser de Hercules Ayala no Carlitos Colón - 5 years ago

@dirt_tweets: Cuts Promo on Marty Scurll to Promote ROH's Free Enterprise Event On Saturday Hercules Ayala - 5 years ago

@wandyperez: RT @primerahora: Dijo que protagonista de muchos llenos cuando la lucha libre era número uno en Puerto Rico - 5 years ago

@primerahora: Dijo que protagonista de muchos llenos cuando la lucha libre era número uno en Puerto Rico - 5 years ago

@lwoswrestling: Puerto Rican Legend Hercules Ayala Passes Away at 69 - - 5 years ago

@lastwordonsport: Puerto Rican Legend Hercules Ayala Passes Away at 69 - - 5 years ago

@wilmerdeportes: RT @torracasantiago: Carlos Colón y Hugo Savinovich recuerdan a Hércules Ayala. Además mira el clásico entre Colón y Ayala en Aniversario 1… - 5 years ago

@Deaf256: RT @torracasantiago: Carlos Colón y Hugo Savinovich recuerdan a Hércules Ayala. Además mira el clásico entre Colón y Ayala en Aniversario 1… - 5 years ago

@cekoul_celina: RT @noticel: [POR SI NO LO VISTE] Uno de los eternos rivales de Carlitos Colón. - 5 years ago

@noticel: [POR SI NO LO VISTE] Uno de los eternos rivales de Carlitos Colón. - 5 years ago

@Deaf256: @elinvader2020 @SALAS20_20 Que el médico tiene que intervenir. Recordando que las batallas que vendia Colón con Abd… - 5 years ago

@torracasantiago: Carlos Colón y Hugo Savinovich recuerdan a Hércules Ayala. Además mira el clásico entre Colón y Ayala en Aniversari… - 5 years ago

@patria1sola: Cuantas batallas nos regalaron Hércules Ayala y Carlos Colón, en youtube hay un banquete de esos dos caballeros. Le… - 5 years ago

@sandra2543: RT @TorresGotay: El legendario luchador puertorriqueño Hércules Ayala murió en Canadá, a los 69 años. Nunca olvidaré cuando Killer Tim Broo… - 5 years ago


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