Herbert Fingarette

American philosopher
Died on Thursday November 15th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Herbert Fingarette:

@SiBoReza: RT @hild_de: Apart from being a philosopher of alcoholism, Herbert Fingarette was the author of a very slim but very influential book: “#Co… - 6 years ago

@IcarusJourney: "We each share the propensity to choose opportunistically when under stress." ~ Herbert Fingarette - 6 years ago

@_TheFix: "We each share the propensity to choose opportunistically when under stress." - 6 years ago

@healthrehabusa: Top News - Herbert Fingarette, Controversial Author Of "Heavy Drinking," Dies At 97 - 6 years ago


@laws6127: Herbert Fingarette, a contrarian philosopher who, while plumbing the perplexities of personal responsibility, defin… - 6 years ago

@carcabravo: ... he reached his conclusions by analyzing scientific literature, he said. But that method, he contended, had give… - 6 years ago

@SweenyFrank: Herbert Fingarette, Contrarian Philosopher on Alcoholism, Dies at 97 - 6 years ago

@gregoryepence: A great philosopher passes. I corresponded with him and assigned his books several times in seminars - 6 years ago

@Decoquinn: Herbert Fingarette, Contrarian Philosopher on Alcoholism, Dies at 97 - 6 years ago

@chris_byrne: RT @philmellows: 'Herbert Fingarette, Contrarian Philosopher on Alcoholism, Dies at 97' | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@Rongwrong_: Herbert Fingarette obituary. He’s most famous for his very controversial book “Heavy Drinking”, but the book I read… - 6 years ago

@Jamesqnicholls: RT @philmellows: 'Herbert Fingarette, Contrarian Philosopher on Alcoholism, Dies at 97' | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@philmellows: 'Herbert Fingarette, Contrarian Philosopher on Alcoholism, Dies at 97' | @nytimes - 6 years ago

@guzmanadrian: "In Memoriam: Herbert Fingarette (1921-2018)" - 6 years ago

@SynFutures: RT @JTasioulas: “He maintained that heavy use of alcohol is a “way of life,” that many heavy drinkers can choose to reduce their drinking t… - 6 years ago

@AriTubert: I don't like this obituary of Fingarette on the New York Times. Maybe because it only mentions his insightful and… - 6 years ago

@marioricciard18: RT @BrianLeiter: In Memoriam: Herbert Fingarette (1921-2018) - 6 years ago

@JTasioulas: “He maintained that heavy use of alcohol is a “way of life,” that many heavy drinkers can choose to reduce their dr… - 6 years ago

@BrianLeiter: In Memoriam: Herbert Fingarette (1921-2018) - 6 years ago

@McnairMira: RT @richardlfarmer: Herbert Fingarette, Contrarian Philosopher on Alcoholism, Dies at 97 - Fingarette challenged the theory that alcoholism… - 6 years ago

@Dehler45: RT @richardlfarmer: Herbert Fingarette, Contrarian Philosopher on Alcoholism, Dies at 97 - Fingarette challenged the theory that alcoholism… - 6 years ago

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