Herb Wakabayashi

Canadian ice hockey player.
Died on Monday June 1st 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Herb Wakabayashi:

@imcleod2712: RT @IIHFHockey: 3-time Japanese Olympian, flag bearer in Lake Placid 1980, Osamu “Herb” Wakabayashi passed away. http://t.co/4YQXRbJ1dK

@dsktussy: RT @IIHFHockey: 3-time Japanese Olympian, flag bearer in Lake Placid 1980, Osamu “Herb” Wakabayashi passed away. http://t.co/4YQXRbJ1dK

@noelinit: RT @IIHFHockey: 3-time Japanese Olympian, flag bearer in Lake Placid 1980, Osamu “Herb” Wakabayashi passed away. http://t.co/4YQXRbJ1dK

@dtlauer: RT @IIHFHockey: 3-time Japanese Olympian, flag bearer in Lake Placid 1980, Osamu “Herb” Wakabayashi passed away. http://t.co/4YQXRbJ1dK


@CotieCayla_35: RT @IIHFHockey: 3-time Japanese Olympian, flag bearer in Lake Placid 1980, Osamu “Herb” Wakabayashi passed away. http://t.co/4YQXRbJ1dK

@IIHFHockey: 3-time Japanese Olympian, flag bearer in Lake Placid 1980, Osamu “Herb” Wakabayashi passed away. http://t.co/4YQXRbJ1dK

@hockeybias: Legend Herb Wakabayashi Passes Away http://t.co/0qRuI0i552

@OlympicsReTweet: RT @HarriPiironen: Kolme kertaa (1972-1980) Japania jääkiekossa olympialaisissa edustanut Herb Wakabayashi #RIP 70-vuotiaana: http://t.co/i…

@HarriPiironen: Kolme kertaa (1972-1980) Japania jääkiekossa olympialaisissa edustanut Herb Wakabayashi #RIP 70-vuotiaana: http://t.co/irXeQ3fnvh #olympics

@redditsportsbot: Japanese Hockey Legend Herb Wakabayashi Passes Away #hockey http://t.co/3gsoFJxp3n

@HockeyLegends: Japanese hockey legend - with strong ties to Chatham, Ontario and Boston University - Herb Wakabayashi passes away. http://t.co/A9LIcOVd71

@snipetsfrmBurns: RT @TerrierHockey: The Boston University hockey family mourns the passing of one of our all-time greats, Herb Wakabayashi. http://t.co/J6EQ…

@BBruinsNation: RT @TerrierHockey: The Boston University hockey family mourns the passing of one of our all-time greats, Herb Wakabayashi. http://t.co/J6EQ…

@KrisTallon: RT @TerrierHockey: The Boston University hockey family mourns the passing of one of our all-time greats, Herb Wakabayashi. http://t.co/J6EQ…

@bualumni: RT @TerrierHockey: The Boston University hockey family mourns the passing of one of our all-time greats, Herb Wakabayashi. http://t.co/J6EQ…

@wakafightermma: RT @IIHFHockey: 3-time Japanese Olympian, flag bearer in Lake Placid 1980, Osamu “Herb” Wakabayashi passed away. http://t.co/4YQXRbJ1dK

@pitbull808: Friend just sent me a pic of his custom Katsuhiro Miura hand ground Miurism irons. Herb Wakabayashi… https://t.co/dBFN0y6Eek

@tobirakeikaku: RT @MarkDivver: Herb Wakabayashi, one of the greats of '60s college hockey, passed away, per @TerrierHockey . Only 5-foot-5. Hit .367 for b…

@endlesscharms: RT @MarkDivver: Herb Wakabayashi, one of the greats of '60s college hockey, passed away, per @TerrierHockey . Only 5-foot-5. Hit .367 for b…

@endlesscharms: RT @TerrierHockey: The Boston University hockey family mourns the passing of one of our all-time greats, Herb Wakabayashi. http://t.co/J6EQ…

@cksportsnetwork: ICYMI: Chatham Sports and @BUAthletics Hall of Famer Herb Wakabayashi has passed away http://t.co/RCyr56OMgn

@dyu51: RT @TerrierHockey: The Boston University hockey family mourns the passing of one of our all-time greats, Herb Wakabayashi. http://t.co/J6EQ…

@HockeyPhotos: RT @TerrierHockey: The Boston University hockey family mourns the passing of one of our all-time greats, Herb Wakabayashi. http://t.co/J6EQ…

@mrselishsmith: RT @cksportsnetwork: Chatham Sports Hall of Fame member and local legend Herb Wakabayashi has passed away http://t.co/RCyr56OMgn

@Ethan_Smith21: RT @cksportsnetwork: Chatham Sports Hall of Fame member and local legend Herb Wakabayashi has passed away http://t.co/RCyr56OMgn

@cksportsnetwork: Chatham Sports Hall of Fame member and local legend Herb Wakabayashi has passed away http://t.co/RCyr56OMgn

@stevedrees: RT @TerrierHockey: The Boston University hockey family mourns the passing of one of our all-time greats, Herb Wakabayashi. http://t.co/J6EQ…

@GWalter11: RT @TerrierHockey: The Boston University hockey family mourns the passing of one of our all-time greats, Herb Wakabayashi. http://t.co/J6EQ…

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