Henry Hook

Died on Wednesday October 28th 2015

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Henry Hook:

@ohnonialler_: @Jared_Gilmore Can you tell us how Henry is in this Sunday's ep? Like on a scale from 1 to Captain Hook right now how confused is he? - 9 years ago

@EmmaSwan: To be honest, Neal is more important to me than Hook. Not only because of Henry, there's a lot more than that. - 9 years ago

@Henry_Hollis: RT @ChrisMurphyCT: My statement on the new Ted Cruz “Sandy Hook” super PAC ad - 9 years ago

@horanxhappiness: La cara de Hook cuando Henry le dice que ha conocido a una chica JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA - 9 years ago


@ismaAR98: RT @StoryBloog: #SPOILERS Según las fotos que he visto, están todos salvo Hook, Henry y Bella. Y la cazadora roja regresa. - 9 years ago

@Fangirl312: @Kails_13 @22_fall_in_love @criticdeau @BechloeAmour and her bf, Hook, was with Henry's grandmother. He slept with henry (emma's son)grandma - 9 years ago

@lennie_pirate1: @NatalieAbrams Are we going to Hook's mother too? Will Hook and Henry be sharing scenes again and talk about Emma? - 9 years ago

@mackin_hangin: RT @KartelMafia: - 9 years ago

@mackin_hangin: RT @KartelMafia: - 9 years ago

@whatsupmills: celebramos a maldade da regina, o cinismo do rumple, a ''pureza'' da mary, a paixão do hook, a coragem da emma, a auto confianca do henry ♥ - 9 years ago

@cumberblanchett: RT @spiralofcolors: regina: i know you, the good you is still in there henry: but emma is still in there somewhere hook: that you isn't her… - 9 years ago

@len_swanjones: @NatalieAbrams Are we going to see Hook & Henry bonding more over Emma and another team up? #CaptainCobra - 9 years ago

@KartelMafia: - 9 years ago

@wefadeinthedark: RT @WeAreOUAT: Hook and Henry being told by their love's father that they aren't good enough.. We know they are ❤ #OnceUponATime - 9 years ago

@0ceanofdarkness: RT @NatalieTudor: Hook is not Henry's Dad & never will be, He doesn't deserve a place in Henry's life after everything he put Neal through … - 9 years ago

@Bexwire: @Beckalex .......Henry Morgan, Captain Kidd, Captain Hook and of course, Johnny Depp in Pirates of the carribean :o) - 9 years ago

@FlexKartel: RT @KartelMafia: - 9 years ago

@JHAZE202: RT @KartelMafia: - 9 years ago

@FlexKartel: RT @KartelMafia: - 9 years ago

@Justinecase__: Henry: "There's this girl..." Hook: "Is there, indeed?" Awww Henry's all grown up nooow - 9 years ago

@HeroicDarkSwan: RT @SassMasterMills: ~~ Literate Henry, still on the search for his family. Emma, Regina, Snow, Charming, Hook, and Robin. - 9 years ago

@SassMasterMills: ~~ Literate Henry, still on the search for his family. Emma, Regina, Snow, Charming, Hook, and Robin. - 9 years ago

@HeroicDarkSwan: RT @SaviorSwanEmma: // it's a conflicted thing I like Hook but I want Neal to come back because that's Henry's father. #WriterConfessions - 9 years ago

@StoryBloog: @StewbiesChanel He visto fotos de Henry. Bella estará en la tienda y Hook.... - 9 years ago


@noblegirl91: RT @NatalieTudor: @yoursmichelle_ @meresger1 @AdamHorowitzLA Hook's ALWAYS seen Emma as his possession, Henry and Snowing never factor into… - 9 years ago

@dbLuisa_LHxLP: RT @StoryBloog: #SPOILERS Según las fotos que he visto, están todos salvo Hook, Henry y Bella. Y la cazadora roja regresa. - 9 years ago

@haleblover1: @orphansandliars @parrillapotter yes Henry and Hook! 😊 - 9 years ago

@Swensicle: RT @spiralofcolors: regina: i know you, the good you is still in there henry: but emma is still in there somewhere hook: that you isn't her… - 9 years ago

@BringBackNeal: RT @NatalieTudor: @yoursmichelle_ @meresger1 @AdamHorowitzLA Hook's ALWAYS seen Emma as his possession, Henry and Snowing never factor into… - 9 years ago

@OnceUpon221B: RT @spiralofcolors: regina: i know you, the good you is still in there henry: but emma is still in there somewhere hook: that you isn't her… - 9 years ago

@fanficfaenatic: We get it Hook, you're a pirate. But stop calling Henry 'lad', you patronising twat. - 9 years ago

@F723J: RT @spiralofcolors: regina: i know you, the good you is still in there henry: but emma is still in there somewhere hook: that you isn't her… - 9 years ago

@meresger1: RT @NatalieTudor: @yoursmichelle_ @meresger1 @AdamHorowitzLA Hook's ALWAYS seen Emma as his possession, Henry and Snowing never factor into… - 9 years ago

@NatalieTudor: @yoursmichelle_ @meresger1 @AdamHorowitzLA Hook's ALWAYS seen Emma as his possession, Henry and Snowing never factor into his mind #Vile - 9 years ago

@alfA8999: RT @StoryBloog: #SPOILERS Según las fotos que he visto, están todos salvo Hook, Henry y Bella. Y la cazadora roja regresa. - 9 years ago

@EmilieVitnux: RT @Chocapic31: 🍎🔥👑💋Regina 🔫Emma 🐊Rumple ⚓Hook 🎯⛺Robin 📚Belle 🍏💚Zelena ✏🔦🍕Henry 🍦🐵Roland ♥Cora 💘OQ ☕CS 🌹RB 🐙🐶🐲QoD ❄Frozen 🏰EF 🏫SB ✨OUAT 😍😨… - 9 years ago

@StewbiesChanel: RT @StoryBloog: #SPOILERS Según las fotos que he visto, están todos salvo Hook, Henry y Bella. Y la cazadora roja regresa. - 9 years ago

@aboutswen: "Hook é parte importante da historia da Emma." Henry tbm, os pais dela tbm, o IRMÃO dela tbm, Regina tbm... - 9 years ago

@SwanMillsSwen: @mayormillls mas a regina tá lá desde o 1º dia, ela sempre foi o foco da série (junto com emma, henry e os charmings), o hook nem existia - 9 years ago

@mackin_hangin: RT @KartelMafia: - 9 years ago

@WrackspurtWave: Hook teasing Henry about Violet.:) - 9 years ago

@theMagicalTweet: @findtheseashore I saw people say Hook is "selfish" for wanting Emma back. I guess Henry must be selfish too then...... eye roll - 9 years ago

@Most_Loyal_Lost: @Majestic_Hook "There is nothing to be happy about right now Killian. Henry chose Regina over me." - 9 years ago

@sinisterkiddo: Belle merita più spazio, è più intelligente di Snow, Charming, Henry e Hook messi insieme #OUAT - 9 years ago

@Teresa__Martin: @skagengiirl Yes! I loved it when she told Hook and Neal S3 that she chose Henry - 9 years ago

@ClaLove91: RT @StoryBloog: #SPOILERS Según las fotos que he visto, están todos salvo Hook, Henry y Bella. Y la cazadora roja regresa. - 9 years ago

@lennie_pirate1: @NatalieAbrams What is next for Emma as Dark One, and her relationship with Henry and Hook? #OUAT #CaptainSwan - 9 years ago

@KartelMafia: - 9 years ago

@xKaruriex: RT @ArmyCaptainSwan: @AdamHorowitzLA @OnceABC @JaneEspenson @jenmorrisonlive Hook and Henry her true loves 😊 - 9 years ago

@kitty1873: Once Upon A Time 4x10 "Shattered Sight" - Hook and Henry - 9 years ago

@BallerinaAmanda: RT @ArmyCaptainSwan: @AdamHorowitzLA @OnceABC @JaneEspenson @jenmorrisonlive Hook and Henry her true loves 😊 - 9 years ago

@ThiaBaybee: RT @ArmyCaptainSwan: @AdamHorowitzLA @OnceABC @JaneEspenson @jenmorrisonlive Hook and Henry her true loves 😊 - 9 years ago

@micaelaibarcena: RT @ArmyCaptainSwan: @AdamHorowitzLA @OnceABC @JaneEspenson @jenmorrisonlive Hook and Henry her true loves 😊 - 9 years ago

@fakesadcyberhoe: @_andrastestits summary: Hook is a dick and SwanQueen better be end game raising the cutie pie Henry - 9 years ago

@AlyssaDeMeo: RT @ArmyCaptainSwan: @AdamHorowitzLA @OnceABC @JaneEspenson @jenmorrisonlive Hook and Henry her true loves 😊 - 9 years ago

@ArmyCaptainSwan: @AdamHorowitzLA @OnceABC @JaneEspenson @jenmorrisonlive Hook and Henry her true loves 😊 - 9 years ago

@swanqueenroisa: All Hook sees is the Dark One while Henry and Regina still see Emma... tell me who truly does love Emma! #SwanQueen - 9 years ago

@AuralynnTurner: @LeytonTLA Lol. Hopefully for brief minute for Emma to tell him Hook is TL, Henry to say goodbye, & Rest of time to make peace with Dad - 9 years ago

@madison42503: @OnceABC 🦄 for Henry ⛏dwarfs 🌶hook - 9 years ago

@Sarahlpnz: @AdamHorowitzLA To me? How shocking that Hook who wants to "save" Emma is still focused on his prize? How about to Henry, to her family? - 9 years ago

@Ops_Regal: RT @StoryBloog: #SPOILERS Según las fotos que he visto, están todos salvo Hook, Henry y Bella. Y la cazadora roja regresa. - 9 years ago

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