Heinz Billing

German physicist and computer scientist.
Died on Sunday January 8th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Heinz Billing:

@HeartNati0n: RT @oubey: Heinz Billing, one of the founders of #GravitationalWaves died at age 102 on Jan 4. Read #MPI `s obituary - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Heinz Billing, German physicist and computer scientist, Died at 102 - 8 years ago

@lebkuchen87: RT @Volksstimme: Durch ihn ist der #USBStick massentauglich geworden: Heinz Billing ist Anfang Januar mit 104 Jahren verstorben. - 8 years ago

@MFriedewald: Heinz Billing (1914-2017) - 8 years ago


@SusanneMilde: RT @mpi_grav: Prof. Dr. Heinz Billing dies at the age of 102 – the @mpi_grav mourns a gravitational-wave research pioneer - 8 years ago

@Roman_A_Oulko: RT @LIGOWA: We were saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Heinz Billing, pioneer in gravitational wave physics - 8 years ago

@automatisierer: RT @Jan_Kretzschmar: Computerpionier Heinz Billing verstorben - 8 years ago

@AAS_Press: AEI: Gravitational Wave Pioneer Prof. Dr. Heinz Billing Dies at the Age of 102 - 8 years ago

@OliverJennrich: RT @mpi_grav: Prof. Dr. Heinz Billing dies at the age of 102 – the @mpi_grav mourns a gravitational-wave research pioneer - 8 years ago

@NucAeroProf: RT @mpi_grav: Prof. Dr. Heinz Billing dies at the age of 102 – the @mpi_grav mourns a gravitational-wave research pioneer - 8 years ago

@FGSociety0: RT @mpi_grav: Prof. Dr. Heinz Billing dies at the age of 102 – the @mpi_grav mourns a gravitational-wave research pioneer - 8 years ago

@FGSociety0: RT @mpi_grav: Prof. Dr. Heinz Billing im Alter von 102 Jahren verstorben – @mpi_grav trauert um Pionier der GW-Astronomie - 8 years ago

@mpi_grav: Prof. Dr. Heinz Billing dies at the age of 102 – the @mpi_grav mourns a gravitational-wave research pioneer - 8 years ago

@mpi_grav: Prof. Dr. Heinz Billing im Alter von 102 Jahren verstorben – @mpi_grav trauert um Pionier der GW-Astronomie - 8 years ago

@MissStrunk: RT @LIGOWA: We were saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Heinz Billing, pioneer in gravitational wave physics - 8 years ago

@LIGOWA: We were saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Heinz Billing, pioneer in gravitational wave physics - 8 years ago

@oubey: Heinz Billing, one of the founders of #GravitationalWaves died at age 102 on Jan 4. Read #MPI `s obituary - 8 years ago

@Volksstimme: Durch ihn ist der #USBStick massentauglich geworden: Heinz Billing ist Anfang Januar mit 104 Jahren verstorben. - 8 years ago

@flexi_bell: Heinz Billing, Klaus Wildbolz, Roman Herzog. Geht nun endlich das #2017-Gejammere los? - 8 years ago

@CementerioTW: Heinz Billing (1914-2017) Físico alemán. - 8 years ago

@harry_brennan: RT @maxplanckpress: One of the founders of gravitational wave #astronomy is gone: on 4 January, Heinz Billing died at the age of 102 https… - 8 years ago

@UnicornAE: RT @maxplanckpress: One of the founders of gravitational wave #astronomy is gone: on 4 January, Heinz Billing died at the age of 102 https… - 8 years ago

@contactlight69: RT @maxplanckpress: One of the founders of gravitational wave #astronomy is gone: on 4 January, Heinz Billing died at the age of 102 https… - 8 years ago

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