Heather Heyer

American counter-protestor
Died on Tuesday August 15th 2017

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Heather Heyer:

@JunoWillEatYou: RT @WillMcAvoyACN: Victims not mentioned by Trump: Heather Heyer, those on board the U.S.S. McCain. Victims named by Trump: Jeffery Lord, J… - 8 years ago

@ClassicMP: RT @shannonrwatts: "He painted himself as a victim; the only victim in Charlottesville was Heather Heyer. He barely mentioned her," Don Lem… - 8 years ago

@68251nursewcc: RT @shannonrwatts: "He painted himself as a victim; the only victim in Charlottesville was Heather Heyer. He barely mentioned her," Don Lem… - 8 years ago

@WHSV_Emily: RT @WHSVnews: #BREAKING: The Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville has been covered with a black shroud to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago


@Rachel_NoelW: RT @ananavarro: Trump making #Charlottesville all about him. Not hateful White Supremacists. Not Heather Heyer. Disgusting narcissism in mi… - 8 years ago

@famope: RT @ABC: Statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee covered in black tarp in Charlottesville as city mourns Heather Heyer. - 8 years ago

@reciped_d: RT @WillMcAvoyACN: Victims not mentioned by Trump: Heather Heyer, those on board the U.S.S. McCain. Victims named by Trump: Jeffery Lord, J… - 8 years ago

@FlukyActivist: RT @WillMcAvoyACN: Victims not mentioned by Trump: Heather Heyer, those on board the U.S.S. McCain. Victims named by Trump: Jeffery Lord, J… - 8 years ago

@Kathys1963Ks: RT @BrianKarem: Heather Heyer was her full name. She died in Charlottesville and tonight POTUS you should have shown her more respect. You… - 8 years ago

@mandolino52: Heather Heyer: - 8 years ago

@SurrettLinda: RT @ABC: Statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee covered in black tarp in Charlottesville as city mourns Heather Heyer. - 8 years ago

@pdss9: RT @Timodc: No mention of Heather Heyer Passing mention of troops he just deployed Deep lamentation for the plight of "poor Jeffery Lord" - 8 years ago

@g_mccray: Charlottesville has covered a statue of Robert E. Lee in memory of Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@shka_marie: RT @JohnDingell: As our pathetic president embarrasses himself & our nation, please remember that the real victim was an innocent woman nam… - 8 years ago

@bkheath: RT @WillMcAvoyACN: Victims not mentioned by Trump: Heather Heyer, those on board the U.S.S. McCain. Victims named by Trump: Jeffery Lord, J… - 8 years ago

@justclay12: RT @waltshaub: POTUS is railing about his treatment as if he suffered the most from Charlottesville. Sadly, Heather Heyer isn't here to tel… - 8 years ago

@MAGA_ImpeachHim: RT @HuffPostPol: Charlottesville shrouds its Confederate statues in black to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@MaRainey357: RT @WillMcAvoyACN: Victims not mentioned by Trump: Heather Heyer, those on board the U.S.S. McCain. Victims named by Trump: Jeffery Lord, J… - 8 years ago

@slkonold: RT @ananavarro: Trump making #Charlottesville all about him. Not hateful White Supremacists. Not Heather Heyer. Disgusting narcissism in mi… - 8 years ago

@lovinggrandma04: RT @HuffPostPol: Charlottesville shrouds its Confederate statues in black to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@ErwAmazing: RT @efoulon1: Le discours émouvant de Jimmy #Fallon au Tonight Show à propos de #Charlottesville, de la réaction de #Trump et l'hommage à H… - 8 years ago

@LAURENDSACKIN: @PhilipRucker @drewharwell @Fahrenthold Heather Heyer, Lieutenant H. Jay Cullen, and Trooper Berke M. M. Bates of… - 8 years ago

@grescoe: RT @CityLab: "The signs popping up dubbing the former Lee Park as 'Heather Heyer Park' understand something about commemoration." - 8 years ago

@dimples_babe: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@trytostopJane: RT @HarryElfont: Tear it down and replace it with a memorial for Heather Heyer. - 8 years ago

@_queenie_kay_: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@Josh2Jersey: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@McAffeeMerc: RT @funder: Paul Ryan: Heather Heyer was killed by an act of domestic terrorism #LyinRyan CC: @realDonaldTrump - 8 years ago

@meissane_at: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@TexDem_Dkos: RT @guardian: Charlottesville to cover Confederate statues to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@LawrenMayo: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@EclecticLizzie: RT @guardian: Charlottesville to cover Confederate statues to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@jonmosphere: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@DarcyMoriarity: RT @guardian: Charlottesville to cover Confederate statues to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@KristineMares: RT @Belairviv: @tammyn2DILLIGAF Blah, blah, blah. When you ignore or don't get the point; when you ignore the MURDER of Heather Heyer. Enjo… - 8 years ago

@minnin5000: Charlottesville to cover Confederate statues to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@xmoitascausas: RT @guardian: Charlottesville to cover Confederate statues to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@jackhutton: RT @guardian: Charlottesville to cover Confederate statues to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@Anna_zedarfoL: RT @guardian: Charlottesville to cover Confederate statues to mourn Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@J_Delly16: RT @juliacraven: And here's the oped, which is pretty amazing. - 8 years ago

@Mat_Offender2: RT @ShaunKing: I support the communists & socialists standing against Trump and against bigotry & white supremacy. Heather Heyer was one… - 8 years ago

@cheyybee: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@nacevalenti: RT @mmpadellan: This is Heather Heyer. Please RT if you agree that her sacrifice should be honored w/a statue to replace Robert E. Lee. #H… - 8 years ago

@esperluet: RT @efoulon1: Le discours émouvant de Jimmy #Fallon au Tonight Show à propos de #Charlottesville, de la réaction de #Trump et l'hommage à H… - 8 years ago

@veronicaahuerta: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@ramblemuse: A touching description of Heather Heyer from the obit page, often a source of exceptional story-telling. - 8 years ago

@_Jimenez3: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@jaredsonesie: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@Mr_SickSister: Car Attack Victim Heather Heyer - WHERE is She NOW? - 8 years ago

@Momentfully: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@chmayer: RT @funder: Paul Ryan: Heather Heyer was killed by an act of domestic terrorism #LyinRyan CC: @realDonaldTrump - 8 years ago

@msjbe20a: RT @mmpadellan: This is Heather Heyer. Please RT if you agree that her sacrifice should be honored w/a statue to replace Robert E. Lee. #H… - 8 years ago

@fullofcommunism: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@cosmicrogues: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@Emaline187: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@tryanya: RT @NBCNews: Heather Heyer's mother concludes: "I'd rather have my child, but by golly, if I gotta give her up, we're gonna make it count."… - 8 years ago

@Skwidj: RT @docrocktex26: Heather Heyer's Cousin Asks Why It Took the Death of a White Woman for People to Talk About Racism - 8 years ago

@annemccormick: RT @mmpadellan: This is Heather Heyer. Please RT if you agree that her sacrifice should be honored w/a statue to replace Robert E. Lee. #H… - 8 years ago

@autumnsoleil_: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@angelicasshole: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@drew_bdoo: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@Thrashlalo: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@Model500: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@lisebooks: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@realmissbeeswax: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@mary__annnn: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@truemira: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@JayNeeneeB: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@BrittanyBayne96: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@SukiKounTree: Heather Heyer's cousin: Racism will get worse unless we stop it now - 8 years ago

@da_nouf: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@athelind: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@SoNasty2017: RT @MrGeorgeWallace: That little baby grew up believing in goodness and justice and standing up to hate. Heather Heyer. Say her name. https… - 8 years ago

@VTAliTriumphant: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@eelizabethindc: Heather Heyer's cousin: Powerful - 8 years ago

@hey_danielax: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@Fabstie: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@fakenypost: RT @TheDickCavett: If Trump were not president, would Heather Heyer be alive today? - 8 years ago

@MsMariaT: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@maliksmindxo: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@grahamvsworld: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@outkastori: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@CBSNews: Online petitions are calling for Charlottesville's Robert E. Lee statue to be replaced with one for Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@merriehaskell: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@colleenparisi: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@Amplitude350Lee: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@bleachednip: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@AukBlues22: RT @juliacraven: And here's the oped, which is pretty amazing. - 8 years ago

@Shannoff__: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@PsychWithSass: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@MsClairissalove: RT @sahluwal: RIP Heather Heyer, the woman killed in #Charolettesville. Her last words on FB were "if you're not outraged, you're not payin… - 8 years ago

@f8the: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@AukBlues22: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@i_be_hungry: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@HorrorHoneys: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@spektrallinie: RT @BR_DougFarrar: No, Heather Heyer's life is over. You'll just have to get a job at a different pizza joint. - 8 years ago

@lilstripperbxch: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@jkohlmann: RT @TUSK81: Heather Heyer's cousin. - 8 years ago

@pcovery: RT @Evan_Rosenfeld: Tweet from the account of Charlottesville rally organizer insults slain protester Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@paul4july: RT @juliacraven: HEATHER HEYER'S FAMILY IS NOT PLAYING WITH ANY OF YOU! - 8 years ago

@FOMDD305: RT @kylegriffin1: Heather Heyer's mother: "They tried to kill my child to shut her up. Well, guess what? You just magnified her!" (via ABC)… - 8 years ago

@mariel9898: RT @Mediaite: Charlottesville Rally Organizer Deletes Twitter After Calling Heather Heyer's Death 'Payback Time’ - 8 years ago

@syk0saje: RT @BR_DougFarrar: No, Heather Heyer's life is over. You'll just have to get a job at a different pizza joint. - 8 years ago

@Saif1456: RT @yashar: WATCH: Heather Heyer's father says he forgives the man who killed his daughter. "She had more courage than I had." - 8 years ago

@wbtegra: RT @GarrettHaake: Many of the counter-protestors in Boston today are wearing these stickers, in honor of Heather Heyer, the woman killed in… - 8 years ago

@Ykati: RT @RWPUSA: Her daughter was killed by an Alt Right terrorist Heather Heyer's mom won't speak to Trump - CNN Video - 8 years ago

@veneficaultrix: RT @RS_Benedict: @stillgray remember when you falsely accused a man of murdering Heather Heyer with a car? - 8 years ago

@CarolWi32101696: RT @jeligon: Heather Heyer's mother comforted by mourners on the week anniversary of her death in Charlottesville - 8 years ago

@SebaVentling: Heather Heyer gave her life to unmask the "alt right". We now see them as the Nazis they are. Let's honor her sacri… - 8 years ago

@kristilloyd123: RT @RWPUSA: Her daughter was killed by an Alt Right terrorist Heather Heyer's mom won't speak to Trump - CNN Video - 8 years ago

@Gigi11997: RT @AidenWolfe: Saint Heather Heyer must be smiling. Anti-racists swarming Boston & the traitorous statue of Robert E. Lee removed at Duke.… - 8 years ago

@jelloet: RT @mattdpearce: This is the organizer of the Unite the Right rally where Heather Heyer died. - 8 years ago

@nicobintell: RT @Im_TheAntiTrump: I #ResistForHeather Heather Heyer spent her life helping others. An every day hero who lived & died doing what she lo… - 8 years ago

@dantherriault: Interesting to see many center-left Democrats embrace Heather Heyer as a political cause who they had termed a Bernie Bro and "alt-left." - 8 years ago

@Ireland0828: @KenAbramowitz calls Heather Heyer death a mistake. Blames the state for giving them a permit. @JoyAnnReid @amjoyshow - 8 years ago

@FOMDD305: RT @jeligon: Heather Heyer's mother comforted by mourners on the week anniversary of her death in Charlottesville - 8 years ago

@_JustJav: RT @emleykerry: A moment of silence for fallen comrade Heather Heyer, followed by a civil rights song. #TakeEmDownNOLA - 8 years ago

@Lorelune_Ame: RT @Paris_luttes: 19/08 : Nuit du tag en l'honneur de Heather Heyer - 8 years ago

@Theresa10561139: RT @Im_TheAntiTrump: I #ResistForHeather Heather Heyer spent her life helping others. An every day hero who lived & died doing what she lo… - 8 years ago

@Emicok12: RT @LetUsAllUniteJP: 米国バージニア州シャーロッツビルでネオナチの暴力によって亡くなった Heather Heyer さんを追悼すると共に、私たちは差別の暴力に決して負けないと意思表示をするアクションを行います。みなさんお集まりください。 8/27(日)16… - 8 years ago

@PollyMoak: RT @MrGeorgeWallace: That little baby grew up believing in goodness and justice and standing up to hate. Heather Heyer. Say her name. https… - 8 years ago

@passengeralive: RT @brutofficiel: "Je ne parlerai pas au Président maintenant." La mère d’Heather Heyer, tuée à Charlottesville, refuse d’être récupérée pa… - 8 years ago

@JasonYang71: RT @nytpolitics: Heather Heyer's mother had a message for the president: "Think before you speak" - 8 years ago

@Yuoaman: RT @crissles: heather heyer's mama is a real one. - 8 years ago

@openpodbaydoor_: RT @DrDenaGrayson: Prayers for the mother of American🇺🇸Hero Heather Heyer.🙏🏼😢 #Charlottesville - 8 years ago

@Haz_Joseph: RT @andrewkimmel_: Many counter-protesters attributed their attendance today to the death of Heather Heyer & the events in Charlottesville.… - 8 years ago

@kittykinishski: RT @revclubchi: Time for Hereos - 8 years ago

@philnevergiveup: RT @TheDickCavett: If Trump were not president, would Heather Heyer be alive today? - 8 years ago

@EmailMeThatAss: RT @crissles: heather heyer's mama is a real one. - 8 years ago

@jsjohalandsons: RT @NYGovCuomo: Today marks a week since the death of Heather Heyer. If you raise your voice today, do so with her in mind—with peace and… - 8 years ago

@__mitzi: RT @andrewkimmel_: Many counter-protesters attributed their attendance today to the death of Heather Heyer & the events in Charlottesville.… - 8 years ago

@LiberalResist: RT @LiberalResist: Organizer of Neo-Nazi Rally Tweets That Death of Heather Heyer Was 'Payback Time' [Updated] - 8 years ago

@848d47b1dbf44e2: RT @jeligon: Heather Heyer's mother comforted by mourners on the week anniversary of her death in Charlottesville - 8 years ago

@exqlyd: RT @kylegriffin1: Q: Have you talked to President Trump directly yet? Heather Heyer's mom, Susan Bro: "I have not, and now I will not." (v… - 8 years ago

@lehimesa: RT @nyinla2121: Word count Press Conference: 'I', "Me" - 77 times Alt-right - 8 Alt-left - 6 Media - 17 Unfair - 26 Heather Heyer - 0… - 8 years ago

@eliflesch: RT @jeligon: Heather Heyer's mother comforted by mourners on the week anniversary of her death in Charlottesville - 8 years ago

@LeonardoTolent8: RT @CNN: Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer’s mother: “They tried to kill my child to shut her up. Well, guess what: you just magnified h… - 8 years ago

@Clthames5: RT @Home_Halfway: This is Heather Heyer. She was killed by the Nazi who ran people over in #Charlottesville. She died fighting white suprem… - 8 years ago

@lordmalignance: RT @HarleyResists: Heather Heyer 💕 our #ResistanceHero we carry u with us in all we do... ✊🏻❤️✊🏼💙✊💚✊🏽💛✊🏾💜✊🏿 - 8 years ago

@Deborah9111966: RT @jeligon: Heather Heyer's mother comforted by mourners on the week anniversary of her death in Charlottesville - 8 years ago

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