Hayden White

American historian.
Died on Tuesday March 6th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Hayden White:

@mirado74: Hayden White - 7 years ago

@Sprinkmw: RT @mikelondonpost3: East Rowan 7, South Stanly 6 in baseball action South Stanly got 6 in the 7th to make it exciting Fine hurling by Blak… - 7 years ago

@sehepunkte: Zur Erinnerung an Hayden White (1928-2018) Hayden White, Who Explored How History Is Made, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@Cal_history: Hayden White hit the nail on the head when he said 'History will justify anything' it always seems to be used by is… - 7 years ago


@ferocias: RT @dkalifa: Décès hier d'Hayden White, professeur de littérature à Stanford, dont le Metahistory (1973) a tourneboulé le Landerneau histor… - 7 years ago

@rdw4591: RT @TopTackles: Mansfield Town’s Hayden White flying in to pick up one of three red cards that were shown in their game against Cheltenham… - 7 years ago

@Prxthvx: Lisa Hayden in white hair has me shook - 7 years ago

@PaginaNuova: NEW YORK TIMES BOOKS - Hayden White, Who Explored How History Is Made, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@jessss_32: Yes you do🤦🏽‍♂️ That white stallion Martinez boy lmao — hayden? - 7 years ago

@AnneDeMarzio: RT @CriticalInquiry: "To raise the question of the nature of narrative is to invite reflection on the very nature of culture and, possibly,… - 7 years ago

@aaronmarkiewitz: RT @giannako: Hayden White, the author of #Metahistory and so much more passed away yesterday. He lived a full life long enough to witness… - 7 years ago

@4MilagrosGarcia: @SimonVargasM Hace unos días también murió Hayden White 💔. - 7 years ago

@4MilagrosGarcia: También murió hace unos días Hayden White 💔. - 7 years ago

@BalamSinhue: RT @nexosmexico: Hayden White: "los historiadores debieran prepararse para encarar la posibilidad de que el prestigio de que gozó su profes… - 7 years ago

@KyleZoomZumbach: RT @mikelondonpost3: East Rowan 7, South Stanly 6 in baseball action South Stanly got 6 in the 7th to make it exciting Fine hurling by Blak… - 7 years ago

@white_hayden: RT @LSUBarstool: COACH STOP THEY HAVE FAMILIES - 7 years ago

@hunterdm4: RT @mikelondonpost3: East Rowan 7, South Stanly 6 in baseball action South Stanly got 6 in the 7th to make it exciting Fine hurling by Blak… - 7 years ago

@mikelondonpost3: East Rowan 7, South Stanly 6 in baseball action South Stanly got 6 in the 7th to make it exciting Fine hurling by B… - 7 years ago

@hayden_basil: RT @HailStateMBK: WRAP IT IN MAROON AND WHITE! DAWGS WIN, DAWGS WIN, 66-59! #HailState🐶 - 7 years ago

@PaulusHC: Influential historian Hayden White dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@KFerrugia: RT @BakerDebby: @SenWarren @RandPaul @RonWyden Please reconsider and don’t be partisan on this. General Hayden wrote an excellent article o… - 7 years ago

@haily_hayden: @Reagan_S_700 Not to correct you haha but it’s a white chocolate mocha with raspberry! Just so when people order it… - 7 years ago

@Pat_Hayden_USA: RT @FoxNews: .@TomiLahren on @foxandfriends: “Every time Hillary Clinton opens her mouth, we are reminded why we voted for Donald Trump.” h… - 7 years ago

@sarawaterfall: pour one out kids - 7 years ago

@VAKLAVDIOCLESIA: Hayden White, Who Explored How History Is Made, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@abbie_hayden: RT @washingtonpost: How white nationalists are trying to co-opt ‘Black Panther’ - 7 years ago

@Tunnell_Hayden: White bass run 2018 #ColoradoBend - 7 years ago

@_Kevin_Pham: Remember that time I called out that Ripple/BCH shill Tiffany Hayden for lying about the B2X fork, she tried to pla… - 7 years ago

@gkealey: Essay on the death of Hayden White - 7 years ago

@TeachingConsult: RT @nplusonemag: “Most of what has been said about Hayden White misses the existential force of his writing and for that matter of his bein… - 7 years ago

@ucsc_admission: Influential historian Hayden White dies at 89. - 7 years ago

@BakerDebby: @SenWarren @RandPaul @RonWyden Please reconsider and don’t be partisan on this. General Hayden wrote an excellent a… - 7 years ago

@SarahEHackett: Sad news. Was reading his work with my students just a few weeks ago. Hayden White, Who Explored How History Is Ma… - 7 years ago

@Foucault_News: Hayden White (1928-2018) - 7 years ago

@stouraitis: RT @ProjectMUSE: In Memoriam: Hayden White. @JHUPress author, influential scholar of history and literary criticism. You can find his work… - 7 years ago

@socalethicsprof: As a postdoc I had the privilege of meeting Hayden White, and sitting in on a seminar about narrative history. It (… - 7 years ago

@histprofpayne: I remember reading and arguing about Metahistory in grad school. Hayden White, Who Explored How History Is Made, D… - 7 years ago

@DrJeffreyWilson: RT @PAKottman: Hayden White - 7 years ago

@PAKottman: Hayden White - 7 years ago

@rodrigo_jalal: RT @Antonio_Saborit: En 1980 traduje “El peso de la historia”, un gran ensayo de Hayden White, a sugerencia de Enrique Florescano —hallazgo… - 7 years ago

@JakaraMovement: RT @ProjectMUSE: In Memoriam: Hayden White. @JHUPress author, influential scholar of history and literary criticism. You can find his work… - 7 years ago

@sikhhistorian: RT @ProjectMUSE: In Memoriam: Hayden White. @JHUPress author, influential scholar of history and literary criticism. You can find his work… - 7 years ago

@AlexCampolo: Hayden White’s “Nietzschean message…you can tell better stories about yourself and your place in the world, and if… - 7 years ago

@NYUniversitySAS: RT @ProjectMUSE: In Memoriam: Hayden White. @JHUPress author, influential scholar of history and literary criticism. You can find his work… - 7 years ago

@OxfordPublicity: RT @ProjectMUSE: In Memoriam: Hayden White. @JHUPress author, influential scholar of history and literary criticism. You can find his work… - 7 years ago

@ProjectMUSE: In Memoriam: Hayden White. @JHUPress author, influential scholar of history and literary criticism. You can find hi… - 7 years ago

@badacademic: Stephen Hawking and Hayden White. Meta-thinkers lost to us. I hope they find all the other meta-thinkers in the eth… - 7 years ago

@JuanCarlosUFFAL: Ustedes echan de menos a Stephen Hawking yo no lo he leído, hoy echo de menos a Hayden White. Mi modo de implicació… - 7 years ago

@IvaldoVernelli: In Memoriam: Hayden White - 7 years ago

@talatordu: RT @hilalgorgun: Tarih yazıcılığının önde gelen teorisyenlerinden Hayden White 5 Mart 2018’de 89 yaşında vefat etmiş. - 7 years ago

@meineLetters: RT @nplusonemag: "Hayden White, the theorist of history who died on March 5th at the age of 89, did not believe in endings. History, he fam… - 7 years ago

@UMBCHistory: The goal of the historian must be "not to establish the final, definitive word on a subject, but to ensure that the… - 7 years ago

@IvaldoVernelli: - 7 years ago

@rz_yldrm: "In my view, there are no extra-ideological grounds on which to arbitrate among the conflicting conceptions of the… - 7 years ago

@vs_cointelpro: goddamnit - 7 years ago

@omediochieng: RT @nplusonemag: “History, Hayden White famously argued, did not come with endings, middles, or beginnings. Left to itself, it was a chaos… - 7 years ago

@JAMurat: RT @nexosmexico: Hayden White: "los historiadores debieran prepararse para encarar la posibilidad de que el prestigio de que gozó su profes… - 7 years ago

@beben_nie: RT @thematterco: อาลัย Hayden White นักวิชาการผู้ชี้ให้เห็นความเป็นเรื่องแต่งในประวัติศาสตร์ - 7 years ago

@maritronnols: Att Hayden White dog i måndags gick mig helt förbi. Hans "The content of the form" är fortfarande något av det mest… - 7 years ago

@collnewsupdates: Influential historian Hayden White dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@hayden_chia: RT @JE0NBUNNY: JK dropped the teaser of this cover last Feb 26 and he rlly waited for 14days to dropped it at 'White Day'. We all know that… - 7 years ago

@tatarxxi: RT @thematterco: อาลัย Hayden White นักวิชาการผู้ชี้ให้เห็นความเป็นเรื่องแต่งในประวัติศาสตร์ - 7 years ago

@Hayden_Reuter: To the white Chevy truck I pissed off this morning, but I’m sorry my dumbass forgot what a blinker was.😂 - 7 years ago

@CHoConcepts: [Hayden White] When the first German translation of his 'Metahistory' was published in 1986 none other than... - 7 years ago

@ignaciodt1: RT @nexosmexico: Hayden White se dedicaba a los asuntos medievales hasta que decidió que su auténtico interés en la historia estaba en preg… - 7 years ago

@hayden_chia: RT @sugafull27: Did you know that The cover jungkook sang Only Then is a fan song Roy Kim wrote for his fans thinking they r his long dista… - 7 years ago

@ignaciodt1: RT @nexosmexico: Hayden White: "los historiadores debieran prepararse para encarar la posibilidad de que el prestigio de que gozó su profes… - 7 years ago

@siaayrom: RT @rezaparchizadeh: - 7 years ago

@BlogYoVeo: RT @nexosmexico: Esta semana murió uno de los teóricos de la historia más importantes de las últimas décadas; y fácilmente el más provocad… - 7 years ago

@mateussacoman89: Stephen Hawking, Hayden White... Grandes mentes se foram... que outras surjam e nos ajude a compreender esse mundo. - 7 years ago

@archiveferver: RT @JWTorg: Mourning Hayden White’s journey from man to memory, let's celebrate his work and ideas by sharing them. I got to ask Hayden Whi… - 7 years ago

@rezaparchizadeh: - 7 years ago

@ThundornK: RT @thematterco: อาลัย Hayden White นักวิชาการผู้ชี้ให้เห็นความเป็นเรื่องแต่งในประวัติศาสตร์ - 7 years ago

@Hayden_Lee03: RT @DevanMilosh: Damn it’s like Christmas my baby boy comes and @Hayden_Lee03 gets a clean ass white mustang welcome to the family can’t wa… - 7 years ago

@HumanoCesar: RT @nexosmexico: Hayden White: "los historiadores debieran prepararse para encarar la posibilidad de que el prestigio de que gozó su profes… - 7 years ago

@ccdinarte2010: RT @nexosmexico: Hayden White: "los historiadores debieran prepararse para encarar la posibilidad de que el prestigio de que gozó su profes… - 7 years ago

@TheBioOrg: Hayden White, Who Explored How History Is Made, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@MarbleBall: RT @thematterco: อาลัย Hayden White นักวิชาการผู้ชี้ให้เห็นความเป็นเรื่องแต่งในประวัติศาสตร์ - 7 years ago

@bartleby2666: RT @nexosmexico: Hayden White: "los historiadores debieran prepararse para encarar la posibilidad de que el prestigio de que gozó su profes… - 7 years ago

@TheAliveC4t: Twitter help me find my attacker, all I know is his name is Chris Lopez, born 07/22/1993 (i am genuinely livid my b… - 7 years ago

@KathyDiPina: Hayden White, Who Explored How History Is Made, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@OmarPBanos: RT @nexosmexico: Hayden White: "los historiadores debieran prepararse para encarar la posibilidad de que el prestigio de que gozó su profes… - 7 years ago

@minofernando: RT @nexosmexico: Hayden White: "los historiadores debieran prepararse para encarar la posibilidad de que el prestigio de que gozó su profes… - 7 years ago

@skishchampi: Stephen Hawking, Saba Mahmood, Hayden White :( - 7 years ago

@nexosmexico: Hayden White: "los historiadores debieran prepararse para encarar la posibilidad de que el prestigio de que gozó su… - 7 years ago

@Luicho_Fig: RT @JuanManuelGera3: Murió Hayden White, ante el hecho insoslayable, no habrá relativismo posible. - 7 years ago

@Taekerbell1730: RT @thematterco: อาลัย Hayden White นักวิชาการผู้ชี้ให้เห็นความเป็นเรื่องแต่งในประวัติศาสตร์ - 7 years ago

@7prc_diamond: RT @thematterco: อาลัย Hayden White นักวิชาการผู้ชี้ให้เห็นความเป็นเรื่องแต่งในประวัติศาสตร์ - 7 years ago

@johnshaplin: @michelledean Hayden White, "The Value of Narrativity in the Representation of Reality" - 7 years ago

@Carey_Hayden: RT @hrenee80: I think I speak for all Conservative white women when I say we don’t just “do what we’re told” I work. I take care of my fam… - 7 years ago

@paraweepang: RT @thematterco: อาลัย Hayden White นักวิชาการผู้ชี้ให้เห็นความเป็นเรื่องแต่งในประวัติศาสตร์ - 7 years ago

@novistenada: Estaba con lo de Hayden White, la verdad; pero, bueno, fui a un cabaré. Esprit du temps. - 7 years ago

@prockfia: RT @thematterco: อาลัย Hayden White นักวิชาการผู้ชี้ให้เห็นความเป็นเรื่องแต่งในประวัติศาสตร์ - 7 years ago

@designarkib: RIP Hayden White. On the writing of history. - 7 years ago

@FlorElizabeth07: @CheMendele Días llevo esperando tu chiste de Hayden White, porque no leí suficientes bromas al respecto y lo odiab… - 7 years ago

@DevanMilosh: Damn it’s like Christmas my baby boy comes and @Hayden_Lee03 gets a clean ass white mustang welcome to the family c… - 7 years ago

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