Harue Kitamura

Japanese politician
Died on Sunday March 13th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Harue Kitamura:

@rkansailife: I just posted "Japan's first female mayor, Harue Kitamura, dies at 93" on Reddit - 3 years ago

@serjie22: RT @ShingetsuNews: Harue Kitamura, who in 1991 became the first woman elected mayor of a Japanese city, has died at age 93. She was mayor o… - 3 years ago

@laurahc: RT @ShingetsuNews: Harue Kitamura, who in 1991 became the first woman elected mayor of a Japanese city, has died at age 93. She was mayor o… - 3 years ago

@AventureJapon: RT @Date_Nagumo: Décès de Harue KITAMURA 北村春江 hier, à l'âge de 93 ans. Elle fut la première femme japonaise à être élue maire d'une ville (… - 3 years ago


@nippon_es: Kitamura Harue se convirtió en 1991 en la primera mujer asumir una alcaldía en Japón en Ashiya, en la prefectura de… - 3 years ago

@AgPorche: RT @Date_Nagumo: Décès de Harue KITAMURA 北村春江 hier, à l'âge de 93 ans. Elle fut la première femme japonaise à être élue maire d'une ville (… - 3 years ago

@e_lorac: RT @Date_Nagumo: Décès de Harue KITAMURA 北村春江 hier, à l'âge de 93 ans. Elle fut la première femme japonaise à être élue maire d'une ville (… - 3 years ago

@Date_Nagumo: Décès de Harue KITAMURA 北村春江 hier, à l'âge de 93 ans. Elle fut la première femme japonaise à être élue maire d'une… - 3 years ago

@LeoganeMickael: RT @japantimes: Japan's first female mayor, Harue Kitamura, has died at the age of 93. - 3 years ago

@Brandon72433129: RT @ShingetsuNews: Harue Kitamura, who in 1991 became the first woman elected mayor of a Japanese city, has died at age 93. She was mayor o… - 3 years ago

@ShingetsuNews: Harue Kitamura, who in 1991 became the first woman elected mayor of a Japanese city, has died at age 93. She was ma… - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Harue Kitamura Cause of Death, Husband, Funeral, Children, Net worth - 3 years ago

@UnAcmeBonhomme: RT @japantimes: Japan's first female mayor, Harue Kitamura, has died at the age of 93. - 3 years ago

@hagiwararyu11: japantimesさんからRT: Japan's first female mayor, Harue Kitamura, has died at the age of 93. - 3 years ago

@SonaBergerac: RT @japantimes: Japan's first female mayor, Harue Kitamura, has died at the age of 93. - 3 years ago

@japantimes: Japan's first female mayor, Harue Kitamura, has died at the age of 93. - 3 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:Japan’s first female mayor, Harue Kitamura, dies at 93: Kitamura served as mayor of Ashiya, Hyo… - 3 years ago

@InGoodFaith6: Japan’s first female mayor, Harue Kitamura, dies at 93 - 3 years ago

@Brought_to_You: - 3 years ago

@SchoffJ: RT @JPoliticalPulse: Ms. Harue Kitamura, Japan's first female mayor, passed away. Sh served as the mayor of Ashiya, Hyogo, for 3 terms and… - 3 years ago

@JPoliticalPulse: Ms. Harue Kitamura, Japan's first female mayor, passed away. Sh served as the mayor of Ashiya, Hyogo, for 3 terms… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Harue Kitamura is no longer with us - #HarueKitamura #Harue #Kitamura #rip - 3 years ago

@JaponSecreto: RT @nippon_es: Kitamura Harue se convirtió en 1991 en la primera mujer asumir una alcaldía en Japón en Ashiya, en la prefectura de Hyōgo. D… - 3 years ago

@namba_kei: Ashiya city’s residents elected the first female mayor in Japan, Ms. Harue Kitamura, in 1991, who has passed away t… - 3 years ago

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