Harry Mathews

American author (The Conversions
Died on Thursday January 26th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Harry Mathews:

@KarlKebede: RT @NYTObits: The NYT obit for Harry Mathews. The writer wanted you to throw his complex books out the window, then retrieve them. - 8 years ago

@NYTObits: The NYT obit for Harry Mathews. The writer wanted you to throw his complex books out the window, then retrieve them. - 8 years ago

@chev_inexistant: Décès de l'écrivain Harry Mathews - 8 years ago

@ProfitArcher: RT @PeteMcDonald_: "Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86" by SAM ROBERTS via NYT - 8 years ago


@SBolithoe: Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@Amy_Sharpton: Harry Mathews Idiosy - 8 years ago

@SBolithoe: Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@Apocrifos: "Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86" by SAM ROBERTS via NYT - 8 years ago

@thegeorgeruss: "Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86" by SAM ROBERTS via NYT - 8 years ago

@PeteMcDonald_: "Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86" by SAM ROBERTS via NYT - 8 years ago

@UK_SSC: RT @SBolithoe: "Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86" by SAM ROBERTS via NYT - 8 years ago

@muhamadiqbaldar: "Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86" - 8 years ago

@SBolithoe: "Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86" by SAM ROBERTS via NYT - 8 years ago

@thelondonbob01: "Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86" by SAM ROBERTS via NYT - 8 years ago

@AdelineHill88: "Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86" by SAM ROBERTS via NYT - 8 years ago

@see_venice: RT @NYTObits: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. - 8 years ago

@Aranthell: RT @editionsPOL: Dans le carnet du Monde, l'annonce par l'Oulipo de la mort de Harry Mathews, désormais excusé à ses réunions, pour cause d… - 8 years ago

@rlopolis: @dlb pitch-perfect appreciation of Harry Mathews. Thank you. - 8 years ago

@onemelek1: RT @parisreview: Harry Mathews, longtime contributor to ‘The Paris Review,’ has died. - 8 years ago

@MercenaryScribe: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews, an idiosyncratic writer, is dead at 86 - 8 years ago

@harikunzru: RIP Harry Mathews, Oulipian - 8 years ago

@futtatinni: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@josephinebattle: RT @PGourevitch: "What some might see as completely pointless, he found intellectually liberating." RIP Harry Matthews—delightful man https… - 8 years ago

@PGourevitch: "What some might see as completely pointless, he found intellectually liberating." RIP Harry Matthews—delightful man - 8 years ago

@tomleao: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@KarenTookeyCoff: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@adamwintersnyc: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@Francisacedo: - 8 years ago

@jackshafer: “Literature was my great love and I was determined to keep it unsullied by academia.” --Harry Mathews RIP - 8 years ago

@klasy: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@newtonvillebks: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@tidy_today: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. - 8 years ago

@mseanmarc: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@strange_angel: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@NormGretzinger: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@mtchknght8: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@dvuillermin: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@TainMarilyn: RT @lithub: Frederic Tuten remembers Harry Mathews and their lasting friendship. - 8 years ago

@MarieAndreeW: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@fionajoyhowe: RT @nytimesarts: Harry Mathews is dead. He once rewrote a Keats poem using the vocabulary from a Julia Child recipe, and vice versa. https:… - 8 years ago

@davidnagler: Sad to learn Harry Mathews passed away last week. I will make his Country Cooking recipe tonight in his memory. - 8 years ago

@alys_mathews: Feels like a watch all the Harry Potter films night - 8 years ago

@tonypower: Frederic Tuten Remembers Harry Mathews - 8 years ago

@lonbouldin: Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@billhayward: RT @lithub: Frederic Tuten remembers Harry Mathews and their lasting friendship. - 8 years ago

@bobbygw: #HarryMathews, Renowned Writer, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@colibrijo: RT @lithub: Frederic Tuten remembers Harry Mathews and their lasting friendship. - 8 years ago

@fridayprof: NYT Obit of Harry Matthews - wonderful piece that makes me want to read his books and wish I'd met him. - 8 years ago

@lithub: Frederic Tuten remembers Harry Mathews and their lasting friendship. - 8 years ago

@sailordoghandel: the most useful of poems: Butter and Eggs by Harry Mathews (RIP) - 8 years ago

@sailordoghandel: RT @dlb: I remember Harry Mathews: - 8 years ago

@sailordoghandel: RT @JimJarmusch: Harry Mathews has left us -- a remarkable writer, poet, translator, editor, linguistic innovator and adventurer. RIP Harry… - 8 years ago

@c001357: RT @marcussedgwick: Harry Mathews said it right. - 8 years ago

@c001357: RT @parisreview: We’re sad to report that Harry Mathews has died, in Key West, at the age of eighty-six. - 8 years ago

@ExcitedUttRead: Frederic Tuten Remembers Harry Mathews | Literary Hub - 8 years ago

@c001357: RT @TheTLS: Reflecting on the life of Harry Mathews (1930–2017), a writer of immense wit and erudition – @djbduncan - 8 years ago

@c001357: RT @JimJarmusch: Harry Mathews has left us -- a remarkable writer, poet, translator, editor, linguistic innovator and adventurer. RIP Harry… - 8 years ago

@IrisSmyles: Frederic Tuten Remembers Harry Mathews #Oulipo #greatamericanwriters - 8 years ago

@StereoRooster: Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@catnogood: Have ever to check this out....Harry Mathews, Idiosyncratic Writer, Dies at 86 - 8 years ago

@nickolasmohanna: RT @_conjunctions: Oulipian, spy, man about town—Harry Mathews, we miss you, godspeed. - 8 years ago

@jwilson1812: RT @_conjunctions: Oulipian, spy, man about town—Harry Mathews, we miss you, godspeed. - 8 years ago

@_conjunctions: Oulipian, spy, man about town—Harry Mathews, we miss you, godspeed. - 8 years ago

@TainMarilyn: RT @opheliasings: RIP: Poet, Writer, Translator, Oulipo member Harry Mathews (1930–2017) Has Died.The Poetry Foundation - 8 years ago

@HayIn2: Harry Mathews - Wikipedia - “Harry Mathews (February 14, 1930 – January 25, 2017) was an  American author... - 8 years ago

@opheliasings: RIP: Poet, Writer, Translator, Oulipo member Harry Mathews (1930–2017) Has Died.The Poetry Foundation - 8 years ago

@BELLEGO5: RT @RChaikhaoui: Georges PEREC et Harry MATHEWS qui vient de nous quitter. - 8 years ago

@BELLEGO5: RT @DenisCosnard: Littérature : deux membres de l'Oulipo viennent de mourir, Harry Mathews et Jacques Duchateau - 8 years ago

@freddelams: Au milieu de toutes ces #fillonneries un décès passe inaperçu : Harry #Mathews proche de #Perec et membre de l'#oulipo #jemesouviens - 8 years ago

@notthatavi: Harry Mathews, the first American to be admitted to the #OuLiPo, passed away last Wednesday - 8 years ago

@thomasp_mathews: RT @BinduCherungath: @thomasp_mathews at times yes, eg. Harry Potter book was much grand than d film. @litofest #litofest - 8 years ago

@litofest: RT @BinduCherungath: @thomasp_mathews at times yes, eg. Harry Potter book was much grand than d film. @litofest #litofest - 8 years ago

@BinduCherungath: @thomasp_mathews at times yes, eg. Harry Potter book was much grand than d film. @litofest #litofest - 8 years ago

@Letras_Libres: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) - 8 years ago

@julianofclapton: RT @michaelscaines: What do we think the "point" is? A question posed by the late Harry Mathews. - 8 years ago

@Letras_Libres: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) - 8 years ago

@larapawson: RT @michaelscaines: What do we think the "point" is? A question posed by the late Harry Mathews. - 8 years ago

@awayinwildernes: RT @ThePublicSquare: “If you don’t prune, you can never really grow like you should.” — Frances Mathews, a.k.a. Grandma Oops - 8 years ago

@losmiserables8: RT @_d: Traduje para Letras Libres el magnífico obituario que Dennis Duncan escribió para el Times Literary Supplement y... - 8 years ago

@sabrimgd: RT @Bonnefous: Mort de l’écrivain américain Harry Mathews — via @lemondefr - 8 years ago

@BeSeenReading: Oscar noms! Here's why readers get 30% off! - 8 years ago

@Bonnefous: Mort de l’écrivain américain Harry Mathews — via @lemondefr - 8 years ago

@MachadoRocky: @HarryJRMatthews @POTUS @WhiteHouse Harry Mathews what kind of shit are you eating???...the one spewed by the crook and pathological liar??? - 8 years ago

@Letras_Libres: RT @djbduncan: Pleased that Spanish language @LetrasLibres have translated and expanded my Harry Mathews obituary. - 8 years ago

@YaonmiBern: RT @Letras_Libres: In memoriam: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) - 8 years ago

@Magfabulaciones: RT @Letras_Libres: In memoriam: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) - 8 years ago

@Letras_Libres: In memoriam: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) - 8 years ago

@proclitic1415: RT @barrettwatten: Harry Mathews--an original. Memories of his residency at 80 Langton and his civility to us others. The work is remarkabl… - 8 years ago

@AdamSmyth0: RT @djbduncan: Pleased that Spanish language @LetrasLibres have translated and expanded my Harry Mathews obituary. - 8 years ago

@malevolodoctor: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) - 8 years ago

@djbduncan: Pleased that Spanish language @LetrasLibres have translated and expanded my Harry Mathews obituary.… - 8 years ago

@dubquixote: RT @_d: Traduje para Letras Libres el magnífico obituario que Dennis Duncan escribió para el Times Literary Supplement y... - 8 years ago

@LeerCapacita: RT @Letras_Libres: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) - 8 years ago

@Letras_Libres: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) - 8 years ago

@Letras_Libres: La erudición de Harry Mathews fue invariablemente la maquinación para el colofón de un chiste. - 8 years ago

@FitnessSocial_: RT @_d: Traduje para Letras Libres el magnífico obituario que Dennis Duncan escribió para el Times Literary Supplement y... - 8 years ago

@Letras_Libres: RT @_d: Traduje para Letras Libres el magnífico obituario que Dennis Duncan escribió para el Times Literary Supplement y... - 8 years ago

@barbarilustrada: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) el Oulipo norteamericano. - 8 years ago

@bartleby2666: Harry Mathews (1930-2017) - 8 years ago

@johnlingan: RT @jsief: @dlb writing on the recently deceased Harry Mathews -> - 8 years ago

@jsief: @dlb writing on the recently deceased Harry Mathews -> - 8 years ago

@maryamobaig: RT @DeepVellum: For all Oulipo fans: read @dlb's obituary in @sfchronicle for Harry Mathews, 1st American member of the group - 8 years ago

@ella_lambert: RT @editionsPOL: Dans le carnet du Monde, l'annonce par l'Oulipo de la mort de Harry Mathews, désormais excusé à ses réunions, pour cause d… - 8 years ago

@guessworker: RT @LRB: Harry Mathews on Duchamp’s private world - 8 years ago

@guillaumebla: RT @editionsPOL: Dans le carnet du Monde, l'annonce par l'Oulipo de la mort de Harry Mathews, désormais excusé à ses réunions, pour cause d… - 8 years ago

@Oiedecravan: RT @editionsPOL: Dans le carnet du Monde, l'annonce par l'Oulipo de la mort de Harry Mathews, désormais excusé à ses réunions, pour cause d… - 8 years ago

@fannysteib: RT @josavigneau: Mort de l’écrivain américain Harry Mathews — via @lemondefr - 8 years ago

@anne_berthier: RT @josavigneau: Mort de l’écrivain américain Harry Mathews — via @lemondefr - 8 years ago

@Le_C_L: RT @josavigneau: Mort de l’écrivain américain Harry Mathews — via @lemondefr - 8 years ago

@djbduncan: RT @michaelscaines: What do we think the "point" is? A question posed by the late Harry Mathews. - 8 years ago

@michaelscaines: What do we think the "point" is? A question posed by the late Harry Mathews. - 8 years ago

@windupbirdC: RT @LRB: For Harry Mathews, creation, translation and collaboration were 'more or less interchangeable terms' - 8 years ago

@ChiaraAmbrosio: RT @TheTLS: Reflecting on the life of Harry Mathews (1930–2017), a writer of immense wit and erudition – @djbduncan - 8 years ago

@BillBloodyHughe: RT @LRB: For Harry Mathews, creation, translation and collaboration were 'more or less interchangeable terms' - 8 years ago

@LRB: For Harry Mathews, creation, translation and collaboration were 'more or less interchangeable terms' - 8 years ago

@nickparker: RT @djbduncan: Pleasingly Oulipian errata slip in Harry Mathews's "The Way Home" (London: Atlas, 1989) @AtlasPress1 #oulipo #paratexts http… - 8 years ago

@marsupilamima2: RT @josavigneau: Mort de l’écrivain américain Harry Mathews — via @lemondefr - 8 years ago

@nayakprakash: RT @LRB: 'The most unfaultable living writer of English'.@danielsoar on Harry Mathews's 'My Life in the CIA' - 8 years ago

@_HelenMF: RT @dlb: I remember Harry Mathews: - 8 years ago

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