Harry Fielder

British actor (Doctor Who
Died on Sunday February 7th 2021

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Harry Fielder:

@IcarFaem: (the late) Harry Fielder Klaxon! - 4 years ago

@ChandniGovind: I love that Fielder in Harry Potter pose.. - 4 years ago

@CallyBoy69: RT @SitcomDelights: We lose without doubt the finest Film/TV extra of the 70s & 80s. They all wanted Harry Fielder because he was the ultim… - 4 years ago

@Swevicus: RT @Morris__Bright: Prolific actor & stunt man Harry "Aitch" Fielder has passed at 80. Almost 300 screen appearances in 30 years Aitch was… - 4 years ago


@CiroTweeter: RIP to British Actor Harry Fielder (1940-2021) who seem to be in countless roles over his very long career. "Star W… - 4 years ago

@ArtanisD: RT @faustianovich: Peli (Harry Fielder) del día: LA REVOLUCIÓN DE LAS MUJERES, básicamente un remake encubierto de ¡VIVA MARÍA! al servicio… - 4 years ago

@zoesfeatherboa: RT @BeingBoycie: Sorry to hear that actor Harry Fielder has died.I met him on Seeds of Doom and a hundred other jobs through the years! Har… - 4 years ago

@HorizonBlakes7: Sad to hear that Harry 'Aitch' Fielder has passed away. A lovely man always happy to chat about his fascinating lif… - 4 years ago

@Kirkby007: RT @BeingBoycie: Sorry to hear that actor Harry Fielder has died.I met him on Seeds of Doom and a hundred other jobs through the years! Har… - 4 years ago

@DarrenK73: RT @BeingBoycie: Sorry to hear that actor Harry Fielder has died.I met him on Seeds of Doom and a hundred other jobs through the years! Har… - 4 years ago

@TheBillaton: RT @Skelly2505: @TheBillaton sad news that Harry Fielder,film/tv extra extraordinaire has passed away,had a resume that was superb,had nume… - 4 years ago

@Skelly2505: @TheBillaton sad news that Harry Fielder,film/tv extra extraordinaire has passed away,had a resume that was superb,… - 4 years ago

@JohnTutton1: @Pricenator @onlyfoolsnews He bought the TV off grandad in ‘Cash and curry’. I only knew this through Google. Turns… - 4 years ago

@IreneWildthyme: RT @BeingBoycie: Sorry to hear that actor Harry Fielder has died.I met him on Seeds of Doom and a hundred other jobs through the years! Har… - 4 years ago

@unhingedf91: RT @BeingBoycie: Sorry to hear that actor Harry Fielder has died.I met him on Seeds of Doom and a hundred other jobs through the years! Har… - 4 years ago

@joannedavison54: RT @BeingBoycie: Sorry to hear that actor Harry Fielder has died.I met him on Seeds of Doom and a hundred other jobs through the years! Har… - 4 years ago

@thecondy: @onlyfoolsnews No idea, even with this photo! - 4 years ago

@countrysuppers: RT @BeingBoycie: Sorry to hear that actor Harry Fielder has died.I met him on Seeds of Doom and a hundred other jobs through the years! Har… - 4 years ago

@kevthewright: @BeingBoycie RIP Harry Fielder 💔 - 4 years ago

@BeingBoycie: Sorry to hear that actor Harry Fielder has died.I met him on Seeds of Doom and a hundred other jobs through the yea… - 4 years ago

@SuperQueer619: Horacio the handsnake - Harry Fielder - 4 years ago

@Majin_Sole: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@RedsoulNova: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@SergeantDiggs: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@Nexus1O1: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Harry "Aitch" Fielder, cuya carrera como actor, en papeles casi testimoniales, supera las 400 apariciones en TV… - 4 years ago

@adams_catherine: RT @Classicbritcom: Barbara Windsor with Harry Fielder, God Bless you Both 😇🙏 - 4 years ago

@SwisherDisc42: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@B0Nb0i: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@SEBASTIANthe69: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@KTisIncredible: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@zeyon_dmc: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@TroyeAnderson: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@DarkPositron: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@EmperorBigD: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@fjrbalsera: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Harry "Aitch" Fielder, cuya carrera como actor, en papeles casi testimoniales, supera las 400 apariciones en TV… - 4 years ago

@javieriribarren: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Harry "Aitch" Fielder, cuya carrera como actor, en papeles casi testimoniales, supera las 400 apariciones en TV… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Peli (Harry Fielder) del día: LA REVOLUCIÓN DE LAS MUJERES, básicamente un remake encubierto de ¡VIVA MARÍA! al ser… - 4 years ago

@DuaneSimolke: RT @NottingHillNerd: Just heard that Harry 'Aitch' Fielder passed away. If you don't know the name, you will know the face. He was an extra… - 4 years ago

@2000Maniacos: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Harry "Aitch" Fielder, cuya carrera como actor, en papeles casi testimoniales, supera las 400 apariciones en TV… - 4 years ago

@SantiagoReveco: RT @Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@txerrac: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a Harry "Aitch" Fielder, cuya carrera como actor, en papeles casi testimoniales, supera las 400 apariciones en TV… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Harry Fielder, un habitual de la Hammer: poseído en ¿QUÉ SUCEDIÓ ENTONCES?, puritano en DRÁCULA Y LAS MELLIZAS, en… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Harry Fielder era uno de los cosmonautas que se tomaban con el monolito en la Luna en 2001: UNA ODISEA DEL ESPACIO.… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Harry Fielder, en activo desde 1967 hasta finales de los 90, se especializó en ser policía (EL MURO, SUPERMAN y SUP… - 4 years ago

@faustianovich: Adiós a Harry "Aitch" Fielder, cuya carrera como actor, en papeles casi testimoniales, supera las 400 apariciones e… - 4 years ago

@EmmaLouiseWebb3: RT @Classicbritcom: Barbara Windsor with Harry Fielder, God Bless you Both 😇🙏 - 4 years ago

@CellarTheatre: RT @Classicbritcom: Barbara Windsor with Harry Fielder, God Bless you Both 😇🙏 - 4 years ago

@SidJames1976: RT @Classicbritcom: Barbara Windsor with Harry Fielder, God Bless you Both 😇🙏 - 4 years ago

@Hozonkai1: RIP Harry Fielder (1940-2021) Corporal Grenwick, Death Star interrogator at the right - 4 years ago

@szilviade_: RT @Classicbritcom: Barbara Windsor with Harry Fielder, God Bless you Both 😇🙏 - 4 years ago

@Brutusmaximus: RT @Classicbritcom: Barbara Windsor with Harry Fielder, God Bless you Both 😇🙏 - 4 years ago

@ThatVDOVault: RT @Classicbritcom: Barbara Windsor with Harry Fielder, God Bless you Both 😇🙏 - 4 years ago

@Classicbritcom: Barbara Windsor with Harry Fielder, God Bless you Both 😇🙏 - 4 years ago

@bufocalvin: Harry Fielder appeared in movies & TV Shows you are very likely to have seen (2001: A Space Odyssey, the 1st Star W… - 4 years ago

@Tristan53346605: @ManningOfficial Such a shame we said goodbye to Harry Fielder yesterday. A very nice man who appeared in lots of… - 4 years ago

@BernardQuack: RT @The66Ramblers: RIP Harry Fielder, one of the many unsung heroes of film & television #DoctorWho #StarWars - 4 years ago

@IceRinkBaby: RT @CI5BDC: RIP Harry Fielder 1940-2021. fond fairwell Aitch #theprofessionals - 4 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Harry FIELDER (26 Apr. 1940 – Feb. 2021), English actor who worked extensively in British film and televisio… - 4 years ago

@rob_bradly: RT @TobyHadoke: RIP Harry “Aitch” Fielder, one of the last great supporting artistes who were so ubiquitous in classic British TV and cinem… - 4 years ago

@DinoDeano: RT @ErnestBilko: 📷 It is with great sadness we report the passing of our friend Harry Fielder. Harry had a long and varied acting career an… - 4 years ago

@EStormtroopers: RIP Harry “Aitch” Fielder: Corporal Grenwick Death Star Trooper has sadly passed away. Star Wars episode lV: A New… - 4 years ago

@SArsebiscuit: @rickygervais Maybe you have already heard but 'The King of the Extras' Harry Fielder has died. Probably easier t… - 4 years ago

@newcastleboyy: RT @deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Harry Fielder dies - #HarryFielder #Harry #Fielder #rip - 4 years ago

@ErnestBilko: 📷 It is with great sadness we report the passing of our friend Harry Fielder. Harry had a long and varied acting ca… - 4 years ago

@Cultdom: RT @DWOnThisDay: Saddened to hear that Harry Fielder has died who played many extra roles including Guards in The Seeds of Doom and The Ar… - 4 years ago

@Nollie38: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Harry "Aitch" Fielder (1940-2021), a hugely prolific extra and stuntman who appeared uncredited in #DoctorWho severa… - 4 years ago

@TheHStirling: RT @TobyHadoke: RIP Harry “Aitch” Fielder, one of the last great supporting artistes who were so ubiquitous in classic British TV and cinem… - 4 years ago

@funeralnearme: Harry Fielder Funeral - 4 years ago

@TheTartanDalek: RT @DWOnThisDay: Saddened to hear that Harry Fielder has died who played many extra roles including Guards in The Seeds of Doom and The Ar… - 4 years ago

@august21st: RT @Classicbritcom: Harry Fielder (1940–2021) R.I.P - 4 years ago

@nickclaydj: RT @TobyHadoke: RIP Harry “Aitch” Fielder, one of the last great supporting artistes who were so ubiquitous in classic British TV and cinem… - 4 years ago

@AlanJepson4: RT @Classicbritcom: Harry Fielder (1940–2021) R.I.P - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Harry Fielder dies - #HarryFielder #Harry #Fielder #rip - 4 years ago

@Hookean1: RT @Morris__Bright: Prolific actor & stunt man Harry "Aitch" Fielder has passed at 80. Almost 300 screen appearances in 30 years Aitch was… - 4 years ago

@PaulGib70252143: RT @Morris__Bright: Prolific actor & stunt man Harry "Aitch" Fielder has passed at 80. Almost 300 screen appearances in 30 years Aitch was… - 4 years ago

@philip_ayres: RT @mrmatthewwest: Very sad to see that Harry Fielder died this week. This is a (very) rough cover concept from when we were going to publi… - 4 years ago

@BradleyGentlman: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Harry "Aitch" Fielder (1940-2021), a hugely prolific extra and stuntman who appeared uncredited in #DoctorWho severa… - 4 years ago

@higgswboson: @LaddWayne RIP Harry Fielder - The Ulimate Extra. - 4 years ago

@MJHerbert: RT @TobyHadoke: RIP Harry “Aitch” Fielder, one of the last great supporting artistes who were so ubiquitous in classic British TV and cinem… - 4 years ago

@DrWhoCastCrew: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Harry "Aitch" Fielder (1940-2021), a hugely prolific extra and stuntman who appeared uncredited in #DoctorWho severa… - 4 years ago

@YesteryearTweet: Very sad to hear that dear old Harry Fielder, or 'Aitch' to his friends, has passed away. Harry was an extra in Bri… - 4 years ago

@TheLearnToSwim: RT @TobyHadoke: RIP Harry “Aitch” Fielder, one of the last great supporting artistes who were so ubiquitous in classic British TV and cinem… - 4 years ago

@rebelrecording: RT @DWOnThisDay: Saddened to hear that Harry Fielder has died who played many extra roles including Guards in The Seeds of Doom and The Ar… - 4 years ago

@ffsake: RT @wearecultonline: Prolific actor & stunt man Harry "Aitch" Fielder has passed at 80. Almost 300 screen appearances in 30 years, Aitch wa… - 4 years ago

@laran3313: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Harry "Aitch" Fielder (1940-2021), a hugely prolific extra and stuntman who appeared uncredited in #DoctorWho severa… - 4 years ago

@HaikuFictionDJU: RT @The66Ramblers: RIP Harry Fielder, one of the many unsung heroes of film & television #DoctorWho #StarWars - 4 years ago

@The66Ramblers: RIP Harry Fielder, one of the many unsung heroes of film & television #DoctorWho #StarWars - 4 years ago

@Porridge: RT @DrWhoCastCrew: RIP Harry "Aitch" Fielder (1940-2021), a hugely prolific extra and stuntman who appeared uncredited in #DoctorWho severa… - 4 years ago

@EmmaLouiseWebb3: RT @JojoChampion: #RIPAitch Film and TV extra Harry Fielder has sadly passed on at the age of 80. #steptoe #onthebuses #terryandjune #DrWho… - 4 years ago

@EmmaLouiseWebb3: RT @mrmatthewwest: Very sad to see that Harry Fielder died this week. This is a (very) rough cover concept from when we were going to publi… - 4 years ago

@EmmaLouiseWebb3: RT @murray_hecht: RIP Harry Fielder - 4 years ago

@EmmaLouiseWebb3: RT @mrJimer: Sad to hear the passing of Harry Fielder. Met and worked with him a couple of times on signing events about 10 years ago. Harr… - 4 years ago

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