Harold Cohen

British computer artist (AARON).
Died on Wednesday April 27th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Harold Cohen:

@arnaudbertrand_: @arnaudbertrand_ AARON has been code by Harold Cohen who passed away recently, discovering his legacy - 9 years ago

@Nekrologium: Harold Cohen, britischer Maler, Grafiker und Informatiker, am 27.04.2016 im Alter von 87 Jahren - - 9 years ago

@livphysoc: A nice place to take a break from revision. Just across from the Harold Cohen 👍 - 9 years ago

@kaOwOat_: @kaOwOat_ AARON The Painting Fool ,Harold Cohen - 9 years ago


@erikgoetze: Harold Cohen: in memoriam | KurzweilAI - 9 years ago

@creativeEndvs: RT @CarlCanary: The saddest news for many of us: Harold Cohen died on April 27, 2016. When I last saw him in September 15, his mind was as… - 9 years ago

@livuniresthemes: RT @LivUniOA: We managed to find our way out of the Leverhulme Building yesterday and we're back on home turf in the Harold Cohen library a… - 9 years ago

@LivUniOA: We managed to find our way out of the Leverhulme Building yesterday and we're back on home turf in the Harold Cohen library all day today. - 9 years ago

@bitcraftlab: RT @CarlCanary: The saddest news for many of us: Harold Cohen died on April 27, 2016. When I last saw him in September 15, his mind was as… - 9 years ago

@reddit_lisp: #lisp Harold Cohen: in memoriam | - 9 years ago

@alomour: RT @RIP_2016: #RIP Harold Cohen. Artist who created AARON, a machine that created art autonomously #art - 9 years ago

@HAL_9000_AI: RT @Franzinc: We are saddened to learn about the passing of Harold Cohen: in memoriam | KurzweilAI - 9 years ago

@michaeljforster: RT @Franzinc: We are saddened to learn about the passing of Harold Cohen: in memoriam | KurzweilAI - 9 years ago

@alomour: RT @DoddsDouglas: Sad to hear that digital art pioneer Harold Cohen passed away yesterday. His Aaron program created unique artworks https:… - 9 years ago

@SamPetcher: Also why do the librarians in the humanities library look so stereotypical but the Harold Cohen ones look edgy - 9 years ago

@JenLNeville: RIP Harold Cohen, developer of AARON #AI program to makes orig. art, @siggraph lifetime achiev. award in digital art - 9 years ago

@envoy510: RT @Franzinc: We are saddened to learn about the passing of Harold Cohen: in memoriam | KurzweilAI - 9 years ago

@JeromeOnwunalu: RT @Franzinc: We are saddened to learn about the passing of Harold Cohen: in memoriam | KurzweilAI - 9 years ago

@Franzinc: We are saddened to learn about the passing of Harold Cohen: in memoriam | KurzweilAI - 9 years ago

@xgavin: RIP Harold Cohen, his AARON project introduced me to art + AI, thank you for the endless fascination - 9 years ago

@MikaelNaramore: Aw man, RIP Harold Cohen... another brilliant mind lost to the ether. - 9 years ago

@Leashmate: Harold Cohen is so big it's freaking me out - 9 years ago

@L_G_R_R: #InteligenciaArtificial #CreatividadArtificial In Memoriam de Harold Cohen, pionero del arte generado por computador - 9 years ago

@tam_cu: RT @cuatlas: RIP Harold Cohen who programmed computers to create new works of art. "Are you kidding, a computer made that?!" - 9 years ago

@tam_cu: RT @cuatlas: AARON is a software program developed by the late Harold Cohen which creates artistic images, like the one below. - 9 years ago

@DrHubaEvaluator: Kurzweil: Harold Cohen: in memoriam - By Paul Cohen Harold Cohen, artist and pioneer in the field of computer-g... - 9 years ago

@WalesBuzz: RT @mypandashallfly: RIP Harold Cohen (1928 - 2016) #computerart #artificialintelligence #drawing #graphics #automaticart #haroldcohen ht… - 9 years ago

@futureartists: RT @mypandashallfly: RIP Harold Cohen (1928 - 2016) #computerart #artificialintelligence #drawing #graphics #automaticart #haroldcohen ht… - 9 years ago

@LeapingRobot: @dribnet Indeed. Misled by: - 9 years ago

@twav1d: Harold Cohen: in memoriam | KurzweilAI - 9 years ago

@SolidElectric: Harold Cohen: in memoriam - 9 years ago

@dribnet: @LeapingRobot That's not Harold Cohen. - 9 years ago

@twiggymoo: RT @LivUniLibrary: Don't even get me started on the Harold Cohen coffee machine today - 9 years ago

@LivUniLibrary: Don't even get me started on the Harold Cohen coffee machine today - 9 years ago

@TrendsFM: Harold Cohen: in memoriam | KurzweilAI - 9 years ago

@clareinbear: RT @RubyChilds: One of my idols died this week - Harold Cohen, inventor of Aaron which is a software programme that produces art - 9 years ago

@DaveWolf141: Harold Cohen: in memoriam: By Paul Cohen Harold Cohen, artist and pioneer in the field of computer-generated a.. - 9 years ago

@FoltinFuture: Harold Cohen: in memoriam - 9 years ago

@MichaelRossMSW: Harold Cohen: in memoriam - 9 years ago

@JohnsonITUK: RT @_TechNews: Harold Cohen: in memoriam - 9 years ago

@Singularitybook: Harold Cohen: in memoriam - 9 years ago

@_A_l_i_s_s_a_: Harold Cohen: in memoriam - 9 years ago

@_TechNews: Harold Cohen: in memoriam - 9 years ago

@yestermorrowcom: KurzweilAI: Harold Cohen: in memoriam - 9 years ago

@Whaikupu: Harold Cohen: in memoriam: By Paul Cohen Harold Cohen, artist and pioneer in the field of computer-generated ... - 9 years ago

@mattdkerr: 📷 prostheticknowledge: Harold Cohen RIP Artist who pioneered art with code and robotics passed away on... - 9 years ago

@villares: RT @REAS: This evening, exploring Ligeti's Melodien and sadness at the news of Harold Cohen's death: - 9 years ago

@cuatlas: AARON is a software program developed by the late Harold Cohen which creates artistic images, like the one below. - 9 years ago

@evARTology: RT @ArsElectronica: The software AARON by media art pioneer Harold Cohen created artistic images autonomously… - 9 years ago

@thedreamreaver: RT @mypandashallfly: RIP Harold Cohen (1928 - 2016) #computerart #artificialintelligence #drawing #graphics #automaticart #haroldcohen ht… - 9 years ago

@RIP_2016: #RIP Harold Cohen. Artist who created AARON, a machine that created art autonomously #art - 9 years ago

@mypandashallfly: RIP Harold Cohen (1928 - 2016) #computerart #artificialintelligence #drawing #graphics #automaticart #haroldcohen - 9 years ago

@Oddly_Even: 📷 Harold Cohen RIP Artist who pioneered art with code and robotics passed away on the 27th of April... - 9 years ago

@JohnAFlood: Retweeted Mark Riedl (@mark_riedl): Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away.... - 9 years ago

@JohnAFlood: RT @mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@martin_backes: RT @prostheticknowl: Harold Cohen RIP: Artist who pioneered art with code and robotics passed away on the 27th of April 2016. - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Harold Cohen - #HaroldCohen #Harold #Cohen #rip - 9 years ago

@stevebattle: RT @mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@PhilCorlett1: RT @mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@j2bryson: RT @mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@ramalhoorg: RT @REAS: This evening, exploring Ligeti's Melodien and sadness at the news of Harold Cohen's death: - 9 years ago

@Udibr: RT @mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@archizero: prosthetic knowledge — Harold Cohen RIP Artist who pioneered art with... | @scoopit - 9 years ago

@djp1974: RT @mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@MinkaArt: Harold Cohen died a few days ago. For those of you that do not know, he created Aaron, a computational drawing... - 9 years ago

@misslake: RIP Harold Cohen, author of Aaron, a pioneering AI drawing machine. Interviewed by @RayKurz here - 9 years ago

@MinkaArt: I find #Cohen incredibly inspirational, upon his passing, I wish there were more discussions of his legacy - 9 years ago

@manuchis: RT @mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@samim: RT @mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@Brown_And_Son: dbtwr: RT floatingstones: Harold Cohen: on "being first artist in history to have a posthumous exhibition of new w… - 9 years ago

@dbtwr: RT @floatingstones: Harold Cohen: on "being first artist in history to have a posthumous exhibition of new work" - 9 years ago

@dot_grid: Harold Cohen RIP - 9 years ago

@coralf: RT @GuyBirkin: "I write programs, programs make drawings." RIP Harold Cohen, creator of AARON the cybernetic artist. - 9 years ago

@GV_Art: RT @floatingstones: Harold Cohen: on "being first artist in history to have a posthumous exhibition of new work" - 9 years ago

@lrvarshney: RT @mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@mark_riedl: Harold Cohen, inventor of the AARON robot painter, has passed away. - 9 years ago

@christianbok: "I'll be the first artist in history who could have a posthumous exhibition of new work."—Harold Cohen: - 9 years ago

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