Hans Reiss

German-born Irish academic.
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

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Tweets related to Hans Reiss:

@OliverBWeber: RT @Diderotesque: RIP Hans Reiss, a formidable scholar of German literature and philosophy, editor of Kant’s political writings for ⁦@CUPAc… - 5 years ago

@LegaciesofPast: RT @ulrike_jureit: Der Germanist Hans Reiss ist tot via @sz - 5 years ago

@ulrike_jureit: Der Germanist Hans Reiss ist tot via @sz - 5 years ago

@alexchalkeus: RT @Diderotesque: RIP Hans Reiss, a formidable scholar of German literature and philosophy, editor of Kant’s political writings for ⁦@CUPAc… - 5 years ago


@PBahners: RT @Diderotesque: RIP Hans Reiss, a formidable scholar of German literature and philosophy, editor of Kant’s political writings for ⁦@CUPAc… - 5 years ago

@Diderotesque: RIP Hans Reiss, a formidable scholar of German literature and philosophy, editor of Kant’s political writings for ⁦… - 5 years ago

@HannSportbuzzer: Am Ende einer verrückten Saison stand 2010 für Andy #Reiss und die @HanScorpions die Meisterschaft. Der heute 33-Jä… - 5 years ago

@histo_reiss: RT @miiharuun: Hans([∂]∇[∂]) 壁の上からの眺め - 5 years ago

@focuskultur: Einer der größten Germanisten des 20. Jahrhunderts - Nachruf von Dr. Hubert Burda: Zum Tod des Literaturwissenschaf… - 5 years ago

@cambridge_cpt: RT @crookedfootball: Hans Reiss, who was at Bristol and edited Kant's Political Writings in the Nisbet translation for CUP has died at 98 h… - 5 years ago

@crookedfootball: Hans Reiss, who was at Bristol and edited Kant's Political Writings in the Nisbet translation for CUP has died at 98 - 5 years ago

@LaurelPlapp: RT @PeterLangOxford: Tributes are pouring in for Hans Reiss, Professor @BristolGerman, who has died at age 97: - 5 years ago

@Lob_developing: RT @textkritik: Konrad Feilchenfeldt zum Tod von Hans Reiss in der ǸZZ < - 5 years ago

@BristolGerman: RT @PeterLangOxford: Tributes are pouring in for Hans Reiss, Professor @BristolGerman, who has died at age 97: - 5 years ago

@PeterLangOxford: Tributes are pouring in for Hans Reiss, Professor @BristolGerman, who has died at age 97: - 5 years ago

@MDemantowsky: Der Germanist Hans Reiss ist tot via @sz - 5 years ago

@widersitz: RT @textkritik: Konrad Feilchenfeldt zum Tod von Hans Reiss in der ǸZZ < - 5 years ago

@KlausW_Pohlmann: RT @textkritik: Konrad Feilchenfeldt zum Tod von Hans Reiss in der ǸZZ < - 5 years ago

@textkritik: Konrad Feilchenfeldt zum Tod von Hans Reiss in der ǸZZ < - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Hans Reiss @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #HansReiss add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@swissbusiness: Vor den Nazis geflohen, kam er nach dem Krieg mit Franz Kafka nach Deutschland zurück - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Hans Reiss, deutsch-irischer Literaturwissenschaftler, am 02.04.2020 im Alter von 97 Jahren - - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Hans Reiss - 5 years ago

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