Hamza Ali

English cricketer (Hampshire)
Died on Thursday June 9th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Hamza Ali:

@Tehwarsham1: Jab apni aqal sa ooper ki baat kro to aisa hi hota ha To Hamza Ali Abaasi. How much I appreciate you and how you ruined it. - 9 years ago

@SAswanii: RT @Saroorification: People defending Hamza Ali Abbasi are mostly those who don't practice religion, some Shias and obviously the Ahmadi co… - 9 years ago

@Tehwarsham1: RT @RafayHere: Dear Hamza Ali Abbasi, Reading Wikipedia doesn't make you a religious scholar. - 9 years ago

@TrustPmln: RT @rizwanktk: Hamza ali abbasi tu nhi na #HBDkkabbasi - 9 years ago


@RafayHere: Dear Hamza Ali Abbasi, Reading Wikipedia doesn't make you a religious scholar. - 9 years ago

@Labib414: RT @nasir9002: Hamza Ali Abbasi staying firm for #Ahmedis. That was not rating. Salute to the courage and prayers for him - 9 years ago

@MuzlimID: RT @nasir9002: Hamza Ali Abbasi staying firm for #Ahmedis. That was not rating. Salute to the courage and prayers for him - 9 years ago

@ChandlerrBing_: @Saniyazing moral: you don't like Hamza Ali Abbassi's page. - 9 years ago

@usmannrana: RT @Mahamali05: Hamza Ali Abbasi's latest post: - 9 years ago

@rizwanktk: Hamza ali abbasi tu nhi na #HBDkkabbasi - 9 years ago

@ZoyaAliNaqvi: Thankyou Hamza Ali Abbasi for being their voice. - 9 years ago

@nasir9002: Hamza Ali Abbasi staying firm for #Ahmedis. That was not rating. Salute to the courage and prayers for him - 9 years ago

@aghakamilhamid: Truly strange state of affairs when I find myself on the same side as Hamza Ali Abbasi, lauding him for having the courage to speak out. - 9 years ago

@Mahamali05: Hamza Ali Abbasi's latest post: - 9 years ago

@SmithsShuffle: Well, our left or whatever you wanna call it is certainly fickle as fuck. I stand with Hamza Ali Abbasi on his recent stance bt don't forget - 9 years ago

@wijdanshams: RT @ST_Persecution: #Pakistan: Pemra bans #HamzaAliAbbasi from hosting Ramazan TV show. - 9 years ago

@MAdnan_Inam: RT @The_Nation: If Hamza Ali Abbasi deserves to die then why didn’t anyone kill Jinnah? | @UsmanAhmad_iam - 9 years ago

@wijdanshams: RT @AhmadiyyaAUS: "Throughout his political life Mr Jinnah shared a close affinity with Ahmadi community..." - 9 years ago

@yaftab: RT @UsmanAhmad_iam: My latest: If Hamza Ali Abbasi Deserves to Die Then Why Did No One Kill Jinnah? - 9 years ago

@wijdanshams: RT @The_Nation: If Hamza Ali Abbasi deserves to die then why didn’t anyone kill Jinnah? | @UsmanAhmad_iam - 9 years ago

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