Hamiet Bluiett

American jazz saxophonist.
Died on Friday October 5th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Hamiet Bluiett:

@reviczilia: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@wookiesmomma: RT @StLJazzNotes: StLJN Saturday Video Showcase: Remembering Hamiet Bluiett - 6 years ago

@Mr_Fredvill: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@eric_RCT: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago


@botoot: Hamiet Bluiett - Oasis - 6 years ago

@MaddieDames: RT @StLJazzNotes: StLJN Saturday Video Showcase: Remembering Hamiet Bluiett - 6 years ago

@jazzgroupiez: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@StLJazzNotes: StLJN Saturday Video Showcase: Remembering Hamiet Bluiett - 6 years ago

@901JazzPlaylist: Now Playing: Hamiet Bluiett - Diane off of the album "Sankofa Rear Garde" on @901jazz - 6 years ago

@SWEETPOTAT0314: Hamiet Bluiett, Giant Of The Baritone Sax, Has Died At 78 - 6 years ago

@jazzmanahn: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@61Prasanna: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@homer1e: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@hector_aravena_: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@coogan_nancy: Hamiet Bluiett, Giant Of The Baritone Sax, Has Died At 78 - 6 years ago

@achambertloir: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@ttexed: Sam Newsome's Blogsite: Soprano Sax Talk: Remembering Hamiet Bluiett: Big Horn, Big Heart - 6 years ago

@nytimesmusic: With an astonishing five-octave range, he could leap into registers that had been thought inaccessible on the barit… - 6 years ago

@yoshi526N: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@Timmmmmmmmmmm: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@stevetintweiss: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@FolkYouAll: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@santiagomoure2: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@EdEdfigueroa172: RT @JazzTimes: ICYMI: Hamiet Bluiett, a founding member of the World Saxophone Quartet, died last Thursday. #HamietBluiett - 6 years ago

@ecrocamo: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@10178berlin: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@carmelarappazzo: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@FCTempura: RT @TheDaveHolland: Just heard of the passing of the great Bari Sax player Hammiet Bluiett. Always enjoyed seeing and hearing him. We playe… - 6 years ago

@SethPlotnick: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@chnealjr: Hamiet Bluiett, Giant Of The Baritone Sax, Has Died At 78 - 6 years ago

@WERANowPlaying: Hamiet Bluiett - "For Macho" - 6 years ago

@blackkudos: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@JBLEWIS1983: RT @nytimesmusic: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is,” he said in 2000 - 6 years ago

@losivad: RT @natechinen: Tom Vitale wrote this warm and insightful Bluiett obituary, for @nprmusic - 6 years ago

@losivad: RT @jazyjef: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@homer1e: RT @nytimesmusic: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is,” he said in 2000 - 6 years ago

@mctony: From a Growl to a Cry: Hamiet Bluiett’s Pioneering Voice on the Baritone Saxophone... - 6 years ago

@costaszaf: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@ClintSpoon: RT @nytimesmusic: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is,” he said in 2000 - 6 years ago

@NonesuchRecords: RT @nytimesmusic: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is,” he said in 2000 - 6 years ago

@nytimesmusic: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is,” he said in 2000 - 6 years ago

@jazzero: La musica como percepción del sentir comunitario. HOY, en 'Jazz Session', homenaje al fallecido saxofonista y compo… - 6 years ago

@Citizenjazz: Hamiet Bluiett (1940-2018) : Hommage dessiné au saxophoniste, clarinettiste et compositeur, membre du World Saxopho… - 6 years ago

@DopeArt: RT @TheWrightMuseum: World-renowned journalist and poet Quincy Troupe paid homage to the late Hamiet Bluiett during a Sunday jazz session a… - 6 years ago

@RadiAbracadabra: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the b… - 6 years ago

@ChtiJazz: Hamiet Bluiett (1940-2018) - 6 years ago

@MikeHamad: RT @NYTObits: Hamiet Bluiett, Member of the World Saxophone Quartet, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Hamiet Bluiett, Member of the World Saxophone Quartet, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@IsaNahilaS: RT @tedgioia: Baritone saxophonist Hamiet Bluiett left us this afternoon at St. Louis University Hospital. He recently celebrated his 78th… - 6 years ago

@LittleBird1342: RT @NYTObits: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the blues… - 6 years ago

@mikahsykes: RT @ChangingSameFM: I am a few days late with this I know, but I gotta pay respects: Hamiet Bluiett relocated to Saturn October 4th at the… - 6 years ago

@ChangingSameFM: I am a few days late with this I know, but I gotta pay respects: Hamiet Bluiett relocated to Saturn October 4th at… - 6 years ago

@wifsten: From a Growl to a Cry: Hamiet Bluiett's Pioneering Voice on the Baritone Saxophone - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for… - 6 years ago

@rmharris: RT @martinperna: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@martinperna: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@Antibalas: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@MoneyTrain: RT @vurnt22: Just heard about the death of Hamiet Bluiett, the outstanding baritone saxophonist of the World Saxophone Quartet.This is sad… - 6 years ago

@901JazzPlaylist: Now Playing: Hamiet Bluiett - John off of the album "Sankofa, rear garde" on @901jazz - 6 years ago

@DavidLubarsky: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 via @NYTimes - 6 years ago

@ichthyolojazz: RIP Hamiet Bluiett. Even if you don't care for avant/free jazz, you gotta respect his endless technique and drivin… - 6 years ago

@NarellaNell: RT @adamshatz: One of the great voices on the baritone, and a founding member of the World Saxophone Quartet, Hamiet Bluiett has passed. ht… - 6 years ago

@901JazzPlaylist: Now Playing: Hamiet Bluiett - Humpback off of the album "Blueblack" on @901jazz - 6 years ago

@inumaru52: HAMIET BLUIETT,死んじゃったよ・・・彼にあこがれてバリトンサックス好きになったのに。 - 6 years ago

@esejambo: RT @AlexEpiR: Cartel dela actuación del saxo barítono y compositor Hamiet Bluiett el 19 de Mayo del 2006 en #ElJohnny. DEP - 6 years ago

@kanazawa_jazz: RT @toshiya_s_music: 追悼,Hamiet Bluiett - 6 years ago

@jazyjef: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - The New York Times - 6 years ago

@ebrion: RT @StLJazzNotes: The late Hamiet Bluiett's family Is trying to raise money for burial & memorial expenses, as the baritone sax great died… - 6 years ago

@banhmiverlag: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@forloveofjazz: RT @regjazz: Hamiet Bluiett, Giant Of The Baritone Sax, Has Died At 78 - 6 years ago

@TheJazzHerald: RT @qxzito1: Hamiet Bluiett, Giant Of The Baritone Sax, Has Died At 78 A Tribute from NPR to Jazz Fans everywhere. - 6 years ago

@sandbox_7: RT @28poi: あの世でセッション。 Charles Mingus (bass), Dannie Richmond (drums), Don Pullen (piano), George Adams (tenor sax), Hamiet Bluiett (bariton… - 6 years ago

@ArsNovaWorkshop: RIP, Bluiett. - 6 years ago

@petardi86262320: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett was a baritone saxophonist who expanded the possibilities of his instrument while connecting the jazz avan… - 6 years ago

@pauljimerson: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett was a baritone saxophonist who expanded the possibilities of his instrument while connecting the jazz avan… - 6 years ago

@ShawnPedrick: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett was a baritone saxophonist who expanded the possibilities of his instrument while connecting the jazz avan… - 6 years ago

@nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett was a baritone saxophonist who expanded the possibilities of his instrument while connecting the jaz… - 6 years ago

@mctony: From a Growl to a Cry: Hamiet Bluiett’s Pioneering Voice on the Baritone Saxophone. - 6 years ago

@maperk1234: RT @jazzinstitute: The jazz world has lost another legend. Peaceful journey Hamiet Bluiett. - 6 years ago

@ThoughtsCapsiz1: Hamiet Bluiett, Giant Of The Baritone Sax, Has Died At 78 - 6 years ago

@timcwebb: RT @Tacumasong: Beautiful piece by Nate Chinen . My sincere condolences to family & friends of dear Hamiet Bluiett ,it was always such a pl… - 6 years ago

@102FMTheShip: Hamiet Bluiett, Giant Of The Baritone Sax, Has Died At 78 - 6 years ago

@misryandblues: Bluiettはソウルシンガーっていう冒頭のパンチラインが効いてる。→ From a Growl to a Cry: Hamiet Bluiett's Pioneering Voice on the Baritone Saxoph… - 6 years ago

@sheldonstl: RT @StLJazzNotes: The late Hamiet Bluiett's family Is trying to raise money for burial & memorial expenses, as the baritone sax great died… - 6 years ago

@upstairsjazz: Hamiet Bluiett, Baritone Saxophone Trailblazer, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@GypsyManMedia: Hamiet Bluiett, Giant Of The Baritone Sax, Has Died At 78 - 6 years ago

@Jazz4life81: RT @RichardScheinin: Bluiett put it like this: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is.… - 6 years ago

@mrgreg: RT @RichardScheinin: Bluiett put it like this: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is.… - 6 years ago

@Beyerstein: RT @ErikLoomis: No!!! - 6 years ago

@PuertoSax: RT @RichardScheinin: Bluiett put it like this: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is.… - 6 years ago

@iveyjanette_207: RT @RichardScheinin: Bluiett put it like this: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is.… - 6 years ago

@ErikLoomis: No!!! - 6 years ago

@SFJAZZ: RT @RichardScheinin: Bluiett put it like this: “Most people who play the baritone don’t approach it like the awesome instrument that it is.… - 6 years ago

@PT_Burnham: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the b… - 6 years ago

@hollyonlakemich: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the b… - 6 years ago

@Ricarutista: Hamiet Bluiett, Member of the World Saxophone Quartet, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@toshiya_s_music: 追悼,Hamiet Bluiett - 6 years ago

@vanishingsigns: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the b… - 6 years ago

@lefresne79: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the b… - 6 years ago

@ShaharOzeri: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the b… - 6 years ago

@avantgardejazz: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the b… - 6 years ago

@jazzmanahn: RT @zootswings: Hamiet Bluiett - Endangered Species (1976) - 6 years ago

@christianebuddy: Hamiet Bluiett, Member of the World Saxophone Quartet, Dies at 78 - 6 years ago

@raymondpsimon: Hamiet Bluiett: "Most people who play the baritone don't approach it like the awesome instrument that it is." - 6 years ago

@farwest8: RT @nytimesmusic: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the b… - 6 years ago

@jazzmanahn: RT @nytimesarts: Hamiet Bluiett, a baritone saxophonist who married a dazzling physical command of the instrument with a passion for the bl… - 6 years ago

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