Hale Zukas

American disability rights activist.
Died on Friday December 2nd 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Hale Zukas:

@DisabilityRtsFL: Wry, tenacious and determined, Zukas designed Berkeley’s first curb cuts, brought wheelchair-accessible buttons to… - 2 years ago

@ajnaddaff: Hey, @NPRJoeShapiro — I'm working on a piece on Hale Zukas who recently passed and wanted to get in touch. Is there… - 2 years ago

@DisabledNotDiff: Remembering Hale Zukas, daring visionary of the disability rights movement via @berkeleyside #disabilities… - 2 years ago

@hanna_hurley: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago


@ourlatinamerica: RT @Mediadisdat: Berkeley, Calif. - Hale Zukas, a Center for Independent Living founding member & who Co-Founded The BART Accessibility Tas… - 2 years ago

@AvrilCoelho: RT @GHMansfield: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@kevinkunze__: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@Cheral: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@glowingrec: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@imadaniac: RT @GHMansfield: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@katemartile: RT @TheCILOfficial: It is with great sadness we announce that Hale Zukas has passed away. Hale Zukas was one of the founders of the Center… - 2 years ago

@LurieInstitute: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Hale Zukas, one of the founding members of the Center for Independent Liv… - 2 years ago

@BerkeleyOHC: We are sad to announce the passing of Hale Zukas, leader in the @UCBerkeley #DisabilityRights movement. His legacy… - 2 years ago

@stevewright64: RT @GHMansfield: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@UCBDiversity: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@WID_org: WID joins disabled people and our allies around the globe in mourning the loss of Hale Zukas, an incredibly impactf… - 2 years ago

@amyvandevelde: RT @CROWRDREAM: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary. #DisabilityRights #DisabilityElders - 2 years ago

@keetfeet: RT @CROWRDREAM: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary. #DisabilityRights #DisabilityElders - 2 years ago

@musingvirtual: RT @CROWRDREAM: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary. #DisabilityRights #DisabilityElders - 2 years ago

@lyrawill19: RT @DisabilityCA: The disability rights movement lost a fearless leader last month when Hale Zukas passed away. Born with cerebral palsy… - 2 years ago

@CROWRDREAM: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary. #DisabilityRights #DisabilityElders - 2 years ago

@DisabilityCA: The disability rights movement lost a fearless leader last month when Hale Zukas passed away. Born with cerebral… - 2 years ago

@chambe17: RT @GHMansfield: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@rampracer: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@stephbriggsuk: RT @GHMansfield: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@A11yAlicia: RT @GHMansfield: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@KalaInstitute: RT @berkeleyside: Remembering Hale Zukas, daring visionary of the disability rights movement - 2 years ago

@ericdonat: - 2 years ago

@margaretfinephd: RT @berkeleyside: Remembering Hale Zukas, daring visionary of the disability rights movement - 2 years ago

@Kosjenka: Ako želite pročitati nešto meaningful u ovo gloomy jutro, ovo je prava stvar! gnu Hale Zukas - 2 years ago

@SFBaySierraClub: RT @berkeleyside: Remembering Hale Zukas, daring visionary of the disability rights movement - 2 years ago

@californiamag: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@iman_khaiir: RT @GHMansfield: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@GHMansfield: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@j2parman: Local hero with national impact: Remembering Hale Zukas, disability rights movement visionary - 2 years ago

@MichaelPetrelis: RT @BAMPFA: BAMPFA mourns the loss of Hale Zukas, an inspiring member of our #Berkeley community and a lifelong champion for disability rig… - 2 years ago

@BAMPFA: BAMPFA mourns the loss of Hale Zukas, an inspiring member of our #Berkeley community and a lifelong champion for di… - 2 years ago

@PannierElke: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@MelanieLybarger: RT @TheCILOfficial: It is with great sadness we announce that Hale Zukas has passed away. Hale Zukas was one of the founders of the Center… - 2 years ago

@callow_ella: At the close of #IDPWD2022 I wish for us all the strength to keep pushing for justice. As Judy Heumann said, we hav… - 2 years ago

@kevinkunze__: RT @TheCILOfficial: It is with great sadness we announce that Hale Zukas has passed away. Hale Zukas was one of the founders of the Center… - 2 years ago

@Rahnee5796: RT @TheCILOfficial: It is with great sadness we announce that Hale Zukas has passed away. Hale Zukas was one of the founders of the Center… - 2 years ago

@janeinak: RT @Mediadisdat: Berkeley, Calif. - Hale Zukas, a Center for Independent Living founding member & who Co-Founded The BART Accessibility Tas… - 2 years ago

@_LivLyons: RT @SFBART: BART is saddened to hear the passing of local disability rights icon Hale Zukas. Zukas co-founded the BART Accessibility Task F… - 2 years ago

@celestelavin: RT @SFBART: BART is saddened to hear the passing of local disability rights icon Hale Zukas. Zukas co-founded the BART Accessibility Task F… - 2 years ago

@shutupmedha: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@aradia1952: RT @SFBART: BART is saddened to hear the passing of local disability rights icon Hale Zukas. Zukas co-founded the BART Accessibility Task F… - 2 years ago

@mashudebc: RT @besswww: Berkeley, CA accessibility legend Hale Zukas has died. Hale attended UC Berkeley in the early 1960s and became an accessibilit… - 2 years ago

@CalGnome: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@TedJacksonCA: RT @Mediadisdat: Berkeley, Calif. - Hale Zukas, a Center for Independent Living founding member & who Co-Founded The BART Accessibility Tas… - 2 years ago

@WMTbook: RT @TheCILOfficial: It is with great sadness we announce that Hale Zukas has passed away. Hale Zukas was one of the founders of the Center… - 2 years ago

@bjmcgough: RT @judithheumann: Today my dear friend Hale Zukas passed away at the age of 79. He will be missed by all who knew him. I had the privilege… - 2 years ago

@Lenticat: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@pbubbles47: RT @UCBerkeleyLib: Rest in peace, Hale Zukas. The pioneering disability rights activist, who died this week at age 79: 👨‍🦼 Co-founded the… - 2 years ago

@lani_isabelle: RT @Mediadisdat: Berkeley, Calif. - Hale Zukas, a Center for Independent Living founding member & who Co-Founded The BART Accessibility Tas… - 2 years ago

@richardpropes: RT @Mediadisdat: Berkeley, Calif. - Hale Zukas, a Center for Independent Living founding member & who Co-Founded The BART Accessibility Tas… - 2 years ago

@NerdyMetalsmith: RT @TheCILOfficial: It is with great sadness we announce that Hale Zukas has passed away. Hale Zukas was one of the founders of the Center… - 2 years ago

@NerdyMetalsmith: RT @Mediadisdat: Berkeley, Calif. - Hale Zukas, a Center for Independent Living founding member & who Co-Founded The BART Accessibility Tas… - 2 years ago

@JaniceCarson12: RT @Mediadisdat: Berkeley, Calif. - Hale Zukas, a Center for Independent Living founding member & who Co-Founded The BART Accessibility Tas… - 2 years ago

@EastBayActivist: RT @besswww: Berkeley, CA accessibility legend Hale Zukas has died. Hale attended UC Berkeley in the early 1960s and became an accessibilit… - 2 years ago

@MetalRabbit13: RT @Mediadisdat: Berkeley, Calif. - Hale Zukas, a Center for Independent Living founding member & who Co-Founded The BART Accessibility Tas… - 2 years ago

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