Hal Willner

American music producer (Saturday Night Live
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Hal Willner:

@GoldsteinsRRS: The creatively voracious music producer Hal Willner, who for decades selected the music used in "Saturday Night Liv… - 5 years ago

@Conqueroo1: RT @jasonmarck: TONIGHT on @WBEZ's Radio Z: Remembering Jymie Merritt and Hal Willner, happy bday @LorettaLynn, new Chicago music from @Th… - 5 years ago

@hetanoyokosky: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@nkan_translator: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago


@homer1e: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@folgehuset: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@gordo89stx: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@stridura: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@FORrowley: @BillFrisell First time I heard you play was on Hal Willner's Amarcord and I've been listening ever since. He was a lovely catalyst. - 5 years ago

@cacophonoushodw: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@pancrock: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@SteveHornbeck1: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@billodo: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@ZgredMarsden: RT @BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago

@BillFrisell: This. - 5 years ago


@mrtallerjerry: RT @LisaO_SKINMETRO: “This is disciplinary...a time for reimagining...but it requires something fundamental. And that is the ability to rei… - 5 years ago

@LisaO_SKINMETRO: “This is disciplinary...a time for reimagining...but it requires something fundamental. And that is the ability to… - 5 years ago

@stevetromans: At age 20 one of my favourite records was Hal Willner's Weird Nightmare: Meditations on Mingus. Which is certainly… - 5 years ago

@LisaO_SKINMETRO: RT @LilEdit: Last week, the legendary @thevandykeparks was gracious enough to get on the phone to talk about how he's coping with forced is… - 5 years ago

@gomeznmorticia: - 5 years ago

@Some00INOOIOO: RT @watchbonzodog: トム・ウェイツ&キャスリーン・ブレナン夫妻がハル・ウィルナーを追悼していますが、初対面は74年で、トムのライヴに来た時に意気投合し、以来、公私ともに親密な関係でしたね。Tom Waits Writes Tribute to Late Fri… - 5 years ago

@patatomic: Tom Waits Pens Letter to Remember Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@ismarketing: RT @jasonmarck: TONIGHT on @WBEZ's Radio Z: Remembering Jymie Merritt and Hal Willner, happy bday @LorettaLynn, new Chicago music from @Th… - 5 years ago

@jasonmarck: TONIGHT on @WBEZ's Radio Z: Remembering Jymie Merritt and Hal Willner, happy bday @LorettaLynn, new Chicago music… - 5 years ago

@AdamSan26846403: RT @AdamSandler: RIP HAL WILLNER. An incredible person who so many of us will miss. Love u pal. - 5 years ago

@AdamSandlers__: RT @AdamSandler: RIP HAL WILLNER. An incredible person who so many of us will miss. Love u pal. - 5 years ago

@mctony: Bill Frisell: 40 Years Of Friendship, Music And Mischief With Hal Willner article.. @ All About Jazz - 5 years ago

@AmeriBluesScene: ICYMI: Tom Waits and wife Kathleen Brennan have penned a heartfelt essay to their late friend, music producer Hal W… - 5 years ago

@watchbonzodog: トム・ウェイツ&キャスリーン・ブレナン夫妻がハル・ウィルナーを追悼していますが、初対面は74年で、トムのライヴに来た時に意気投合し、以来、公私ともに親密な関係でしたね。Tom Waits Writes Tribute to Lat… - 5 years ago

@watchbonzodog: 親しい友人だったジャーナリスト、ジョン・クルス氏がハル・ウィルナーのことを語っていますが、彼は折衷主義で、厳選したアーティストを起用、単なるカヴァー作品では無く、トリビュート作品として、新たな解釈を生み出した先駆者でしたね。HAL… - 5 years ago

@NYCEXIT: RT @MarketWatch: Saturday Night Live’s longtime music producer, Hal Willner, received condolence messages from Metallica and Julia Louis-Dr… - 5 years ago


@SummerStage: RIP to music producer, Hal Willner, who put together Shelebration! at SummerStage on August 6, 2011 as a special tr… - 5 years ago

@KennethSilver2: ‘SNL’ Producer Hal Willner Dies at 64 - 5 years ago

@roux_glam: Tom Waits homenajeó a Hal Willner que murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@PKMBook: Nicca Ray on Dad Nicholas Ray, Remembering Hal Willner, CIA's Influence on the 60s, Tommy the Movie at 45 - Don't M… - 5 years ago

@KCRWPressPlay: RT @kcrw: John Prine Hal Willner Ellis Marsalis Adam Schlesinger KCRW DJ @ericjlawrence remembers artists we've lost to COVID-19. https:/… - 5 years ago

@erniebornheimer: Rest in peace: Lee Konitz, Hal Willner, Adam Schlesinger, and Aurlus Mabele (among all the others) - 5 years ago

@comedyfeeduk: James Corden Remembers Hal Willner - - 5 years ago

@EthanSVG: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@mistirio_treno: I was late to find out the news about Hal Willner's passing away; I suppose it was obscured by the lurid buzz of CO… - 5 years ago

@wwwkippenvelnet: Tom Waits eert Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@mwestonking: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@raldarondo: @hectorgbarnes @ruta66mag Justo ayer escuchando el segundo volumen del “Rogue Galllery” de Hal Willner tuve que rep… - 5 years ago

@ABQSatellite: Hal Willner, Music Producer and ‘SNL’ Veteran, Dies of Coronavirus at 64 - - 5 years ago

@Diana_E_Prince: RT @HappyMagTV: “A furtive and clandestine and crafty treasure seeker and archaeologist of forgotten islands in popular culture.” - 5 years ago

@HappyMagTV: “A furtive and clandestine and crafty treasure seeker and archaeologist of forgotten islands in popular culture.” - 5 years ago

@mctony: Bill Frisell: 40 Years Of Friendship, Music And Mischief With Hal Willner article @ All About Jazz - 5 years ago

@MatsOlssonNY: RT @rwilliams1947: Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan remember the late Hal Willner: - 5 years ago

@annkpowers: Two, the jazz vocal traces are strong. I feel like Annie Ross finally has a true inheritor (find the Short Cuts sou… - 5 years ago

@PhilGebhardt: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@victoriazovo: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@140Records: Hal Willner died on April 7th - The Economist - 5 years ago

@__pettyassqueen: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@mamewhit: Tom Waits Pens Letter to Remember Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@jazzmanahn: RT @BillFrisell: Here's a nice interview between #BillFrisell & Ludovico Granvassu about #HalWillner. Big thanks to @AllAboutJazz and ever… - 5 years ago

@jazzmanahn: RT @RollinsBridge: “Sonny Rollins, who was sitting there staring at Leonard the whole time, picked up his horn and started wailing in a dif… - 5 years ago

@yardbirdsuite84: Remembering when the late Hal Willner got Leonard Cohen and Sonny Rollins together on Night Music, in 1988… - 5 years ago

@SSVphotographer: RT @FarOutMag: Leonard Cohen combines with the brilliant Sonny Rollins on this impressive performance - 5 years ago

@marqjer: RT @RollinsBridge: “Sonny Rollins, who was sitting there staring at Leonard the whole time, picked up his horn and started wailing in a dif… - 5 years ago

@bachelard5: RT @RollinsBridge: “Sonny Rollins, who was sitting there staring at Leonard the whole time, picked up his horn and started wailing in a dif… - 5 years ago

@BotanikaLinden: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@Casket_Garbage: #TomWaits Writes Moving Tribute to #HalWillner – Variety - 5 years ago

@dehnisclark: @Pluralone1 Tom Waits wrote a really lovely and slightly cynical homage to Hal Willner. You should read it! Tom is… - 5 years ago

@penttivuorinen: RT @RollinsBridge: “Sonny Rollins, who was sitting there staring at Leonard the whole time, picked up his horn and started wailing in a dif… - 5 years ago

@nkan_translator: RT @BillFrisell: Here's a nice interview between #BillFrisell & Ludovico Granvassu about #HalWillner. Big thanks to @AllAboutJazz and ever… - 5 years ago

@unclepaolo: RT @RevistaMarvin: Un tributo de Tom Waits a Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@MBHayesIII: RT @BillFrisell: Here's a nice interview between #BillFrisell & Ludovico Granvassu about #HalWillner. Big thanks to @AllAboutJazz and ever… - 5 years ago

@MyNbyrnes5: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@dawnlandes: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@ItsNotDarkYet76: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@JenPryal: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@Jon_Arve: RT @SPIN: Tom Waits penned a lengthy tribute to his late friend Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@GovernerSlugwel: @BixJacks @tomservo10 @J4Years @BopsMelly @voltron6666666 @Sirveaux1066 @Eulimnadia @pauljimerson Tom - 5 years ago

@GrantStovel: "If you took a cross section of Hal’s heart…you would see the rings of a wise old tree. Above all, let’s remember t… - 5 years ago

@KelvinWonk: RT @BillFrisell: The good folks at @AllAboutJazz put together an amazing collection of memories from some of #HalWillner's friends...#BillF… - 5 years ago

@SpiderWisdom: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@PhillipNugent: - 5 years ago

@ChanningKing: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@EmptyBeerFridge: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@Jordan_Mays: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@DerroniousK: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@BVielhaber: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@mulaney: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@Jon_Arve: RT @billboard: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer,” Tom Waits writes - 5 years ago

@finneyivan1963: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@AngieB500: RT @FarOutMag: Tom Waits writes emotional letter in tribute to the late Hal Willner: - 5 years ago

@802JonMcBride: Tom Waits Writes Tribute to Late Friend Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@rajgovindv: For the full interview : - 5 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@normwilner: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@sad_hair: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@daveparke: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@YvesBigot: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@Capitalics: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@wildboy10369162: Tom Waits and collaborator and wife Kathleen Brennan penned a tribute to late producer and longtime friend, Hal Wil… - 5 years ago

@AugustEve2012: RT @The_News_DIVA: Tom Waits Writes Moving Tribute to Hal Willner, ‘Lamb and Black Sheep, Lover of the Afflicted and the Blessed’ - 5 years ago

@RDRv3: RT @funranium: May we all live as well as Hal Willner did and get a eulogy as kind as Tom Waits gave. - 5 years ago

@moughthere: RT @Dax_x98: 1/2 Celebrities who have tested positive for COVID-19 Prince Charles P!nk Kevin Durant Boris Johnson Colton Underwood Tom H… - 5 years ago

@cbsouthie: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@Rimbaudwarriors: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@JanineNichols1: RT @BillFrisell: The good folks at @AllAboutJazz put together an amazing collection of memories from some of #HalWillner's friends...#BillF… - 5 years ago

@funranium: May we all live as well as Hal Willner did and get a eulogy as kind as Tom Waits gave. - 5 years ago

@A_Ghost_to_Most: RT @Motobec810: Tom Waits Pens Letter to Remember Hal Willner @AmerSongwriter #music - 5 years ago

@PhillipNugent: RT @williamham: Please tune in, if you can, to the WOW & FLUTTER radio program tonight at 11 PT for a tribute to the many projects of Hal W… - 5 years ago

@URBANTIAN: Tom Waits Writes Tribute to Late Friend Hal Willner - Pitchfork - 5 years ago

@sknolle: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@bonnystill: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@markmeadowlark: RT @williamham: Please tune in, if you can, to the WOW & FLUTTER radio program tonight at 11 PT for a tribute to the many projects of Hal W… - 5 years ago

@eno111: RT @consequence: Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan have penned a moving tribute to Hal Willner, the late producer and SNL staffer: - 5 years ago

@Studio420Ben: RT @consequence: Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan have penned a moving tribute to Hal Willner, the late producer and SNL staffer: - 5 years ago

@consequence: Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan have penned a moving tribute to Hal Willner, the late producer and SNL staffer:… - 5 years ago

@SoapsandSciFi: RT @williamham: Please tune in, if you can, to the WOW & FLUTTER radio program tonight at 11 PT for a tribute to the many projects of Hal W… - 5 years ago

@williamham: Please tune in, if you can, to the WOW & FLUTTER radio program tonight at 11 PT for a tribute to the many projects… - 5 years ago

@MarcUrselli: @tomwaits hello I am a dear friend and collaborator of Hal Willner. I’ve worked with Hal for 10+ years. I’ve create… - 5 years ago

@dghowery: Tom Waits Pens Tribute to Hal Willner: 'Wry and Soulful and Mysterious Historical Rememberer' - 5 years ago

@GregMitch: My old pal Tom Waits Pens Tribute to Hal Willner: ‘Wry and Soulful and Mysterious Historical Rememberer’… - 5 years ago

@javierolmo42: Tom Waits Pens Tribute to Hal Willner: ‘Wry and Soulful and Mysterious Historical Rememberer’… - 5 years ago

@JeffSamuel25: Tom Waits Writes Tribute to Late Friend Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@michelleking66: RT @kcrw: John Prine Hal Willner Ellis Marsalis Adam Schlesinger KCRW DJ @ericjlawrence remembers artists we've lost to COVID-19. https:/… - 5 years ago

@51deadshows: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@eRadioUS: #e_RadioUS Tom Waits Pens Tribute to Hal Willner: ‘Wry and Soulful and Mysterious Historical Rememberer’… - 5 years ago

@CherylPawelski: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@wendylaneb: RT @kcrw: John Prine Hal Willner Ellis Marsalis Adam Schlesinger KCRW DJ @ericjlawrence remembers artists we've lost to COVID-19. https:/… - 5 years ago

@kcrw: John Prine Hal Willner Ellis Marsalis Adam Schlesinger KCRW DJ @ericjlawrence remembers artists we've lost to COV… - 5 years ago

@deserthorror: RT @wmboyle4: - 5 years ago

@PaulMick: RT @brooklynvegan: read Tom Waits & Marc Ribot’s tributes to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@jenbutlerdesign: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@si_jacques: RT @_contramundum_: Tom Waits on Hal Wilner - 5 years ago

@Nickfromupnorth: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@roadtramp: Tom Waits Pens Tribute to ‘Historical Rememberer,’ Friend Hal Willner – Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@SSShayne: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@_contramundum_: Tom Waits on Hal Wilner - 5 years ago

@Duff_McLeod: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@3ative: Tom Waits Writes Moving Tribute to Hal Willner, ‘Lamb and Black Sheep, Lover of the Afflicted and the Blessed’… - 5 years ago

@Michael_BloomMR: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@SamToquines: Tom Waits Remembers Hal Willner: ‘More Than Kin and More Than Kind’ - 5 years ago

@Primetweets_PT: Tom Waits Pens Tribute to Hal Willner: ‘Wry and Soulful and Mysterious Historical Rememberer’… - 5 years ago

@LyndaN: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@Tim_Org: I thought he was a signifier of weird taste: "Wait, you like Hal Willner too? That means we can be friends!" - 5 years ago

@mbbach: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@ohjeffallen: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@GadflySquall: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@kasraghanbari: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@RansomScenario: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@dnascar3: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@eRadioUS: #e_RadioUS Read Tom Waits’ Tribute To Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@h00tli0: Latest news on music Tom Waits Pens Tribute to Hal Willner: ‘Wry and Soulful and Mysterious Historical Rememberer’… - 5 years ago

@CountryFriedROK: RT @Motobec810: Tom Waits Pens Letter to Remember Hal Willner @AmerSongwriter #music - 5 years ago

@Motobec810: Tom Waits Pens Letter to Remember Hal Willner @AmerSongwriter #music - 5 years ago

@porkpiepres: RT @pitchfork: .@tomwaits remembers the legacy of his lifelong friend Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@michigabriel: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@HollyHold1: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@johnc1414b: RT @tomwaits: Tom and Kathleen remember Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@KLA_HVL: RT @wmboyle4: - 5 years ago

@Alcoholegio_Gt: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@3PennyMovies: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@DerangedRadio: Tom Waits Pens Tribute to Hal Willner: ‘Wry and Soulful and Mysterious Historical Rememberer’… - 5 years ago

@Thom50521528: RT @RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@RollingStone: “Hal was the wry and soulful and mysterious historical rememberer," Tom Waits says in his tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@TriumphICDHQ: RT @OrvilleIV: Hal Willner was the coolest and this is a devastating loss. For those not fortunate enough to have known him, this article g… - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @BillFrisell: The good folks at @AllAboutJazz put together an amazing collection of memories from some of #HalWillner's friends...#BillF… - 5 years ago

@BillFrisell: The good folks at @AllAboutJazz put together an amazing collection of memories from some of #HalWillner's friends..… - 5 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@mrtallerjerry: RT @NonesuchRecords: "This is a time for reimagining," @thevandykeparks tells @LATimes' @LilEdit. "I'm trying to do that, but it requires s… - 5 years ago

@NonesuchRecords: "This is a time for reimagining," @thevandykeparks tells @LATimes' @LilEdit. "I'm trying to do that, but it require… - 5 years ago

@davidpwygal: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@moceanworker: - 5 years ago

@Dermyerj: RT @maxsparber: Times are tough. Here’s Bonnie Raitt’s transcendent cover of Baby Mine from Dumbo, produced by Hal Willner, who died last w… - 5 years ago

@Ulrich_Kvetcher: RT @maxsparber: Times are tough. Here’s Bonnie Raitt’s transcendent cover of Baby Mine from Dumbo, produced by Hal Willner, who died last w… - 5 years ago

@yabetadashi: RT @remhq: Hal Willner 1956 - 2020 With heavy heart, we lost a great champion and friend today in Hal Willner, Hal was truly one of the gr… - 5 years ago

@jessebwdrums: RT @WBGO: The creatively voracious music producer Hal Willner, who for decades selected the music used in @nbcsnl sketches, died Tuesday, o… - 5 years ago

@maxsparber: Times are tough. Here’s Bonnie Raitt’s transcendent cover of Baby Mine from Dumbo, produced by Hal Willner, who die… - 5 years ago

@theericschuman: there's some strange kismet that gene passed away so soon after hal willner. by all accounts they admired one anoth… - 5 years ago

@MinnickBill: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@JazzOnTheTube: Remembering Hal Willner (1956-2020) Video: - 5 years ago

@the_kid_taityo: RT @U2: ‘One of the greatest music men of all time.' Paying tribute to longtime friend and creative collaborator Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@splinteredwntr: RT @readtedium: “It’s one thing to consider that a televised Lou Reed and John Cale reunion, airing not long after Andy Warhol’s death, was… - 5 years ago

@staran1981: RT @latimes: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@BrendaSmith100: RT @latimes: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@bobcollum: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@egpkpioneer: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@ActionCelebrity: Hal Willner, 'SNL' music producer, dead at 64 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@CostaBC3: Elvis Costello Pays Tribute to ‘Dear Friend’ and Producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@Qhunndo: RT @Variety: Hal Willner, Music Producer and ‘SNL’ Veteran, Dies of Coronavirus at 64 - 5 years ago

@TheSpookieMoon: - 5 years ago

@topmost50: RT @latimes: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@Bruneelmoniqu12: RT @latimes: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@AnneOliverLewi4: RT @latimes: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@PBoothMedia: RT @latimes: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@mukinko: RT @latimes: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@donalscannell: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@latimes: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@freekjonge: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@Fitnessgirlus: Saturday Night Live Legends Pay Tribute to Music Maste... - 5 years ago

@rematemusic: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@jonnickoll: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@TreffpunktK: R.I.P. #HalWillner! Der britische Film- und Theaterschauspieler #JamesCorden erinnert in einem Video an den Musikpr… - 5 years ago

@munsterm: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@MarkDSebastian: My buddy and collaborator! - 5 years ago

@RayPride: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@MrCoolLooking75: RT @GregProops: Hal Willner tribute, Sun Ra, Marianne Faithfull sings the Banana Splits Theme. - 5 years ago

@staran1981: RT @latimesent: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@saltyasparagus1: RT @ShortFormErnie: Wanted to give musical icon Hal Willner his due on @readtedium after his passing, so I refreshed a piece I wrote last y… - 5 years ago

@cedrictillman: RT @Variety: Hal Willner, Music Producer and ‘SNL’ Veteran, Dies of Coronavirus at 64 - 5 years ago

@HuwML: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@gismontiparker2: Hunter S. Thompson / The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent And Depraved 今回初めて聴くアルバム。Hal Willnerは共同プロデューサー。Hunter S. Thomps… - 5 years ago

@stevemccornack: Seth Pays Tribute to John Prine and SNL’s Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@azimechprojekt: RT @readtedium: “It’s one thing to consider that a televised Lou Reed and John Cale reunion, airing not long after Andy Warhol’s death, was… - 5 years ago

@tex1sam: RT @ElvisCostello: "Words are a very poor carriage for the way I am feeling today at the sudden passing of my dear friend, Hal Willner" - h… - 5 years ago

@Ulrich_Kvetcher: RT @readtedium: “It’s one thing to consider that a televised Lou Reed and John Cale reunion, airing not long after Andy Warhol’s death, was… - 5 years ago

@StuffIReadInNYT: Hal Willner, Music Producer Who Melded Styles, Dies at 64 - 5 years ago

@ShortFormErnie: RT @readtedium: “It’s one thing to consider that a televised Lou Reed and John Cale reunion, airing not long after Andy Warhol’s death, was… - 5 years ago

@AustinRocksFace: RT @readtedium: “It’s one thing to consider that a televised Lou Reed and John Cale reunion, airing not long after Andy Warhol’s death, was… - 5 years ago

@rj_white: RT @readtedium: “It’s one thing to consider that a televised Lou Reed and John Cale reunion, airing not long after Andy Warhol’s death, was… - 5 years ago

@chuck38492225: RT @AdamSandler: RIP HAL WILLNER. An incredible person who so many of us will miss. Love u pal. - 5 years ago

@readtedium: “It’s one thing to consider that a televised Lou Reed and John Cale reunion, airing not long after Andy Warhol’s de… - 5 years ago

@ShortFormErnie: Wanted to give musical icon Hal Willner his due on @readtedium after his passing, so I refreshed a piece I wrote la… - 5 years ago

@StoneAgeManBand: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@kathycordayusa: Words to #remember by...An @SNL tribute to Hal Willner. ❤️ #RIP #love #COVID19 #WithCompassion - 5 years ago

@greggchadwick: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@Eli_Kay1: RT @Dax_x98: 1/2 Celebrities who have tested positive for COVID-19 Prince Charles P!nk Kevin Durant Boris Johnson Colton Underwood Tom H… - 5 years ago

@Jenskittykat: RT @Dax_x98: 1/2 Celebrities who have tested positive for COVID-19 Prince Charles P!nk Kevin Durant Boris Johnson Colton Underwood Tom H… - 5 years ago

@evillights: RT @thevandykeparks: Coronavirus: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@moo1946joan: RT @sterlewine: Another giant slain by COVID-19: Hal Willner, record producer and Saturday Night Live sketch music producer, has died at th… - 5 years ago

@caseyneill: RT @Faithfull_M: In tribute to Hal Willner, and with love. Marianne with Allen Ginsberg and dear Hal. - 5 years ago

@AisaacW: RT @EdGlavin: I am 56 years old and I’ve been watching SNL my entire life. Episodes like tonight’s, especially the Hal Willner tribute, are… - 5 years ago

@GregProops: Hal Willner tribute, Sun Ra, Marianne Faithfull sings the Banana Splits Theme. - 5 years ago

@RecoveryUnplugd: Longtime #SNL music producer Hal Willner passed away at the age of 64, after experiencing symptoms consistent with… - 5 years ago

@surefinewtever: SNL from home is 25% jokes that don’t land, 25% finally letting Pete live his Andy Samburg dreams, 50% making me cry about Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@MariaCarmenRo10: RT @DiegoAManrique: En tiempos de ídolos de pitiminí, no me extraña que pase desapercibida la muerte de formidables creadores, como el prod… - 5 years ago

@latimesent: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@fradanilo62: RT @musica_jazz: «I’ll be seeing you» (Ci vediamo) era la frase con cui Hal Willner, il visionario produttore scomparso il 7 aprile 2020 us… - 5 years ago

@Johnath75260530: RT @TimRobbins1: The amazingly talented, innovative, eclectic & visionary music producer Hal Willner passed today. A true artist, a lover o… - 5 years ago

@rpachter: The wonderful @thevandykeparks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@Conqueroo1: .@TheVanDykeParks: "Tie me to the mast. I am not moving. There’s a very social aspect to what I do, but also I’m ve… - 5 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @nytimesmusic: He was obsessed with Soupy Sales and Laurel and Hardy, with old radio broadcasts, with the Holocaust memories of his fath… - 5 years ago

@GuilleBazzola: RT @nytimesmusic: He was obsessed with Soupy Sales and Laurel and Hardy, with old radio broadcasts, with the Holocaust memories of his fath… - 5 years ago

@jackpaar: Hal Willner Tribute - SNL - 5 years ago

@BaBy_J_55: RT @mrbobodenkirk: Hal Willner Tribute - SNL - 5 years ago

@PreemieD: RT @nytimesmusic: He was obsessed with Soupy Sales and Laurel and Hardy, with old radio broadcasts, with the Holocaust memories of his fath… - 5 years ago

@nytimesmusic: He was obsessed with Soupy Sales and Laurel and Hardy, with old radio broadcasts, with the Holocaust memories of hi… - 5 years ago

@HamiltonsLive: Metallica 'Shocked' by Coronavirus-Related Death of 'Lulu' Co-Producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@QuabbityAshwitz: @LLWCnova haha yea, they were all hilarious! i was dying when kate mckinnon/RBG brought out her “weights” & when l… - 5 years ago

@Angel_City_Buzz: Van Dyke Parks' existential awakening: 'This is a time for reimagining' - 5 years ago

@U2LimaFans: RT @U2: ‘One of the greatest music men of all time.' Paying tribute to longtime friend and creative collaborator Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@fhainalex: James Corden Remembers Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@musica_jazz: «I’ll be seeing you» (Ci vediamo) era la frase con cui Hal Willner, il visionario produttore scomparso il 7 aprile… - 5 years ago

@5049Records: This Monday engineer/producer @MarcUrselli and I answer your questions. Marc has worked w/ Laurie Anderson, John Zo… - 5 years ago

@t_hisashi: RT @Desert_Jazz: 探していた2枚を発掘。LPとCDが混在するのは実に不便。好きなアーティストの作品は極力ヴァイナルで揃えておくべきだった。今さら無理なので、外出減って時間できたらCDの整理をしたい。 R.I.P. Ryo Kawasaki R.I.P. Hal… - 5 years ago

@healthyfitmom64: RT @OfficialJLD: Absolutely devastated to get this news about my weird and lovely pal, Hal. We are heartbroken. Love, love, love to Sheila… - 5 years ago

@skybeat_travel: ‘SNL’ Cast Members and Alum Remember Hal Willner in Emotional Tribute - 5 years ago

@Desert_Jazz: 探していた2枚を発掘。LPとCDが混在するのは実に不便。好きなアーティストの作品は極力ヴァイナルで揃えておくべきだった。今さら無理なので、外出減って時間できたらCDの整理をしたい。 R.I.P. Ryo Kawasaki R.I… - 5 years ago

@PaulSGundlach: I hope the underreported numbers for COVID deaths can someday be accurately estimated. In just last week’s SNL, Mic… - 5 years ago

@jdforward: The music producer, who died April 7 at age 64 of complications of coronavirus, had a magic touch. He could get any… - 5 years ago

@keithpille: RT @citypagesmusic: Let’s listen to the Replacements cover Disney’s ‘Cruella de Vil’ to honor producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@WentRogue: RT @citypagesmusic: Let’s listen to the Replacements cover Disney’s ‘Cruella de Vil’ to honor producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@MaineHiking: Thank you, Hal Willner - RIP. - 5 years ago

@brightfest: We’re remembering the life of producer Hal Willner who has sadly passed away. In 2004 Hal brought us, Came So Far F… - 5 years ago

@davidskyprod: RT @osakapopstar: RIP Hal Willner, Read the @Billboard piece below for Osaka Popstar’s @JohnCafiero's remembrance along with the love and a… - 5 years ago

@davidskyprod: RT @billboard: Questlove, Ben Stiller, Julia Louis-Dreyfus & more celebs pay tribute to late #SNL music producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@grumpysne: RT @citypagesmusic: Let’s listen to the Replacements cover Disney’s ‘Cruella de Vil’ to honor producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@citypagesmusic: Let’s listen to the Replacements cover Disney’s ‘Cruella de Vil’ to honor producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@JimBessman: So sorry, Kevin. I remember Al Kaline well. Lee Maye was from Alabama. I have a picture of me with John on Facebook… - 5 years ago

@liprap: RT @OrvilleIV: Hal Willner was the coolest and this is a devastating loss. For those not fortunate enough to have known him, this article g… - 5 years ago

@Glenn__Kenny: RT @OrvilleIV: Hal Willner was the coolest and this is a devastating loss. For those not fortunate enough to have known him, this article g… - 5 years ago

@ChrisWillman: RT @OrvilleIV: Hal Willner was the coolest and this is a devastating loss. For those not fortunate enough to have known him, this article g… - 5 years ago

@wwwkippenvelnet: De Rode Draad van Kippenvel 628 van 14 april: producer Hal Willner overleden - 5 years ago

@WomaN_OFSt33L: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@WomaN_OFSt33L: RT @sterlewine: Another giant slain by COVID-19: Hal Willner, record producer and Saturday Night Live sketch music producer, has died at th… - 5 years ago

@kittybravofan: James Corden Remembers Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@manudelagomusic: RT @robertrotifer: 3mins ago my @radiofm4 Heartbeat show started ft. @manudelagomusic live session, tributes to John Prine, Hal Willner, @l… - 5 years ago

@jimewing22: Hey, @HuffPost, you posted an article regarding the passing of Hal Willner that had a video tribute. I played it. D… - 5 years ago

@DeciderDivider: RT @alfranken: I’m so sad about my friend Hal Willner. A brilliant and sweet man. This is so hard. - 5 years ago

@acolemanlantern: Seth Pays Tribute to John Prine and SNL’s Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@GentNewsCom: @JKCorden Remembers Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@EyeForFilm: Tom Hanks has recovered and hosted Saturday Night Live as it paid tribute to Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@Skooked: RT @Variety: Watch ‘Saturday Night Live’'s loving tribute to longtime music maestro Hal Willner, featuring Adam Sandler, Tina Fey, Maya Rud… - 5 years ago

@Italiajin21: The Late Late Show with James Corden. James Corden Remembers Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@3RRRFM: More sad news: Hal Willner has passed away due to COVID-19. Jonathan revisits his 2013 interview with the Saturday… - 5 years ago

@jeffrivers: Might just be the late hour, but I found the Hal Willner tribute on last Saturday’s SNL to be really heartfelt and moving. - 5 years ago

@mjballskin: Okay SNL @ Home Hal Willner Tribute, I’m not crying. - 5 years ago

@DGSolarisband: RT @robertrotifer: 3mins ago my @radiofm4 Heartbeat show started ft. @manudelagomusic live session, tributes to John Prine, Hal Willner, @l… - 5 years ago

@robertrotifer: RT @Chrisl7000: Another great @robertrotifer show, feat. John Prine, @manudelagomusic, @muzztheband, ZINN, @lauramarlinghq, RAMBO RAMBO RAM… - 5 years ago

@sybeta: RT @U2: ‘One of the greatest music men of all time.' Paying tribute to longtime friend and creative collaborator Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@olyfilmgirl: RT @LateNightSeth: .@SethMeyers reflects on his time with #SNL producer Hal Willner, and pays tribute to John Prine with a classic #SNL per… - 5 years ago

@SusieHomemaker1: RT @HuffPost: The legendary music producer died this week with symptoms consistent with COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@RashedaCrockett: #RIP Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@jpb1467: RT @_HesPryne: Leonard Cohen, Sonny Rollins Duet on ‘Who by Fire’: Watch – Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@RikiYamada: Hal Willner Tribute - @nbcsnl 😭😭😭 - 5 years ago

@spike64: RT @lightintheattic: Hal Willner forever. Thanks @nbcsnl - 5 years ago

@ManeCopper: RT @alfranken: I’m so sad about my friend Hal Willner. A brilliant and sweet man. This is so hard. - 5 years ago

@_HesPryne: Leonard Cohen, Sonny Rollins Duet on ‘Who by Fire’: Watch – Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@staysik: RT @mulaney: Me and Hal Willner 2009. Photo by Jason Sudeikis - 5 years ago

@cetincem: Hal Willner (1956 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@LoriSums: RT @RyanBartholomee: Beautiful tribute to Hal Willner. He was a genius. ❤️ #SNLAtHome #SNL - 5 years ago

@demixngarcia: Hay que subirle muy fuerte a la música en memoria de Hal Willner, quien falleció hace algunos días a causa de coron… - 5 years ago

@vgalmang: Past and present cast members of SNL share memories and sing Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" in tribute to SNL music produ… - 5 years ago

@okieCayuse: RT @OfficialJLD: Absolutely devastated to get this news about my weird and lovely pal, Hal. We are heartbroken. Love, love, love to Sheila… - 5 years ago

@BarryChou_: .@kenanthompson, you and your #SNL family did a great job of #SNLAtHome! It was brilliantly well planned out, well… - 5 years ago

@ugtk: RT @lightintheattic: Hal Willner forever. Thanks @nbcsnl - 5 years ago

@Neuro2343: RT @joseramonmarmtz: .@jimmyfallon and @kenanthompson remember Hal Willner. #SNL #FallonAtHome - 5 years ago

@joseramonmarmtz: .@jimmyfallon and @kenanthompson remember Hal Willner. #SNL #FallonAtHome - 5 years ago

@hoplitnet: RT @hoplitnet: "In American culture, he said, the avant-garde or the weird were once the mainstream. 'Weird isn’t in right now,' he said."… - 5 years ago

@caligurl666: RT @lesIiebens: how beautiful to see all of these snl alums come together to remember Hal Willner. from everyone who’s been watching over t… - 5 years ago

@AnnieSage: 😓'Saturday Night Live' Music Producer Hal Willner Dies at 64 - 5 years ago

@lightintheattic: Hal Willner forever. Thanks @nbcsnl - 5 years ago

@PinotYouDidnt: The ladies of SNL singing Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" made me bawl. - 5 years ago

@JimmyA_Shook1s: RT @alfranken: I’m so sad about my friend Hal Willner. A brilliant and sweet man. This is so hard. - 5 years ago

@PinotYouDidnt: That tribute to Hal Willner made me bawl. #SNLAtHome - 5 years ago

@ICDAEMAUB: #snl - 5 years ago

@DPValley: RT @anniephx: I thank @tcani for many things esp. reigniting my love of @nbcsnl over past 6 years. This weekend’s “SNL From Home” was fanta… - 5 years ago

@brazospix: RT @adamliptak: Lovely, insightful and deeply reported obit of Hal Willner from @johnleland, with quotes from Tom Waits, David Johansen and… - 5 years ago

@mrjeffjackson: @SNLinReview We'll never know who got bumped in place of Hal Willner tribute. And that's ok. - 5 years ago

@kleinlover: RT @BillFrisell: Hal Willner April 6, 1956 - April 7, 2020 - 5 years ago

@noiserockpop: RT @elpais_cultura: "Entre la macabra cosecha de la plaga, ha pasado desapercibido el fallecimiento de un tipo genial; no suelo desenfundar… - 5 years ago

@anniephx: I thank @tcani for many things esp. reigniting my love of @nbcsnl over past 6 years. This weekend’s “SNL From Home”… - 5 years ago

@GinaLawriw: "Saturday Night Live" closed out its first "at home" show with a stirring tribute to music producer Hal Willner, wh… - 5 years ago

@ARTSNORFOLK: RT @nprmusic: Hal Willner was a multifaceted presence in the music community, earning fans and drawing critical praise for his work as a li… - 5 years ago

@dailyjuezmz: (Saturday Night Live Stars Honor Hal Willner – Hollywood Heavy News) - - 5 years ago

@jheyman: I loved #SNLAtHome - so many good moments, especially the tribute to Hal Willner 💔 - 5 years ago

@Stylezpo505: RT @thedjsunflower: watch SNL's tribute to Hal Willner w/ cast members singing Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" - 5 years ago

@readytorumble3: @nbcsnl hi, I’m in Australia & desperately wanting to see your tribute to Hal Willner which a friend in NYC said wa… - 5 years ago

@ASmith_Petersen: Aww man, that Hal Willner tribute fucked me up. That was beautiful and moving from everyone who chimed in - 5 years ago

@thedjsunflower: watch SNL's tribute to Hal Willner w/ cast members singing Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" - 5 years ago

@silly_emily3: Man. I just watched the SNL at home episode. That tribute to Hal Willner just got me all choked up. I don’t think t… - 5 years ago

@nscottfcb: RT @TheRichardLewis: My two late, musical buddies. Hal Willner with Lou. ⁦@nbcsnl⁩ Photo Courtesy: Michael Imperioli - 5 years ago

@GinaLawriw: ‘SNL': Current and Former Cast Members Pay Tribute to Sketch Music Producer Hal Willner (Video) - 5 years ago

@kboldens: omg this tribute to hal willner i... am weeping - 5 years ago

@pj_campbell: #SNLAtHome was such a wonderful treat, and the Hal Willner tribute at the end had me sobbing. I love SNL with all m… - 5 years ago

@disquiet: Since Hal Willner died, pretty much all I've been doing on guitar is trying to learn "Little Rootie Tootie" by Thelonious Monk. - 5 years ago

@vgarciaarnau: RT @DiegoAManrique: En tiempos de ídolos de pitiminí, no me extraña que pase desapercibida la muerte de formidables creadores, como el prod… - 5 years ago

@NtlComedyCenter: On this past weekend’s @nbcsnl, past and present SNL cast members remembered and paid tribute to music producer and… - 5 years ago

@Angeliiiiique: RT @HuffPost: The legendary music producer died this week with symptoms consistent with COVID-19. - 5 years ago

@Chrisl7000: Another great @robertrotifer show, feat. John Prine, @manudelagomusic, @muzztheband, ZINN, @lauramarlinghq, RAMBO R… - 5 years ago

@korumoha: RT @nprmusic: Hal Willner was a multifaceted presence in the music community, earning fans and drawing critical praise for his work as a li… - 5 years ago

@Sandidandy72: Hal Willner Tribute - SNL - 5 years ago

@Jlarlat1: RT @sterlewine: Another giant slain by COVID-19: Hal Willner, record producer and Saturday Night Live sketch music producer, has died at th… - 5 years ago

@loworbit: See ‘SNL’ Alum Pay Tribute to Hal Willner With ‘Perfect Day’ Cover - 5 years ago

@FarOutMag: Watch SNL stars cover Lou Reed's 'Perfect Day' in tribute to late Hal Willner: - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Hal Willner, you will be missed - #HalWillner #Hal #Willner #rip - 5 years ago

@hrch8r: The music producer, who died April 7 at age 64 of complications of coronavirus, had a magic touch Hal Willner, 64,… - 5 years ago

@Riflemaker_Soho: RT @robertrotifer: 3mins ago my @radiofm4 Heartbeat show started ft. @manudelagomusic live session, tributes to John Prine, Hal Willner, @l… - 5 years ago

@marielleheller: The Hal Willner tribute was so sweet🥺🥺🥺 - 5 years ago

@tottaylor1: RT @robertrotifer: 3mins ago my @radiofm4 Heartbeat show started ft. @manudelagomusic live session, tributes to John Prine, Hal Willner, @l… - 5 years ago

@Aur0rE_: Les sketchs restent compliqués à suivre mais le week-end update fonctionnait à merveille (I need this every week!)… - 5 years ago

@ThinkYouKnowMus: Music News 'SNL' Cast and Alumni Share Stories and Sing For Producer Hal Willner Tribute: Watch ! - 5 years ago

@JoseMGonzlezSnc: RT @elpais_cultura: "Entre la macabra cosecha de la plaga, ha pasado desapercibido el fallecimiento de un tipo genial; no suelo desenfundar… - 5 years ago

@bzupp: Includes a beautiful performance by Prine from an appearance on SNL in the '70s. Seth Pays Tribute to John Prine an… - 5 years ago

@HEAVYDUTYPMC: Seth Pays Tribute to John Prine and SNL’s Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@PJGorman: RT @rocksbackpages: In this week's RBP Podcast – the second episode to be recorded remotely under the lockdown — Mark, Barney & Jasper are… - 5 years ago

@slamminmusic: Watch SNL Stars Sing Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day” for Hal Willner - Pitchfork - 5 years ago

@Dan_Heilman: TIL that the late Hal Willner wrote music for the 1988 pilot episode of 'The Kids in the Hall.' - 5 years ago

@BreakingKind: RT @RyanBartholomee: Beautiful tribute to Hal Willner. He was a genius. ❤️ #SNLAtHome #SNL - 5 years ago

@PenhaHeloisa: RT @aaronneville: Rest In Peace Hal Willner. Thanks for the opportunity to record the "Mickey Mouse March" tribute to Walt Disney with Joel… - 5 years ago

@rocksbackpages: In this week's RBP Podcast – the second episode to be recorded remotely under the lockdown — Mark, Barney & Jasper… - 5 years ago

@robertrotifer: 3mins ago my @radiofm4 Heartbeat show started ft. @manudelagomusic live session, tributes to John Prine, Hal Willne… - 5 years ago

@9versiones: #MeQuedoEnCasa In memoriam Hal Willner (1956-2020) víctima del Covid-19. Productor musical. Nuestro homenaje desde… - 5 years ago

@MarkDonegan3: RT @PKMBook: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: 'Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos' - Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@Leofrost3: RT @DiegoAManrique: En tiempos de ídolos de pitiminí, no me extraña que pase desapercibida la muerte de formidables creadores, como el prod… - 5 years ago

@rhymney: RT @Faithfull_M: In tribute to Hal Willner, and with love. Marianne with Allen Ginsberg and dear Hal. - 5 years ago

@MarcRumball: RT @ElvisCostello: "Words are a very poor carriage for the way I am feeling today at the sudden passing of my dear friend, Hal Willner" - h… - 5 years ago

@PKMBook: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: 'Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos' - Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@wsjrock: @NBCSNL's touching tribute to the late Hal Willner (@WillnerHal): - 5 years ago

@brooklyncentre: RT @joanjett: I'm so sad to hear of Hal's passing. He was a great producer and I had the pleasure of working with him on the T.Rex tribute… - 5 years ago

@givanno: Tra i tanti lutti,mi era sfuggito Hal Willner che dispiacere - 5 years ago

@myfarewelling: - 5 years ago

@KingMobBCn: RT @DiegoAManrique: En tiempos de ídolos de pitiminí, no me extraña que pase desapercibida la muerte de formidables creadores, como el prod… - 5 years ago

@ania_michelena: RT @mikellizarralde: Azken asteetan koronabirusagatik hil diren hainbat musikari: Adam Schlesinger, Hal Willner, Cristina, John Prine... @b… - 5 years ago

@Maestebanez_: RT @radio3_rne: Su mano maestra está detrás de discos de Lou Reed, Lucinda Williams, Marianne Faithfull o Laurie Anderson. Despedimos a Ha… - 5 years ago

@rosalazario: RT @elpais_cultura: "Entre la macabra cosecha de la plaga, ha pasado desapercibido el fallecimiento de un tipo genial; no suelo desenfundar… - 5 years ago

@LukeTaylorMN: RT @TheCurrent: No @coachella means fashion industry disruption. @burningman to try to convene online. Meanwhile Sturgill Simpson reveals h… - 5 years ago

@pigmeocosmico: RT @nytimesmusic: Hal Willner was both producer and close friend to Lou Reed. In a statement, Laurie Anderson called Willner one of her dea… - 5 years ago

@tracey_tech: See ‘SNL’ Alum Pay Tribute to Hal Willner With ‘Perfect Day’ Cover - 5 years ago

@ivnrguez: RT @elpais_cultura: "Entre la macabra cosecha de la plaga, ha pasado desapercibido el fallecimiento de un tipo genial; no suelo desenfundar… - 5 years ago

@NYPRPR: RT @newsounds: New Sounds pays tribute to #HalWillner , the American music producer and SNL music supervisor. Listen to brilliant compilati… - 5 years ago

@Sisal13: "Saturday Night Live" closed out its first "at home" show with a stirring tribute to music producer Hal Willner, wh… - 5 years ago

@baconenoki: Coronavirus: Hal Willner, longtime music producer, dies at 64 - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@TheGreeneSpace: RT @newsounds: New Sounds pays tribute to #HalWillner , the American music producer and SNL music supervisor. Listen to brilliant compilati… - 5 years ago

@yusi63: RT @radio3_rne: Su mano maestra está detrás de discos de Lou Reed, Lucinda Williams, Marianne Faithfull o Laurie Anderson. Despedimos a Ha… - 5 years ago

@distefano_joe: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@Iibertybelle: RT @lesIiebens: how beautiful to see all of these snl alums come together to remember Hal Willner. from everyone who’s been watching over t… - 5 years ago

@JNC_1982: RT @TVLine: #SNL Tribute: Sandler, Fey, Hader and Other Vets Join Cast in Remembering Music Producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@RHA_NYPL: RT @nypl_lpa: This week we were saddened to hear of the passing of music producer Hal Willner. He worked with artists such as Lucinda Willi… - 5 years ago

@PuzzleFun: RT @ElvisCostello: "Words are a very poor carriage for the way I am feeling today at the sudden passing of my dear friend, Hal Willner" - h… - 5 years ago

@abellmas: RT @RockNRollGlobe: Amarcord Hal Willner: His Five Greatest Albums - - 5 years ago

@sputnikjkb: RT @DiegoAManrique: En tiempos de ídolos de pitiminí, no me extraña que pase desapercibida la muerte de formidables creadores, como el prod… - 5 years ago

@sputnikjkb: @DiegoAManrique No sé si conoces el (estupendo) documental que hizo la BBC '1959 The Year That Changed Jazz', sale… - 5 years ago

@zazoomblog: Hal Willner il ricordo del Saturday Night Live dopo la morte per Covid-19 - #Willner #ricordo #Saturday #Night - 5 years ago

@hkrrr_jp: NPRの作ったHal Willner追悼プレイリスト聴いてます - 5 years ago

@ToniLivetweets: This tribute to Hal Willner is beautiful. #SNLAtHome - 5 years ago

@kattyiglesias: RT @U2: ‘One of the greatest music men of all time.' Paying tribute to longtime friend and creative collaborator Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@HOMAmos: RT @EtienneFG: Saturday Night Live a repris l’antenne à distance, prenant bien soin d’honorer son compositeur maison décédé du coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@anoyes: This was a beautiful tribute 🎶 #SNLAtHome - 5 years ago

@crackheadpope: RT @lesIiebens: how beautiful to see all of these snl alums come together to remember Hal Willner. from everyone who’s been watching over t… - 5 years ago

@sarahgreenfld: SNL Cast, Past and Present, Sings a Tribute to Late Music Producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@tiff_higgins: RIP Hal Willner Hal Willner, Music Producer Who Melded Styles, Dies at 64 - 5 years ago

@cinemadream1: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@Shellitto: RT @joanjett: I'm so sad to hear of Hal's passing. He was a great producer and I had the pleasure of working with him on the T.Rex tribute… - 5 years ago

@IrvingsRoost: Hal Willner, Music Producer Who Melded Styles, Dies at 64 - 5 years ago

@Lesleyannt18: SNL Cast Sings Tribute for Late Music Producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@EnterpriserSTE: Tina Fey, #Adam #Sandler #Return To ‘SNL’ To #Honor #Hal #Willner With #Musical #Tribute “Saturday Night Live” s… - 5 years ago

@jeffron_x: Just learned Hal Willner died. Such loss in this weird nightmare. Meditations on Mingus - Hal Willner (full album)… - 5 years ago

@MoreauGabarain: RT @TVLine: Michael Che paid tribute to his late grandmother, who died from the coronavirus: Past and present cast… - 5 years ago

@stinson: The show was a fascinating experiment. Some hits, like the company Zoom meeting and Chloe Fineman’s impressions and… - 5 years ago

@courtneyltpg: RT @licityropp: #SNLatHome was a sweet bit of normalcy tonight, and the touching tributes to Michael Che’s grandmother and Hal Willner were… - 5 years ago

@wise_forever: RT @AriadneBoudicca: #HalWillner, a record producer famed for his left-of-center tribute albums and concerts, and as the long-time sketch m… - 5 years ago

@MsChybil: RT @AriadneBoudicca: #HalWillner, a record producer famed for his left-of-center tribute albums and concerts, and as the long-time sketch m… - 5 years ago

@AriadneBoudicca: #HalWillner, a record producer famed for his left-of-center tribute albums and concerts, and as the long-time sketc… - 5 years ago

@TimesEurope: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Adam Sandler Join ‘Saturday Night Live’ Tribute to Late Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@danajschwartz: @alfranken This was a great show - thank you so much. Also your tribute to Hal Willner was moving. Can you tell us… - 5 years ago

@professortacox: That Hal Willner tribute. - 5 years ago

@maris874: RT @billboard: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph and more sang Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" for the late 'SNL' music producer. - 5 years ago

@_Free_RT_: Entertainment Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Adam Sandler Join 'Saturday Night Live' Tribute to Late Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@KWPeery: RT @pitchfork: On last night’s SNL, several former stars of the show sang a Lou Reed classic in honor of their late collaborator Hal Willne… - 5 years ago

@aceshowbiz: Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Adam Sandler Join 'Saturday Night Live' Tribute to Late Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@BugsGroove: RT @nprmusic: Hal Willner was a multifaceted presence in the music community, earning fans and drawing critical praise for his work as a li… - 5 years ago

@porkpiepres: RT @nprmusic: Hal Willner was a multifaceted presence in the music community, earning fans and drawing critical praise for his work as a li… - 5 years ago

@love_adea: Wtf SNL 😭😭🥺🥺 Crying my eyeballs out over this tribute to Hal Willner #SNLAtHome #HalWillner - 5 years ago

@rizzowithanr: all things considered, not bad! b- highlights: clowning masterclass, chris martin “shelter from the storm” cover,… - 5 years ago

@CanberraCoeliac: RT @Variety: #SNLAtHome honored the longtime sketch-music maestro Hal Willner, who died last week of complication from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@wildsoundfest: ‘Saturday Night Live’ Pays Tribute To Hal Willner — Deadline - 5 years ago

@mogollonnyc: RT @brooklynvegan: watch SNL's tribute to Hal Willner w/ cast members singing Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" - 5 years ago

@cheyenne8822: RT @AshCullinane: That was a cool @nbcsnl. Here is more on the SNL veteran who passed away from coronavirus complications this week, @Will… - 5 years ago

@publicradionerd: Hal Willner, Music Producer Who Melded Styles, Dies at 64 - 5 years ago

@S__u__n__Shine: RT @ComicBook: #SaturdayNightLive legends pay tribute to music master Hal Willner after his death due to coronavirus - 5 years ago

@savannahvail: Okay so @nbcsnl’s tribute to Hal Willner was absolutely heart wrenching and beautiful. Rest In Peace to such a light in this world - 5 years ago

@PhilGastwirth: Watched last night's SNL. Some pretty funny sketches. Really sad to hear that they lost a member to covid-19. Seeme… - 5 years ago

@CalebComposed: This was beautiful. - 5 years ago

@MichaelWinship: RT @TriumphICDHQ: At SNL you would rush in a panic to Hal Willner's booth to go through a music cue & then not want to leave. Too much fun,… - 5 years ago

@Jordanevans_97: RT @ComicBook: #SaturdayNightLive legends pay tribute to music master Hal Willner after his death due to coronavirus - 5 years ago

@RobBarnettMedia: RT @pulmyears: So Michelle Shocked, Todd Rundgren, Hal Willner, Marianne Faithfull, and Father Guido Sarducci go into a bar... (Photo credi… - 5 years ago

@CynnaAel: RT @ComicBook: #SaturdayNightLive legends pay tribute to music master Hal Willner after his death due to coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ComicBookNOW: SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Legends Pay TRIBUTE to Music Master HAL WILLNER After Death Due to Coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@APearlfind: Hal Willner Tribute - SNL - 5 years ago

@CameraGuyPablo: RT @ComicBook: #SaturdayNightLive legends pay tribute to music master Hal Willner after his death due to coronavirus - 5 years ago

@StacyFort: RT @ComicBook: #SaturdayNightLive legends pay tribute to music master Hal Willner after his death due to coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ericjlawrence: RT @ComicBook: #SaturdayNightLive legends pay tribute to music master Hal Willner after his death due to coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ComicBook: #SaturdayNightLive legends pay tribute to music master Hal Willner after his death due to coronavirus… - 5 years ago

@igregward: RIP Your scores made the show and I thoroughly enjoyed them throughout the years. ‘Saturday Night Live’ Pays Loving… - 5 years ago

@EFMoriarty: RT @SteveScottNEWS: If you didn’t see last night’s #SNLAtHome tribute to the show’s recorded music maestro, Hal Willner, please take 3 1/2… - 5 years ago

@AngryClarkston: RT @U2: ‘One of the greatest music men of all time.' Paying tribute to longtime friend and creative collaborator Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@r_chiura: I remember. The movie September Songs: The Music of Kurt Weill (In Japan, it was screened at movie theaters) I r… - 5 years ago

@Wendell_Maas: RT @Ms_Golightly: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos’ - 5 years ago

@r_chiura: RT @Ms_Golightly: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos’ - 5 years ago

@gachabass: RT @Ms_Golightly: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos’ - 5 years ago

@zivljub: Renowned producer Hal Willner dies of symptoms consistent with COVID-19 - - 5 years ago

@haroldcurran: RT @Ms_Golightly: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos’ - 5 years ago

@zuiko21: RT @nytimesmusic: Hal Willner was both producer and close friend to Lou Reed. In a statement, Laurie Anderson called Willner one of her dea… - 5 years ago

@Ms_Golightly: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos’ - 5 years ago

@charliehaden: RIP Hal. A true music connoiseur. Unique. Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos… - 5 years ago

@Roellepolse: One more tribute - Seth Pays Tribute to John Prine and SNL’s Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@DOLLATALINA: RT @U2: ‘One of the greatest music men of all time.' Paying tribute to longtime friend and creative collaborator Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@james_baumann: RT @nytimesmusic: Hal Willner was both producer and close friend to Lou Reed. In a statement, Laurie Anderson called Willner one of her dea… - 5 years ago

@nicoleblackman: #NickCave on #HalWillner: 'Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos' - Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@bright_moments: RT @moceanworker: TODAY 6pm EST (3pm PST). Charlie Hunter and I pay tribute to the great Hal Willner. Stories. Memories. Questions from fol… - 5 years ago

@moceanworker: TODAY 6pm EST (3pm PST). Charlie Hunter and I pay tribute to the great Hal Willner. Stories. Memories. Questions fr… - 5 years ago

@LightningHour: "Seth Pays Tribute to John Prine and SNL’s Hal Willner" - - 5 years ago

@JSMartinII: RT @brooklynvegan: Leonard Cohen playing with Sonny Rollins? The Residents & Conway Twitty? Sonic Youth & Indigo Girls? It all happened on… - 5 years ago

@brooklynvegan: Leonard Cohen playing with Sonny Rollins? The Residents & Conway Twitty? Sonic Youth & Indigo Girls? It all happene… - 5 years ago

@LizzieMarie0017: RT @BobWeir: Covid-19 hit the music community pretty hard yesterday; The incomparable @JohnPrineMusic, and Hal Willner's also outta here. B… - 5 years ago

@PatMccrystal: RT @delucadan: Wrote this about John Prine and Bill Withers and my mother and the way everything is bad now - 5 years ago

@HolocaustNews: Hal Willner, Music Producer Who Melded Styles, Dies at 64 - 5 years ago

@johnleland: RT @tleogallagher: “[His obsessions] were his talismans, his vestments, because his heart was like a reliquary,” said Tom Waits, a friend o… - 5 years ago

@JazzOnlyJazz: RT @petrahaden: ❤️🌎🎶 - 5 years ago

@Tempname77: RT @FacesOfCOVID: Hal Willner, 64, of NYC passed away from COVID-19 on April 7th. He was a longtime music director of @nbcsnl. “Hal was th… - 5 years ago

@Gabriel_Floyd: RT @AcostaMzk: RIP Hal Willner (64, productor y compositor) Trabajó como productor con Metallica y Lou Reed en "Lulu" además de varios albu… - 5 years ago

@AcostaMzk: RIP Hal Willner (64, productor y compositor) Trabajó como productor con Metallica y Lou Reed en "Lulu" además de va… - 5 years ago

@JC4vr: RT @CTVNews: Hal Willner, longtime 'Saturday Night Live' staple, has died - 5 years ago

@NufcedKevin: RT @mbaram: Tonight at 8pm, I’m going to pay tribute to those musicians we’ve lost to COVID-19 in the last few weeks by playing some of the… - 5 years ago

@GratefulKids: RT @mbaram: Tonight at 8pm, I’m going to pay tribute to those musicians we’ve lost to COVID-19 in the last few weeks by playing some of the… - 5 years ago

@aurora0628: RT @jun_miyake: NYの友人たちから、そして日本の友人たちから、とても悲しいニュースがもたらされました。偉大なプロデデューサー、ハル・ウィルナーが今朝コロナウィルスで命を落としました。1週間前まで元気にしていたそうです。世界の音楽にとって大きな大きな損失。http… - 5 years ago

@aworld68: RT @annadrezen: Literally irreplaceable. I’m not ready to list all the ways he was wonderful yet, but he just made everything special and b… - 5 years ago

@kmjdu: RT @BobWeir: Covid-19 hit the music community pretty hard yesterday; The incomparable @JohnPrineMusic, and Hal Willner's also outta here. B… - 5 years ago

@VinodSreeharsha: RT @mbaram: Tonight at 8pm, I’m going to pay tribute to those musicians we’ve lost to COVID-19 in the last few weeks by playing some of the… - 5 years ago

@49carolCarol: RT @NYTObits: Hal Willner had a dream of connecting musicians who couldn’t possibly work together to play music that didn’t obviously suit… - 5 years ago

@Maryroe1974: RT @TheRichardLewis: My two late, musical buddies. Hal Willner with Lou. ⁦@nbcsnl⁩ Photo Courtesy: Michael Imperioli - 5 years ago

@wisahia1337: RT @AdamSandler: RIP HAL WILLNER. An incredible person who so many of us will miss. Love u pal. - 5 years ago

@Norpete: Future Jazz past: Hal Willner, circa 1992 - 5 years ago

@INyGefgZkX01oYl: RT @masamund78: prnduced by Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@__Joyride: RT @joanjett: I'm so sad to hear of Hal's passing. He was a great producer and I had the pleasure of working with him on the T.Rex tribute… - 5 years ago

@JohnDriftmore: RT @warrenellis13: - 5 years ago

@c_t_freeman: Seth Pays Tribute to John Prine and SNL’s Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@katerferris: RT @stevesilberman: If you don't know how wonderfully weird and prolific Hal Willner was, here's a great NY Times profile. - 5 years ago

@manaskunt: RT @PhillyInquirer: John Prine, Bill Withers, Chynna, and too many others in a crushing death toll for music this week - 5 years ago

@RobertAg815: RT @FacesOfCOVID: Hal Willner, 64, of NYC passed away from COVID-19 on April 7th. He was a longtime music director of @nbcsnl. “Hal was th… - 5 years ago

@delucadan: RT @FacesOfCOVID: Hal Willner, 64, of NYC passed away from COVID-19 on April 7th. He was a longtime music director of @nbcsnl. “Hal was th… - 5 years ago

@JP82097142: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@HollySp76149165: RT @DavidCornDC: An honor to be included among the tributes to John Prine. His loss will not fade soon. - 5 years ago

@AisaacW: RT @RoArquette: Weird Nightmare meditation on mingus - Hal Willner (full album) - 5 years ago

@ianrausten: RT @adamliptak: Lovely, insightful and deeply reported obit of Hal Willner from @johnleland, with quotes from Tom Waits, David Johansen and… - 5 years ago

@AisaacW: RT @TheRichardLewis: I loved you, hipster. A truly unheralded genius. - 5 years ago

@nkan_translator: Hal Willner Presents Weird Nightmare: Meditations On Mingus - 5 years ago

@ThinkYouKnowMus: Music News Seth Meyers & Stephen Colbert Pay Tribute to John Prine and Hal Willner ! - 5 years ago

@GianniBiNa: RT @whitenoisedept_: Il nome di Hal Willner non vi dirà probabilmente nulla, ma è stato uno dei produttori più illuminati degli ultimi tren… - 5 years ago

@antiflag13: RT @Faithfull_M: In tribute to Hal Willner, and with love. Marianne with Allen Ginsberg and dear Hal. - 5 years ago

@Eziliveve: RT @Rschooley: I wore these out. RIP Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@Eziliveve: RT @seanonolennon: Hal Willner R.I.P. All I can say is thanks for everything. Will miss you friend. - 5 years ago

@RockcaravanGr: RT @Faithfull_M: In tribute to Hal Willner, and with love. Marianne with Allen Ginsberg and dear Hal. - 5 years ago

@Eziliveve: RT @sterlewine: From the Variety Hal Willner obit by @ChrisWillman, I hope this project sees the light of day: "Willner had been at work fo… - 5 years ago

@edinbronian: RT @PoetryFound: We are saddened to hear record producer, SNL music producer, and champion of poets Hal Willner died on April 7 from suspec… - 5 years ago

@CajonDejazztre: #tenorsax - 5 years ago

@EibhlinCurley: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@NYUADArtsCenter: You’ll recognize Hal Willner’s artistic DNA in the #BarzakhFestival, but really in all of our work. - 5 years ago

@OldDublinTown: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@LMusior: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to Hal Willner (1956-2020), whose Lost in the Stars: The Music of Kurt Weill (1985) was a constant on my record… - 5 years ago

@LMusior: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@paubelloperez: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@activecultures: “This was everything we loved, all in one place,” Mr. Bernstein said. “All these styles of music, I thought they we… - 5 years ago

@WellingtonBears: - 5 years ago

@lucasgary: Listen to Gary Lucas’ Tribute to Hal Willner 4/9/20 here - 5 years ago

@TroussilleF: RT @warrenellis13: - 5 years ago

@iamstef_falpal: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@BeautifulLeaper: RT @warrenellis13: - 5 years ago

@vinayhaslund: RT @mctony: Leonard Cohen, Sonny Rollins Duet on ‘Who by Fire’: Watch - Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@penttivuorinen: RT @mctony: Leonard Cohen, Sonny Rollins Duet on ‘Who by Fire’: Watch - Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@JillyMN: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: 'Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos' - Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@NoName100560: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@skinny_wrists: I remember Hal Willner’s tribute to Leonard Cohen in Dublin, it had most amazing lineup incl Nick Cave, Antony (Ano… - 5 years ago

@TheIronFist8: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@JNeoMarvin: Hal Willner deserves to be remembered for many things, but one of the greatest is bringing these two together. - 5 years ago

@67citizensmith: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@flydownsouth: RT @VanDoHalen: Morreu aos 64 anos, vítima do Covid-19, Hal Willner. Ele foi um dos produtores de Lulu, parceria de Lou Reed com o Metallic… - 5 years ago

@morandi_andrea: RT @warrenellis13: The irreplaceable Hal Willner during Ghosteen recording. Love and everything Hal Thank you x - 5 years ago

@CasperFiifi: RT @billboard: John Prine and Hal Willner made enormous contributions to culture - 5 years ago

@still_numb: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@Susku1810: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos’ - 5 years ago

@Usher_John_Fan: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@YouriLeGod: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@ShadowLinesDoc: Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert Pay Tribute to John Prine and Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@glennworldpeace: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@JanWillemReitsm: RT @BoingBoing: Celebrating the mad genius of music producer Hal Willner, who has died, likely of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@KalsoomSibgha: RT @billboard: John Prine and Hal Willner made enormous contributions to culture - 5 years ago

@chananthatsme: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Jewish American music producer and long-time @nbcsnl staffer Hal Willner, most famous for his long line of iconic tribu… - 5 years ago

@muhamma29556285: RT @billboard: John Prine and Hal Willner made enormous contributions to culture - 5 years ago

@Top40ChartsNews: Hal Willner: Music Producer And SNL Supervisor Dies Aged 64 - 5 years ago

@shanebuckley: RT @RollingStone: Nick Cave eulogizes his longtime friend Hal Willner, who died earlier this week: "A combination of genius, wonder and nea… - 5 years ago

@vgrade: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@leemeade77: Celebrating the mad genius of music producer Hal Willner, who has died, likely of COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@bobgfaro: Hal Willner: music producer and SNL supervisor dies aged 64 - 5 years ago

@ernestocontrer: RT @highnoteblog: Sad news everyone, @nbcsnl music producer Hal Willner has died at 64 with symptoms consistent with coronavirus. @guardian… - 5 years ago

@headovmetal: 32 videos of Hal Willner’s ’80s series ‘Night Music’ that display his gift for weird, amazing collaborations… - 5 years ago

@miyamotomamoru: RT @LouReed: Two months ago, Hal Willner sat down for a video shoot with us for an upcoming Lou Reed Archive project. In light of his recen… - 5 years ago

@NyFallon32: RT @LouReed: Two months ago, Hal Willner sat down for a video shoot with us for an upcoming Lou Reed Archive project. In light of his recen… - 5 years ago

@drewtothebang: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@AntologiaRadio: Murió por coronavirus el mítico productor estadounidense Hal Willner #HalWilner #Ahora #AntologiaRadio #BuenJueves… - 5 years ago

@culturalanacion: Muere el mítico productor Hal Willner por el coronavirus - 5 years ago

@grumpycube: 1/ Ogni giorno arriva la notizia della morte di un artista per la Covid-19. Ieri, Hal Willner. Era un produttore ge… - 5 years ago

@eldesimone: RT @nytimesmusic: Hal Willner had a dream of connecting musicians who couldn’t possibly work together to play music that didn’t obviously s… - 5 years ago

@eppylover: New, remotely-produced material will air in the show’s usual Saturday night slot. COVID-19 touched SNL in at least… - 5 years ago

@Afrodaddyjazz: RT @Mingus: Weird Nightmare: Meditations on Mingus (1992) is a tribute to Charles Mingus produced by Hal Willner. Produced by Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@RafMN: RT @hotpress: . @U2 donate €10 million towards the purchase of personal protection equipment for frontline Irish healthcare workers & pay t… - 5 years ago

@martyzpartyz: Hal Willner, Music Producer and ‘SNL’ Veteran, Dies at 64 - 5 years ago

@Isshee: RT @luckyyjp: 32 videos of Hal Willner’s ’80s series ‘Night Music’ that display his gift for weird, amazing collaborations - 5 years ago

@alik0760: — Celebrating the mad genius of music producer Hal Willner, who has died, likely of COVID-19: Two days ago, we lost… - 5 years ago

@faivy: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos’ - 5 years ago

@ericwjensen: 10 inspired, singularly eclectic productions by Hal Willner, music's hippest curator - 5 years ago

@cammackellar: RT @GregMitch: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos’ - 5 years ago

@solojazzradio: Hoy rendimos tributo al productor Hal Willner y escucharemos algunas de sus producciones. 19:00 hrs. 96.3 FM… - 5 years ago

@westwildrive: RT @NME: Tributes paid to Lou Reed producer Hal Willner, who has died aged 64 - 5 years ago

@TatorVicki: RT @moceanworker: Hal Willner and Joel Dorn (my dad). Closest of friends. Taken at Hal’s 50th birthday. So much love that night. An incredi… - 5 years ago

@ericwjensen: Hal Willner, longtime music producer and 'SNL' veteran, dies of COVID-19 complications at 64 - 5 years ago

@GregMitch: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: ‘A Combination of Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos’ - 5 years ago

@WhatsinaDame: RT @latimesent: The record producer and impresario Hal Willner, who died Tuesday at age 64 of COVID-19 complications, was one of the world’… - 5 years ago

@theninjaquiz: @BTuckertime Are you guys going to do a Hal Willner tribute? - 5 years ago

@kchernecky: - 5 years ago

@israelopadeyi: Top story: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: 'Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos' - Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@WorkMoneyFun: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: 'Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos' - Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@lifespots: Top story: Nick Cave on Hal Willner: 'Genius, Wonder and Near-Chaos' - Rolling Stone - 5 years ago

@4usall: Seth Pays Tribute to John Prine and SNL’s Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@jazyjef: RT @Mingus: Weird Nightmare: Meditations on Mingus (1992) is a tribute to Charles Mingus produced by Hal Willner. Produced by Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@ritapita63: RT @RollingStone: Hal Willner, the veteran music producer and longtime 'Saturday Night Live' staffer, has died at age 64 - 5 years ago

@CSkrnova: RT @BobWeir: Covid-19 hit the music community pretty hard yesterday; The incomparable @JohnPrineMusic, and Hal Willner's also outta here. B… - 5 years ago

@vpfavale: RT @morriconeyouth: #RIP Hal Willner. An incredible producer, music supervisor and overall person. - 5 years ago

@CottageBagPiper: Have a listen......Seth Pays Tribute to John Prine and SNL’s Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@bob_daktari: No more Pie - 5 years ago

@MiskaP97: RT @Loudwire: .@Metallica 'shocked' by coronavirus-related death of 'Lulu' co-producer Hal Willner: - 5 years ago

@agnes_poisson: RT @lemondefr: Il avait collaboré avec des artistes venus d’univers variés : Sting, Bryan Ferry, Jarvis Cocker, Bono, Debbie Harry ou encor… - 5 years ago

@KarmaKarte: RT @dark_shark: RIP Hal Willner #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@sydneylkaster: RT @dark_shark: RIP Hal Willner #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@KristyEdmunds: Hal Willner, Yoda Maverick Mensch. Beloved. - 5 years ago

@redfm963: Ο Hal Willner, συμπαραγωγός του “Lulu” των @Metallica και Lou Reed πέθανε από τον κορονοϊό. @redfm963 #redmetal - 5 years ago

@albassrez: RT @TimRobbins1: The amazingly talented, innovative, eclectic & visionary music producer Hal Willner passed today. A true artist, a lover o… - 5 years ago

@KarnerReinhard: RT @dark_shark: RIP Hal Willner #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@GMarchettoni: Du jazz au « Saturday Night Live » : Hal Willner, producteur de musiques américain, est mort à 64 ans… - 5 years ago

@StefanoPPK: RT @SheikYerbutti2: Hal Willner, another #covid19 victim, was one of the best. RIP - 5 years ago

@LamazoneBlonde: RT @SheikYerbutti2: Late producer Hal Willner had a gift for pulling off unlikely musical happenings. This 1989 duet from Night Music pairi… - 5 years ago

@PastaFazoool: RT @democracynow: Songwriter John Prine, Producer Hal Willner and New Jersey Politician Michael Yun Die From COVID-19 #CoronavirusRoundup h… - 5 years ago

@KonZarkadoulas: RT @SheikYerbutti2: Late producer Hal Willner had a gift for pulling off unlikely musical happenings. This 1989 duet from Night Music pairi… - 5 years ago

@SheikYerbutti2: Late producer Hal Willner had a gift for pulling off unlikely musical happenings. This 1989 duet from Night Music p… - 5 years ago

@SheikYerbutti2: Hal Willner, another #covid19 victim, was one of the best. RIP - 5 years ago

@Amontanafm: Elvis Costello Pays Tribute to ‘Dear Friend’ and Producer Hal Willner - 5 years ago

@DuarteFranch: RT @democracynow: Songwriter John Prine, Producer Hal Willner and New Jersey Politician Michael Yun Die From COVID-19 #CoronavirusRoundup h… - 5 years ago

@JStembert: RT @BillFrisell: Hal Willner April 6, 1956 - April 7, 2020 - 5 years ago

@TartNasty: RT @democracynow: Songwriter John Prine, Producer Hal Willner and New Jersey Politician Michael Yun Die From COVID-19 #CoronavirusRoundup h… - 5 years ago

@migueloncitotw: RT @dark_shark: RIP Hal Willner #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@tominniemouse: RT @mulaney: Me and Hal Willner 2009. Photo by Jason Sudeikis - 5 years ago

@georgi_van: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@HOOK1222: RT @BobWeir: Covid-19 hit the music community pretty hard yesterday; The incomparable @JohnPrineMusic, and Hal Willner's also outta here. B… - 5 years ago

@BillKirchmann: RT @jilevin: Jimmy Fallon mourns beloved SNL music producer Hal Willner, who died of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@korn2005: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@OBRIESM396BJ: RT @jaketapper: Hal Willner, Music Producer and ‘SNL’ Veteran, Dies of Coronavirus at 64 - 5 years ago

@korn2005: RT @sterlewine: Another giant slain by COVID-19: Hal Willner, record producer and Saturday Night Live sketch music producer, has died at th… - 5 years ago

@Dancing_Bat: RT @BobWeir: Covid-19 hit the music community pretty hard yesterday; The incomparable @JohnPrineMusic, and Hal Willner's also outta here. B… - 5 years ago

@reechardparks: RT @reechardparks: I am devastated. Hal Willner was an incredible artist, and more importantly, a beautiful person. Please read this & know… - 5 years ago

@Beth05E: RT @BobWeir: Covid-19 hit the music community pretty hard yesterday; The incomparable @JohnPrineMusic, and Hal Willner's also outta here. B… - 5 years ago

@Fix83815191: RT @andrewzip: - 5 years ago

@korn2005: Music producer and SNL veteran Hal Willner has died at age 64 - 5 years ago

@Raymond_LLM: RT @jilevin: Jimmy Fallon mourns beloved SNL music producer Hal Willner, who died of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@RealJillyG: RT @CTVNews: Hal Willner, longtime 'Saturday Night Live' staple, has died - 5 years ago

@WPSU: Hal Willner, 'SNL' Staple And Acclaimed Music Producer, Has Died #SNL - 5 years ago

@alasiaaa: RT @mulaney: Me and Hal Willner 2009. Photo by Jason Sudeikis - 5 years ago

@ShawnRobb3: RT @jilevin: Jimmy Fallon mourns beloved SNL music producer Hal Willner, who died of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TinaPavlik: RT @U2: ‘One of the greatest music men of all time.' Paying tribute to longtime friend and creative collaborator Hal Willner. - 5 years ago

@babatolson: RT @sterlewine: Another giant slain by COVID-19: Hal Willner, record producer and Saturday Night Live sketch music producer, has died at th… - 5 years ago

@theperlichpost: RT @Conqueroo1: John Prine, Hal Willner Succumb to COVID-19: "An especially shitty day in the coronavirus crisis" - 5 years ago

@ThePrinceofWha5: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@MikeSchwilk: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@GESWho: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@andreamtajk: RT @sterlewine: Another giant slain by COVID-19: Hal Willner, record producer and Saturday Night Live sketch music producer, has died at th… - 5 years ago

@CinShel: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to Hal Willner (1956-2020), whose Lost in the Stars: The Music of Kurt Weill (1985) was a constant on my record… - 5 years ago

@EdenLake: RT @sterlewine: From the Variety Hal Willner obit by @ChrisWillman, I hope this project sees the light of day: "Willner had been at work fo… - 5 years ago

@Barbaralighteye: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@CinShel: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@vvinam: RT musicoins "Hal Willner Dead: Film and TV Music Producer Was 64 | Hollywood Reporter - 5 years ago

@thevandykeparks: RT @_nuotio_: For decades Hal Willner's vision blew open my world on how collaboration & song interpretation can be so daring & timeless F… - 5 years ago

@chcheng61: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@niningasih: RT @cinefilDVD: ニーノ・ロータに始まる、数々のトリビュート盤の制作でも知られる音楽プロデューサー、ハル・ウィルナー、コロナウィルスで死去。64歳。ウソだと言ってください……。 - 5 years ago

@troubledoll: @pammerdrums 💔 (with some overlapping tears for hal willner) - 5 years ago

@niningasih: RT @aaronneville: Rest In Peace Hal Willner. Thanks for the opportunity to record the "Mickey Mouse March" tribute to Walt Disney with Joel… - 5 years ago

@reneeg1147: RT @sterlewine: Another giant slain by COVID-19: Hal Willner, record producer and Saturday Night Live sketch music producer, has died at th… - 5 years ago

@reneeg1147: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@Shimo_T: Hal Willner、誕生日の翌日に亡くなったのか。最期の誕生日には意識なかったのかもな。 - 5 years ago

@foetus513: RT @jgthirlwell: I was gutted to hear about the death of Hal Willner. Hal was a generous, idiosyncratic & visionary man. He was deeply pass… - 5 years ago

@mikepropst: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to Hal Willner (1956-2020), whose Lost in the Stars: The Music of Kurt Weill (1985) was a constant on my record… - 5 years ago

@ipsilononline: O música de 64 anos apresentava sintomas consistentes com os causados pelo novo coronavírus, embora não tenha sido… - 5 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to Hal Willner (1956-2020), whose Lost in the Stars: The Music of Kurt Weill (1985) was a constant on my record… - 5 years ago

@DiChristine: "Music producer and SNL veteran Hal Willner has died at age 64" - 5 years ago

@eyebeat: Hal Willner: music producer and SNL supervisor dies aged 64 - 5 years ago

@acghiknoswy_jp: Hal Willnerを通さなければ広がらなかった世界があります、感謝!安らかに。 - 5 years ago

@OvidioCervera: RT @DiegoAManrique: Muere el productor HAL WILLNER, 64 años. Un hipster que perfeccionó el modelo de disco estelar donde se revivían compos… - 5 years ago

@J0nasF: RT @GerryHassan: RIP legendary music producer Hal Willner at the age of 64 from coronavirus complications. He created a series of wonderful… - 5 years ago

@b_h_c_y2: RT @jun_miyake: NYの友人たちから、そして日本の友人たちから、とても悲しいニュースがもたらされました。偉大なプロデデューサー、ハル・ウィルナーが今朝コロナウィルスで命を落としました。1週間前まで元気にしていたそうです。世界の音楽にとって大きな大きな損失。http… - 5 years ago

@Thebigboss_Lee: RT @FunksterThe: Just read that Hal Willner, who was producing this T.Rex tribute album, has died aged 64 of Covid-19. ⁦@TRextasyBand⁩ ⁦@Ma… - 5 years ago

@JoanLuna: Muere el gran productor Hal Willner a los sesenta y cuatro años - 5 years ago

@MissLionHeart: RT @RollingStone: Hal Willner, the veteran music producer and longtime 'Saturday Night Live' staffer, has died at age 64 - 5 years ago

@sanadian_dadd: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 ルー・リードやマリアンヌ・フェイスフルら数多くのアーティストを手がけ、クルト・ワイルなど秀逸なトリビュート・アルバムも多数企画したプロデューサーのハル・ウィルナーが新型コロナウイルス感染症で死去。64歳だった。 - 5 years ago

@janetobikeller: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@GerryHassan: RIP legendary music producer Hal Willner at the age of 64 from coronavirus complications. He created a series of wo… - 5 years ago

@MissLionHeart: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@DanaDeeSaravia: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@RausJB1972: RT @tywilc: RIP Hal Willner — these New York Shuffle radio shows he did with Lou Reed are very fun/eclectic. - 5 years ago

@georgeginis: RT @seanonolennon: Hal Willner R.I.P. All I can say is thanks for everything. Will miss you friend. - 5 years ago

@juicyjamespr: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@ganseki_kobe: RT @jun_miyake: NYの友人たちから、そして日本の友人たちから、とても悲しいニュースがもたらされました。偉大なプロデデューサー、ハル・ウィルナーが今朝コロナウィルスで命を落としました。1週間前まで元気にしていたそうです。世界の音楽にとって大きな大きな損失。http… - 5 years ago

@byjimcarroll: A music tip for strange times (22): Hal Willner was the dude who brought musicians together to create wonderful rec… - 5 years ago

@jasonmcbride68: John Prine and Hal Willner in one shitty fucking day. RIP - 5 years ago

@AltPost: RT @neilhimself: And RIP the wonderful Hal Willner, from Covid. I was a fan from the Stay Awake album on. I saw him last speaking at Lou Re… - 5 years ago

@LouCubes: RT @NedBellamy: R.I.P. Hal...thank you for all that you shared🙏Fly high friend.Music producer and SNL veteran Hal Willner has died at age 6… - 5 years ago

@kous37: RT @jun_miyake: NYの友人たちから、そして日本の友人たちから、とても悲しいニュースがもたらされました。偉大なプロデデューサー、ハル・ウィルナーが今朝コロナウィルスで命を落としました。1週間前まで元気にしていたそうです。世界の音楽にとって大きな大きな損失。http… - 5 years ago

@coreylynhoward: RT @robinrimbaud: Farewell to Hal Willner (1956-2020), whose Lost in the Stars: The Music of Kurt Weill (1985) was a constant on my record… - 5 years ago

@NigelParseghian: RT @GhostPanther: In honor of Hal Willner here’s Leonard Cohen with Sonny Rollins on Hal’s Show Night Music doing “Who By Fire.” - 5 years ago

@duecebby: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@eastwoodrecords: Hal Willner: music producer and SNL supervisor dies aged 64 - 5 years ago

@tresposh: RT @RollingStone: Hal Willner, the veteran music producer and longtime 'Saturday Night Live' staffer, has died at age 64 - 5 years ago

@apple_cart: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 ルー・リードやマリアンヌ・フェイスフルら数多くのアーティストを手がけ、クルト・ワイルなど秀逸なトリビュート・アルバムも多数企画したプロデューサーのハル・ウィルナーが新型コロナウイルス感染症で死去。64歳だった。 - 5 years ago

@15starfish: Hal Willner 追悼:プロデュース作品 Marianne Faithfull / Strange Weather Gavin Friday / Each Man Kills the Thing He Loves 三宅純 /… - 5 years ago

@1207_IETTA_7: RT @jun_miyake: - 5 years ago

@twobonewalker: RT @RollingStone: Flashback: Hal Willner recruits Leonard Cohen and Sonny Rollins for a staggeringly cool version of "Who by Fire" in 1989… - 5 years ago

@hikohiko2020: RT @jun_miyake: NYの友人たちから、そして日本の友人たちから、とても悲しいニュースがもたらされました。偉大なプロデデューサー、ハル・ウィルナーが今朝コロナウィルスで命を落としました。1週間前まで元気にしていたそうです。世界の音楽にとって大きな大きな損失。http… - 5 years ago

@SuzyYoung24: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@aozorashirakumo: RT @jun_miyake: NYの友人たちから、そして日本の友人たちから、とても悲しいニュースがもたらされました。偉大なプロデデューサー、ハル・ウィルナーが今朝コロナウィルスで命を落としました。1週間前まで元気にしていたそうです。世界の音楽にとって大きな大きな損失。http… - 5 years ago

@FarzanJaafari: RT @guardiannews: Hal Willner: music producer and SNL supervisor dies aged 64 - 5 years ago

@kyorosuke74: RT @jun_miyake: NYの友人たちから、そして日本の友人たちから、とても悲しいニュースがもたらされました。偉大なプロデデューサー、ハル・ウィルナーが今朝コロナウィルスで命を落としました。1週間前まで元気にしていたそうです。世界の音楽にとって大きな大きな損失。http… - 5 years ago

@baphomet_2525: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 ルー・リードやマリアンヌ・フェイスフルら数多くのアーティストを手がけ、クルト・ワイルなど秀逸なトリビュート・アルバムも多数企画したプロデューサーのハル・ウィルナーが新型コロナウイルス感染症で死去。64歳だった。 - 5 years ago

@KagiyaIzumi: RT @jun_miyake: NYの友人たちから、そして日本の友人たちから、とても悲しいニュースがもたらされました。偉大なプロデデューサー、ハル・ウィルナーが今朝コロナウィルスで命を落としました。1週間前まで元気にしていたそうです。世界の音楽にとって大きな大きな損失。http… - 5 years ago

@PaulCowdell: I'm sorry to hear of the passing of Hal Willner. This, from Lost in the Stars, seems somehow appropriate. - 5 years ago

@donut_no_ana: RT @jun_miyake: NYの友人たちから、そして日本の友人たちから、とても悲しいニュースがもたらされました。偉大なプロデデューサー、ハル・ウィルナーが今朝コロナウィルスで命を落としました。1週間前まで元気にしていたそうです。世界の音楽にとって大きな大きな損失。http… - 5 years ago

@lematin: RT @turntokyo: 【訃報】 ルー・リードやマリアンヌ・フェイスフルら数多くのアーティストを手がけ、クルト・ワイルなど秀逸なトリビュート・アルバムも多数企画したプロデューサーのハル・ウィルナーが新型コロナウイルス感染症で死去。64歳だった。 - 5 years ago

@morandi_andrea: RT @AdamSandler: RIP HAL WILLNER. An incredible person who so many of us will miss. Love u pal. - 5 years ago

@ecolinlin: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@otivirics: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@DrlocksLocks: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@JennyStars7: RT @guardiannews: Hal Willner: music producer and SNL supervisor dies aged 64 - 5 years ago

@RDDDSands: "Music producer and SNL veteran Hal Willner has died at age 64" - 5 years ago

@SherryLeslie_: RT @alfranken: I’m so sad about my friend Hal Willner. A brilliant and sweet man. This is so hard. - 5 years ago

@canadapalmer: RT @JAZZFM91: Music producer and SNL veteran Hal Willner has died at age 64 - 5 years ago

@jdoijisjhspiej: RT @aaakkmm: 今日亡くなったHal Willnerの最後のツイートは今日亡くなったアメリカの国宝John Prineについてだった。このツイートが3月の終わりだったのでHalさんは一瞬で悪化してしまったんだなあと思っていたら、John Prineも亡くなってしまった… - 5 years ago

@RobertS39632205: RT @THR: Film and TV music producer Hal Willner, who worked many years on #SaturdayNightLive, has died at age 64 apparently due to coronavi… - 5 years ago

@greenarkpress: RT @thesonicyouth: This is an unpublished interview with #HalWillner by Steve Shelley and Aaron Mullan for an as-of-yet unfinished DVD edit… - 5 years ago

@greenarkpress: RT @peterbruyn: Ai weer een muzikale held die niet aan Corona wist te ontsnappen. Hal Willner. Hier alleen al 2 dozijn albums die hij produ… - 5 years ago

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