Haku Shah

Indian artist
Died on Thursday March 21st 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Haku Shah:

@parthivshaw: RT @mkvenu1: Artist and Scholar Haku Shah was Inspired by Gandhi's Idea of Modernity - 6 years ago

@ArtistWonk: Death of Haku Shah, eminent Gandhian artist signifies the end of an era - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Haku Shah (84) Indian artist - 6 years ago

@AruneshV: RT @NID_India: NID remembers Haku Shah for his immense contribution More on: @nationalinstituteofdesign @NID_Ind… - 6 years ago


@indianuncle: RT @NH_India: With the passing away of the doyen of #IndianArt, #HakuShah (1934-21 March 2019), we have lost an eminent #Gandhian painter f… - 6 years ago

@sethlalit: RT @NH_India: With the passing away of the doyen of #IndianArt, #HakuShah (1934-21 March 2019), we have lost an eminent #Gandhian painter f… - 6 years ago

@NID_India: NID remembers Haku Shah for his immense contribution More on: @nationalinstituteofdesign… - 6 years ago

@JustinYuvarajJ: RT @NH_India: With the passing away of the doyen of #IndianArt, #HakuShah (1934-21 March 2019), we have lost an eminent #Gandhian painter f… - 6 years ago

@gandhiincindia: RT @NH_India: With the passing away of the doyen of #IndianArt, #HakuShah (1934-21 March 2019), we have lost an eminent #Gandhian painter f… - 6 years ago

@arulright: RT @NH_India: With the passing away of the doyen of #IndianArt, #HakuShah (1934-21 March 2019), we have lost an eminent #Gandhian painter f… - 6 years ago

@feku420__: RT @NH_India: With the passing away of the doyen of #IndianArt, #HakuShah (1934-21 March 2019), we have lost an eminent #Gandhian painter f… - 6 years ago

@readingkafka: RT @IndiaArtMachine: just learned that the great artist Haku Shah has passed away in Ahmedabad. the word icon gets tossed around much too f… - 6 years ago

@NH_India: With the passing away of the doyen of #IndianArt, #HakuShah (1934-21 March 2019), we have lost an eminent #Gandhian… - 6 years ago

@profjohnrdavis: Haku Shah, the Artist Who Saw India’s Living Heritage in Its Rivers, Trees, Cultural Diversity… - 6 years ago

@banbutterjam: Coincidentally last week I happen to visit Crafts Village – Shilpgram’ in Udaipur, an ethnographic museum depicting… - 6 years ago

@rkharvel: Finished reading: Artist and Scholar Haku Shah was Inspired by Gandhi's Idea of Modernity - 6 years ago

@Alchemi83995410: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Heartthrob turned experimental rocker Scott Walker; artist, writer, and adventurer Jack Absalom; builde… - 6 years ago

@dipakkumarpal21: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@Yadvendra79881: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@manojhela16: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@artnculturefest: The late artist-scholar Haku Shah's legacy will continue. Here is a brief summary of the man who devoted his life t… - 6 years ago

@AKHILES03979754: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@jessica4ever: Renowned Indian Artist Haku Shah Dies At 85 - 6 years ago

@Sandeep_Kumar66: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@ch_sandhya: "A large part of our heritage exists in ordinary people whom we consider backward or uneducated. We only have celeb… - 6 years ago

@DhanadaKanta: RT @thewire_in: The eminent painter, scholar and Gandhian, who passed away on March 21, 2019, emphasised the need to understand that it was… - 6 years ago

@TheWireMarathi: RT @thewire_in: The eminent painter, scholar and Gandhian, who passed away on March 21, 2019, emphasised the need to understand that it was… - 6 years ago

@_HarshVardhan: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@earlyseed1: RT @thewire_in: The eminent painter, scholar and Gandhian, who passed away on March 21, 2019, emphasised the need to understand that it was… - 6 years ago

@dalgomi_i: RT @thewire_in: The eminent painter, scholar and Gandhian, who passed away on March 21, 2019, emphasised the need to understand that it was… - 6 years ago

@greatairi: RT @thewire_in: The eminent painter, scholar and Gandhian, who passed away on March 21, 2019, emphasised the need to understand that it was… - 6 years ago

@thewire_in: The eminent painter, scholar and Gandhian, who passed away on March 21, 2019, emphasised the need to understand tha… - 6 years ago

@sukesh_sood: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@sihag707: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@abinashbarman4U: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@_YadavSunil: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

@Deystopia: RT @saliltripathi: An old interview with the great Haku Shah: - 6 years ago

@SRoyChowdhury01: RT @saliltripathi: Haku Shah's passing is the moment to recognise Gujarat's astonishingly rich contribution to post-independence India's vi… - 6 years ago

@fn: RT @svaradarajan: Haku Shah, the Artist Who Saw India’s Living Heritage in Its Rivers, Trees, Cultural Diversity - 6 years ago

@saliltripathi: Haku Shah's passing is the moment to recognise Gujarat's astonishingly rich contribution to post-independence India… - 6 years ago

@saliltripathi: Haku Shah's passing is the moment to recognise Gujarat's astonishingly rich contribution to post-independence India… - 6 years ago

@ramsinghk2: RT @_YogendraYadav: Do read and share - 6 years ago

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