Haitham Ahmed Zaki

Egyptian actor (Halim)
Died on Sunday November 10th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Haitham Ahmed Zaki:

@idontgiveahick: RT @CairoScene: #SceneSpotted: Graffiti honouring the late legendary actors Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fouad, and their son Haitham Zaki was found in… - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: After the autopsy … Surprise about the cause of the death of Haitham Ahmed Zaki - 5 years ago

@maroelsherif: RT @CairoScene: #SceneSpotted: Graffiti honouring the late legendary actors Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fouad, and their son Haitham Zaki was found in… - 5 years ago

@bellmanNo82: RT @CairoScene: #SceneSpotted: Graffiti honouring the late legendary actors Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fouad, and their son Haitham Zaki was found in… - 5 years ago


@G_Samman: RT @CairoScene: #SceneSpotted: Graffiti honouring the late legendary actors Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fouad, and their son Haitham Zaki was found in… - 5 years ago

@CairoScene: #SceneSpotted: Graffiti honouring the late legendary actors Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fouad, and their son Haitham Zaki was… - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: Egyptian Prosecutor receives forensic report of artist Haitham Ahmed Zaki - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: The truth of the will of Haitham Ahmed Zaki shocking to his family - 5 years ago

@AlBawabaEntz: Menna Fadali: Most of the mourners from the Celebrities in "Haitham Ahmed Zaki's" funeral are hypocrites 🤔… - 5 years ago

@Ksp38950581: RT @Ksp38950581: The story of his death .... Artist Haitham Ahmed Zaki live solo in his house woke up in the morning and after exercise fel… - 5 years ago

@EgyptTodayMag: Medhat Saleh dedicated the song “Ayesh Wahdak” from his latest album to late Haitham Ahmed Zaki. Details at:… - 5 years ago

@soo_fadeil: RT @AlBawabaEntz: Perfectly Athletic! New Video Shows Late Haitham Ahmed Zaki ONE DAY BEFORE His Death.. Watch #ه… - 5 years ago

@AlBawabaEntz: Perfectly Athletic! New Video Shows Late Haitham Ahmed Zaki ONE DAY BEFORE His Death.. Watch… - 5 years ago

@farouk_dana: RT @EgyptTodayMag: BREAKING| Leading Egyptian Actor Haitham Ahmed Zaki Dies at 35 of Hypotension (sudden drop in blood pressure). #EgyptTo… - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: "Let Ayman catch me" … the last distress of Haitham Ahmed Zaki minutes before his death - 5 years ago

@DemaAhm53335480: RT @SeeNewsEGY: Details about Haitham Ahmed zaki's Death 👇👇👇 #SEENews #Egypt #هيثم_احمد_زكى - 5 years ago

@DemaAhm53335480: RT @MbSNewsEnglish: Egyptian artist reveals a surprise about Haitham Ahmed Zaki - 5 years ago

@DemaAhm53335480: RT @MbSNewsEnglish: For this reason … the Attorney General intervenes to pray for the body of Haitham Ahmed Zaki - 5 years ago

@gb_mohannad: RT @NileFM: Egyptian actor "Haitham Ahmed Zaki" passed away today due to circulatory collapse. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his fri… - 5 years ago

@Mernaelsadyyy: RT @EldoctoOra: The most beautiful family in the artistic community has left and the last remembrance of them left Haitham Ahmed Zaki The m… - 5 years ago

@EldoctoOra: The most beautiful family in the artistic community has left and the last remembrance of them left Haitham Ahmed Za… - 5 years ago

@roody0i: RT @SABERIANS: Leading Egyptian Actor Haitham Ahmed Zaki Dies at 35 of Hypotension #Egypt | #هيثم_احمد_زكي - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: Egyptian artist apologizes to Haitham Ahmed Zaki: your right to - 5 years ago

@Clarissplot: RT @EgyptianStreets: Egyptians React to the Sad Death of Haitham Ahmed Zaki - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: Video … What did the brother of the artist Haitham Ahmed Zaki said in his first talk? - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: Video … Haitham Ahmed Zaki exercise in the gym before his death - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: Rare appearance of the Mu'tazila artist Nora in the condolences of Haitham Ahmed Zaki - 5 years ago

@ahmedmo70539333: RT @EgyptTodayMag: BREAKING| Leading Egyptian Actor Haitham Ahmed Zaki Dies at 35 of Hypotension (sudden drop in blood pressure). #EgyptTo… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Haitham Ahmed Zaki is no longer with us - #HaithamAhmedZaki #Haitham #AhmedZaki #rip - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Activists Francisco Tenorio Contreras, Jennifer Davis: paleontologist Richard Cerutti; writer N… - 5 years ago

@AlBawabaEntz: Milestones in Late Haitham Ahmed Zaki’s Life.. He Suffered Loneliness and His Wish Never Came True!… - 5 years ago

@HForHamosa: اللهم اغفر لهيثم أحمد زكي وارحمه و عافه واعفو عنه و طيب نزله ووسع مدخله واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد، اللهم اجعل ابت… - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: Disclosure of the last request from Haitham Ahmed Zaki hours before his death - 5 years ago

@MbSNewsEnglish: "Have mercy on us" … Egyptian artist makes an urgent appeal after the death of Haitham Ahmed Zaki… - 5 years ago

@mohamedabdou225: RT @Asmaa00sayed: A sweet family has left us. Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fouad and their only son Haitham. May all their souls rest in peace. ❤️#هيثم… - 5 years ago

@jumanaanwar: RT @Asmaa00sayed: A sweet family has left us. Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fouad and their only son Haitham. May all their souls rest in peace. ❤️#هيثم… - 5 years ago

@m__t__a__e: Everyone is now haitham ahmed zaki's friend? Wow - 5 years ago

@CairoScene: Haitham Ahmed Zaki Actor Dies at 35 - 5 years ago

@CairoGossip: Haitham Ahmed Zaki Dies at 35. - 5 years ago

@4health_equity: RT @itsaichaa99: A sweet family has left us. Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fouad and their only son Haitham. May all their souls rest in peace 🤲🏻🧡 #هيثم… - 5 years ago

@4health_equity: RT @YasminaSelim3: Tribute for ahmed zaki and haitham ahmed zaki rip. #هيثم_احمد_زكى - 5 years ago

@justinfos: Décès de l’acteur égyptien Haitham Ahmed Zaki à l’âge de 35 ans - 5 years ago

@mirette_soliman: Haitham Ahmed Zaki's death and loneliness, literally, made every Egyptian cry... Unfortunately, we know the value… - 5 years ago

@Mohamed66364701: RT @passent_m_adel: #هيثم_احمد_زكى A sweet, lovely and talented family has left us Ahmed Zaki, Hala Fouad and their only son Haitham. May… - 5 years ago

@Mohamed66364701: RT @YasminaSelim3: Tribute for ahmed zaki and haitham ahmed zaki rip. #هيثم_احمد_زكى - 5 years ago

@MM47821446: RT @TrueQanuck11: 677) Actor Haitham, son of film star Ahmed Zaki, dies at 35. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@SeeNewsEGY: See the only photo of the late Egyptian Actor Haitham Ahmed Zaki's Stepbrother😔 #SEENews #هيثم_احمد_زكي - 5 years ago

@Marwan_jk2345: RT @Nervana_1: This literally broke my heart, Leading Egyptian Actor Haitham Ahmed Zaki Dies at 35.. A son of iconic actor and a beautiful… - 5 years ago

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