H. Jack Geiger

American Physician.
Died on Tuesday December 29th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to H. Jack Geiger:

@jk2445: I had missed this death. A sad loss. via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@cwru: CWRU mourns the passing of H. Jack Geiger, but will remember the late @CWRUSOM alumnus's legacy as a national and i… - 4 years ago

@AmidaCareNY: RT @NACHC: Dr. H Jack Geiger, who passed away on Monday, was a pioneer of the Community Health Center model. In this @RCHN_CHF video, he an… - 4 years ago

@NCCHCAOnline: RT @_commwellhealth: We would like to take a moment to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Jack Geiger, who co-founded the Community Health Ce… - 4 years ago


@_commwellhealth: We would like to take a moment to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Jack Geiger, who co-founded the Community Health… - 4 years ago

@nnhopes: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, the inspirational founder of the nationwide health center movement and a lifelong civil rights… - 4 years ago

@SGPHealth: The SGP team is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. H. Jack Geiger. He was an advocate, a leader, and an… - 4 years ago

@pashulman: What a remarkable life - 4 years ago

@justcallmevero: RT @NACHC: Dr. H Jack Geiger, who passed away on Monday, was a pioneer of the Community Health Center model. In this @RCHN_CHF video, he an… - 4 years ago

@EcclesiastesSun: RT @DrewFaust28: A life so well lived. A reminder of what it is possible for a single human being to do for so many others. - 4 years ago

@allan_crawshaw: RT @choo_ek: Dr. Jack Geiger, who founded Physicians for Social Responsibility and Physicians for Human Rights, inspired a generation of so… - 4 years ago

@AlexStarcevic: Recent deaths December 2020 29: Joe Louis Clark 29: Amelia Lapeña-Bonifacio 29: Luke Letlow 29: Elaine McCoy 29: Ph… - 4 years ago

@gimba_raqib: RT @stevekerrigan: Jack Geiger, w/Count Gibson, gave birth to community health ctr movement & idea to look to social determinants for pathw… - 4 years ago

@BeyondFlexner: The BFA community joins the many #healthyequity and #socialmission activists in mourning the passing of our friend… - 4 years ago

@shefalikulkarni: “He felt it was our right and responsibility as doctors to ‘treat’ hunger, poverty and disparities in health care,… - 4 years ago

@NACHC: RT @AAPCHOtweets: AAPCHO Statement on the Passing of Dr. H. Jack Geiger: - 4 years ago

@TRVST_Poverty: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, renowned proponent of social medicine, dies at 95 #poverty - 4 years ago

@obituarywriters: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a lifelong civil rights activist who helped to bring medical care and services to impoverished… - 4 years ago

@blogofdeath: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a lifelong civil rights activist who helped to bring medical care and services to impoverished… - 4 years ago

@JoeHLee: RT @AAPCHOtweets: AAPCHO Statement on the Passing of Dr. H. Jack Geiger: - 4 years ago

@HealthBegins: An incredible look at the life of Dr. Geiger by @nytDeniseGrady. Dr. Geiger was an incredible advocate for… - 4 years ago

@AyPress_com: RT @johntedge: One of the most inspiring stories I got to tell in The Potlikker Papers was of Dr. Jack Geiger and the Delta Health Clinic a… - 4 years ago

@mysticalymental: RT @AAPCHOtweets: AAPCHO Statement on the Passing of Dr. H. Jack Geiger: - 4 years ago

@AAPCHOtweets: AAPCHO Statement on the Passing of Dr. H. Jack Geiger: - 4 years ago

@MenziespbcJames: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@lilalmondeyes: RT @KateMMulligan: RIP Jack Geiger, influential leader in the global & US #CHC movement: "The clinic 'prescribed' food for families with ma… - 4 years ago

@MrCutilloUNFPA: RT @Atayeshe: RIP Dr H. Jack Geiger, activist, doctor, teacher and friend. ‘The clinic “prescribed” food for families with malnourished chi… - 4 years ago

@Cola_Inc: We'd like to acknowledge the impact Dr. Jack Geiger made over the course of his life. He was a founding member of t… - 4 years ago

@robrioux: RT @CHAS_health: Dr. H. Jack Geiger helped found community health centers in response to poverty, discrimination & war. He believed doctors… - 4 years ago

@rebeccawynter: RT @NYTObits: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@TRIADADULT: Remembering Jack Geiger, MD, Co-Founder of the Community Health Center Movement. 💜 - 4 years ago

@Stacy0Chen: RT @nytimes: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, who helped bring medical care to impoverished regions, died at 95. He believed in using medicine to change… - 4 years ago

@dfloresbx: RT @TuftsMedSchool: Dr. H Jack Geiger, a pioneering physician-activist who created a national model for public health with his bold vision… - 4 years ago

@TuftsCHDept: RT @TuftsMedSchool: Dr. H Jack Geiger, a pioneering physician-activist who created a national model for public health with his bold vision… - 4 years ago

@RolvixPatterson: RT @TuftsMedSchool: Dr. H Jack Geiger, a pioneering physician-activist who created a national model for public health with his bold vision… - 4 years ago

@lisagualtieri: RT @TuftsMedSchool: Dr. H Jack Geiger, a pioneering physician-activist who created a national model for public health with his bold vision… - 4 years ago

@TuftsUniversity: RT @TuftsMedSchool: Dr. H Jack Geiger, a pioneering physician-activist who created a national model for public health with his bold vision… - 4 years ago

@sorrykb: RT @jfballenger: Here's a life that should not be forgotten. - 4 years ago

@ColdWarScience: RT @jfballenger: Here's a life that should not be forgotten. - 4 years ago

@jfballenger: Here's a life that should not be forgotten. - 4 years ago

@okpca: RT @NACHC: One week ago today, Dr. Jack Geiger -- a civil rights activist and co-founder of the Community Health Center movement -- passed… - 4 years ago

@prapare_sdoh: RT @NACHC: One week ago today, Dr. Jack Geiger -- a civil rights activist and co-founder of the Community Health Center movement -- passed… - 4 years ago

@westsidehealth: RT @NACHC: One week ago today, Dr. Jack Geiger -- a civil rights activist and co-founder of the Community Health Center movement -- passed… - 4 years ago

@threadarchive: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@WFHCFL: RT @NACHC: One week ago today, Dr. Jack Geiger -- a civil rights activist and co-founder of the Community Health Center movement -- passed… - 4 years ago

@nhclv: RT @NACHC: One week ago today, Dr. Jack Geiger -- a civil rights activist and co-founder of the Community Health Center movement -- passed… - 4 years ago

@NACHC: One week ago today, Dr. Jack Geiger -- a civil rights activist and co-founder of the Community Health Center moveme… - 4 years ago

@cyborgtitties: RT @KateMMulligan: RIP Jack Geiger, influential leader in the global & US #CHC movement: "The clinic 'prescribed' food for families with ma… - 4 years ago

@KateMMulligan: RIP Jack Geiger, influential leader in the global & US #CHC movement: "The clinic 'prescribed' food for families wi… - 4 years ago

@EmilyVa26112179: RT @RobertBonacci: An extraordinary physician activist and a transformative example to aspire towards. Dr. Geiger’s work stands as a test… - 4 years ago

@arunjal_aa: RT @nytDeniseGrady: "anger doesn’t vanish, but is replaced by a determination to do something.” Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a giant in public healt… - 4 years ago

@AnnekaKnutsson: RT @Atayeshe: RIP Dr H. Jack Geiger, activist, doctor, teacher and friend. ‘The clinic “prescribed” food for families with malnourished chi… - 4 years ago

@ParagMehta6: RT @MSSNYRothberg: ‘He felt it was our right and responsibility as doctors to ‘treat’ hunger, poverty and disparities in health care, as di… - 4 years ago

@UNFPA_RD: RT @Atayeshe: RIP Dr H. Jack Geiger, activist, doctor, teacher and friend. ‘The clinic “prescribed” food for families with malnourished chi… - 4 years ago

@Showboat7: RT @IrwinRedlenerMD: My friend and mentor Jack Geiger was an inspiring public health leader. He felt it was a doctor’s responsibility and r… - 4 years ago

@Showboat7: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@okpca: RT @NACHC: Dr. H Jack Geiger, who passed away on Monday, was a pioneer of the Community Health Center model. In this @RCHN_CHF video, he an… - 4 years ago

@DeanaNew: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ A real hero. If you can’t access the article, look him up. - 4 years ago

@DrHollyAtkinson: RT @P4HR: Tributes continue to pour in for our founder, Dr. H. Jack Geiger. In our remembrance, Dr. @viacopino1 says Jack “kindled a light… - 4 years ago

@cmcloughlin99: Internist and epidemiologist who famously prescribed food. One of the 20th century's medical heroes. No relation, u… - 4 years ago

@Broadus: RT @NYTObits: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hunger… - 4 years ago

@stickfigureme: RT @NYTObits: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hunger… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like pover… - 4 years ago

@PaulBacon30: #HJackGeiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 #JackGeiger #RIPHJackGeiger #RIPJackGeiger - 4 years ago

@viacopino1: RT @P4HR: Tributes continue to pour in for our founder, Dr. H. Jack Geiger. In our remembrance, Dr. @viacopino1 says Jack “kindled a light… - 4 years ago

@CyberPlayGround: RT @P4HR: Tributes continue to pour in for our founder, Dr. H. Jack Geiger. In our remembrance, Dr. @viacopino1 says Jack “kindled a light… - 4 years ago

@P4HR: Tributes continue to pour in for our founder, Dr. H. Jack Geiger. In our remembrance, Dr. @viacopino1 says Jack “ki… - 4 years ago

@DrPaul_FMAZ: RT @NACHC: “Tributes will never adequately express the impact of Jack Geiger’s work on the lives of millions of Americans who benefit from… - 4 years ago

@Minikindra: RT @Atayeshe: RIP Dr H. Jack Geiger, activist, doctor, teacher and friend. ‘The clinic “prescribed” food for families with malnourished chi… - 4 years ago

@Atayeshe: RIP Dr H. Jack Geiger, activist, doctor, teacher and friend. ‘The clinic “prescribed” food for families with malnou… - 4 years ago

@icatchtrams: RT @AlexWodak: Death of a US doctor who fought hard for social justice. - 4 years ago

@AlexWodak: Death of a US doctor who fought hard for social justice. - 4 years ago

@Laureninthe707: RT @teka21bat: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@teka21bat: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@Ksr123Kr: RT @BobDohertyACP: Dr. Jack Geiger, an IM specialist, believed that physicians must not only treat illness but take on conditions that lead… - 4 years ago

@COpediatricEM: This week we lost #DrJackGeiger, a leading proponent of “social medicine,” the idea that MDs should use their exper… - 4 years ago

@SeeFisch: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@BobDohertyACP: Dr. Jack Geiger, an IM specialist, believed that physicians must not only treat illness but take on conditions that… - 4 years ago

@DrZeroCraic: RT @davidjvaughan: @austinoc_austin @ClionaNi @gastaut @ProfSuperJunior @DrZeroCraic - 4 years ago

@austinoc_austin: RT @davidjvaughan: @austinoc_austin @ClionaNi @gastaut @ProfSuperJunior @DrZeroCraic - 4 years ago

@RealDaveEm: Dr. H. Jack Geiger touched many lives in his extraordinary life. By ⁦@nytDeniseGrady⁩ of the ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 4 years ago

@davidjvaughan: @austinoc_austin @ClionaNi @gastaut @ProfSuperJunior @DrZeroCraic - 4 years ago

@MouraPoet: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@zzzadeh: RT @rajpanjabi: Rebuked for writing prescriptions for food for malnourished children in Mississippi, Dr Jack Geiger replied, “The last time… - 4 years ago

@zzzadeh: RT @P4HR: We were saddened by the loss of H. Jack Geiger, MD, M Sci Hyg, founding member & a past president of PHR, who passed away on Mond… - 4 years ago

@zzzadeh: RT @CamaraJones: I am saddened to learn of the passing today of Dr H Jack Geiger. He was my first real boss beyond residency. Chaired Dept… - 4 years ago

@deepakkanungo: RT @NYTObits: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hunger… - 4 years ago

@aballosunshine: What a magnificent warrior, an unbelievable legacy and an inspiration for the new year #2021 via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@dspiegler: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@mrpshropshire: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@CAGolembeski: RT @RossMacDonaldMD: A huge loss. Along with Vic Sidel who we lost in 2018, Jack Geiger was an inspiration to so many and a pioneer of Soci… - 4 years ago

@bethamy49: RT @CamaraJones: I am saddened to learn of the passing today of Dr H Jack Geiger. He was my first real boss beyond residency. Chaired Dept… - 4 years ago

@Lynette1F: RT @P4HR: We are mourning the loss of our founder, H. Jack Geiger, MD, M Sci Hyg. A social justice trailblazer and an inspiration to human… - 4 years ago

@kayhaswings: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@sahloul: RT @P4HR: We are mourning the loss of our founder, H. Jack Geiger, MD, M Sci Hyg. A social justice trailblazer and an inspiration to human… - 4 years ago

@DrMonicaPeek: A bit late, but could not yet 2020 end w/o acknowledging the greatness of Dr. Jack Geiger and mourning his death. H… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like pover… - 4 years ago

@Jmmarshal1: RT @lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to govt officia… - 4 years ago

@HOUmanitarian: RT @elenamarks: via @NYTimes Dr. Geiger set the standard for physicians to address their patients’ health not just deliver medical services… - 4 years ago

@MichaelOrndoff: RT @lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to govt officia… - 4 years ago

@SocMedOnAir: Remembering the legacy of Dr. Jack Geiger (recently died at 95), who used medicine to fight racism, nuclear weapons… - 4 years ago

@BeatrixHoffman: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@JPCrandall: RT @NACHC: “Tributes will never adequately express the impact of Jack Geiger’s work on the lives of millions of Americans who benefit from… - 4 years ago

@CMCinc78: A salute to a man who paved the way for organizations like CMC: In the 1960s, Dr. Geiger co-founded health centers… - 4 years ago

@IPHNetwork: Rest in peace, Dr. Geiger. Thank you for your service, witness and example. - 4 years ago

@LaurenTaylor_LT: I only met Jack Geiger a few times but I feel a real sadness that he's no longer fighting the good fight in this wo… - 4 years ago

@KDoc_MD: RT @Mr_Warhel: I was fortunate at the age of 16 to enter @CSOM_Official and learn about medicine in the context of addressing social ills.… - 4 years ago

@MnTom5: RT @lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to govt officia… - 4 years ago

@klbarnes: RT @lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to govt officia… - 4 years ago

@t_cone_orange: RT @lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to govt officia… - 4 years ago

@welcomenewmoms: RT @lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to govt officia… - 4 years ago

@AngeloMike3345: RT @lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to govt officia… - 4 years ago

@edbobgreen: RT @lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to govt officia… - 4 years ago

@MomsThoughts: RT @lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to govt officia… - 4 years ago

@dgmcdowell: RT @NACHC: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, Co-Founder of the Community Health Center Movement, has died. - 4 years ago

@lipiroy: "Well, last time I looked in my medical textbooks, the specific therapy for malnutrition was food.”-Dr. Geiger to g… - 4 years ago

@kitschweb: RT @thehowie: H. Jack Geiger died today. He might well be described as the most important MD you never heard of; he was never flashy, never… - 4 years ago

@gosuperdonnie: RT @NACHC: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, Co-Founder of the Community Health Center Movement, has died. - 4 years ago

@PremierCHC: Dr. Jack Geiger, who co-founded the community health center movement, passed this week at the age of 95. Today we h… - 4 years ago

@LauraChiuMD: RT @EddieBriercheck: An @BMCimRES alumni worth knowing about @The_BMC - 4 years ago

@accountableDOCS: We lost a giant in medicine in 2020. He set a high bar for the profession of medicine. - 4 years ago

@JBLbracket: Inspirational. Rest In Peace - 4 years ago

@TheNurseDeck: RIP to one of the icons of preventative medicine, Dr. H. Jack Geiger, who believed that healthcare should including… - 4 years ago

@ipimi: RT @ClydeHaberman: You may be unfamiliar with Jack Geiger but he was as important a doctor as this country ever had — founding member of Ph… - 4 years ago

@npars01: RT @HelenBurstin: Sad to hear about Jack Geiger's death. He had a remarkable impact on health, medicine, and my life as my first mentor @Ci… - 4 years ago

@npars01: RT @thehowie: H. Jack Geiger died today. He might well be described as the most important MD you never heard of; he was never flashy, never… - 4 years ago

@imhm: “He used medicine to take on poverty, racism and the threat of nuclear destruction. Two groups he helped start won… - 4 years ago

@DrRupaMarya: Rest in Power #HERO - 4 years ago

@AveP6ld: RT @rajpanjabi: Rebuked for writing prescriptions for food for malnourished children in Mississippi, Dr Jack Geiger replied, “The last time… - 4 years ago

@BenTannenbaum1: Dr. Geiger was a leading proponent of “social medicine,”: doctors should use their expertise and moral authority no… - 4 years ago

@doroboehm: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@FinaudMarc: RT @PSRnuclear: Remembering Dr. H. Jack Geiger, PSR Co-Founder: "Dr. Geiger was a co-author of one of the first articles to look at the med… - 4 years ago

@jallepap: @michaelmina_lab Thanks for these valuable comments. I have little to add, except from the perspective of someone e… - 4 years ago

@clarke_ames: RT @NYTHealth: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hunge… - 4 years ago

@CheryleeS: RT @KathleenMRoe: “The determinants of health lie in the social order” - That simple, powerful sentence was a game changer for me when I fi… - 4 years ago

@csfsturdevant: RT @NYTHealth: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hunge… - 4 years ago

@chwestmo7: RT @todd_moye: You know that meme going around about your most mundane interaction with a famous person? In 1995 I recorded my first-ever o… - 4 years ago

@yayayarndiva: RT @IrwinRedlenerMD: My friend and mentor Jack Geiger was an inspiring public health leader. He felt it was a doctor’s responsibility and r… - 4 years ago

@Alessan43876258: RT @DrNancyOlivieri: Angry? Dr. Jack Geiger was angry too: As he said: “Anger doesn’t vanish, but is replaced by a… - 4 years ago

@KellyHolzMD: RT @iainlevine: Jack Geiger's established @P4HR as a commitment to health and social justice “He felt it was our right and responsibility a… - 4 years ago

@ViaCareLA: RT @CCALAC: Dr. Jack Geiger was a founder of the community health center movement who believed doctors should not just treat illness but al… - 4 years ago

@paula_tomko: RT @NACHC: “Tributes will never adequately express the impact of Jack Geiger’s work on the lives of millions of Americans who benefit from… - 4 years ago

@MyoThwinMyint: - 4 years ago

@kiretoto: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@JoeZickafoose: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - The New York Times One of the great consciences of mode… - 4 years ago

@BrettABachman: What a life. Jack was a fellow @dailycardinal alum, may he rest in peace - 4 years ago

@rschulman13: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@hurryuprachel: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@IPPNW: Farewell to a friend and mentor: H. Jack Geiger, 1925-2020 - 4 years ago

@JenniferSaber: RT @stevekerrigan: Jack Geiger, w/Count Gibson, gave birth to community health ctr movement & idea to look to social determinants for pathw… - 4 years ago

@daknycip: Ideas “proponent of “social medicine,”.. doctors should use their expertise & moral authority not just to treat ill… - 4 years ago

@aumemoto: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95. Geiger fought for social justice all his life. He was… - 4 years ago

@NACHC_JPatnosh: RT @NACHC: “Tributes will never adequately express the impact of Jack Geiger’s work on the lives of millions of Americans who benefit from… - 4 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@CSOM_Official: RT @Mr_Warhel: I was fortunate at the age of 16 to enter @CSOM_Official and learn about medicine in the context of addressing social ills.… - 4 years ago

@okpca: RT @NACHC: “Tributes will never adequately express the impact of Jack Geiger’s work on the lives of millions of Americans who benefit from… - 4 years ago

@nancyayoussef: RT @vijayravindran: What a life well lived with real lasting impact upon the world. RIP sir. The obituary of Dr. Jack Geiger: - 4 years ago

@vijayravindran: What a life well lived with real lasting impact upon the world. RIP sir. The obituary of Dr. Jack Geiger: - 4 years ago

@ep4chcs: RT @NACHC: “Tributes will never adequately express the impact of Jack Geiger’s work on the lives of millions of Americans who benefit from… - 4 years ago

@DrYadavalli: RT @EddieBriercheck: An @BMCimRES alumni worth knowing about @The_BMC - 4 years ago

@DrJudyStone: Role model: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills and child of immigrants, Dies at 95… - 4 years ago

@Lisa65218024: RT @IrwinRedlenerMD: My friend and mentor Jack Geiger was an inspiring public health leader. He felt it was a doctor’s responsibility and r… - 4 years ago

@DrNancyOlivieri: Thanks @ColleenFuller !! I just sat down to watch this (haven’t watched it all yet) but just realized it was the br… - 4 years ago

@DanOConnell10: RT @Mr_Warhel: I was fortunate at the age of 16 to enter @CSOM_Official and learn about medicine in the context of addressing social ills.… - 4 years ago

@afarber: RT @NACHC: “Tributes will never adequately express the impact of Jack Geiger’s work on the lives of millions of Americans who benefit from… - 4 years ago

@NACHC: “Tributes will never adequately express the impact of Jack Geiger’s work on the lives of millions of Americans who… - 4 years ago

@Sansanut: RT @johntedge: One of the most inspiring stories I got to tell in The Potlikker Papers was of Dr. Jack Geiger and the Delta Health Clinic a… - 4 years ago

@CHCSCT: RT @NCHPHorg: NCHPH is deeply saddened by the death of Dr. Jack H. Geiger, founder of the American Community Health Center Movement. He die… - 4 years ago

@KyuRheeMD: We lost Dr. Jack Geiger, a global leader of the community health and health equity movement earlier this week. As… - 4 years ago

@UMAsylumCollab: RT @iainlevine: Jack Geiger's established @P4HR as a commitment to health and social justice “He felt it was our right and responsibility a… - 4 years ago

@mzingman1030: RT @iainlevine: Jack Geiger's established @P4HR as a commitment to health and social justice “He felt it was our right and responsibility a… - 4 years ago

@P4HR: RT @iainlevine: Jack Geiger's established @P4HR as a commitment to health and social justice “He felt it was our right and responsibility a… - 4 years ago

@johndowe49: RT @DrNancyOlivieri: Angry? Dr. Jack Geiger was angry too: As he said: “Anger doesn’t vanish, but is replaced by a… - 4 years ago

@Degutislc: RT @rajpanjabi: Rebuked for writing prescriptions for food for malnourished children in Mississippi, Dr Jack Geiger replied, “The last time… - 4 years ago

@DrNancyOlivieri: Angry? Dr. Jack Geiger was angry too: As he said: “Anger doesn’t vanish, but is replaced by… - 4 years ago

@sayitagainjen: You probably don't know about Jack Geiger, but he was one of the founders of what we now call the health center mo… - 4 years ago

@syllabicsamurai: RT @CamaraJones: I am saddened to learn of the passing today of Dr H Jack Geiger. He was my first real boss beyond residency. Chaired Dept… - 4 years ago

@syllabicsamurai: RT @djoyperez: Grateful @WK_Kellogg_Fdn for the mentorship of H. Jack Geiger. He was a social justice warrior like no other. He taught us… - 4 years ago

@Jbetancourtpr: RT @atanmcgrory: RIP Jack Geiger. So sad to hear this. We did a wonderful ⁦@MGHDisparities⁩ Film Series event w Jack on the movie “Out in t… - 4 years ago

@noreenasir: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@thevelvetmeow: RT @iainlevine: Jack Geiger's established @P4HR as a commitment to health and social justice “He felt it was our right and responsibility a… - 4 years ago

@Sherry_Reson: RT @pschnall: Dr. H. Jack Geiger - a long time colleague and mentor to many of my generation. He inspired many of us to work for social jus… - 4 years ago

@CCALAC: Dr. Jack Geiger was a founder of the community health center movement who believed doctors should not just treat il… - 4 years ago

@jontarius: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Doctor and activist H. Jack Geiger; cinematographer Ishwar Bidri; farmer Amigo Bob Cantisano; s… - 4 years ago

@iainlevine: Jack Geiger's established @P4HR as a commitment to health and social justice “He felt it was our right and responsi… - 4 years ago

@Chris99725154: RT @MNACHC: The co-founder of Community Health Centers, Dr. Jack Geiger, passed away today. Minnesota's 17 Health Centers mourn his passing… - 4 years ago

@ZurickDavis: We remember and thank Dr. Jack Geiger, a pioneer in the community health center movement. He used medicine to take… - 4 years ago

@medical_policy: RT @OUHCOMSocMed: We would like to recognize the passing of Dr. Geiger, who was instrumental in advancing the idea of social medicine. We h… - 4 years ago

@MGHDisparities: RT @atanmcgrory: RIP Jack Geiger. So sad to hear this. We did a wonderful ⁦@MGHDisparities⁩ Film Series event w Jack on the movie “Out in t… - 4 years ago

@atanmcgrory: RIP Jack Geiger. So sad to hear this. We did a wonderful ⁦@MGHDisparities⁩ Film Series event w Jack on the movie “O… - 4 years ago

@MasterOscarMD: A founding member and professor emeritus of the CUNY School of Medicine, a founding member of 2 advocacy groups whi… - 4 years ago

@NEWHealthBoston: Dr. Geiger played a pivotal role in the history of this nation’s now more than 1,300 Community Health Centers. - 4 years ago

@caresouthla: RT @MNACHC: The co-founder of Community Health Centers, Dr. Jack Geiger, passed away today. Minnesota's 17 Health Centers mourn his passing… - 4 years ago

@Ranajoyrc: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@danielrskinner: RT @OUHCOMSocMed: We would like to recognize the passing of Dr. Geiger, who was instrumental in advancing the idea of social medicine. We h… - 4 years ago

@OUHCOMSocMed: We would like to recognize the passing of Dr. Geiger, who was instrumental in advancing the idea of social medicine… - 4 years ago

@drkarinn: Thank you @Mr_Warhel for posting this. #Allies in @MontefioreDFSM program are CLUTCH. The impact of #socialmedicine… - 4 years ago

@aegcarreon: Dr Geiger started #CommunityHealth ctrs & “social medicine”— to treat not only illness but change conditions that m… - 4 years ago

@RevMelanieNOLA: RT @dealbook: He ran away to Harlem as a teenager and emerged a lifelong civil rights activist, bringing medical care and services to impov… - 4 years ago

@pschnall: Dr. H. Jack Geiger - a long time colleague and mentor to many of my generation. He inspired many of us to work for… - 4 years ago

@pschnall: RT @pschnall: Reading @beckershr Dr. H. Jack Geiger, renowned proponent of social medicine, dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@pschnall: Reading @beckershr Dr. H. Jack Geiger, renowned proponent of social medicine, dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: He ran away to Harlem as a teenager and emerged a lifelong civil rights activist, bringing medical care and service… - 4 years ago

@rbsTXHealth: RT @elenamarks: via @NYTimes Dr. Geiger set the standard for physicians to address their patients’ health not just deliver medical services… - 4 years ago

@Health4Texas: RT @elenamarks: via @NYTimes Dr. Geiger set the standard for physicians to address their patients’ health not just deliver medical services… - 4 years ago

@mosmann: RT @ri_cook: This. Read this. Then read this again. H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@jvsetzler: RT @PSRnuclear: Remembering Dr. H. Jack Geiger, PSR Co-Founder: "Dr. Geiger was a co-author of one of the first articles to look at the med… - 4 years ago

@robblargent: RT @ri_cook: This. Read this. Then read this again. H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@DeltaDentalofMA: Delta Dental of Massachusetts remembers the contributions of Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a giant in Massachusetts community… - 4 years ago

@skamille: RT @ri_cook: This. Read this. Then read this again. H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@PSRnuclear: Remembering Dr. H. Jack Geiger, PSR Co-Founder: "Dr. Geiger was a co-author of one of the first articles to look at… - 4 years ago

@MagdalaMaria: RT @dealbook: He ran away to Harlem as a teenager and emerged a lifelong civil rights activist, bringing medical care and services to impov… - 4 years ago

@TheDimockCenter: RT @P4HR: We were saddened by the loss of H. Jack Geiger, MD, M Sci Hyg, founding member & a past president of PHR, who passed away on Mond… - 4 years ago

@christinelrioux: RT @gb_psr: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, one of our founders, was an inspiration for so many of us in the social justice movement. He connected the… - 4 years ago

@grumpygrumpyowl: RT @gb_psr: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, one of our founders, was an inspiration for so many of us in the social justice movement. He connected the… - 4 years ago

@gb_psr: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, one of our founders, was an inspiration for so many of us in the social justice movement. He co… - 4 years ago

@Asra93165909: RT @P4HR: "Anger doesn’t vanish, but is replaced by a determination to do something.” Rest in peace, Dr. H. Jack Geiger: - 4 years ago

@P4HR: "Anger doesn’t vanish, but is replaced by a determination to do something.” Rest in peace, Dr. H. Jack Geiger: - 4 years ago

@luciaruggiero: RT @GlobalPHObserv: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 He used medicine to take on poverty, racism and the threat of… - 4 years ago

@DrJimHealthline: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@equityhealthdev: RT @GlobalPHObserv: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 He used medicine to take on poverty, racism and the threat of… - 4 years ago

@Ted18641: RT @GlobalPHObserv: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 He used medicine to take on poverty, racism and the threat of… - 4 years ago

@ghia1212: RT @GlobalPHObserv: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 He used medicine to take on poverty, racism and the threat of… - 4 years ago

@CofHEQ: RT @GlobalPHObserv: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 He used medicine to take on poverty, racism and the threat of… - 4 years ago

@rperezescamilla: Time to remember all the people the world has lost in 2020. Let’s honor Dr. Geiger's memory by committing to equity… - 4 years ago

@sduff27: RT @P4HR: We are mourning the loss of our founder, H. Jack Geiger, MD, M Sci Hyg. A social justice trailblazer and an inspiration to human… - 4 years ago

@zhennessey: RT @SuzettePediMD: Thank you Dr. H. Jack Geiger for demonstrating what “social medicine” looks like,”..not just to treat illness but also t… - 4 years ago

@MariaLourenzo: Dr. H. Jack Geiger Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@BaillairgePaul: RT @ClydeHaberman: You may be unfamiliar with Jack Geiger but he was as important a doctor as this country ever had — founding member of Ph… - 4 years ago

@CarmenKloer: RT @MiloPaCamilo: One of my greatest inspirations in medicine. Rest in peace. A social medicine doctor, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and als… - 4 years ago

@UPSalford: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like pover… - 4 years ago

@80kvoices: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@Tushar__Kothari: Geiger, H Jack, Black People, Blacks, Deaths (Obituaries), Mississippi, Boston (Mass), Poverty, Doctors, Medicine a… - 4 years ago

@80kvoices: RT @PSRnuclear: PSR is saddened to learn that Dr. H Jack Geiger, one of PSR’s founders, has passed away at 95. Dr. Geiger helped found PSR… - 4 years ago

@LewisaBlodwen: RT @tambraraye: As a #Tufts alum, I celebrate the life of Dr. H. Jack Geiger who recently died at 95. Historical fact: He worked with Fann… - 4 years ago

@LoriDorfman: RIP, Dr. Geiger. - 4 years ago

@MarkSciegaj: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@cloudydays1971: RT @pourmecoffee: Full life, RIP. "H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95" - 4 years ago

@cloudydays1971: RT @thehowie: H. Jack Geiger died today. He might well be described as the most important MD you never heard of; he was never flashy, never… - 4 years ago

@Laura78703: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@stephenmdedman: RT @NYTScience: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hung… - 4 years ago

@ShannonOMac: RT @ri_cook: This. Read this. Then read this again. H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@eamonncollins: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@GloriaCRamsey: RT @nytDeniseGrady: "anger doesn’t vanish, but is replaced by a determination to do something.” Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a giant in public healt… - 4 years ago

@Jbetancourtpr: RT @elsiemt: RIP Dr. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Determinants of Health - 4 years ago

@cindyhaq: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 What an awesome hero who change… - 4 years ago

@sejorg: RT @scribeguy: "Dr. Geiger was a leading proponent of "social medicine," the idea that doctors should use their expertise and moral authori… - 4 years ago

@Ondine_MD: RT @ClydeHaberman: You may be unfamiliar with Jack Geiger but he was as important a doctor as this country ever had — founding member of Ph… - 4 years ago

@InkBleederWolf: RT @NYTScience: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hung… - 4 years ago

@karen_scott29: RT @RossMacDonaldMD: A huge loss. Along with Vic Sidel who we lost in 2018, Jack Geiger was an inspiration to so many and a pioneer of Soci… - 4 years ago

@Mr_Warhel: I was fortunate at the age of 16 to enter @CSOM_Official and learn about medicine in the context of addressing soci… - 4 years ago

@jewelbarnettphd: RT @scribeguy: "Dr. Geiger was a leading proponent of "social medicine," the idea that doctors should use their expertise and moral authori… - 4 years ago

@scribeguy: "Dr. Geiger was a leading proponent of "social medicine," the idea that doctors should use their expertise and mora… - 4 years ago

@sunshine_ghost: RT @NYTScience: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hung… - 4 years ago

@buckleyswartz: RT @SuzettePediMD: Thank you Dr. H. Jack Geiger for demonstrating what “social medicine” looks like,”..not just to treat illness but also t… - 4 years ago

@HopeSoftpaws: RT @NYTScience: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hung… - 4 years ago

@cffschroeder: RT @SuzettePediMD: Thank you Dr. H. Jack Geiger for demonstrating what “social medicine” looks like,”..not just to treat illness but also t… - 4 years ago

@mcstarr1: RT @SuzettePediMD: Thank you Dr. H. Jack Geiger for demonstrating what “social medicine” looks like,”..not just to treat illness but also t… - 4 years ago

@edmunds_dowling: RT @NormOrnstein: via @NYTimes An amazing obituary about an amazing man who led a remarkable life - 4 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @NYTScience: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hung… - 4 years ago

@MordechaiWins: RT @NYTScience: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hung… - 4 years ago

@chipfoxx: RT @NYTScience: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hung… - 4 years ago

@NYTScience: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like pover… - 4 years ago

@ArthurCaplan: RT @phlu: Legend. Rest in power, Dr. Geiger. H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@BarbaraRoblesMD: RT @waritalks: "Jack redefined what it meant to be a physician,” ... “He felt it was our right and responsibility as doctors to ‘treat’ hun… - 4 years ago

@mtmorcelle: I just learned of Dr. Geiger’s passing. It cracked my heart open. I am grateful for all that he taught and gave us… - 4 years ago

@OregonPSR: RT @PSRnuclear: PSR is saddened to learn that Dr. H Jack Geiger, one of PSR’s founders, has passed away at 95. Dr. Geiger helped found PSR… - 4 years ago

@RobinHood1776: RT @dealbook: He ran away to Harlem as a teenager and emerged a lifelong civil rights activist, bringing medical care and services to impov… - 4 years ago

@saturday0806: RT @nytDeniseGrady: "anger doesn’t vanish, but is replaced by a determination to do something.” Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a giant in public healt… - 4 years ago

@markjaggers: RT @ri_cook: This. Read this. Then read this again. H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@pstamber: One of the greatest doctors of our time. H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - The New York… - 4 years ago

@pywacket1952: RT @nytimes: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, who helped bring medical care to impoverished regions, died at 95. He believed in using medicine to change… - 4 years ago

@Montalvo501: As a rural clinician In the 1960’s, he addressed the health care needs, food insecurity, poor sanitation, limited a… - 4 years ago

@nassefi: A giant in social justice medicine dies. Rest in Power, Dr. Jack Geiger. Thank you for everything. - 4 years ago

@CynthiaLGregor3: RT @thehowie: H. Jack Geiger died today. He might well be described as the most important MD you never heard of; he was never flashy, never… - 4 years ago

@Heelinmint: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@DStone2RC: RT @NYTHealth: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hunge… - 4 years ago

@LiangRhea: RT @drruthmitchell: Vale Dr Jack Geiger, champion of social medicine, and #activistdoctor until the end. H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought… - 4 years ago

@CamiloGuezRodri: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@barbayotte: Such sad news. An amazing human being who taught me everything about #humanrights, #PublicHealth and racial dispari… - 4 years ago

@MendozaLeon: RT @PeterKatel: One of the greats. What a life. H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@plotzlowski: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@todd_moye: You know that meme going around about your most mundane interaction with a famous person? In 1995 I recorded my fir… - 4 years ago

@eramos777: RT @TalamantesDr: We lost a giant, Dr. Jack Geiger, co-founder of community health centers from South Boston, Mound Bayou, in the Mississip… - 4 years ago

@lisarauerbach: RT @CSOM_Official: We honor the life and legacy of Dr. H. Jack Geiger. - 4 years ago

@ASilversides: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@seattlefm: RT @DocJeffD: “...a proponent of...the idea that doctors should use their expertise & moral authority not just to treat illness but also to… - 4 years ago

@DrBigby: RT @nytimes: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, who helped bring medical care to impoverished regions, died at 95. He believed in using medicine to change… - 4 years ago

@SeattleEconomy: RT @DocJeffD: “...a proponent of...the idea that doctors should use their expertise & moral authority not just to treat illness but also to… - 4 years ago

@ruralhealth: RT @ACHealthCenters: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95. He used medicine to take on poverty, racism and the threat… - 4 years ago

@markdavidfields: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 - 4 years ago

@nytDeniseGrady: "anger doesn’t vanish, but is replaced by a determination to do something.” Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a giant in public h… - 4 years ago

@WSteveHart: RT @PNHP: “Dr. Geiger was a leading proponent of social medicine, the idea that doctors should use their expertise and moral authority not… - 4 years ago

@CathyOhrinGreip: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@JoZPina: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@bpa2001: RT @NormOrnstein: via @NYTimes An amazing obituary about an amazing man who led a remarkable life - 4 years ago

@fetter_jay: RT @MNACHC: The co-founder of Community Health Centers, Dr. Jack Geiger, passed away today. Minnesota's 17 Health Centers mourn his passing… - 4 years ago

@EnvtalGeroIG: RT @NYTHealth: Dr. H. Jack Geiger believed doctors should use their expertise and moral authority to improve conditions like poverty, hunge… - 4 years ago

@Hesperian: We are taking the time today to honor and remember H. Jack Geiger, a doctor who committed himself to healing indivi… - 4 years ago

@carmenBwifemom: RT @AmmahStarr: One of medicine’s giants has left us today. Dr Geiger modeled the practice of comprehensive medicine with a focus on addres… - 4 years ago

@NACHC: RT @MNACHC: The co-founder of Community Health Centers, Dr. Jack Geiger, passed away today. Minnesota's 17 Health Centers mourn his passing… - 4 years ago

@CarolynAPointer: Just being in the same room with Dr. Geiger made me want to do better. He is an inspiration to all of us who work t… - 4 years ago

@Greymicky30: RT @stevekerrigan: Jack Geiger, w/Count Gibson, gave birth to community health ctr movement & idea to look to social determinants for pathw… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, H. Jack Geiger dies - #HJackGeiger #H. #JackGeiger #rip - 4 years ago

@LuluEngl: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@lenti_susan: RT @Laurie_Garrett: We've lost one of the Great Ones -- Dr. H. Jack Geiger -- founder of @PSR Physicians for Social Responsibility & of @P4… - 4 years ago

@jenicachandran: Rest In Power to a true hero in medicine. - 4 years ago

@xavigranda: RT @thehowie: H. Jack Geiger died today. He might well be described as the most important MD you never heard of; he was never flashy, never… - 4 years ago

@xavigranda: RT @nytimes: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, who helped bring medical care to impoverished regions, died at 95. He believed in using medicine to change… - 4 years ago

@UnityCareNW: RT @NACHC: Dr. H Jack Geiger, who passed away on Monday, was a pioneer of the Community Health Center model. In this @RCHN_CHF video, he an… - 4 years ago

@JonWiener1: One of our heroes - 4 years ago

@Ysolda_Nichols: RT @DrTomFrieden: Jack Geiger was an inspiration to me and to so many others. Clear, insightful, focused on justice, justice. A life well a… - 4 years ago

@CCNYGradStudies: RT @CityCollegeNY: The world has lost a visionary humanitarian and agent of justice in Prof Emeritus H. Jack Geiger. His impact was global,… - 4 years ago

@SheisMaggie: RT @KellyMDoran: Medicine lost a real legend with the death of Dr. Jack Geiger. His life was powerful, meaningful, brave. His famous retort… - 4 years ago

@sunshine_EM_grl: RT @TalamantesDr: We lost a giant, Dr. Jack Geiger, co-founder of community health centers from South Boston, Mound Bayou, in the Mississip… - 4 years ago

@ih_section: RT @minimurthy1234: H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95 A trailblazer! @PublicHealth @ih_sec… - 4 years ago

@SCPHCA: RT @NACHC: Dr. H Jack Geiger, who passed away on Monday, was a pioneer of the Community Health Center model. In this @RCHN_CHF video, he an… - 4 years ago

@abby_painchaud: A great man with a better mission. I feel like to continue serving the patients and communities that Dr. Geiger mad… - 4 years ago

@vosooghiman: RT @KellyMDoran: Medicine lost a real legend with the death of Dr. Jack Geiger. His life was powerful, meaningful, brave. His famous retort… - 4 years ago

@AffinityHC: RT @NACHC: Dr. H Jack Geiger, who passed away on Monday, was a pioneer of the Community Health Center model. In this @RCHN_CHF video, he an… - 4 years ago

@psychgenomics: RT @thehowie: H. Jack Geiger died today. He might well be described as the most important MD you never heard of; he was never flashy, never… - 4 years ago

@lloydhound: RT @AUCHUtah: - 4 years ago

@44cstark: RT @nytimes: Dr. H. Jack Geiger, who helped bring medical care to impoverished regions, died at 95. He believed in using medicine to change… - 4 years ago

@Tejanarusa: RT @NYTNational: He ran away to Harlem as a teenager and emerged a lifelong civil rights activist, bringing medical care and services to im… - 4 years ago

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