Gypsy Joe

American professional wrestler.
Died on Wednesday June 15th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Gypsy Joe:

@RobertAltmeyer: RT @GreatBrianLast: New @605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, @TheJimCornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! http… - 9 years ago

@MinnesotaTwins7: L L B #JoeMauer Joe Mauer 95/250 2016 #Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Purple #36… #Bestseller……… - 9 years ago

@Jamminjoes: Joe Van Dyke has a show on 06/25/2016 at 08:00 PM @ Gypsy Sallys Vinyl L... in Washington, DC - 9 years ago

@MinnesotaTwins7: L B #JoeMauer Joe Mauer 95/250 2016 #Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Purple #36… #Bestseller…… - 9 years ago


@MinnesotaTwins7: L L L #JoeMauer Joe Mauer 95/250 2016 #Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Purple #36… #Bestseller… - 9 years ago

@joeylk71: Joe Grey, A Traditional, Romany Gypsy Dish. TheScottReaProject - 9 years ago

@MinnesotaTwins7: L L #JoeMauer Joe Mauer 95/250 2016 #Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Purple #36… #Bestseller #Buy…… - 9 years ago

@MinnesotaTwins7: L #JoeMauer Joe Mauer 95/250 2016 #Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Purple #36… #Bestseller #Buy… - 9 years ago

@MinnesotaTwins7: #JoeMauer Joe Mauer 95/250 2016 #Topps Gypsy Queen Framed Purple #36… - 9 years ago

@TheMattStanson: I never knew it has been nearly a whole week since Gypsy Joe passed away. - 9 years ago

@BTT_Podcast: RT @GreatBrianLast: New @605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, @TheJimCornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! http… - 9 years ago

@BorisZhukovUSSR: RT @GreatBrianLast: Tomorrow on @605pod we have part three w/ Polish Joe on AWA, plus @TheJimCornette & Bobby Fulton talking Gypsy Joe & Mo… - 9 years ago

@KiaWilson00: RT @notjimjones123: SOS SOMEONE BRING FOOD TO GYPSY JOE'S - 9 years ago

@ElPibeDiezDos: RT @605pod: New #605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, @TheJimCornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! - 9 years ago

@WrestlingCardz: RT @GreatBrianLast: ICYMI: New @605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, Cornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! http… - 9 years ago

@wickedmountain: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@notjimjones123: SOS SOMEONE BRING FOOD TO GYPSY JOE'S - 9 years ago

@RJLovesRasslin: RT @605pod: New #605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, @TheJimCornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! - 9 years ago

@MulletOfMorton: RT @605pod: ICYMI: New #605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, Cornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! - 9 years ago

@GoodManFiske: REHEARSAL TONIGHT THEN 4 GIGS IN 6 DAYS!! Atco Raceway The Gypsy Bar - Borgata Joe Pop's Shore Bar and... - 9 years ago

@MinnesotaTwins7: #JoeMauer JOE MAUER 2 #Card LOT 2016 GYPSY QUEEN #36 MINNESOTA #Twins - 9 years ago

@fakestanlane: RT @605pod: ICYMI: New #605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, Cornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! - 9 years ago

@mastrblastrrob: RT @605pod: ICYMI: New #605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, Cornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! - 9 years ago

@juansanchez810: @Tyson_Fury is billy joe actually your cousin ,as u fight anyone, he seems to call out people then bottle it,,do you get gays gypsy? - 9 years ago

@KrisZellner: RT @605pod: ICYMI: New #605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, Cornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! - 9 years ago

@BeansAndDisease: We'll pick up Weird Herald and Wonky Eyed Joe and I'll take you all out to where the gypsy angels go - 9 years ago

@Dean_JacksonGFX: RT @605pod: ICYMI: New #605pod! Polish Joe on AWA, Cornette on Cincinnati, Bobby Fulton on Wild Bull Curry & Gypsy Joe & more! - 9 years ago

@MinnesotaTwins7: #JoeMauer JU19) 2016 #Topps Gypsy Queen JOE MAUER Green 77/99 Minnesota… - 9 years ago

@lincolnhawk29: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@RaBiDWOLF360: @ShawnMichaels can you please retweet for gypsy joe? - 9 years ago

@basket_mehyo203: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@jcarver1985: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@aplayatobenamed: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@Mikey0Madness: RT @SCOTTHALLNWO: @RealMickFoley @JRsBBQ Gypsy Joe had some of the stiffest chops ever - 9 years ago

@sixsidedring: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@THECLUBDIM: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@Stevie_Looney: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@GimmickGamertag: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@JoyDenham: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@kylemcbeth92: RT @SCOTTHALLNWO: @RealMickFoley @JRsBBQ Gypsy Joe had some of the stiffest chops ever - 9 years ago

@Desincarne: Fucking astonishing that @RealMickFoley gets shit for being stingy after spreading the word about fundraising for Gypsy Joe's funeral. - 9 years ago

@kylemcbeth92: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@ElPibeDiezDos: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@Mersh: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@bellaslover31: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@MattMiddleman: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

@RiseCmp: RT @RealMickFoley: Gypsy Joe was a wrestling legend who passed away last week. Please consider helping his family with funeral expenses htt… - 9 years ago

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