Guy Rousseau

Died on Saturday November 26th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Guy Rousseau:

@rousseau_k: RT @Rob_Hoffman: Ben Carson thinks evolution is a fairy tale but believes a guy built a boat and put two of every animal in the world on it… - 8 years ago

@SimonDingleyCBC: @David_W_Olinger @JoshDown_NCelly I feel the same way about Habs. Belliveau, Bobby Rousseau, Guy Lapointe, Savard, - 8 years ago

@rousseau__: RT @TrollFootball: The 90 minute guy - 8 years ago

@nanoustef: @louisgregoire10 @1954mimi Ancien du ch de 1954 et 1957 M.Guy Rousseau est decedé a .l,age de 81 ans . - 8 years ago


@redditsportsbot: RIP former Canadien Guy Rousseau, aged 82 #hockey - 8 years ago

@AaronSeigneurie: Saw a guy here at DeVos with a Rousseau Bar hat on, proving that it is truly never too far, to the Rousseau Bar. - 8 years ago

@Thebigassman: RT @clodiuspuIcher: rousseau: art & science r Bad bc they lead us away from living in caves prize committee: we should give this guy a priz… - 8 years ago

@lailacurly16: RT @clodiuspuIcher: rousseau: art & science r Bad bc they lead us away from living in caves prize committee: we should give this guy a priz… - 8 years ago

@Ysabel_Rousseau: @AntoineChastain @_le_vagabond @VivreVraiRP <<😪😪. Why does this get me so much. Poor guy>> Antoine, you pray, for me? - 8 years ago

@clodiuspuIcher: rousseau: art & science r Bad bc they lead us away from living in caves prize committee: we should give this guy a prize for this statement - 8 years ago

@Ruccarlson: Mansplaining guy likes Rousseau, aka THE MOST OUTSPOKENLY SEXIST PHILOSOPHER #imaginethat - 8 years ago

@JCanucklehead: @HockeyLegends Guy? Bobby? I have never heard of a Guy Rousseau. - 8 years ago

@gm_rousseau: guy, trying to be sexy: you know what makes me hard? me, a pre-med: yes, blood filling up your corpora cavernosa of the penis #anatomy - 8 years ago

@gm_rousseau: guy trying to be sexy: do I make you wet? me, a pre-med: no, my Bartholini's glands do and they're homologous to your bulbourethral glands - 8 years ago

@v_couture: GUY ROUSSEAU (1934-2016). The brother of Bobby Rousseau has died on November 23th. He played 4 games with the #Habs… - 8 years ago

@radiovariete: RT @v_couture: Guy Rousseau (1934-2016). L'ancien ailier gauche des #Canadiens (1954-1955/1955-1956) est décédé le 23 novembre à l'âge de 8… - 8 years ago

@v_couture: Guy Rousseau (1934-2016). L'ancien ailier gauche des #Canadiens (1954-1955/1955-1956) est décédé le 23 novembre à l… - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: Linchpin Guy Rousseau, 81, Canadian Professional Ice Hockey Forward, Satan/Baphomet Soul, Down 11/23/16... - 8 years ago

@histoiredemaska: Guy Rousseau (1934-2016) - 8 years ago

@HockeyLegends: Former NHLer Guy Rousseau has passed away. - 8 years ago

@fucker_guy: RT @ukbushlover69: Yes! She's back 😍 The lovely Aali Rousseau #bush #hairypussy #hairyarmpits - 8 years ago

@fucker_guy: RT @ukbushlover69: For all fans of the lovely Aali Rousseau #bush #hairypussy #hairyarmpits @Aaliaalixnfree @ATKINGDOM - 8 years ago

@leroy_rousseau: RT @Catmentean: Ce petit lapin a perdu sa famille dans le 18e, Paris (La Fourche/Guy Môquet). Vous m'aidez à la retrouver pour lui ? 🐰 http… - 8 years ago

@leroy_rousseau: RT @franceinfo: Quand Fidel Castro voulait offrir une île à Guy Roux - 8 years ago

@MarcDurandTV: Guy Rousseau, joueur du @CanadiensMTL en 1955 et en 1957 et frère de Robert (Bobby) est décédé. - 8 years ago

@fucker_guy: RT @ukbushlover69: For all fans of the lovely Aali Rousseau #bush #hairypussy #hairyarmpits - 8 years ago

@sportsdeaths: NHL: Guy Rousseau, age 81, Montreal Canadiens - 8 years ago

@mtlcanadiens: MORT QUÉBEC 3 796) #ROUSSEAU #Guy 81 #ans #décès 23-11-2016 à @MTL_Ville #Joueur #hockey @CanadiensMTL…… - 8 years ago

@004nino: MORT QUÉBEC 3 796) #ROUSSEAU #Guy 81 #ans #décès 23-11-2016 à @MTL_Ville #Joueur #hockey @CanadiensMTL - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Guy Rousseau - #GuyRousseau #Guy #Rousseau #rip - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Guy Rousseau is no more: - 8 years ago

@Yanick_Rousseau: @guyalepage @MaximeBernier @jefffillion @APouliotPCQ Maxime contre Guy A. #GuyaLepage #MaximeBernier - 8 years ago

@rousseau_ist: Hey Josh, Are you talking about the same guy the led #NoBillNoBreak then within 24 hrs went on vacation? Sorry..… - 8 years ago

@fucker_guy: RT @ukbushlover69: If you want to see what Aali Rousseau did with her toy that made her cum so hard check out - 8 years ago

@fucker_guy: RT @ukbushlover69: Aali Rousseau showing us her beautiful #hairypussy #bush - 8 years ago

@fucker_guy: RT @ukbushlover69: For all fans of Aali Rousseau #bush #hairypussy - 8 years ago

@AlexRaffalli: @jacobjbg @samesfandiari I'm more of a Rousseau guy tbh - 8 years ago


@rousseau_fierce: @JakobJohnston oh oh oh! Maybe it's a symbol in support of candidate Jovenel Moïse, the "Banana Guy"? - 8 years ago

@jakerocksalot16: If you want to know about the relationship between Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Syrian Kurds, I am your guy - 8 years ago

@stone_rousseau: RT @thefootballgirl: This guy deserves a new coach. - 8 years ago

@Mina_Rousseau: RT @ShawnMendesNews: Retweet to vote for the coolest guy ever!!! I vote for @ShawnMendes for New Artist Of The Year at the #AMAs - 8 years ago

@ArtJsusie: You know this guy, MOMA #rousseau #wildthing - 8 years ago

@kerrianne_marie: Rousseau is getting hashtag kinkshamed in class I feel bad for the dead guy - 8 years ago

@stone_rousseau: RT @NFLRT: Prayers go out for Luke Kuechly. Nobody loves football more than this guy - 8 years ago

@TGarciaG7: Demócrito, Aristóteles, Hume, Maquiavelo, Rousseau, Schopenhauer, Marx, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Guy Debord #DiaMundialDeLaFilosofia - 8 years ago

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