Guo Ping

Chinese politician
Died on Wednesday February 9th 2022

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Guo Ping:

@ping__guo: RT @Horo4you: 🔮เรียงลำดับราศีดวงดี🔮 ในช่วง 16-28 ก.พ. 65 (จากมากไปน้อย) รีทวิตเพื่อเป็นค่าครู 1 สิงห์ 2 กุมภ์ 3 มีน 4 พิจิก 5 เมษ 6 มังกร… - 3 years ago

@ping__guo: RT @Horo4you: 🔮เรียงลำดับราศี การเงินดี🔮 ในช่วง 16-28 ก.พ. 65 (จากมากไปน้อย) รีทวิตเพื่อเป็นค่าครู 1 กันย์ 2 มีน 3 กรกฎ 4 ธนู 5 พฤษภ 6 ตุล… - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 如果瑞典央行未来几个月宣布将转向鹰派,欧元/瑞典克朗将下跌接近10.20 水平 – 荷兰合作银行 - 3 years ago

@actu_ping: La France termine c'es 2 premiers jours de compétition avec 3 podium en 4 épreuve entre Spa et Metz : 🥇U13 Filles :… - 3 years ago


@actu_ping: Félicitation à 🇫🇷Nina Elsa GUO ZHENG qui remporte le titre en U13 Fille au WTT Contender de Metz - 3 years ago

@actu_ping: Du côté de Metz, les résultats des quarts de finale et des demi-finales en U13 concernant les françaises sont connu… - 3 years ago

@actu_ping: U15 🚺: ✅Malichanh BONNETERRE :2ème de poule (1-1) ✅Leana HOCHART : 1ère de poule (2-0) ✅Gaëtane BLED : 1ère de poul… - 3 years ago

@mewoyan: does anyone remember that one xiao ping guo song - 3 years ago

@alhkak_h: RT @Huawei_ME: At @LeapandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, highlighted Huawei’s willingness, ability & resources to support KSA’s #DigitalEcono… - 3 years ago

@lianhonghong: 【風象星座篇】新年到,也想要好運跟著來嗎?臉紅紅為你分析 12 星座 2019 年運勢,告訴你最能帶給你好運的「開運性愛姿勢」! - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 如果市场情绪继续改善,英镑兑美元将达到目标1.3600水平 - 3 years ago

@n2EMw6b88qf7dYK: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@weiduwoxihan2: @chenmi50346650 Lying Ping Coin is another masterpiece of Guo Wengui's fraud after the rule of law fund fraud, chic… - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 美国生产者价格指数公布前,美国通胀预期指标升至五周高水平 - 3 years ago

@actu_ping: Les quarts de finales en U13 : 🇺🇿Arujan KAMALOVA - Elina FUCHS 🇦🇹 🇫🇷Nina Elsa GUO ZHENG - Alexandra-Maria DICU 🇷🇴… - 3 years ago

@actu_ping: En simple U13 🚺: ✅Nina Elsa GUO ZHENG : qualifié en 1/4 de Finale ❌Salomé LEPONT : défaite en 1/8ème de finale ✅Ale… - 3 years ago

@actu_ping: U13 Simple 🚺: ❌Lisa ZHAO : 4ème de groupe (3 défaites) ✅Alexia NODIN : 1ère de groupe (3 victoires) ✅Nina Elsa GUO… - 3 years ago

@actu_ping: U15 Simple 🚺 : début demain Malichanh BONNETERRE : groupe 1 Leana HOCHART : groupe 2 Gaétane BLED : groupe 4 Nina… - 3 years ago

@RanaFar28256802: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 随着市场重新评估英国央行的政策,欧元兑英镑将朝着0.85前进-荷兰合作银行 - 3 years ago

@ping_guo_pai: @ranranranrururu 三時間くらいでなかなかの長さだけど、衣装がめっちゃゴージャスでファビュラスで内容ドロドロで面白いよ!オススメ - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 美元/日元:似乎已打开升向120水平大门 - 荷兰国际集团 - 3 years ago

@Yanghuikang1: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@frxnkie_: ni shi wo de xiao yao xiao ping guo - 3 years ago

@TomLasseter: To the left of the room I’m in, boy, the younger, is practicing singing and dancing to xiao ping guo (he’s got the… - 3 years ago

@damseuI: RT @xoxokuanlin: Common CNY phrase: ping ping an an Originally written: 平平安安 Apple in Chinese: ping guo Written as: 苹果 / 蘋果 (traditional)… - 3 years ago

@IGNChina: 《地平线:零之曙光》PS4 与 PC 平台销量超过 2000 万。 #HorizonZeroDawn - 3 years ago

@RyonShen: @5baibai 这是金(ping)桔(guo)🌚🌚🌚 - 3 years ago

@ping_guo_pai: 源朝臣福太郎公之官位 正五位上 中務大輔 #shindanmaker #官位 - 3 years ago

@donamigo511: RT @Fbm8_: حملة Wei في عام 230 فشلت وانتصر Wei Yan على Guo Huai ( ء Guo Huai ما تلقى الاوامر من Cao Zhen بالانسحاب)وحملة Cao Shuang معاه ١٠… - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 美国:2月密歇根大学消费者信心指数降至61.7,为2012年以来的最低水平,预期为67.5 - 3 years ago

@ping_guo_pai: 『日本文学の見取り図』はまだちゃんと読んでないけど、「異界」「戦争」「ジェンダー」「物語」とテーマ別に日本文学を解説している第1部は、文学理論入門本よりはるかに使い勝手が良さそう。授業でも利用できそうだなあ。 - 3 years ago

@ping_guo_pai: 『神田龍身初期論文集』は買おうと思っていたのに普通の書店には流通していないようで、学習院の書店に問い合わせたら「発送はやっていない」と言われたところでした。神田先生からの毎年一本論文書いたら、というメッセージ付き…。結構立派な装丁なのに、千五百円で買えるなんて。 - 3 years ago

@ping_guo_pai: 昨日今日、本をいただいた…ありがとうございます。 - 3 years ago

@Fbm8_: حملة Wei في عام 230 فشلت وانتصر Wei Yan على Guo Huai ( ء Guo Huai ما تلقى الاوامر من Cao Zhen بالانسحاب)وحملة Cao S… - 3 years ago

@Wesy2K: 小苹果 Xiao Ping Guo #KPOP Version T-ARA - 3 years ago

@ping_guo_pai: 金曜日の会員千円デーなので、ハウス・オブ・グッチを見てきたが、心配になるほどがらがらだった。面白いのにね。 - 3 years ago

@kevinher612: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infi… - 3 years ago

@ping__guo: RT @Horo4you: 🔮 5 ราศี ปุ๊ปปั๊ปรับโชคใหญ่🔮 (รีทวิต=ค่าครู) มีน ตุลย์ กุมภ์ กันย์ กรกฎ ช่วงนีมีโชคดีเข้ามาหายทิศทาง ไม่ว่าจะเป็นโชคในรูปแ… - 3 years ago

@chinese_tango1: 苹果 píng guǒ りんご  这种苹果多少钱,一袋? このリンゴは1袋いくらですか? - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 继美国通胀强劲后,欧元/美元将下跌接近 1.13 水平 – 道明证券 - 3 years ago

@DIGITALDECODED1: RT @Huawei_ME: At @LeapandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, highlighted Huawei’s willingness, ability & resources to support KSA’s #DigitalEcono… - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 沙特阿拉伯国王萨勒曼:欧佩克+组织协议有助于维持原油市场平衡稳定 - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 美国通胀预期指标整理于周线高水平附近,关注美国通胀数据 - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 白宫称 1 月美国消费者价格指数年率可能会处在高企的水平 - 3 years ago

@3KingZAppZ1: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@AgsVdfd7cWyuZQO: @ABC 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP… - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 美元兑日元未来几周看涨,将达到117.50水平 - 法国农业信贷银行 - 3 years ago

@ping_guo_pai: ドライブマイカー、確かに思いの外面白かったけどそんなに評価されるほどなんだ。DVD発売されたらもう一回見てみようかな。 - 3 years ago

@MKSafdar: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@OForkwa: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@Gwedji: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@mi_tu97: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 今日外汇:市场转向平静,关注美国10年期国债拍卖 - 3 years ago

@BrahimaKoroma: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@LostInDigit: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@Cathylan9: RT @calgary20201010: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infiltr… - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 美元跟随美债收益率疲弱,欧元/美元震荡走高突破1.1400水平,关注美国通胀数据 - 3 years ago

@jhmarquezr: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@DBhudhpal: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@KaneKolton1: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@halieak_: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@HuaweiFacts: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@AmyBellaGills2: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@Huawei: RT @Huawei_ME: .@LEAPandInnovate, Guo Ping, #Huawei, reiterated Huawei’s commitment to support KSA’s #Vision2030. He discussed technology a… - 3 years ago

@renwoxingrwx1: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infi… - 3 years ago

@2_88jj: RT @Julia720900: (Part 1)2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP inf… - 3 years ago

@CommissarPiglet: @li_dawei98 @moghilemear13 OMG!!! It's the Ping Guo song!!! Are they still playing that? - 3 years ago

@yueguangxin780: RT @calgary20201010: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infiltr… - 3 years ago

@fxstreetcn: 美联储官员戴利:预计年底前美国通胀水平不会降至 2% - 3 years ago

@drizzling123: RT @Julia720900: (Part 1)2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP inf… - 3 years ago

@CHZHAUS: RT @TmxkFrank: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infiltrate th… - 3 years ago

@deffyahoo: RT @TmxkFrank: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infiltrate th… - 3 years ago

@deffyahoo: RT @Julia720900: (Part 1)2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP inf… - 3 years ago

@WendyGauvin5: RT @TmxkFrank: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infiltrate th… - 3 years ago

@ming63791097: RT @Julia720900: (Part 1)2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP inf… - 3 years ago

@ming63791097: RT @TmxkFrank: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infiltrate th… - 3 years ago

@Ng8PgkBHlD92O67: RT @TmxkFrank: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infiltrate th… - 3 years ago

@GRot91: Riyadh: Huawei will soon build a cloud region in Saudi Arabia, its rotating chairman Guo Ping said on Tuesday. Add… - 3 years ago

@Julia720900: (Part 1)2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the… - 3 years ago

@TmxkFrank: 2/6/2022 Miles Guo: Why did the CCP let Weijian Shan go abroad during the Cultural Revolution? How did the CCP infi… - 3 years ago

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