Guenther Roth

American sociologist.
Died on Thursday May 23rd 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Guenther Roth:

@Nekrologium: Guenther Roth, deutsch-US-amerikanischer Soziologe, im Alter von 88 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@JoachiD: @ZDFheute Die Herren #Günther und #Spahn dürfen gerne in ein islamisches Land ausreisen und dort ihren Islam leben.… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Guenther Roth (88) German sociologist - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Guenther Roth - 6 years ago


@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Guenther Roth dies - #GuentherRoth #Guenther #Roth #rip - 6 years ago

@ProfMChin: RT @shamuskhan: .@Columbia s saddend by the passing of Guenther Roth. Roth's translation (with Claus Wittich) of Weber's "Economy and Socie… - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Guenther Roth, deutsch-amerikanischer Soziologe, am 18.05.2019 im Alter von 88 Jahren - - 6 years ago

@rys_soc: RT @shamuskhan: .@Columbia s saddend by the passing of Guenther Roth. Roth's translation (with Claus Wittich) of Weber's "Economy and Socie… - 6 years ago

@omar_lizardo: RT @shamuskhan: .@Columbia s saddend by the passing of Guenther Roth. Roth's translation (with Claus Wittich) of Weber's "Economy and Socie… - 6 years ago

@AHMED_020_020: RT @shamuskhan: .@Columbia s saddend by the passing of Guenther Roth. Roth's translation (with Claus Wittich) of Weber's "Economy and Socie… - 6 years ago

@MoonAndStar25: RT @shamuskhan: .@Columbia s saddend by the passing of Guenther Roth. Roth's translation (with Claus Wittich) of Weber's "Economy and Socie… - 6 years ago

@somardrawoh: RT @shamuskhan: .@Columbia s saddend by the passing of Guenther Roth. Roth's translation (with Claus Wittich) of Weber's "Economy and Socie… - 6 years ago

@shamuskhan: .@Columbia s saddend by the passing of Guenther Roth. Roth's translation (with Claus Wittich) of Weber's "Economy a… - 6 years ago

@FranziG38: @Tagesspiegel @LorenzMaroldt Aber mit #Parteien die korrupt Stellen besetzen #Schwesig #SPD #Günther #CDU,… - 6 years ago

@i1CPY1E5tKqUi12: RT @shamuskhan: .@Columbia s saddend by the passing of Guenther Roth. Roth's translation (with Claus Wittich) of Weber's "Economy and Socie… - 6 years ago

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