Grumpy Cat

American internet celebrity cat.
Died on Friday May 17th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Grumpy Cat:

@youlooklikeamom: RT @kgqf4: @JAGERSLAYER @youlooklikeamom Looks like Grumpy Cat has reincarnated - 6 years ago

@tears_of_souls: This fat cutie is known for being a grumpy bitch. She really is my cat. I love her more than anything else in the w… - 6 years ago

@Boneslvr38: In Honor Of Grumpy Cat - 6 years ago

@kgqf4: @JAGERSLAYER @youlooklikeamom Looks like Grumpy Cat has reincarnated - 6 years ago


@aonia4: @thelaceylondon I'm not that grumpy old cat - 6 years ago

@egreenaway81: @RevRichardColes That looks like absolute heaven - is there anything better than a rainstorm if you’re inside with… - 6 years ago

@Derpsy_Dayz: RT @Aleikats: So long Tardar Sauce /Grumpy Cat 😢 💔 Glad to have met you at least once. - 6 years ago

@OSMIN_FANBOY: RT @Kamite5: Les rescordamos que todos los cómics de Grumpy Cat cuentan con el 30% de descuento. LAS DESAVENTURAS DE GRUMPY CAT (¡y Pokey!)… - 6 years ago

@nadiathescammer: @munlobster the fact its so shameless is what gets me as well, im witnessing my own transition into grumpy cat lady… - 6 years ago

@theoliearaca: RT @kcoffeeCO: If Grumpy cat had been my cat I would have named him Malcolm McScowl. - 6 years ago

@lucycat1962: RT @crockpics: RIP Grumpy Cat. #Caturday #CatsOfTwitter - 6 years ago

@lucycat1962: RT @FelisDave: Dedicating this #Caturday to Grumpy cat aka Tartar Sauce. RIP 2012-2019 Hug your furry friends - 6 years ago

@lucycat1962: RT @AlanSla90124663: #Caturday One last mention for the beautiful Grumpy Cat. Rest in peace. You will be missed. - 6 years ago

@calmcoy: RT @fIame: rip grumpy cat should have been me - 6 years ago

@leurasetumb: RT @BradMarino: RIP Grumpy Cat you may have been an ugly, smelly cat but your memory will live on forever in the hearts of the silly people… - 6 years ago

@hiphop_militant: «Grumpy cat», #people... Quand les clips des #Europeennes tentent d'innover - 6 years ago

@HaveNoLife_: RT @SWatercolour: goodbye grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@davyb: RT @N0tnerd: This week's episode of the podcast is ready to help you tech better... - 6 years ago

@riona_clancy: RT @ronnui_: Now that GoT is over I can finally catch up on recent events, which I will do with my friend Grumpy Cat in our favorite spot,… - 6 years ago

@phatrat1982: #ICYMI #THERAT talked about #MinecraftEarth on #TheDarkWebPodcast. Head over to #TheSpidersLair, #WhereChaosResides… - 6 years ago

@pamr_bella86: @coley716 I know....I loved Grumpy Cat..... he was my mentor! - 6 years ago

@JonathanG8175: Grumpy Cat Grumpy Human - 6 years ago


@DustyMoongazer: @EwanWoolford @GreyMuzzleGeek I mean, Grumpy Cat did pass... - 6 years ago

@ronaldo1ro: :: ronnie arias :: ADIÓS GRUMPY CAT: El gato que se transformo en meme y en historia - 6 years ago

@ViralTigerOrg: This "Grumpy Cat" street art. - 6 years ago

@Tim17205140: @WhiteHouse I kinda like the popping veins on his temples. Grumpy cat has nothing on him. - 6 years ago

@SoCal_CAT: @discursounico Saps que acaba de morir el Grumpy Cat de la teva foto? - 6 years ago

@lovedamitten: @peecheykeen @LalaKin38516267 @burkinator20xx @NighswanderArt @rudybird100 @rb_bellingham @RepKatiePorter… - 6 years ago

@skeLINAton: RT @ronnui_: Now that GoT is over I can finally catch up on recent events, which I will do with my friend Grumpy Cat in our favorite spot,… - 6 years ago

@addin_katz: @ddale8 Like the late great Grumpy Cat used to say: GOOD. Screw Trump. They should fight him at every step of the w… - 6 years ago

@rachelakleinman: Breaking: Turns out Grumpy Cat is alive and well - 6 years ago


@kotoritech: Thanks for the memories, Grumpy Cat. - 6 years ago

@MejiaJuarezJJ: @Frentudodecham4 @waraujo64 Mi interpretación como observador es que se quien es el gato ‘Grumpy Cat’ y lamentable… - 6 years ago

@binnall: Was disappointed when Stan's passing seemingly went unnoticed by the New York Times last week, especially when they… - 6 years ago

@born2_cry: RT @fIame: rip grumpy cat should have been me - 6 years ago

@susannaliisa: kas tele2 ajastas oma vingumise kampaania tõesti Grumpy Cat'i surmaga samale ajale? #toosoon? - 6 years ago

@analeighclaxton: RT @CaucasianJames: pour out a four loko for grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@Rasmin2011: RT @kimmyifuplease: In case you’ve been in a coma, our week I review. GRUMPY CAT DIED? 😢🐱 While You Were Offline: Ted Cruz Wants the Space… - 6 years ago

@nursingclio: As we morn the death of Grumpy Cat, take a look back at the origins of Internet cats. #SundayMorningMedicine… - 6 years ago

@Prof_Dr_Irrsinn: @zumindest_hier Du bist also Grumpy Cat's Nachfolgerin!😍 Geil! - 6 years ago

@Francescabiful: RT @CaucasianJames: pour out a four loko for grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@SilverAdie: RT @SilverAdie: "Grumpy Cat" has sadly passed away. RIP 🙏 Thanks for making so many happy with your adorable heart warming grump face.… - 6 years ago

@TammyGVegas: RT @kimmyifuplease: In case you’ve been in a coma, our week I review. GRUMPY CAT DIED? 😢🐱 While You Were Offline: Ted Cruz Wants the Space… - 6 years ago

@NahalMir: RT @CantersDylan: R.I.P grumpy cat. #grumpycat - 6 years ago

@notamaris: RT @starklorrd: found this pics of stan lee with grumpy cat ; ( - 6 years ago

@CjCartmel: RT @EW: Grumpy Cat, internet sensation and animal movie star, dies at age 7 - 6 years ago

@alexishamberg: RT @CaucasianJames: pour out a four loko for grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@JayValenz67: RT @kimmyifuplease: In case you’ve been in a coma, our week I review. GRUMPY CAT DIED? 😢🐱 While You Were Offline: Ted Cruz Wants the Space… - 6 years ago

@choerrybloom: thinking abt grumpy cat 💭 </3 - 6 years ago

@tchamplin: RT @kat_smarty: RIP Grumpy Cat. Your positivity was infectious. 😿 - 6 years ago

@nekosenbei: ✍🏼👀.oO( あとで見る ) ▶︎「不機嫌な猫」の死と、牧歌的なインターネットの終わり| - 6 years ago

@kennnajo: RT @CaucasianJames: pour out a four loko for grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@lotteoneill: RT @alf_mate: jeremy corbyn's silence on grumpy cat's untimely demise is deafening. labour will surely pay for this come thursday's electio… - 6 years ago

@27_boiboi: RT @MCUMarvels: Grumpy Cat has now died. RIP these 2 legends 😔 - 6 years ago

@dezafb: Chorando desesperadamente pq descobri que o grumpy cat morreu Bom dia TPM - 6 years ago

@ghostinIily: i’m crying over grumpy cat videos - 6 years ago

@mellowmiee: RT @fIame: rip grumpy cat should have been me - 6 years ago

@varun18vijay: RT @timesofindia: Internet star, the Grumpy Cat, is dead Read: Grumpy Cat first rose to prominence six years ago… - 6 years ago

@chippmo: RT @LightsCameraPod: Our tribute to an internet icon and legend. Rest in peace, Grumpy Cat... - 6 years ago

@MajinAlphaWolf: R.I.P Grumpy Cat - 6 years ago

@swtchis: RT @lushsux: F in the chat for Mr Grumpy cat 👼 - 6 years ago

@jitterymoose: RT @nowthisnews: Never forget the time Obama impersonated Grumpy Cat to drag the GOP - 6 years ago

@stuarthorrex: Omg When did Grumpy Cat die? - 6 years ago

@Angloha_: "Soyez fort… Grumpy Cat, la célèbre chatte grincheuse, star du web, est décédée" - 6 years ago

@jueciy: RT @SWatercolour: goodbye grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@cryptindo: Kena Infeksi, Kucing Meme Legendaris Grumpy Cat Meninggal - 6 years ago

@FraeuleinNebel: RT @_Snape_: RIP Grumpy Cat I connected to you on a spiritual level. - 6 years ago

@gc_delgado: RT @fIame: rip grumpy cat should have been me - 6 years ago

@tp_megan: RT @SWatercolour: goodbye grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@Cryptaupe: RT @pirmax: Soyez fort… Grumpy Cat, la célèbre chatte grincheuse, star du web, est décédée 🏷️ #Chat #Facebook #14Mai #InfectionUrinaire #Re… - 6 years ago

@WhoFdTheStork: RT @nowthisnews: Never forget the time Obama impersonated Grumpy Cat to drag the GOP - 6 years ago

@Koi_Sunatda: RT @things_marvel: น้องแมวหน้าบึ้ง Grumpy Cat ได้เสียชีวิตแล้ว ที่ผ่านมาน้องช่วยสร้างรอยยิ้มให้คนมากมายบนโลก น้องกับปู่สแตน ลีถ่ายด้วยกัน… - 6 years ago

@josephmoronezz: i just realized the grumpy cat died and i don’t know what to feel 😭 - 6 years ago

@chrystelefrange: RT @pirmax: Soyez fort… Grumpy Cat, la célèbre chatte grincheuse, star du web, est décédée 🏷️ #Chat #Facebook #14Mai #InfectionUrinaire #Re… - 6 years ago

@wearechooo: Soyez fort… Grumpy Cat, la célèbre chatte grincheuse, star du web, est décédée: Grumpy Cat - 6 years ago

@lis_sux: RT @fIame: rip grumpy cat should have been me - 6 years ago

@4danlopez: In 7 years, Grumpy Cat accomplished more than most people do in a lifetime - 6 years ago

@grntsiturbo: RT @DanCrenshawTX: RIP Grumpy Cat. Sharing my favorite Grumpy Cat meme here. Simple, direct, and widely applicable. #grumpycatRIP https:… - 6 years ago

@_jessxcaa: RT @fIame: rip grumpy cat should have been me - 6 years ago

@getdrippped: RT @MemesCentraI: RIP grumpy cat. - 6 years ago

@briewats0n: RT @SWatercolour: goodbye grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@SandiTIP: @jlgeorge41 Probably praying for Grumpy Cat’s soul... - 6 years ago

@emanuel14837533: RT @DanCrenshawTX: RIP Grumpy Cat. Sharing my favorite Grumpy Cat meme here. Simple, direct, and widely applicable. #grumpycatRIP https:… - 6 years ago

@emanuel14837533: RT @9GAG: RIP Grumpy Cat. Thanks for bringing us all the memes and joy over the years. - 6 years ago

@fideldominguez_: RT @El_Universal_Mx: Internet siempre tendrá gatos famosos, pero pocos alcanzarán el estatus que tuvo Grumpy Cat - 6 years ago

@jstewart_houtex: RT @DanCrenshawTX: RIP Grumpy Cat. Sharing my favorite Grumpy Cat meme here. Simple, direct, and widely applicable. #grumpycatRIP https:… - 6 years ago

@cabrafundia: Me acabo de enterar que Grumpy Cat falleció el martes - 6 years ago

@GillyMilton: RT @cacctuss: Woke up to find out that grumpy cat died - 6 years ago

@srryimem: RT @jennifermerr: first abortions got banned and now grumpy cat is dead wtf pussies can’t catch a break this week - 6 years ago

@nixxxi25: RT @DanCrenshawTX: RIP Grumpy Cat. Sharing my favorite Grumpy Cat meme here. Simple, direct, and widely applicable. #grumpycatRIP https:… - 6 years ago

@TopHatLasagna: Can we please get some fan art of Grumpy Cat and Gabe the Dog hanging out on the rainbow bridge - 6 years ago

@CesarDeMata: RT @CNNEE: Autora de libros, estrella de cine, celebridad y hasta ganó premios: Grumpy Cat, la sensación de internet recién fallecida, hizo… - 6 years ago

@JacobAt97566766: @_lEddyXl_ @Azrael_Pigmon Whatever happened to Grumpy Cat - 6 years ago

@BETIMOOARTZ: RT @Yamilonely2: just found out Grumpy Cat died 😔 - 6 years ago

@numb_eeta: RT @TheTweetOfGod: Grumpy Cat is up with Me in heaven for eternity and he's still so fucking grumpy. - 6 years ago

@Hachi_Hachi69: RT @meownauts: Умерла Grumpy Cat. Легенде интернета было всего 7 лет. С ней успели снять фильм в 2014 году (Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ev… - 6 years ago

@Al_Nao: RT @iamgeekingout: RIP grumpy cat. i just hope you and stan lee will meet again in the afterlife and do grumpy faces again together 😢 https… - 6 years ago

@lorna512: RT @CNN: Grumpy Cat, the grouchy-faced furball who launched a thousand memes, has died - 6 years ago

@pitoist: @penguasahati @RonNababan Waaaaaa TITISAN GRUMPY CAT! Kakambaicha @bernamaicha sini deh bakyat! - 6 years ago

@dvdhrr: Bob Hawke, IM Pei, Grumpy Cat – they say it always comes in threes... - 6 years ago

@MC_Hesher: RT @kendrawcandraw: All cats are good and it's not Grumpy Cat's fault her owners sucked, but RIP to GC and a big fuck off to the people who… - 6 years ago

@VanesssaaGrey: I cried bc he passed .... I literally did we love grumpy cat forever - 6 years ago

@KakaMukhriz: RT @SWatercolour: goodbye grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@MattSilvestro: @HilianoDeHyrule Murio grumpy cat! - 6 years ago

@Agus_reggi: OMG murió grumpy cat, shock - 6 years ago

@almightygod: Grumpy Cat is up in Heaven now. - 6 years ago

@Rachaerys: RIP grumpy cat </3 - 6 years ago

@Kobel103: RT @SWatercolour: goodbye grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@grandesseahorse: RT @beanthebean1: Grumpy cat died and now I am greatly sad - 6 years ago

@monshupe: RT @fIame: rip grumpy cat should have been me - 6 years ago

@martinsardo_: nooOooOoOOO, también murió grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@kiimziiee: RT @fIame: rip grumpy cat should have been me - 6 years ago

@OprahofBoxWine: RT @holy_schnitt: RIP to grumpy cat, she was a beautiful reminder that even if you work every day for the rest of your life you will never… - 6 years ago

@JonSeenaw: RT @ChrisO2_: Grumpy cat died. Why must all the good things in this world leave 😓 - 6 years ago

@pakaudin: RT @MCUMarvels: Grumpy Cat has now died. RIP these 2 legends 😔 - 6 years ago

@Kacey_Engz: Rip grumpy cat :,( Tis a sad day - 6 years ago

@Jonnymoshcock: grumpy cat has died and now im bummed. - 6 years ago

@spaceystacy09: Grumpy cat 😿 - 6 years ago

@LadyOfGwangju: RT @SWatercolour: goodbye grumpy cat - 6 years ago

@hannahcecilia6: RT @ki11monger: grumpy cat died - 6 years ago

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