Greta Ferušić

Died on Tuesday January 25th 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Greta Ferušić:

@simonotredame: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@ireoluwa_e02: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@mcbumlicker: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@BosnianMossad02: RT @MacrobianNomad: Rest in peace Greta Ferušić Weinfeld 💔 - 3 years ago


@Sharon_Kuruvila: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@notrealdemocrat: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@truth_vibration: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@Beate33219324: RT @wc_ulrich: Greta Weinfeld Ferusic, die sowohl das Vernichtungslager #Auschwitz als auch die Belagerung der Stadt #Sarajevo im Bosnien-K… - 3 years ago

@marti_bou: RT @Marien__R: As we mark #HolocaustMemorialDay read this piece about wonderful Greta Weinfeld Ferusic who died this week in Sarajevo. Fe… - 3 years ago

@OyfnB: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@mollythemoggie: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@nikollayzird1: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@balkanin1: Greta Ferušić, žena koja je dva puta pobijedila fašizam - 3 years ago

@BJNauta: RT @Marien__R: As we mark #HolocaustMemorialDay read this piece about wonderful Greta Weinfeld Ferusic who died this week in Sarajevo. Fe… - 3 years ago

@BosnianMossad02: RT @Edy48155331: @RoyalFamily @ClarenceHouse @RCT @HMD_UK Greta Ferušić,the last Bosnian woman to survive the Holocaust the aggression on B… - 3 years ago

@annamariasastre: RT @Marien__R: As we mark #HolocaustMemorialDay read this piece about wonderful Greta Weinfeld Ferusic who died this week in Sarajevo. Fe… - 3 years ago

@EaSTJournal: RT @Marien__R: As we mark #HolocaustMemorialDay read this piece about wonderful Greta Weinfeld Ferusic who died this week in Sarajevo. Fe… - 3 years ago

@BarnatanMR: RT @xaviercolas: Ha muerto Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo. Por @javierespinosa2 - 3 years ago

@BosnianMossad02: RT @Edy48155331: @HMD_UK Greta Ferušić,the last Bosnian woman to survive the Holocaust the aggression on BiH and the siege of Sarajevo,pass… - 3 years ago

@MisterB_01: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@GalicMag: Greta, the story about the only person who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo. Greta Weinfeld Ferusic ist… - 3 years ago

@umbrios: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@manuelvergara62: RT @xaviercolas: Ha muerto Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo. Por @javierespinosa2 - 3 years ago

@OurVoiceMatterz: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@editorArmourae: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@VicS95836264: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@vreer: RT @Martijn5155: GRETA is a film about the life of Greta Ferušić Weinfeld (1924 – 2022) and much more. As a Jewish woman she survived Ausch… - 3 years ago

@Iman7203: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@ado_hasanovic: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@SeadOmercevic: Greta Ferušić (26.06.1924 - 24.01.2022) Sie überlebte als Einzige ihrer Familie den… - 3 years ago

@theprimalplot: RT @Martijn5155: GRETA is a film about the life of Greta Ferušić Weinfeld (1924 – 2022) and much more. As a Jewish woman she survived Ausch… - 3 years ago

@Martijn5155: GRETA is a film about the life of Greta Ferušić Weinfeld (1924 – 2022) and much more. As a Jewish woman she survive… - 3 years ago

@iellakuria: RT @xaviercolas: Ha muerto Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo. Por @javierespinosa2 - 3 years ago

@Omeganubis27: Muere Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo - 3 years ago

@hbs_sarajevo: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld passed away this week aged 97. She survived both #Auschwitz and the #SiegeOfSarajevo when s… - 3 years ago

@NKresevljakovic: Greta Ferušić, žena koja je dva puta pobijedila fašizam - 3 years ago

@words4cat: RT @NedadMemic: Schön, dass auch österreichische Medien des Ablebens von Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić, der letzten Überlebenden von Auschwitz und… - 3 years ago

@BriseidaMema: RT @Marien__R: As we mark #HolocaustMemorialDay read this piece about wonderful Greta Weinfeld Ferusic who died this week in Sarajevo. Fe… - 3 years ago

@SaadKre: RT @VArhiv: Nešto manje od 50 godina nakon što je oslobođena iz Auschwitza, Greta Ferušić odlučila je ostati u gradu pod opsadom. #GretaFer… - 3 years ago

@VArhiv: Nešto manje od 50 godina nakon što je oslobođena iz Auschwitza, Greta Ferušić odlučila je ostati u gradu pod opsado… - 3 years ago

@RemB1972: RT @Marien__R: As we mark #HolocaustMemorialDay read this piece about wonderful Greta Weinfeld Ferusic who died this week in Sarajevo. Fe… - 3 years ago

@Mustafic30: RT @Marien__R: As we mark #HolocaustMemorialDay read this piece about wonderful Greta Weinfeld Ferusic who died this week in Sarajevo. Fe… - 3 years ago

@Fabiolastartrek: RT @javierespinosa2: Muere Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a #Auschwitz y al asedio de #Sarajevo - 3 years ago

@EricHauck: Coincidint amb el Dia Int. de l’ #Holocaust, hem de lamentar la mort, aquest dilluns, de Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić, l’… - 3 years ago

@calandolapiedra: RT @ElMundoInter: Muere Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo - 3 years ago

@LauraD_Bousoon: RT @ElMundoInter: Muere Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo - 3 years ago

@ElinorMChohan: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@regalarduc: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@kaluapiscis: RT @elmundoes: Muere Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo - 3 years ago

@JoanneMcDermot4: RT @WorldJewishCong: #Holocaust survivor Greta Ferušić Weinfeld survived both Auschwitz and the devastating siege of Sarajevo during the Bo… - 3 years ago

@miarosenblatt2: RT @WorldJewishCong: #Holocaust survivor Greta Ferušić Weinfeld survived both Auschwitz and the devastating siege of Sarajevo during the Bo… - 3 years ago

@smilecouples: RT @WorldJewishCong: #Holocaust survivor Greta Ferušić Weinfeld survived both Auschwitz and the devastating siege of Sarajevo during the Bo… - 3 years ago

@ScottPBoyd: RT @WorldJewishCong: #Holocaust survivor Greta Ferušić Weinfeld survived both Auschwitz and the devastating siege of Sarajevo during the Bo… - 3 years ago

@Dzana_Ha: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@UncleTacoMan: RT @WorldJewishCong: #Holocaust survivor Greta Ferušić Weinfeld survived both Auschwitz and the devastating siege of Sarajevo during the Bo… - 3 years ago

@hiramusta4: RT @WorldJewishCong: #Holocaust survivor Greta Ferušić Weinfeld survived both Auschwitz and the devastating siege of Sarajevo during the Bo… - 3 years ago

@WorldJewishCong: #Holocaust survivor Greta Ferušić Weinfeld survived both Auschwitz and the devastating siege of Sarajevo during the… - 3 years ago

@NinaCalguar: RT @elmundoes: Muere Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo - 3 years ago

@can_throwaway: RT @MacrobianNomad: Rest in peace Greta Ferušić Weinfeld 💔 - 3 years ago

@TheNIN786: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@arif3000: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@BufalloMan302: RT @MacrobianNomad: Rest in peace Greta Ferušić Weinfeld 💔 - 3 years ago

@ManuelMdeMiguel: RT @elmundoes: Muere Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo - 3 years ago

@WmsRobt: RT @Marien__R: As we mark #HolocaustMemorialDay read this piece about wonderful Greta Weinfeld Ferusic who died this week in Sarajevo. Fe… - 3 years ago

@VALERIEin140: RT @Marien__R: As we mark #HolocaustMemorialDay read this piece about wonderful Greta Weinfeld Ferusic who died this week in Sarajevo. Fe… - 3 years ago

@llemj: RT @elmundoes: Muere Greta Ferusic, la mujer que sobrevivió a Auschwitz y al asedio de Sarajevo - 3 years ago

@chie_zen: RT @Aida_Hadzialic: Rest in peace, Greta Ferušić Weinfeld. Surviving two genocides in a lifetime is beyond what any human should have to en… - 3 years ago

@DruKerstin: RT @Aida_Hadzialic: Rest in peace, Greta Ferušić Weinfeld. Surviving two genocides in a lifetime is beyond what any human should have to en… - 3 years ago

@hozic: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@Delo: Tri leta pred stotim rojstnim dnevom se je poslovila priča dogajanja v Auschwitzu in vojne v Sarajevu ter prva deka… - 3 years ago

@LoncarHaris: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@swajones: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@EvilFiek: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@MirnesKovac: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@Aida_Hadzialic: Rest in peace, Greta Ferušić Weinfeld. Surviving two genocides in a lifetime is beyond what any human should have t… - 3 years ago

@tetrjeb: RT @SniperAlleyPhot: "We knew the Americans would come one day, that they would win in the end. We didn't know how long it would be, but we… - 3 years ago

@masha3517: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@AasaRaiko: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@crf_esq: RT @TimesofIsrael: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@SkorpionUK: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@EmmanuelleChaze: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@nadjaskaljic: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@ErsoyKocakus: RT @vaziyetcomtr: Hem Nazi Almanyası'nın ölüm kampı Auschwitz'den, hem de Yugoslavya'nın dağılma sürecinde meydana gelen Saraybosna kuşatma… - 3 years ago

@vaziyetcomtr: Hem Nazi Almanyası'nın ölüm kampı Auschwitz'den, hem de Yugoslavya'nın dağılma sürecinde meydana gelen Saraybosna k… - 3 years ago

@SenkaFilipovic: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@_waqarazmi: RT @SrebrenicaUK: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld who survived both Auschwitz & the Siege of Sarajevo passed away this week aged 97. In the 90s she… - 3 years ago

@SniperAlleyPhot: "We knew the Americans would come one day, that they would win in the end. We didn't know how long it would be, but… - 3 years ago

@ksenijagb: RT @NedadMemic: Here a wonderful documentary about Greta Ferušić made by the Bosnian director Haris Pašović shortly after the end of the Bo… - 3 years ago

@RouxMme: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@Ladybird2006: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@london4keeps: RT @hikmet_karcic: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld (26 June 1924 – 24 January 2022) Bosnian professor of architecture at the University of Sarajevo… - 3 years ago

@anitajanediaz: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@KWhite2022: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@gavric_sasa: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@Saulgoo29126654: RT @Limportant_fr: Greta Weinfeld Ferusic, survivante d'Auschwitz vient de décéder en Bosnie - 3 years ago

@Limportant_fr: Greta Weinfeld Ferusic, survivante d'Auschwitz vient de décéder en Bosnie - 3 years ago

@aarongrunwald: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@MirfetPiccolo: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@nadazdravic: - 3 years ago

@SeloSabic: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@Dr_EMufasa: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@aethelflaed: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@heather09353201: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld: RIP 🕯 Woman who survived Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@defadean: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@manuel_y_jesus_: RT @kimwillsher1: RIP Greta Ferušić. Will never forget interviewing her in besieged Sarajevo in August 1993. When she was freed from Ausch… - 3 years ago

@FibonacciHustlZ: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@BacteriumLauro: RT @hikmet_karcic: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld (26 June 1924 – 24 January 2022) Bosnian professor of architecture at the University of Sarajevo… - 3 years ago

@SmajoBeso: RT @javierbauluz: Una mujer que sobrevivió tanto al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz como al sitio de Sarajevo en la década de 1990 murió,… - 3 years ago

@Vidoeski: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@Edy48155331: @AuschwitzMuseum Greta Ferušić,the last Bosnian woman to survive the Holocaust the aggression on BiH and the siege… - 3 years ago

@MirkoSlavko11: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@GordonMackie5: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@Edy48155331: @HMD_UK Greta Ferušić,the last Bosnian woman to survive the Holocaust the aggression on BiH and the siege of Saraje… - 3 years ago

@ridermarina: RT @javierbauluz: Una mujer que sobrevivió tanto al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz como al sitio de Sarajevo en la década de 1990 murió,… - 3 years ago

@martagg: RT @javierbauluz: Una mujer que sobrevivió tanto al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz como al sitio de Sarajevo en la década de 1990 murió,… - 3 years ago

@AlejandraSaku: RT @javierbauluz: Una mujer que sobrevivió tanto al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz como al sitio de Sarajevo en la década de 1990 murió,… - 3 years ago

@nemir19408698: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@javierbauluz: Una mujer que sobrevivió tanto al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz como al sitio de Sarajevo en la década de 1990 m… - 3 years ago

@alhamdvlillah: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@msal215: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@gavric_sasa: RT @Dunja_Mijatovic: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@alanlaw: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@Edy48155331: U 98. godini preminula je Greta Ferušić,poslednja Bosanka,žena koja je preživjela holokaust,agresiju na BiH🇧🇦 i ops… - 3 years ago

@LGPRScotland: RT @SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to representative… - 3 years ago

@SmajoBeso: A woman who survived both the Auschwitz death camp and the Sarajevo siege in the 1990s has died, according to repre… - 3 years ago

@EmmaPeel_Knight: RIP Greta Weinfeld Ferušić 97 Jahre alt Architekturprofessorin in Sarajevo; sie hat die Belagerung von Auschwitz+… - 3 years ago

@AdoBuharalija: RT @MdinoDino: Draga Greta, bila je naša sugrađanka koja nas je učila koliko je važno odbraniti pravo na život i dostojanstvo. Nek' joj je… - 3 years ago

@masha3517: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@sanelagojak: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@Net2Ayurveda: RT @Dunja_Mijatovic: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@kampsabine: RT @Dunja_Mijatovic: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@Dunja_Mijatovic: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@KrupljaniBA: U 98. godini preminula istaknuta profesorica arhitekture Greta Ferušić - 3 years ago

@justZeri: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@HellaJohn1: Auschwitz-Überlebende Greta Weinfeld Ferusic ist tot - 3 years ago

@fuhirees: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@simplytimo93: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@zmarijan: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@byroncclark: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@MsallemSalle: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@BobanKarovic: RT @MdinoDino: Draga Greta, bila je naša sugrađanka koja nas je učila koliko je važno odbraniti pravo na život i dostojanstvo. Nek' joj je… - 3 years ago

@Yonadu92: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@koyesinjiki: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@Lyndagee49: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@Zoranaupanjeva1: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@TimesofIsrael: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@TOIAlerts: Live update: Auschwitz and Sarajevo siege survivor Greta Weinfeld Ferusic dies aged 97 - 3 years ago

@edinhasic87: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@ZigicBranko: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@BosnianMossad02: RT @AIsakovic1: Strongly suggested to check out - in memoriam Greta Weinfield-Ferušić, the only survivor of both, Auschwitz and the Siege… - 3 years ago

@BosnianMossad02: RT @BerbicAzra: In February 2004, Ferušić was awarded the Polish Auschwitz Cross (Krzyż Oświęcimski), a Polish decoration awarded to honour… - 3 years ago

@BosnianMossad02: RT @BerbicAzra: After the WWII Greta returned to Yugoslavia and married Seid Ferušić, also survivor of concentration camp, and moved to his… - 3 years ago

@BosnianMossad02: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@AngrySemite: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@fedora_mne: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@vilafcjk: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@VeraMirosavlje1: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@wf7867: RT @hikmet_karcic: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld (26 June 1924 – 24 January 2022) Bosnian professor of architecture at the University of Sarajevo… - 3 years ago

@TEkstajn: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@perplexedesignn: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@AIsakovic1: Strongly suggested to check out - in memoriam Greta Weinfield-Ferušić, the only survivor of both, Auschwitz and th… - 3 years ago

@AZ_Files: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@zokkie: RT @VArhiv: Otišla je naša sugrađanka GRETA FERUŠIĆ❤✡🇧🇦, jedina žena koja je preživjela logor smrti Auschwitz i 1425 dana opsade Sarajeva.… - 3 years ago

@JohannesGuetl: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@NewsDinno: RT @hikmet_karcic: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld (26 June 1924 – 24 January 2022) Bosnian professor of architecture at the University of Sarajevo… - 3 years ago

@HarunKarcic: RT @hikmet_karcic: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld (26 June 1924 – 24 January 2022) Bosnian professor of architecture at the University of Sarajevo… - 3 years ago

@BerbicAzra: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@zenebih: Preminula je Greta Ferušić, jedna od prvih bh. arhitektica, i prva dekanka Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Sarajevu. Pre… - 3 years ago

@mrossimonti: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@DAbazovic: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@amrasabicPHD: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@hikmet_karcic: Greta Ferušić Weinfeld (26 June 1924 – 24 January 2022) Bosnian professor of architecture at the University of Sara… - 3 years ago

@nath4nglx: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@Igica1992: RT @BerbicAzra: In February 2004, Ferušić was awarded the Polish Auschwitz Cross (Krzyż Oświęcimski), a Polish decoration awarded to honour… - 3 years ago

@Igica1992: RT @BerbicAzra: After the WWII Greta returned to Yugoslavia and married Seid Ferušić, also survivor of concentration camp, and moved to his… - 3 years ago

@Igica1992: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@gjeni_u: RT @NedadMemic: Here a wonderful documentary about Greta Ferušić made by the Bosnian director Haris Pašović shortly after the end of the Bo… - 3 years ago

@gjeni_u: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@ElderheartLibra: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@btkrth: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@DalijaAJB: Greta Ferušić 1924 - 2022 Od horora Auschwitza do opsade Sarajeva Izuzetna žena 🖤 Dokumentarni film potrazite kod… - 3 years ago

@m_oly: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@mawedler2: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@SchmellerC: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@Dunja_Mijatovic: U 98. godini umrla nekadašnja zatočenica Auschwitza Greta Ferušić - tportal - 3 years ago

@arminkahelic: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@IVejvoda: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@gudrun_fischer: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@amer1nh0: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@MarjoleinCK: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@KrstSrdj: RT @MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profesorica… - 3 years ago

@elma_mustic: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@semsadob: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@FazlicDamir: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@Dunja_Mijatovic: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@arifjamallodhi: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@VladanLausevic: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@NedimK76: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@BerbicAzra: In February 2004, Ferušić was awarded the Polish Auschwitz Cross (Krzyż Oświęcimski), a Polish decoration awarded t… - 3 years ago

@BerbicAzra: After the WWII Greta returned to Yugoslavia and married Seid Ferušić, also survivor of concentration camp, and move… - 3 years ago

@thekupus: RT @VArhiv: Otišla je naša sugrađanka GRETA FERUŠIĆ❤✡🇧🇦, jedina žena koja je preživjela logor smrti Auschwitz i 1425 dana opsade Sarajeva.… - 3 years ago

@thekupus: RT @BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je počela opsad… - 3 years ago

@DirektnoHR: - 3 years ago

@hbs_sarajevo: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@aarif_abraham: RT @BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sarajevo.… - 3 years ago

@BoroKontic: Greta Ferušić (1924- januar 2022) Rođena u Novom Sadu. Preživjela Aušvic. U Sarajevo je doselila 1950. Kada je poče… - 3 years ago

@BerbicAzra: Yesterday Bosnia-Herzegovina lost Greta Weinfield-Ferušić (1924 - 2022) who survived Auschwitz and the siege of Sar… - 3 years ago

@DimitarBechev: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@MirsadAbazovic: R. I. P. HEROINA GRETA WEINFELD FERUŠIĆ Heroina koja je preživjela Auschwitz i opsadu Sarajeva. Umirovljena profeso… - 3 years ago

@karagujke: RT @NedadMemic: Very saddened to hear that Prof Greta Weinfeld-Ferušić left us at the age of 96. This outstanding Jewish woman survived Aus… - 3 years ago

@vijesti_tv: U 98. godini preminula je Greta Ferušić, žena koja je preživjela holokaust, agresiju na BiH i opsadu Sarajeva.Prije… - 3 years ago

@IVejvoda: RT @MdinoDino: Draga Greta, bila je naša sugrađanka koja nas je učila koliko je važno odbraniti pravo na život i dostojanstvo. Nek' joj je… - 3 years ago

@klixba: U 98. godini #gretaweinfeldferusic - 3 years ago

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