Gregory Rogers

Australian children's book writer
Died on Wednesday May 1st 2013

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Gregory Rogers:

@lucian_alliance: tyler_says...i_am_TYLER_GREGORY_MILNE not kenny_rogers however i made my choices to forever avoid involvements with those who betrayed me...

@giveawayeveryt1: RT @ElWldcats: Yocums Gregory Dillan, Richard Diaz, Magan Rogers, Latarious Cooper and Alexis Digby compare in a "Big Foot" contest http://…

@ElWldcats: Yocums Gregory Dillan, Richard Diaz, Magan Rogers, Latarious Cooper and Alexis Digby compare in a "Big Foot" contest

@Rogers_773: RT @SethMacFarlane: Quote from cognitive psychologist Gregory Berns in Michael Shermer's 'The Moral Arc' regarding animal rights: http://t.…


@Metal_Jazz_Etc: Gianluca Lusi (saxes), Andrea Rea (piano), Reuben Rogers (double bass), Gregory Hutchinson (drums) !!!

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