Gregory Baum

Canadian theologian.
Died on Friday October 20th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Gregory Baum:

@DCLatinMass: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum: poster-boy of the powerful, rich, neo-modernist "elite" is praised by Thomas Rosica, CSB! - 7 years ago

@ValiantWoman45: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum hated the Mass. As an active homosexual, he Consecrated the Body & Blood of Jesus @CanonTwoTwelve https:/… - 7 years ago

@RightWingCraCra: Normally conservative @TabletNewspaper whitewashes Gregory Baum's obit of homosexual activity while married to former nun @Church_Militant - 7 years ago

@PainDetective: Pain and Gregory Baum, Catholic Theologian- championed gay marriage and homosexuality and called out the church on… - 7 years ago


@AntiLeftistsFas: Le professeur Gregory Baum, un compagnon de route des islamistes proche de Tariq Ramadan, est mort - 7 years ago

@Aletheiaholic: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum hated the Mass. As an active homosexual, he Consecrated the Body & Blood of Jesus @CanonTwoTwelve https:/… - 7 years ago

@VoxCantoris: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum: poster-boy of the powerful, rich, neo-modernist "elite" is praised by Thomas Rosica, CSB! - 7 years ago

@VoxCantoris: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum hated the Mass. As an active homosexual, he Consecrated the Body & Blood of Jesus @CanonTwoTwelve https:/… - 7 years ago

@DCLatinMass: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum hated the Mass. As an active homosexual, he Consecrated the Body & Blood of Jesus @CanonTwoTwelve https:/… - 7 years ago

@globemail_diff: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - The Gl… - 7 years ago

@TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum hated the Mass. As an active homosexual, he Consecrated the Body & Blood of Jesus @CanonTwoTwelve… - 7 years ago

@DrDickSexAdvce: RT @gaypriests: - 7 years ago

@gaypriests: - 7 years ago

@nctsf2011: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - 7 years ago

@kelmoe71: RIP Priest, Scholar, and Social-Justice Advocate Gregory Baum. - 7 years ago

@StMattsCHAP: RT @FatherRosica: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - The Globe and Mail - 7 years ago

@philipchircop: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church: Top… - 7 years ago

@chaplaincyambro: RT @FatherRosica: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - The Globe and Mail - 7 years ago

@MichaelPolanyi: Wonderful testimony to the life of principled, influential theologian Gregory Baum in @globeandmail by @michaelvalpy - 7 years ago

@philipchircop: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church /via @globeandmail - 7 years ago

@EdwardTJackson: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church-Valpy /via @globeandmail - 7 years ago

@Damian_North: Gregory Baum: A gentle theological giant - 7 years ago

@FatherRosica: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - The Globe and Mail - 7 years ago

@BreakingNewsCan: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - 7 years ago

@andreabishop31: RT @gmbutts: Sad to hear one of my favourite @mcgillu profs has passed. Gregory Baum was a giant of theology, a prince of a man. - 7 years ago

@PaulHDavidson: RT @gmbutts: Sad to hear one of my favourite @mcgillu profs has passed. Gregory Baum was a giant of theology, a prince of a man. - 7 years ago

@KSP_Libs: RT @gmbutts: Sad to hear one of my favourite @mcgillu profs has passed. Gregory Baum was a giant of theology, a prince of a man. - 7 years ago

@nctsf2011: from the archives The Journalist as Theologian A Tribute to Gregory Baum - 7 years ago

@JimboPopowich: RT @gmbutts: Sad to hear one of my favourite @mcgillu profs has passed. Gregory Baum was a giant of theology, a prince of a man. - 7 years ago

@lettienets: RT @gmbutts: Sad to hear one of my favourite @mcgillu profs has passed. Gregory Baum was a giant of theology, a prince of a man. - 7 years ago

@mcgillu: RT @gmbutts: Sad to hear one of my favourite @mcgillu profs has passed. Gregory Baum was a giant of theology, a prince of a man. - 7 years ago

@gmbutts: Sad to hear one of my favourite @mcgillu profs has passed. Gregory Baum was a giant of theology, a prince of a man. - 7 years ago

@Religion_Newz: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - 7 years ago

@SharonM416: RT @globeandmail: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - 7 years ago

@c_pcpl: @globeandmail Gregory Baum cheated on his wife, ex nun, with another man. Yeah, very #Catholic - 7 years ago

@globeandmail: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - 7 years ago

@Catholic_Radio: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - The Globe and Mail - 7 years ago

@worldnews_net: Top theologian Gregory Baum was a voice for modernity in the Catholic Church - 7 years ago

@BravoZulu5602: @Michael_Voris @Church_Militant Gregory Baum was a more faithful Christian than you’ll ever be. - 7 years ago

@Philoux_99: @RC_ML J'ai un peu connu M. Gregory Baum personnellement et ai partagé quelques moments avec lui à plusieurs reprises chez des amis communs. - 7 years ago

@Catholic_Radio: Canadian theologian Gregory Baum, participant in Vatican II, dies at 94 - Crux: Covering all things Catholic - 7 years ago

@Catholic_Radio: Canadian theologian Gregory Baum, participant in Vatican II, dies at 94 - Crux: Covering all things Catholic - 7 years ago

@Catholic_Radio: Canadian theologian Gregory Baum, participant in Vatican II, dies at 94 - Crux: Covering all things Catholic - 7 years ago

@exalcredo: Gregory Baum: poster-boy of the powerful, rich, neo-modernist "elite" is praised by Thomas Rosica, CSB! - 7 years ago

@Nakochat: RT @AntiLeftistsFas: Le professeur Gregory Baum, un compagnon de route des islamistes proche de Tariq Ramadan, est mort - 7 years ago

@jakherjak: RT @AntiLeftistsFas: Le professeur Gregory Baum, un compagnon de route des islamistes proche de Tariq Ramadan, est mort - 7 years ago

@Catholic_Radio: Canadian theologian Gregory Baum, participant in Vatican II, dies at 94 - Crux: Covering all things Catholic - 7 years ago

@AntiLeftistsFas: Le professeur Gregory Baum, un compagnon de route des islamistes proche de Tariq Ramadan, est mort - 7 years ago

@ellenvaillan: Le théologien Gregory Baum est décédé - 7 years ago

@mrspeperium: @JZmirak It's so obvious. BTW recent Lifesite article on passing of Gregory Baum yielded important nugget in dealin… - 7 years ago

@Justiceetfoi: RT @Comm_Societe: De concert avec @Justiceetfoi, @Comm_Societe a produit une courte biographie du regretté théologien #GregoryBaum (1923-20… - 7 years ago

@OttawaDaddy: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum: poster-boy of the powerful, rich, neo-modernist "elite" is praised by Thomas Rosica, CSB! - 7 years ago

@Contra1diction: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum: poster-boy of the powerful, rich, neo-modernist "elite" is praised by Thomas Rosica, CSB! - 7 years ago

@Catholic_Radio: Controversial Canadian theologian Gregory Baum dead at 94 - The Catholic Register - 7 years ago

@JoaoMMXIV: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum: poster-boy of the powerful, rich, neo-modernist "elite" is praised by Thomas Rosica, CSB! - 7 years ago

@Aletheiaholic: RT @TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum: poster-boy of the powerful, rich, neo-modernist "elite" is praised by Thomas Rosica, CSB! - 7 years ago

@TorontoCatholic: Gregory Baum: poster-boy of the powerful, rich, neo-modernist "elite" is praised by Thomas Rosica, CSB!… - 7 years ago

@alwayscatholic: via @TorontoCatholic Gregory Baum: poster-boy of the powerful, rich, neo-modernist… - 7 years ago

@GigaTools: Gregory is playing @ #Baum #Bogota #Colombia, Sat 09 Dec 2017 #gigs - 7 years ago

@GigaTools: Gregory is playing @ #Baum #Bogota #Colombia, Wed 11 Oct 2017 #gigs - 7 years ago

@Catholic_Radio: Canadian theologian Gregory Baum, participant in Vatican II, dies at 94 - Crux: Covering all things Catholic - 7 years ago

@regwhit1: Sadly, a fine mind and a great spirit. I am honoured to have known him, however briefly. - 7 years ago

@tominwindsor: @wdlindsy Pretty disgusting behavior on these peoples' parts. I had no idea Gregory Baum was gay. - 7 years ago

@PassionMarion: Le professeur Gregory Baum, un compagnon de route des islamistes proche de Tariq Ramadan, est mort – Actualité de... - 7 years ago

@IslamismeFr: Le professeur Gregory Baum, un compagnon de route des islamistes proche de Tariq Ramadan, est mort – Actualité de... - 7 years ago

@CarlosVFrVN: Le professeur Gregory Baum, un compagnon de route des islamistes proche de Tariq Ramadan, est mort - 7 years ago

@AndreaEidinger: Gregory Baum: A gentle theological giant who helped open the Catholic Church | Toronto Star - 7 years ago

@BenignoVito: Gregory Baum - Witness - YouTube - 7 years ago

@Les_Barbares: RT @AntiLeftistsFas: Le professeur Gregory Baum, un compagnon de route des islamistes proche de Tariq Ramadan, est mort - 7 years ago

@AntiLeftistsFas: Le professeur Gregory Baum, un compagnon de route des islamistes proche de Tariq Ramadan, est mort - 7 years ago

@MikulichAlex: RT @HeidiSchlumpf: RIP @GregoryBaum. Thank you for your service to the church. - 7 years ago

@DrPhilipSmyth: Gregory Baum: A gentle theological giant who helped open the Catholic Church - 7 years ago

@RevueRelations: RT @PresenceInfo: Gregory #Baum: un savant, un homme d'envergure, un ami - 7 years ago

@TorSchTheology: #TST shares condolences as we learn of the passing of Gregory Baum at age 94, a former professor at @USMCTheology a… - 7 years ago

@Chris_Co1e: RT @RobertEllsberg: Gregory Baum: a life marked by "openness, compassion, and gratitude." - 7 years ago

@RobertEllsberg: Gregory Baum: a life marked by "openness, compassion, and gratitude." - 7 years ago

@Theresa_Spohn: Gregory Baum: A gentle theological giant who helped open the Catholic Church - 7 years ago

@MayoMoran: Thx @Trinity_College fellow Scharper! Gregory Baum Gentle theological giant helped open Catholic Church Toronto Star - 7 years ago

@jimmcmanusph: Saddened by news that Gregory Baum, whose work I first encountered when I was 18, has died. - 7 years ago

@srsusan: RT @americamag: “Gregory Baum, one of Canada's most influential and controversial theologians, died at 94.” - 7 years ago

@Trinity_College: Trinity Fellow Prof. Stephen Scharper @Orvasage reflects on the legacy of Catholic theologian Gregory Baum: - 7 years ago

@OphelieSegara: RT @TariqRamadan: Paix à son âme - 7 years ago

@nadirakakakhei: RT @TariqRamadan: Paix à son âme - 7 years ago

@1er_octobre: Idées - Un adieu à Gregory Baum - 7 years ago

@relford: RT @Orvasage: Gregory Baum: A gentle theological giant who helped open the Catholic Church - 7 years ago

@PresenceInfo: Gregory #Baum: un savant, un homme d'envergure, un ami - 7 years ago

@Teresa_Kelly: RT @americamag: “Gregory Baum, one of Canada's most influential and controversial theologians, died at 94.” - 7 years ago

@sr_ann6: RT @americamag: “Gregory Baum, one of Canada's most influential and controversial theologians, died at 94.” - 7 years ago

@positivepresenc: RT @americamag: “Gregory Baum, one of Canada's most influential and controversial theologians, died at 94.” - 7 years ago

@americamag: “Gregory Baum, one of Canada's most influential and controversial theologians, died at 94.” - 7 years ago

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