Grant Tinker

American television executive
Died on Wednesday November 30th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Grant Tinker:

@celebsnews12: ‘Hill Street Blues’ Creator Remembers Grant Tinker: "He Did Something No One Else Had Ever… - 8 years ago

@heroesicons_tv: TV pioneer Grant Tinker is remembered with a touching tribute - 8 years ago

@markwiddle23: Top story: Grant Tinker Remembered: 'The Cosby Show' Producer Pens Tribute | Ho… - 8 years ago

@Rush_Tera: Steven Bochco Pays Tribute to Grant Tinker: He ‘Changed My Life’ - 8 years ago


@SunscreenFF: Producer Marcy Carsey Remembers Grant Tinker: "He Gave Us the Courage to Be Fierce" (Guest Column) - 8 years ago

@meljmcd: RT @THR: Producer Marcy Carsey remembers Grant Tinker: "He gave us the courage to be fierce" - 8 years ago

@cindyronzoni: (THR) Producer Marcy Carsey Remembers Grant Tinker: "He Gave Us the Courage to Be Fierce" (Guest Column) - 8 years ago

@tdogmedia: From T Dog Media In case you missed: Remembering TV legend Grant Tinker: - 8 years ago

@MargaretPellha: Producer Marcy Carsey Remembers Grant Tinker: "He Gave Us the Courage to Be Fierce" (Guest Column) - 8 years ago

@GrinnellMutual: "Checking" in on our #WorkingTogether grant winners, Winterset #DogPark and Tinker Tots #daycare!… - 8 years ago

@ProducerBooster: Producer Marcy Carsey Remembers Grant Tinker: “He Gave Us the Courage to Be Fierce”… - 8 years ago

@TVCynics: The Latest #TV #News: 'Hill Street Blues' Creator Remembers Grant Tinker: "He Did Something No One Else Had Ever D… - 8 years ago

@TVCynics: The Latest #TV #News: Producer Marcy Carsey Remembers Grant Tinker: "He Gave Us the Courage to Be Fierce" (Guest C… - 8 years ago

@EpisodeGuideTV: Producer Marcy Carsey Remembers Grant Tinker: "He Gave Us the Courage to Be Fierce" (Guest Column) - 8 years ago

@MargaretPellha: 'Hill Street Blues' Creator Remembers Grant Tinker: "He Did Something No One Else Had Ever Done Before in TV"… - 8 years ago

@Felipemaceda: Producer Marcy Carsey Remembers Grant Tinker: "He Gave Us the Courage to Be Fierce" (Guest Column) - 8 years ago

@stamfordctnews: Stamford’s King School helped shape TV legend Grant Tinker - 8 years ago

@NYTFridge: RT @THR: 'Hill Street Blues' creator remembers Grant Tinker: "He did something no one else had ever done before in TV" - 8 years ago

@RazzleTazzleMag: Marcy Carsey, the Emmy-winning TV producer of 'The Cosby Show' and more discusses the impact the late executive,... - 8 years ago

@RazzleTazzleMag: Producer Marcy Carsey Remembers Grant Tinker: “He Gave Us the Courage to Be Fierce”… - 8 years ago

@see_venice: RT @Variety: Steven Bochco pays tribute to former NBC chairman-CEO Grant Tinker: He "changed my life" - 8 years ago

@OneYMedia: Steven Bochco pays tribute to former NBC chairman-CEO Grant Tinker: He "changed my life" - 8 years ago

@ElJoeBean: RT @nytimes: Grant Tinker, who produced "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and transformed NBC into a ratings powerhouse, has died at 90 - 8 years ago

@DarnellCEO: RT @luxjetsmedia: Steven Bochco Pays Tribute to Grant Tinker: He ‘Changed My Life’ - 8 years ago

@luxjetsmedia: Steven Bochco Pays Tribute to Grant Tinker: He ‘Changed My Life’ - 8 years ago

@AtomicFilmmaker: Director James Burrows on How Grant Tinker – and His MTM Hit Factory – Changed Television - 8 years ago

@jweber_janet: RT @Peggynoonannyc: What an incredible career: Grant Tinker, Former Chairman of NBC, Dies at 90; Made Network a Ratings Powerhouse https:/… - 8 years ago

@tomedoyle: First, be best, then be first... Grant Tinker - 8 years ago

@JonatanSark: RT @Variety: Steven Bochco pays tribute to former NBC chairman-CEO Grant Tinker: He "changed my life" - 8 years ago

@starztroberts: RT @Variety: Steven Bochco pays tribute to former NBC chairman-CEO Grant Tinker: He "changed my life" - 8 years ago

@msmithobx: RT @Variety: Steven Bochco pays tribute to former NBC chairman-CEO Grant Tinker: He "changed my life" - 8 years ago

@EzraDaddario: RT @Variety: Steven Bochco pays tribute to former NBC chairman-CEO Grant Tinker: He "changed my life" - 8 years ago

@Variety: Steven Bochco pays tribute to former NBC chairman-CEO Grant Tinker: He "changed my life" - 8 years ago

@NuckulHead: Steven Bochco Pays Tribute to Grant Tinker: He ‘Changed My Life’ - 8 years ago

@barbarakerrapr: "Steven Bochco Pays Tribute to Grant Tinker: He ‘Changed My Life’" #entertainment #feedly @Variety - 8 years ago

@arrblue: RT @Dene71: Steven Bochco Pays Tribute to Grant Tinker: He ‘Changed My Life’ - 8 years ago

@Dene71: Steven Bochco Pays Tribute to Grant Tinker: He ‘Changed My Life’ - 8 years ago

@TV_Trax: Steven Bochco Pays Tribute to Grant Tinker: He ‘Changed My Life’ - 8 years ago

@canos0113_cano: @JennaSaras Ceo and producer Grant Tinker has died recently at the age of 90 on November 28th and he'll be missed . - 8 years ago

@LovesCoffee321: RT @ImThomasGibson: RIP Grant Tinker. A kind & considerate man w/ a bone-dry sense of humor. Many great hours on ⛳️ Golf wasn't always grea… - 8 years ago

@Helene_Breda: RT @sbarthes: Il y a une semaine disparaissait Grant Tinker... #nbc #seriestv #tv - 8 years ago

@Jeje_pErDUSA: RT @sbarthes: Il y a une semaine disparaissait Grant Tinker... #nbc #seriestv #tv - 8 years ago

@wy_lynn: RT @ImThomasGibson: RIP Grant Tinker. A kind & considerate man w/ a bone-dry sense of humor. Many great hours on ⛳️ Golf wasn't always grea… - 8 years ago

@chaswbenham: Grant Tinker, former CEO of NBC, dies at age 90 - 8 years ago

@ChalesLuna1: MTP Remembers Grant Tinker, Former NBC Chief - 8 years ago

@mabcarlson: RT @dartmouthalumni: Grant Tinker ’47, who brought us some of our most beloved @NBC shows each evening, has died. - 8 years ago

@McNamaraRobert2: First be best, then be first.... #GrantTinker #citations - 8 years ago

@georgesiemensq: First be best, then be first.... #GrantTinker #quotations - 8 years ago

@annie_woodard: Grant Tinker, Former Chairman of NBC, Dies at 90; Made Network a Ratings Powerhouse - 8 years ago

@D_C_Haiku: Grant Tinker, 90: - 8 years ago

@jodieandre: Life well lived: Former NBC chairman and CEO Grant Tinker dies at 90 - 8 years ago

@RobertTrumpQuot: I assume you know what to do with this. That's why you were hired.... #GrantTinker #quotations - 8 years ago

@MaryKaye4Real: Once upon a time, many moons ago, there was a classy, inspiring network TV executive.... - 8 years ago

@tdogmedia: Now on T Dog Media: Remembering Grant Tinker. - 8 years ago

@_ngoo: #DigiVideoPlus TV Legend Grant Tinker of 'Mary Tyler Moore Show' Fame Dead at 91. Read Blog: - 8 years ago

@Nodaha1: RT @FR_Conversation: #USA Grant #Tinker, l'homme qui a révolutionné les séries télévisées @USPC_News - 8 years ago

@sbarthes: RT @FR_Conversation: #USA Grant #Tinker, l'homme qui a révolutionné les séries télévisées @USPC_News - 8 years ago

@FR_Conversation: #USA Grant #Tinker, l'homme qui a révolutionné les séries télévisées @USPC_News - 8 years ago

@tripstergod: Middle fingers for all the fake singers; I grant thee no power; OMG that's a ringer; for the realest who love to tinker,- - 8 years ago

@RaceToTruth: RT @MTM4Life: My heart is broken. Rest easy Mr. Tinker. ❤️ - 8 years ago

@FR_Conversation: #USA #medias Comment Grant #Tinker a renouvelé la série télévisée américaine @USPC-News - 8 years ago

@ColfariV: I assume you know what to do with this. That's why you were hired.... #GrantTinker #quotations - 8 years ago

@wells_anderson: RT @CarriePoppyYES: Oh wow, Grant Tinker died. Thank you, Grant, for the best show of all time! - 8 years ago

@dorothyzbornaks: RT @valerieharpers: @dorothyzbornaks tag yourself I'm Grant Tinker & shouldn't you have a cousin you should be dating? - 8 years ago

@tdogmedia: Now on T Dog Media: Remembering Grant Tinker - 8 years ago

@WoelfferDarlene: RT @TODAYshow: .@Williegeist highlights the life of Grant Tinker, former NBC chairman and CEO. He passed away this week at the age of 90 ht… - 8 years ago

@AngelaNBCU: RT @TODAYshow: .@Williegeist highlights the life of Grant Tinker, former NBC chairman and CEO. He passed away this week at the age of 90 ht… - 8 years ago

@greencountryvst: “First be best then be first...” ~Grant Tinker, TV Legend, Chairman & CEO of NBC 1981-1986. RIP. #trotter #ponca #inspiration - 8 years ago

@kallimgmt: RT @TODAYshow: .@Williegeist highlights the life of Grant Tinker, former NBC chairman and CEO. He passed away this week at the age of 90 ht… - 8 years ago

@lordofnoyze: RT @Cine_Heroes: Grant Tinker et le renouveau de la série télévisée américaine dans les années 1970 et 1980 - 8 years ago

@Cine_Heroes: Grant Tinker et le renouveau de la série télévisée américaine dans les années 1970 et 1980 - 8 years ago

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