Graeme Gibson

Canadian novelist
Died on Wednesday September 18th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Graeme Gibson:

@CetaR: RT @nowtoronto: ICYMI: Remembering author and Canadian literary champion Graeme Gibson. - 5 years ago

@nowtoronto: ICYMI: Remembering author and Canadian literary champion Graeme Gibson. - 5 years ago

@iramey: - 5 years ago

@ethicalgourmet: RT @cbcbooks: Remembering Graeme Gibson. - 5 years ago


@GlobalAerospace: Global's Chris Jones & David Coleman with Graeme Gibson (@EDI_Airport), Jonathan Cohen & Kristin Smith (@manairport… - 5 years ago

@bangskij68: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@maverickcalgary: RT @cbcbooks: Remembering Graeme Gibson. - 5 years ago

@cbcbooks: Remembering Graeme Gibson. - 5 years ago

@99TelepodProbs: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@betasilverback: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@WildBluePress: RT @MargaretAtwood: Graeme GIBSON Obituary - Toronto, ON | The Globe and Mail - 5 years ago

@savy___reads: RT @ActuSF: Découvrez les dernières actualités de Margaret Atwood : une croisière avec l'autrice de La Servante Ecarlate, le décès de l'écr… - 5 years ago

@ActuSF: Découvrez les dernières actualités de Margaret Atwood : une croisière avec l'autrice de La Servante Ecarlate, le dé… - 5 years ago

@doublemeasure: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@JMcNChicago: In memoriam: Graeme Gibson, 1934-2019 - NOW Magazine - 5 years ago

@mythlfrythtyg: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@gillyarcht: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@LwHbassist: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@jwomack: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@peterjmurray: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@Splitcoil: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@BigMommaLurka: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@se_sasaki: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@ellifanntine: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@JeffreyJDean: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@carlfranzen: RT @GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the newsfe… - 5 years ago

@GreatDismal: This photo of a cooper’a hawk in Vanier Park, yesterday, by Graeme Gibson, is what it feels like to me to watch the… - 5 years ago

@WNBASFChapter: Writer and conservationist Graeme Gibson, partner of Margaret Atwood, dead at 85 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@VWWORLD2: RT @ScottTerrioHMA: R.I.P. Graeme Gibson. A really nice gentleman. - 5 years ago

@VWWORLD2: RT @PenguinRandomCA: Penguin Random House Canada today shares the sad news that Graeme Gibson has died. Beloved author of The Bedside Book… - 5 years ago

@JuBrew1450: RT @atwoodsociety: Our condolences to @MargaretAtwood on the loss of her partner, Graeme Gibson. His commitment to letters (his and other w… - 5 years ago

@PhotoComm2019: RT @JohnGGeiger: Terribly sad news. Graeme Gibson was principled, and kind, with a powerful conscience. Very proud we recognized his incred… - 5 years ago

@GeoffRMartin: Rick Salutin on Graeme Gibson -- - 5 years ago

@AkaashMaharaj: RT @MargaretAtwood: Graeme GIBSON Obituary - Toronto, ON | The Globe and Mail - 5 years ago

@rabbleca: Graeme Gibson, the most original mind I've met, via @rsalutin - 5 years ago

@Jannerbirder: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@Alex_Smith_Ants: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@LongPointBirdOb: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@griffinpoetry: Graeme Gibson and @MargaretAtwood discuss writing - 5 years ago

@MySharona1987: RT @writerstrust: Author Graeme Gibson made a huge impact on the work of countless Canadian writers as a co-founder of @writerstrust. A tru… - 5 years ago

@MySharona1987: RT @joe_cressy: Canada has lost a literary giant and Margaret Atwood has lost her lifelong partner. Sad day for all. ⁦@MargaretAtwood⁩ htt… - 5 years ago

@MySharona1987: RT @PenguinRandomCA: Penguin Random House Canada today shares the sad news that Graeme Gibson has died. Beloved author of The Bedside Book… - 5 years ago

@mccanner: RT @mccanner: The Canadian author Graeme Gibson, Margaret Atwood's partner of 50 years, died last week while she was promoting The Testamen… - 5 years ago

@mamarot99: RT @JohnGGeiger: Terribly sad news. Graeme Gibson was principled, and kind, with a powerful conscience. Very proud we recognized his incred… - 5 years ago

@SOM_Chaos: RT @JohnGGeiger: Terribly sad news. Graeme Gibson was principled, and kind, with a powerful conscience. Very proud we recognized his incred… - 5 years ago

@GertrudeRoom: Rest in Peace to Graeme Gibson, who did so much for writers and wildlife. - 5 years ago

@readingcampaign: Graeme Gibson: Making a difference - 5 years ago

@ferdinandpage: Canadian author Graeme Gibson dies, aged 85; Atwood pays tribute to 'beloved' partner - 5 years ago

@MelihYOUTUBER: RT @cbcbooks: Our condolences to longtime partner Margaret Atwood and the rest of Graeme Gibson’s friends and family. - 5 years ago

@VMCdelaBarca: Morning reading: Grant Munroe's story about the bird sanctuary Gibson and Margaret Atwood built #mondaymood… - 5 years ago

@cayer_julie: RT @georgiastraight: Canadian author Graeme Gibson, partner of Margaret Atwood, dies at age 85 - 5 years ago

@Impact2002Girls: RT @WWFCanada: WWF-Canada is saddened by the loss of a true champion for nature. - 5 years ago

@BenDarrah1: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@WCS_Canada: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds an… - 5 years ago

@MachaneYazid: - 5 years ago

@innovchange: Margaret Atwood's partner, author Graeme Gibson, dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@scottricketts: RT @mccanner: The Canadian author Graeme Gibson, Margaret Atwood's partner of 50 years, died last week while she was promoting The Testamen… - 5 years ago

@byJenAMiller: RT @mccanner: The Canadian author Graeme Gibson, Margaret Atwood's partner of 50 years, died last week while she was promoting The Testamen… - 5 years ago

@smbahr14: RT @mccanner: The Canadian author Graeme Gibson, Margaret Atwood's partner of 50 years, died last week while she was promoting The Testamen… - 5 years ago

@mccanner: The Canadian author Graeme Gibson, Margaret Atwood's partner of 50 years, died last week while she was promoting Th… - 5 years ago

@OonaMosna: RT @PeleeIslandBird: Dear friends & supporters of PIBO, it is with great sadness that we announce the death of our longtime Chairperson and… - 5 years ago

@serviceflat: RT @AgnesandTrue: Our heartfelt condolences to the family of author Graeme Gibson. - 5 years ago

@Kasznea: "We may have to give the world back to the animals .... " - 5 years ago

@LisaAllardice: “Every woman writer should be married to Graeme Gibson.” Such sad news. With love to @MargaretAtwood - 5 years ago

@FrankHilzerman: Cómo Margaret Atwood y Graeme Gibson construyeron un santuario para aves: - 5 years ago

@VardyVicki: RT @cbcradio: He was a devoted birdwatcher, conservationist, and partner to writer Margaret Atwood. - 5 years ago

@NickyCanadian: @MargaretAtwood @LegacyObits @MargaretAtwood Deepest condolences on the passing of your partner Graeme Gibson - 5 years ago

@univrsle: RT @CBCSunday: The late Graeme Gibson was a committed environmentalist, celebrated writer & partner to @MargaretAtwood. His last book, The… - 5 years ago

@CBCSunday: The late Graeme Gibson was a committed environmentalist, celebrated writer & partner to @MargaretAtwood. His last b… - 5 years ago

@JodyHewgill: Saddened to hear the sudden passing of passionate conservationist & author Graeme Gibson. His brilliant insights on… - 5 years ago

@GiannaManzerol1: RT @cbcradio: He was a devoted birdwatcher, conservationist, and partner to writer Margaret Atwood. - 5 years ago

@georgiastraight: Canadian author Graeme Gibson, partner of Margaret Atwood, dies at age 85 - 5 years ago

@rkanefsky: RT @marshalederman: Sincere condolences to @MargaretAtwood on the death of her husband, Graeme Gibson, novelist, co-founder of the Writers'… - 5 years ago

@telegraphobits: RT @elizatmoj: #GraemeGibson, experimental novelist and environmental activist who was a source of great support to his wife, Margaret Atwo… - 5 years ago

@cbcradio: He was a devoted birdwatcher, conservationist, and partner to writer Margaret Atwood. - 5 years ago

@Folklords: @MargaretAtwood @LegacyObits Graeme Gibson was a brilliant, kind and generous man. My most sincere condolences to the family. - 5 years ago

@elizatmoj: #GraemeGibson, experimental novelist and environmental activist who was a source of great support to his wife, Marg… - 5 years ago

@BHPanimalwatch: Graeme Gibson, partner of Margaret Atwood, dies in London during Testaments book tour - 5 years ago

@CMCTranslations: 😢 - 5 years ago

@IndoorKittyRead: - 5 years ago

@sujitkusum: BBC News - Atwood's partner Graeme Gibson, novelist and conservationist, dead at 85 - 5 years ago

@ru_trying: Deepest condolences to @MargaretAtwood for her loss. - 5 years ago

@AdrianeKaylor: RT @TorontoStar: Graeme Gibson, Toronto author and poet and husband to Margaret Atwood, has died at the age of 85 in London, England. He wa… - 5 years ago

@Bird_Wells: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@30helendiana: RT @walrusmagazine: In 2003, Margaret Atwood and Graeme Gibson helped found the Pelee Island Bird Observatory. The non-profit serves as a n… - 5 years ago

@GowElizabeth: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@VardyVicki: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@PenFrancais: RT @pen_int: ‘We all live as if we're immortal. We do a great job of that. We might as well also live as though we can also make a differen… - 5 years ago

@DebraVivian: My heartfelt condolences to Margert Atwood on the loss of her wonderful husband Graeme Gibson. He will be remembere… - 5 years ago

@muteswann: Happy to have spent time with this very tall and very lovely man - 5 years ago

@yosoyelsantino: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Graeme Gibson, escritor canadiense conocido por su perfil ambientalista, esposo de Margaret Atwo… - 5 years ago

@hugatreeplease: beautiful illustration @ Steven P. Hughes: - 5 years ago

@bethpopham: RT @cbcbooks: Graeme Gibson, Canadian novelist and conservationist has died at 85. #RIP - 5 years ago

@grandpooba5440: RT @TwitterMoments: Celebrated Canadian author and conservationist Graeme Gibson has passed away at the age of 85. Gibson is survived by hi… - 5 years ago

@crombiel: RT @FitzPadraig: Margaret Atwood once gave him a t-shirt that read, “Every woman writer should be married to Graeme Gibson”. - 5 years ago

@crombiel: RT @inquirerdotnet: Graeme Gibson, a Canadian novelist and conservationist and the longtime partner of Margaret Atwood, died Wednesday, Sep… - 5 years ago

@crombiel: RT @PenguinRandomCA: Penguin Random House Canada today shares the sad news that Graeme Gibson has died. Beloved author of The Bedside Book… - 5 years ago

@tanya_l_p: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@JohnWHarris15: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@BSCOnt: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@miguelmcminn: RT @BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds and conse… - 5 years ago

@BirdsCanada: This week, we were very sad to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson, a renowned writer and champion for birds an… - 5 years ago

@Debbie_Pain: - 5 years ago

@JlbWriter: RT @scdeghett: Writer and conservationist Graeme Gibson, partner of Margaret Atwood, dead at 85 | CBC News - 5 years ago

@browe05: Graeme Gibson, the most unforgettable character I ever met | The Star - 5 years ago

@Lisadwan: RT @MargaretAtwood: Graeme GIBSON Obituary - Toronto, ON | The Globe and Mail - 5 years ago

@ourgoodeath: RT @MargaretAtwood: Graeme GIBSON Obituary - Toronto, ON | The Globe and Mail - 5 years ago

@RomniWools: We at Romni Wools are sorry to hear about the passing of Graeme Gibson. Our most heartfelt condolences go out to Ma… - 5 years ago

@perej: RT @MargaretAtwood: Graeme GIBSON Obituary - Toronto, ON | The Globe and Mail - 5 years ago

@greenbridge_sb: RIP. Graeme Gibson @NatureCanada - 5 years ago

@Bird_Wells: RT @BirdLife_News: Graeme will be deeply missed by the BirdLife family and conservation community as a whole - 5 years ago

@entenkwkm: 【Popular No.5 Topics in new Zealand!】NEW YORK — Graeme Gibson, a Canadian novelist and conservationist and the long… - 5 years ago

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