Grace McCarthy

Canadian politician.
Died on Thursday May 25th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Grace McCarthy:

@grace__mccarthy: Happy birthday @rfrankhouserrrr excited to hang next year!!!!🎈❤ - 8 years ago

@ChurchOfMess1: Town Talk: Canadian Club honours Grace McCarthy and other distinguished citizens #vancouver #bees - 8 years ago

@VanAppWebPro: #VancouverNews with VancouverSun: Town Talk: Canadian Club honours Grace McCarthy and other distinguished citizens… - 8 years ago

@VancouverSun: Town Talk: Canadian Club honours Grace McCarthy and other distinguished citizens - 8 years ago


@VancouveTweets2: Town Talk: Canadian Club honours Grace McCarthy and other distinguished citizens #vancouver #bees - 8 years ago

@VancouverNews16: Town Talk: Canadian Club honours Grace McCarthy and other distinguished citizens #vancouver #bees - 8 years ago

@Vancouver24x7: Town Talk: Canadian Club honours Grace McCarthy and other distinguished citizens - Vancouver Sun - 8 years ago

@almasmeherally: Town Talk: Canadian Club honours Grace McCarthy and other distinguished citizens - 8 years ago

@jdwolfbc: RT @DeceitinDrugs: @christyclarkbc I remember Grace McCarthy in regards to a crisis in Min of Human Resources & she was holidaying in Hawai… - 8 years ago

@EricaRealtor: RT @christyclarkbc: I’m thinking about Grace McCarthy and how much stronger British Columbia is today because of her. - 8 years ago

@KendrieU: » Keith Cutler Remembers the Late Grace McCarthy’s Contribution to BC’s Film Industry - 8 years ago

@Cameron29379316: RT @christyclarkbc: Deeply saddened by the passing of Grace McCarthy. My thoughts are with her family, friends, colleagues who miss her & a… - 8 years ago

@Cameron29379316: RT @christyclarkbc: I’m thinking about Grace McCarthy and how much stronger British Columbia is today because of her. - 8 years ago

@grace_wayy: RT @MHSDolphins2017: Gameday : June 1st 6A State Semifinal Who - Mosley (26-2) vs Archbishop McCarthy (27-2) Where - Hammond Stadium W… - 8 years ago

@georgiastraight: Former cabinet minister Grace McCarthy dies - 8 years ago

@s_v_mccarthy: I always love my chats with @JillGraceW she reminds me where I'm going and why I work so hard...Get you an accountability buddy like Grace - 8 years ago

@CBNAndrew: Coun McCarthy mentions clean up week is next week in Harbour Grace. - 8 years ago

@TheWINAwards: RT @Feigco: Melissa McCarthy was on Ellen Monday to promote @TheHeatMovie on DVD and Bluray-watch her interview here - 8 years ago

@mm_305: Grace McCarthy RIP - 8 years ago

@theCITN: Did you know that our association partner @icbabc has a podcast? Take a listen; it's pretty great! - 8 years ago

@mac_mccarthy: Only when we see and name the truth about ourselves can we have the mercy to confront others in God's grace. - 8 years ago

@rogeracole1: RT @TBVets: Bramwel Tovey honors Grace Mccarthy with amazing Grace @terminalcityclub @canadianclubvancouver - 8 years ago

@PaulySigh: RT @DouglasWong0: Sad to hear about the passing of Grace McCarthy, an absolute powerhouse in BC politics and a big part of my family's hist… - 8 years ago

@MondeeRedman: RT @DouglasWong0: Sad to hear about the passing of Grace McCarthy, an absolute powerhouse in BC politics and a big part of my family's hist… - 8 years ago

@DouglasWong0: Sad to hear about the passing of Grace McCarthy, an absolute powerhouse in BC politics and a big part of my family's history 1/4 - 8 years ago

@dereklacroix: RT @sharwhite: The first campaign I ever worked on was for Grace McCarthy. What a remarkable career. Condolences to Ray, Mary and the rest… - 8 years ago

@BCCPVancouver: RT @Conservative_BC: Rest in Peace Grace McCarthy. Thank you for your service to British Columbia. #bcpoli - 8 years ago

@georgiastraight: Former cabinet minister Grace McCarthy dies - 8 years ago

@ChrisHaigh: RT @TBVets: Bramwel Tovey honors Grace Mccarthy with amazing Grace @terminalcityclub @canadianclubvancouver - 8 years ago

@ad198741: RT @dmitchellYOW: RIP Grace McCarthy: passing of a trailblazer for women in public life. - 8 years ago

@Phoenixmoona: RT @TalkDigitalNet: The Goddard Report with host @jimgoddard3 Tribute to Grace McCarthy Guest: @RafeMair - 8 years ago

@howestreet: RT @TalkDigitalNet: The Goddard Report with host @jimgoddard3 Tribute to Grace McCarthy Guest: @RafeMair - 8 years ago

@TalkDigitalNet: The Goddard Report with host @jimgoddard3 Tribute to Grace McCarthy Guest: @RafeMair - 8 years ago

@NanaimoNDP: RT @jjhorgan: Grace McCarthy was a devoted public servant and a tireless ambassador for BC. She will be missed. - 8 years ago

@ChrisJFoulds: FOULDS: Covering Grace McCarthy’s final stab at saving Social Credit - 8 years ago

@RyanJButt: RT @TBVets: Bramwel Tovey honors Grace Mccarthy with amazing Grace @terminalcityclub @canadianclubvancouver - 8 years ago

@seismicdeath: RT @BCLegislature: #BCLeg flags will fly at half-mast to commemorate service of Grace McCarthy, former MLA and Deputy Premier 1927-2017 htt… - 8 years ago

@pepperman60: RT @jordanbateman: BC is a far better place because of people like Grace McCarthy. My thoughts are with those who loved & knew her. 2/2 - 8 years ago

@Morris2906: RT @TBVets: Bramwel Tovey honors Grace Mccarthy with amazing Grace @terminalcityclub @canadianclubvancouver - 8 years ago

@BramwellTovey: RT @TBVets: Bramwel Tovey honors Grace Mccarthy with amazing Grace @terminalcityclub @canadianclubvancouver - 8 years ago

@TBVets: Bramwel Tovey honors Grace Mccarthy with amazing Grace @terminalcityclub @canadianclubvancouver - 8 years ago

@malloryyy_grace: happy birthday biggy love you w all my heart thanks for being my bestie 4ever 💗 @brigee_mccarthy - 8 years ago

@FamilyPassport: Dedicating Tourism Week to "Amazing Grace" McCarthy who supported Tourism for decades with leadership.... - 8 years ago

@citypassports: Dedicating Tourism Week to "Amazing Grace" McCarthy who supported Tourism for decades with leadership. - 8 years ago

@georgiastraight: Former cabinet minister Grace McCarthy dies - 8 years ago

@KeithHickman18: RT @jjhorgan: Grace McCarthy was a devoted public servant and a tireless ambassador for BC. She will be missed. - 8 years ago

@ProfessorPardo: RT @christyclarkbc: I’m thinking about Grace McCarthy and how much stronger British Columbia is today because of her. - 8 years ago

@AshleyBurr_: RT @DanBurritt: She was called Amazing Grace. We look at the busy life and legacy of Grace McCarthy. 11pm @CBCVancouver News Ch3/HD209 #cbc… - 8 years ago

@donnlovett: RT @garymasonglobe: My ode to one amazing lady: Grace McCarthy: - 8 years ago

@oldergrumpier: RT @christyclarkbc: Flags at the @BCLegislature will be lowered to half-mast in honour of Grace McCarthy and her service to the people of B… - 8 years ago

@mM7oeaT3YTMB4Vj: RT @christyclarkbc: I’m thinking about Grace McCarthy and how much stronger British Columbia is today because of her. - 8 years ago

@JFMcCreight: I'm very pleased to make acquaintance with Grace McCarthy. She's already changing things here. #bcpoli - 8 years ago

@CanadianTechGuy: RT @jordanbateman: BC is a far better place because of people like Grace McCarthy. My thoughts are with those who loved & knew her. 2/2 - 8 years ago

@TeresaWraight: RT @GlobeBC: Grace McCarthy was tough, inspiring and worthy of remembrance - 8 years ago

@worldnews_net: Grace McCarthy was tough, inspiring and worthy of remembrance - 8 years ago

@WayneIsbister: RT @BCLegislature: #BCLeg flags will fly at half-mast to commemorate service of Grace McCarthy, former MLA and Deputy Premier 1927-2017 htt… - 8 years ago

@Blubdha: RT @VancouverSun: RIP Grace McCarthy: Here's a look at McCarthy's career, which comprised a long list of firsts - 8 years ago

@latestcanada: (The Globe and Mail):#Grace #McCarthy was tough, inspiring and worthy of remembrance : Her long career.. - 8 years ago

@oldguyandy: RT @caterwauler: @christyclarkbc Christy, You're no Grace McCarthy, she was everything for BC, you are everything for yourself! - 8 years ago

@chezmichel7: Grace McCarthy was tough, inspiring and worthy of remembrance - 8 years ago

@uteg12: RT @GlobeBC: Grace McCarthy was tough, inspiring and worthy of remembrance - 8 years ago

@GlobeBC: Grace McCarthy was tough, inspiring and worthy of remembrance - 8 years ago

@PaulaPsy: RT @AJWVictoriaBC: Today we lost a leader who cared deeply for BC and advanced women's rights in myriad ways. My thoughts go to all who kne… - 8 years ago

@KMBreakey: RT @VancouverSun: Grace McCarthy, the first lady of B.C.’s Social Credit, dies at 89 - 8 years ago

@canada_agent: Grace McCarthy was tough, inspiring and worthy of remembrance - 8 years ago

@uteg12: RT @GlobeBC: Grace McCarthy was tough, inspiring and worthy of remembrance - 8 years ago

@queerthoughts: RT @jjhorgan: Grace McCarthy was a devoted public servant and a tireless ambassador for BC. She will be missed. - 8 years ago

@ybelld2l: RT @christyclarkbc: Deeply saddened by the passing of Grace McCarthy. My thoughts are with her family, friends, colleagues who miss her & a… - 8 years ago

@ybelld2l: RT @jackermann: BREAKING: A legendary figure in BC politics has passed away. Former Social Credit leader Grace McCarthy was 89. #bcpoli - 8 years ago

@ybelld2l: RT @j_mcelroy: CBC confirming that Grace McCarthy, a towering figure in B.C. politics over four decades, has died. - 8 years ago

@jimhanson_NV: RT @jjhorgan: Grace McCarthy was a devoted public servant and a tireless ambassador for BC. She will be missed. - 8 years ago

@darahhansen: RT @GlobeBC: Grace McCarthy was tough, inspiring and worthy of remembrance - 8 years ago

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