Gordon Fee

New Testament Scholar.
Died on Wednesday October 26th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Gordon Fee:

@danielazulgt: RT @PhilipBPayne: The description of Ephesian women in 5:13 includes "phylaroi," often translated "gossips." But as the late Gordon Fee poi… - 2 years ago

@RevEricMichel: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ | News & Reporting –… - 2 years ago

@cdnusboy: RT @Mimi_CBE: Top searched article in CBE's history? Gordon Fee's "Cultural Context of Eph 5:18-6:9!" He's now with Jesus, singing praises… - 2 years ago

@Mimi_CBE: Top searched article in CBE's history? Gordon Fee's "Cultural Context of Eph 5:18-6:9!" He's now with Jesus, singin… - 2 years ago


@KasenFanning: Worth noting however, is the reference to angelic languages in the Testament of Job. The late Gordon Fee made a p… - 2 years ago

@iRomuliin: @LucasFMSS Entendes o que lê? Gordon Fee e Douglas St. Reformando o Discipulado - Jean Franscesco Calvinismo - Kuyp… - 2 years ago

@PensandoLenguas: RT @mbird12: Remembering Gordon Fee by @mbird12 - 2 years ago

@jeffqv: RT @mbird12: Remembering Gordon Fee by @mbird12 - 2 years ago

@adonayrojasorti: algunos contemporáneos – se empeñan en encontrar en las palabras de Pablo más «significado» del que él pretendió tr… - 2 years ago

@pastorjhorman: @PastorRubenNVHV Lee Gordon Fee, Haddon Robinson y ponlos en práctica. Mira y escucha sermones de Sugel Michelen, P… - 2 years ago

@GordonConwell: Find a new perspective on the operations, ministry, and nature of the Holy Spirit in an article on Dr. Gordon Fee,… - 2 years ago

@RoyCiampa: A very nice tribute to Gordon Fee from his (and my) former colleague, Doug Stuart. - 2 years ago

@VincentArtale: Remembering Gordon Fee, by @mbird12 - 2 years ago

@CappuccinoGaze1: RT @mbird12: Remembering Gordon Fee by @mbird12 - 2 years ago

@mbird12: Remembering Gordon Fee by @mbird12 - 2 years ago

@M_Gordon_29: RT @Independent: Matt Hancock ‘to be paid fee of £400,000’ to appear on I’m a Celebrity - 2 years ago

@PShu1996: @megannnkoontz Also - How to Read the Bible Got All Its Worth by Gordon Fee (who just passed) and Douglas Stuart - 2 years ago

@gordon_dgordon: If Twitter starts charging the creators a monthly fee does that make them a publisher subject to real laws? - 2 years ago

@RobertC78726751: Remembering Gordon Fee, by @mbird12 - 2 years ago

@bministries: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth' - 2 years ago

@Loci_Communes: Quale eredità da Gordon Fee? - 2 years ago

@CT_enfrancais: « Aucun des membres de mon Église ne pourrait vous dire qui est Gordon Fee », écrit un pasteur de l'État de Géorgie… - 2 years ago

@Jemmanuelmaya: Llegaron otros dos títulos.🙌🏻 Jesús es el Señor, Gordon Fee. (obsequio de mi pastor) Y Poder redimido: entendie… - 2 years ago

@RevEricMichel: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ | News & Reporting –… - 2 years ago

@PsalterMark: RT @revdrjparker: Gordon Fee (RIP) spoke at Regent College prayer retreat I was on in the summer of 1999. I will never forget how he thunde… - 2 years ago

@tajraasi: @gordon_doyle Definitely eye opening, some barely made the entry fee. - 2 years ago

@NotUnderBondage: RT @PhilipBPayne: The description of Ephesian women in 5:13 includes "phylaroi," often translated "gossips." But as the late Gordon Fee poi… - 2 years ago

@TheCanDec: "Gordon Fee taught Pentecostals how to think and how to take the #Bible seriously, and to pursue scholarship and ac… - 2 years ago

@KrestanDnesCZ: Gordon Fee jednou řekl svým studentům během první hodiny Nového zákona na Wheaton College, že jednoho dne narazí na… - 2 years ago

@Loci_Communes: Per una lettura informata della Bibbia! - 2 years ago

@PhilipBPayne: The description of Ephesian women in 5:13 includes "phylaroi," often translated "gossips." But as the late Gordon F… - 2 years ago

@mwscarlata: Remember my first Gordon Fee lecture. Never thought an academic could be so passionate in their faith. Has changed… - 2 years ago

@judsontaylor: Gordon Conwell has published a tribute to the late Gordon Fee; read it here: - 2 years ago

@RevEricMichel: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ | News & Reporting –… - 2 years ago

@Gordon_Keenan: RT @KimDotcom: It’s an optional premium service. You know the difference between Elon and billionaires who charge a subscription fee for th… - 2 years ago

@jpwaec: RT @CT_enfrancais: Gordon Fee avait dit à ses étudiants au Wheaton College, qu’ils tomberaient un jour sur un gros titre disant « Gordon Fe… - 2 years ago

@ProfMChung: The kingdom of God lost some good people recently. First Gordon Fee and now Steve Douglas. Being a PhD in New Testa… - 2 years ago

@oeAwjW8qvC0gSrs: RT @CT_inchinese: 作为一位 “燃烧的新约学者”,他深信阅读圣经是一个与神相遇的过程。 - 2 years ago

@CT_bahasaindo: “Seorang Kristen (bukanlah) orang yang percaya doktrin X dan Y tentang Kristus,’ melainkan ‘Seorang Kristen adalah… - 2 years ago

@AneurysTorres: El problema no es comprenderlo sino obedecerlo, ponerlo en práctica.” — Gordon Fee 📚 La Lectura eficaz de la Biblia, Pág. 17 - 2 years ago

@daveb1955: Check this out! /news/gordon-fee-a-tribute/ - 2 years ago

@RevEricMichel: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ | News & Reporting –… - 2 years ago

@daodech: RT @CT_inchinese: 作为一位 “燃烧的新约学者”,他深信阅读圣经是一个与神相遇的过程。 - 2 years ago

@LauraLathrop5: @john_starke Gordon Fee, as far as I know. - 2 years ago

@cdnusboy: RT @dukekwondc: If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is, he would not have said, “A Christian is a person who believes X and Y… - 2 years ago

@Mimi_CBE: RT @dukekwondc: If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is, he would not have said, “A Christian is a person who believes X and Y… - 2 years ago

@SoupDoc: @john_starke Dallas Willard Gordon Fee John Perkins Ron Sider - 2 years ago

@VisitsAngel: RT @oneadaylyrics: Come on I’m chef Gordon Ramsay and you serve this to me It looks like two poodle penis’s covered in parsley honestly th… - 2 years ago

@mbird12: This Week in Word from the Bird Mon: Story of my Books #14 - The Gospel of the Lord Tue: A Better Complementarianis… - 2 years ago

@quen10banks: I had the privilege of having lunch with Fee once. Such a gracious & joyful man. He was a New Testament textual sch… - 2 years ago

@goforbroke1960: @AndrewIpsoFacto @Classicbritcom Aye that’s true initially - he refused to allow repeats first of all but when he h… - 2 years ago

@OAgaecheta: RT @richvillodas: I learned that the Pentecostal New Testament scholar, Gordon Fee passed away yesterday. Gordon lived a few short minutes… - 2 years ago

@OAgaecheta: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@OAgaecheta: You fought well Captain @Gordon_Fee Your territories are kept Sir. Rest well. - 2 years ago

@OAgaecheta: RT @pepieri: Gordon Fee ha partido a la presencia del Señor. - 2 years ago

@OAgaecheta: RT @vikzalewski: Além de um gigante, Gordon Fee foi um dos nomes mais importantes na defesa do ministério feminino. Foi um dos signatários… - 2 years ago

@OAgaecheta: RT @RRChakranarayan: New Testament Scholar Gordon Fee has went home to be with his Lord and Saviour. He is the co-author of ‘How to Read th… - 2 years ago

@lizyeld: RT @moor_facts: @RDobbson1 @lizyeld @pillarsofjusti1 @SAFFtweets @Philosopher_Jay @rabbitaway @NickFerrariLBC @NSPCC Scores, possibly a maj… - 2 years ago

@UAmatt: @Gordon_McP @wilnerhotline Amazon is not going away. Their own CFO expected this. We are about to be in a hardcore… - 2 years ago

@Xn_news: RT @christianhlines: Renowned Professor, New Testament Scholar Gordon Fee Passes Away at 88 - 2 years ago

@Gordon_Keenan: @Emma_A_Webb I define myself as 90, so I should get all the benefits of a 90 year old, free tv licence fee, free pr… - 2 years ago

@Katarin85499734: RT @oneadaylyrics: Come on I’m chef Gordon Ramsay and you serve this to me It looks like two poodle penis’s covered in parsley honestly th… - 2 years ago

@CabinChick222: @SwolePresby @GinnaCross Even the late, great evangelical Gordon - Conwell Seminary professor, Gordon Fee, wrote th… - 2 years ago

@ebud3chiedu: RT @saintscommlagos: A text of the scriptures can not mean today what it never meant - Gordon Fee (1934-2022) What a huge blessing ! His wo… - 2 years ago

@radchurch: RT @Todd_Hudnall: Pentecostal New Testament Scholar, Gordon Fee, is with the Lord. - 2 years ago

@Frady1Scott: @AndyRowell @SHoddeMiller I respect Gordon Fee although many other good scholars would disagree with him here. But… - 2 years ago

@marioara99: “A Christian is not a person who believes X and Y doctrines about Christ,’ but ‘A Christia… - 2 years ago

@wyxTXzw70W6csr6: RT @oneadaylyrics: Come on I’m chef Gordon Ramsay and you serve this to me It looks like two poodle penis’s covered in parsley honestly th… - 2 years ago

@petersantucci: RT @CTmagazine: “None of my church members could tell you who Gordon Fee is,” wrote pastor @griffingulledge after hearing of the scholar’s… - 2 years ago

@Guruzilla: RT @CTmagazine: “None of my church members could tell you who Gordon Fee is,” wrote pastor @griffingulledge after hearing of the scholar’s… - 2 years ago

@kenmcall: RT @CTmagazine: “None of my church members could tell you who Gordon Fee is,” wrote pastor @griffingulledge after hearing of the scholar’s… - 2 years ago

@giles_carol: From CTmagazine: “None of my church members could tell you who Gordon Fee is,” wrote pastor @griffingulledge after… - 2 years ago

@chris_harold: “Truly Christian conduct is not predicated on whether I have the right to do something, but whether my conduct is h… - 2 years ago

@bluedrummajor: RT @CTmagazine: “None of my church members could tell you who Gordon Fee is,” wrote pastor @griffingulledge after hearing of the scholar’s… - 2 years ago

@CTmagazine: “None of my church members could tell you who Gordon Fee is,” wrote pastor @griffingulledge after hearing of the sc… - 2 years ago

@RevScoob: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@RebelliousTodd: @TDunadan @BaalambL @th3rsty @gordon_alive @IncorrigibleML @BucketHatHeadA1 @MeAfter4 @life0fStacy13 @elfsraccoon… - 2 years ago

@andygubbins: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@thenon_theist: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@OlumideAdeniy11: RT @SamuelVGates: “God is not simply saving diverse individuals and preparing them for heaven; rather he is creating a people for his name,… - 2 years ago

@OlumideAdeniy11: RT @saintscommlagos: A text of the scriptures can not mean today what it never meant - Gordon Fee (1934-2022) What a huge blessing ! His wo… - 2 years ago

@OlumideAdeniy11: RT @dukekwondc: If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is, he would not have said, “A Christian is a person who believes X and Y… - 2 years ago

@OlumideAdeniy11: RT @saintscommlagos: We cannot make the Bible mean anything that pleases us and then give the Holy Spirit “credit” for it. — Gordon Fee - 2 years ago

@willgrady: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@Erickson_Caleb: RT @richvillodas: Finishing sermon prep for our last message on Jesus’s words to the 7 churches. I’ll include this from the late and great… - 2 years ago

@heyyitsyara: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@Todd_Hudnall: Pentecostal New Testament Scholar, Gordon Fee, is with the Lord. - 2 years ago

@JMacArthurC: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@Thom1st: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@jeremymcnabb: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@trrotman: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@BreeLynnCortez: RT @NijayKGupta: "Gordon D. Fee: In Memory and Appreciation" Here is my tribute to Gordon and how his life and work has shaped me. https… - 2 years ago

@PensandoLenguas: RT @prmarbinpacheco: “Si le hubieras pedido a Pablo que definiera lo que es un cristiano”, dijo Gordon Fee: “no habría dicho: ‘un cristiano… - 2 years ago

@heathwcarter: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@kevinmnye1: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@almondamsel: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@thomaslhorrocks: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@kootenayrev: When I read Gordon Fee's commentaries, I am being educated. When I read his footnotes, I am being discipled. Here's… - 2 years ago

@JonathanMurciaD: RT @prmarbinpacheco: “Si le hubieras pedido a Pablo que definiera lo que es un cristiano”, dijo Gordon Fee: “no habría dicho: ‘un cristiano… - 2 years ago

@prmarbinpacheco: “Si le hubieras pedido a Pablo que definiera lo que es un cristiano”, dijo Gordon Fee: “no habría dicho: ‘un cristi… - 2 years ago

@CircleReader: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@sparkobuzzer: RT @NijayKGupta: There are many ways to honor Gordon Fee's life, but may I recommend giving a donation to @CBEInt which supports women in m… - 2 years ago

@wallflowerinfj: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@rhausler: RT @wmstell: Gordon Fee, a Gordon-Conwell Seminary professor who recently died and who many evangelicals are honoring, did something that p… - 2 years ago

@pewilliamson: RT @richvillodas: “If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is,” Fee once told CT, “he would not have said, ‘A Christian is a perso… - 2 years ago

@TerryVirgo: I was sorry to hear of Gordon Fee’s death on Tuesday aged 88. I loved working through his wonderful “God’s Empower… - 2 years ago

@FinchwoodMedia: RT @SamuelVGates: “God is not simply saving diverse individuals and preparing them for heaven; rather he is creating a people for his name,… - 2 years ago

@SAGUBibTheo: RT @CTmagazine: Gordon Fee wrote of a Holy Spirit that reveals itself in extraordinary (and ordinary) ways, transforming worship and bringi… - 2 years ago

@TeranceEspinoza: RT @CTmagazine: A New Testament “scholar on fire,” Gordon Fee believed Scripture was an encounter with a living God. @danielsilliman remem… - 2 years ago

@ReligionProf: R.I.P. Gordon D. Fee - 2 years ago

@joeginder: RT @CTmagazine: Gordon Fee once told his students that they would—someday—come across a headline saying “Gordon Fee Is Dead.” “Do not beli… - 2 years ago

@RobWP73: RT @dukekwondc: If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is, he would not have said, “A Christian is a person who believes X and Y… - 2 years ago

@PatriciaAWoods: RT @dukekwondc: If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is, he would not have said, “A Christian is a person who believes X and Y… - 2 years ago

@madamspeaker: RT @PneumaReview: Craig Keener on Gordon Fee, Giant of Pentecostal Scholarship - 2 years ago

@tkbeyond: RT @CTmagazine: A New Testament “scholar on fire,” Gordon Fee believed Scripture was an encounter with a living God. @danielsilliman remem… - 2 years ago

@rd_byrne: I'll remember Gordon Fee most fondly for his wonderfully accessible book on biblical interpretation - How to Read t… - 2 years ago

@sparkobuzzer: RT @kenmcall: @bethallisonbarr Gordon Fee—who passed away this week—was one of the greatest New Testament scholars and Pauline experts of t… - 2 years ago

@PoimenMin: RT @CTmagazine: A New Testament “scholar on fire,” Gordon Fee believed Scripture was an encounter with a living God. @danielsilliman remem… - 2 years ago

@humbletoons: RT @SamuelVGates: “God is not simply saving diverse individuals and preparing them for heaven; rather he is creating a people for his name,… - 2 years ago

@PneumaReview: Craig Keener on Gordon Fee, Giant of Pentecostal Scholarship - 2 years ago

@TableJimmys: Gordon Fee was a gift to the church. His reward will be great. Rest In Peace until resurrection day dear brother. - 2 years ago

@TEOLOGIApromo: Promos do dia ➤ 📖 Gordon Fee (1934-2022) ensinou hermenêutica a muitos e nos ajudou a enten… - 2 years ago

@BenattiJonathan: Gordon Fee. He leaves an unfillable gap. - 2 years ago

@bethallisonbarr: RT @kenmcall: @bethallisonbarr Gordon Fee—who passed away this week—was one of the greatest New Testament scholars and Pauline experts of t… - 2 years ago

@batterycharged_: Gordon - what a review - thank you!! 🌟 "Perfect Excellent service, knowledgeable staff and super fast delivery! Wha… - 2 years ago

@berthalon: RT @XLevieils: Gordon Fee a dit un jour à ses étudiants, au tout début d'un cours sur le Nouveau Testament au Wheaton College, qu'ils tombe… - 2 years ago

@sarahblarose: RT @dukekwondc: If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is, he would not have said, “A Christian is a person who believes X and Y… - 2 years ago

@stuartblount99: RT @richvillodas: “If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is,” Fee once told CT, “he would not have said, ‘A Christian is a perso… - 2 years ago

@tertorbonilla: RT @TeologiaV: Ayer pasó a la presencia del Señor el erudito del Nuevo Testamento Gordon D. Fee Teólogo reconocido por buscar una relació… - 2 years ago

@JTwonderswhy: RT @CTmagazine: Gordon Fee once told his students that they would—someday—come across a headline saying “Gordon Fee Is Dead.” “Do not beli… - 2 years ago

@SeedbedsOrg: RT @DrAshBarker: I remember hearing Gordon Fee give lectures at Tabor College, Adelaide in 1987. What a highlight! A pioneer biblical schol… - 2 years ago

@DrAshBarker: I remember hearing Gordon Fee give lectures at Tabor College, Adelaide in 1987. What a highlight! A pioneer biblica… - 2 years ago

@emjay6299: “I begin with a singular and passionate conviction: that the proper aim of all true theology is doxology. Theology… - 2 years ago

@BillMuehlenberg: Read my latest article: New post: Vale Gordon Fee - 2 years ago

@acrobats000: RT @dukekwondc: If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is, he would not have said, “A Christian is a person who believes X and Y… - 2 years ago

@JMAbrahamse: RT @MirandaKlaver: IM veelzijdig pinkstertheoloog Gordon Fee - 2 years ago

@rocapri: RT @dukekwondc: If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is, he would not have said, “A Christian is a person who believes X and Y… - 2 years ago

@pseanb: RT @dukekwondc: If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is, he would not have said, “A Christian is a person who believes X and Y… - 2 years ago

@lburnhope: RT @NijayKGupta: "Gordon D. Fee: In Memory and Appreciation" Here is my tribute to Gordon and how his life and work has shaped me. https… - 2 years ago

@DFSInfluencer: RT @AustinKDeArmond: “It is because of our ‘between the times’ existence that we desperately need the Spirit’s help in our present frailty.… - 2 years ago

@timneufeld: Theologian, scholar, and author Gordon Fee died this week. I have returned to his classic book “How to Read the Bib… - 2 years ago

@AustinKDeArmond: “It is because of our ‘between the times’ existence that we desperately need the Spirit’s help in our present frailty.” Gordon Fee - 2 years ago

@AkaInsights: RT @wdavidotaylor: Yes and amen: “Gordon’s rigorous classes were even more singularly known for their encounters with his Lord. He taught t… - 2 years ago

@religionnews: RT @bjoropeza1: He was a great Pentecostal scholar. Along with Thiselton's NIGTC commentary, his 1 Corinthians (NICNT) I still consider the… - 2 years ago

@Espartano8924: RT @TeologiaV: Ayer pasó a la presencia del Señor el erudito del Nuevo Testamento Gordon D. Fee Teólogo reconocido por buscar una relació… - 2 years ago

@CTmagazine: A New Testament “scholar on fire,” Gordon Fee believed Scripture was an encounter with a living God.… - 2 years ago

@StephenColin: RT @richvillodas: “If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is,” Fee once told CT, “he would not have said, ‘A Christian is a perso… - 2 years ago

@NectarAugusto: RT @TGC_Coalicion: El pasado 25 de octubre, falleció el célebre teólogo y profesor Gordon D. Fee, a la edad de 88 años. Conoce aquí sobre s… - 2 years ago

@darrigo: RT @Ze_Bruno: Soube a pouco q o Gordon Fee, teólogo pentecostal, partiu para o Senhor. Eu o convidei via Regent College para uma Live ainda… - 2 years ago

@100prayingwomen: RT @markchironna: One of the pioneers in Pentecostal Scholarship, Dr. Gordon Fee, has gone home to his reward. Our prayers are with his dau… - 2 years ago

@TimothyJShaw1: RT @cb_johns: “We bring our exegesis to fruition when we ourselves sit with unspeakable wonder in the presence of God.” - 2 years ago

@billmacphee: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@pastoralexcorzo: RT @TGC_Coalicion: El pasado 25 de octubre, falleció el célebre teólogo y profesor Gordon D. Fee, a la edad de 88 años. Conoce aquí sobre s… - 2 years ago

@TGC_Coalicion: El pasado 25 de octubre, falleció el célebre teólogo y profesor Gordon D. Fee, a la edad de 88 años. Conoce aquí so… - 2 years ago

@SaraGBarton: Gordon Fee's commentary on Philippians is my favorite of all my commentaries. May his memory be a blessing - 2 years ago

@jaanairubyy: RT @pepieri: Gordon Fee ha partido a la presencia del Señor. - 2 years ago

@Torres2Valery: @JoALandeta Dónde conseguiste libros de Gordon Fee? Yo soy de Perú, aquí no he encontrado hasta ahora 😥 - 2 years ago

@RWesterbeek1: RT @CTmagazine: Gordon Fee once told his students that they would—someday—come across a headline saying “Gordon Fee Is Dead.” “Do not beli… - 2 years ago

@PrFranciscoLM: Gordon D. Fee (1934-2022): Un académico en llamas para Dios El pasado 25 de octubre, falleció el célebre teólogo y… - 2 years ago

@JeremieHamby: On the 1st day of NT Literature, Professor Gordon Fee boldly jumped up on the desk at the front of the class & anno… - 2 years ago

@alanlhewitt: Honoring the Life of Theologian Dr. Gordon Fee - 2 years ago

@kennypetrowski: I'm no theologian but Gordon Fee's classic 'How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth' remains the most helpful book… - 2 years ago

@bbrown11: RT @richvillodas: “If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is,” Fee once told CT, “he would not have said, ‘A Christian is a perso… - 2 years ago

@SHoddeMiller: Honoring Gordon Fee today. His commentaries informed so much of my teaching over the years. I can only imagine how… - 2 years ago

@PremierNewsDesk: American-Canadian theologian Gordon Fee dies, aged 88 - 2 years ago

@NigelJamesWorld: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ | News & Reporting | Christianity T… - 2 years ago

@CarterMcNeese: RT @CTmagazine: Gordon Fee once told his students that they would—someday—come across a headline saying “Gordon Fee Is Dead.” “Do not beli… - 2 years ago

@MaryDeMuth: RT @CTmagazine: Gordon Fee once told his students that they would—someday—come across a headline saying “Gordon Fee Is Dead.” “Do not beli… - 2 years ago

@E_R_Kerkhof: RT @emilygathergood: I'm so very grateful for Gordon Fee's Christian scholarship, particularly his consistent championing of women's full e… - 2 years ago

@MaryDeMuth: So grateful for the life of Gordon Fee. He is wholly healed and fully alive in the presence of the One he loves. - 2 years ago

@richvillodas: “If you had asked Paul to define what a Christian is,” Fee once told CT, “he would not have said, ‘A Christian is a… - 2 years ago

@scism_cameron: RT @fitchest: Gordon Fee, introducing a lecture on NT : What is the main message of Jesus in 1 to 3 words? If you answered ‘love’ you’re wr… - 2 years ago

@cb_johns: “We bring our exegesis to fruition when we ourselves sit with unspeakable wonder in the presence of God.”… - 2 years ago

@SharperIron: SI Filings - Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ - 2 years ago

@XLevieils: Gordon Fee a dit un jour à ses étudiants, au tout début d'un cours sur le Nouveau Testament au Wheaton College, qu'… - 2 years ago

@brianwdavidson: RT @PastorPWMartin: He "boldly jumped up on the desk at the front of the class and announced, 'This is not a class on New Testament! This i… - 2 years ago

@kenironside: RT @CTmagazine: Gordon Fee once told his students that they would—someday—come across a headline saying “Gordon Fee Is Dead.” “Do not beli… - 2 years ago

@charliecaballer: RT @pepieri: Gordon Fee ha partido a la presencia del Señor. - 2 years ago

@irisrsalazar: RT @pepieri: Gordon Fee ha partido a la presencia del Señor. - 2 years ago

@satsedu: RT @CTmagazine: Gordon Fee once told his students that they would—someday—come across a headline saying “Gordon Fee Is Dead.” “Do not beli… - 2 years ago

@_Ian_R_Howard: RT @CTmagazine: Gordon Fee once told his students that they would—someday—come across a headline saying “Gordon Fee Is Dead.” “Do not beli… - 2 years ago

@wagraham: RT @PastorPWMartin: He "boldly jumped up on the desk at the front of the class and announced, 'This is not a class on New Testament! This i… - 2 years ago

@iamfujimura: I will never forget worshipping with him, Brian and Maria at @RedeemerWS. He sat in between three artists in the ba… - 2 years ago

@wdavidotaylor: Yes and amen: “Gordon’s rigorous classes were even more singularly known for their encounters with his Lord. He tau… - 2 years ago

@M_Wayne_Brown: RT @PaulDistilled: "The concern of the scholar is primarily with what the text meant; the concern of the layperson is usually with what it… - 2 years ago

@AlvinSanders1: In the 90s I was a Bible College student struggling to make theological sense. Then @SWNID introduced me to this ma… - 2 years ago

@ScottHa86047005: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ - 2 years ago

@uzzi3l: RT @pepieri: Gordon Fee ha partido a la presencia del Señor. - 2 years ago

@dvdpeters: RT @FredFredSanders: Eugene Peterson and Gordon Fee ran track together at SPU in the 50's. - 2 years ago

@PHenrique2058: RT @gutsiqueira: Deixo minha homenagem ao Gordon D. Fee, falecido ontem aos 88 anos. Foi o primeiro assembleiano, ainda na década de 1960,… - 2 years ago

@jaroland74: RT @AndreaPalpant: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ - 2 years ago

@JonOrtiz3131: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@kennerterra: Lamento o falecimento do importante biblista Gordon Fee. Quando a teologia pentecostal ainda ñ tinha interesse em d… - 2 years ago

@CLM__________: RT @MarkAarstad: As a new pastor, I felt impressed by the Spirit to lead my congregation through 1 Corinthians. A few weeks in I was invite… - 2 years ago

@kristenpadilla: RT @BeesonDivinity: We're sorry to hear about the passing of Dr. Gordon Fee. Dr. Fee delivered our Biblical Studies Lectures in 1993. You c… - 2 years ago

@MarkAarstad: As a new pastor, I felt impressed by the Spirit to lead my congregation through 1 Corinthians. A few weeks in I was… - 2 years ago

@DaleMCoulter: Gordon Fee, "scholar on fire." - 2 years ago

@fitchest: Gordon Fee, introducing a lecture on NT : What is the main message of Jesus in 1 to 3 words? If you answered ‘love’… - 2 years ago

@danielsilliman: Gordon Fee knew that one day you would read that he is dead. Today is that day. “Do not believe it!” he said, sta… - 2 years ago

@alincristea: Postmodernismul contemporan este foarte asemănător cu lumea și cultura greco-romană în care a apărut Evanghelia pen… - 2 years ago

@KasenFanning: RT @PaulDistilled: "The concern of the scholar is primarily with what the text meant; the concern of the layperson is usually with what it… - 2 years ago

@DChristianMind: A Note on the late Gordon Fee and his Book - 2 years ago

@pastoralilian: RT @JoALandeta: Confesión: En mi época de Reformado ultra-sectario, Gordon Fee y Craig Keener fueron los dos erúditos que me derribaron, y… - 2 years ago

@DebraMiller7: RT @AndyRowell: We loved Gordon Fee. He got choked up when he taught. He sang heartily in chapel with arms raised when he wasn't holding so… - 2 years ago

@johanneswoud: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@johanneswoud: Yesterday I was saddened to hear of the passing away of dr. Gordon D. Fee. Some of his writings have deeply influen… - 2 years ago

@MitchPerello: RT @metodismo_quote: Murió uno de los mejores Teólogos Pentecostales :( Dios bendiga a Gordon Fee, les estaré agradecido por sus libros y… - 2 years ago

@galaldriel: RT @tonywatkins_: Sad to hear about the death of Gordon Fee. How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth came out when I was on @UCCF staff and… - 2 years ago

@ryanvenndunn: RT @AndyRowell: We loved Gordon Fee. He got choked up when he taught. He sang heartily in chapel with arms raised when he wasn't holding so… - 2 years ago

@sharon_viti: RT @AndreaPalpant: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ - 2 years ago

@Tefilo26193024: RT @TeologiaV: Ayer pasó a la presencia del Señor el erudito del Nuevo Testamento Gordon D. Fee Teólogo reconocido por buscar una relació… - 2 years ago

@StephenColin: RT @AdamMerrivale: A wonderful excerpt from Regent College’s tribute to Gordon Fee - 2 years ago

@TheBlueChipBoy: As the world mourns the passing of Gordon Fee, here is an episode of Pastor's Library about his legacy - 2 years ago

@NotUnderBondage: RIP Gordon Fee. - 2 years ago

@madelvanguard: RT @JamiePDavies: Fee & Stuart was one of the first books on biblical interpretation I read, and I remember devouring it. Still have my cop… - 2 years ago

@madelvanguard: RT @richvillodas: I learned that the Pentecostal New Testament scholar, Gordon Fee passed away yesterday. Gordon lived a few short minutes… - 2 years ago

@msedminster: RT @AndreaPalpant: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ - 2 years ago

@ldholmes: RT @AdamMerrivale: A wonderful excerpt from Regent College’s tribute to Gordon Fee - 2 years ago

@Joel_lawati: RT @NijayKGupta: "Gordon D. Fee: In Memory and Appreciation" Here is my tribute to Gordon and how his life and work has shaped me. https… - 2 years ago

@GodsDesignPerth: Vale, Prof. Gordon D. Fee, faithful biblical scholar and champion of women in ministry. - 2 years ago

@kryztan: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth’ - 2 years ago

@bministries: Died: Gordon Fee, Who Taught Evangelicals to Read the Bible ‘For All Its Worth' - 2 years ago

@piphilthims: RT @emilygathergood: I'm so very grateful for Gordon Fee's Christian scholarship, particularly his consistent championing of women's full e… - 2 years ago

@piphilthims: RT @krishk: I'm so grateful for the life & scholarship of Gordon Fee. He was a huge influence on my understanding and live of the Bible. Ho… - 2 years ago

@pastoralilian: RT @metodismo_quote: Murió uno de los mejores Teólogos Pentecostales :( Dios bendiga a Gordon Fee, les estaré agradecido por sus libros y… - 2 years ago

@doughankins: RT @FredFredSanders: Eugene Peterson and Gordon Fee ran track together at SPU in the 50's. - 2 years ago

@dooyeweerdian: RT @pjgurry: Very sad to hear that Gordon Fee has just passed away. He was a giant in my field—and not just in mine. Here’s a brief tribute… - 2 years ago

@othiagobello: Impossível não lembrar dos tempos de seminário e não lembrar de artigos importantes e de "Entendes o que lês" do me… - 2 years ago

@WKyoo: A massive loss for the church today. One of the most influential theologians who changed and shaped my views on God… - 2 years ago

@jallen: RT @FredFredSanders: Gordon Fee, 1934-2022. Just from a trinitarian perspective: Not only did he write ample & definitive books on Pauline… - 2 years ago

@mattchand: Gordon Fee, RIP, Z"l. - 2 years ago

@lukeglover15: Beloved American-Canadian theologian Gordon Fee dies at 88 - 2 years ago

@JonPoletti: Gordon D. Fee died yesterday. In his famed commentary on 1 Corinthians he called for gays & lesbians to be excluded… - 2 years ago

@benkclee: Saddened to hear of the passing of Gordon Fee - scholar and theologian - who left an indelible mark on so many incl… - 2 years ago

@Mimi_CBE: Gordon D. Fee (1934-2022): In Memory and Appreciation - - 2 years ago

@AaronWMatthews: RT @Don_Pucik: Gordon Fee, longtime professor at Regent College, Vancouver BC passed away yesterday. He influenced multiple generations of… - 2 years ago

@lambstrategy: Giving thanks today for the life of Dr. Gordon Fee, and for his years of work producing the NIV Bible and advocatin… - 2 years ago

@TimLee198983: RT @NijayKGupta: "Gordon D. Fee: In Memory and Appreciation" Here is my tribute to Gordon and how his life and work has shaped me. https… - 2 years ago

@ryanannawolfe: RT @FredFredSanders: Eugene Peterson and Gordon Fee ran track together at SPU in the 50's. - 2 years ago

@pastorjhorman: RT @richvillodas: Young Gordon Fee at work. 🔥 - 2 years ago

@yutaka70: RT @pjgurry: Very sad to hear that Gordon Fee has just passed away. He was a giant in my field—and not just in mine. Here’s a brief tribute… - 2 years ago

@CStill20: RT @wdavidotaylor: "Let me hear you pray, let me hear you sing, and I'll write your theology." That's what the NT scholar Gordon Fee told… - 2 years ago

@mikeywaters3: RT @Danielfwells: Oh wow, this is sad news. I benefited from Gordon Fee’s scholarship. He served Jesus and the Church well. - 2 years ago

@Linbadel: RT @olilangarica: “Es mucho más fácil ser cristiano en aislamiento que vivir la propia fe en el contexto de todas esas otras personas imper… - 2 years ago

@JoshuaSLewis: Sadly, Dr. Fee, Pentecostal scholar & theologian, passed from this life to the next. He rescued me as I staggered t… - 2 years ago

@PostNuance: I nearly heard Gordon Fee preach on the Church and the Spirit back in seminary (2008), a different one from the one… - 2 years ago

@evfk: RT @adalehunt: RIP to Gordon Fee. Big time text critic and major commentary writer. - 2 years ago

@PostNuance: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@mullytweets: RIP Gordon Fee. Your writings continue to be a blessing to my life and ministry. Thank you for your labor of love to the Body of Christ. - 2 years ago

@AustinKDeArmond: “The concern of the scholar is primarily with what the text meant; the concern of the layperson is usually with wha… - 2 years ago

@NathaninSeoul: RT @FredFredSanders: Gordon Fee, 1934-2022. Just from a trinitarian perspective: Not only did he write ample & definitive books on Pauline… - 2 years ago

@bcastlemiller: RT @NijayKGupta: "Gordon D. Fee: In Memory and Appreciation" Here is my tribute to Gordon and how his life and work has shaped me. https… - 2 years ago

@Dan_Ray: RT @wdavidotaylor: "Let me hear you pray, let me hear you sing, and I'll write your theology." That's what the NT scholar Gordon Fee told… - 2 years ago

@bethsnodderly: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@jeremyperigo: RT @gpackiam: Several year ago, @mrdanielgrothe and I (thanks to @richvillodas who set it up and came along) had the chance to meet and int… - 2 years ago

@luisjovel: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@MWPahl: Very sad to hear of Gordon Fee's passing. He was my favourite NT scholar for a time, and remains a favourite. By ma… - 2 years ago

@NijayKGupta: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@TrinWilston: Thankful to God for the life of Gordon Fee. I benefited much from his excellent biblical scholarship. - 2 years ago

@TJachetto: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@pwsiddons: Thank God for Gordon Fee - 2 years ago

@IvanEMartinezG: RT @pepieri: Gordon Fee ha partido a la presencia del Señor. - 2 years ago

@richvillodas: RT @gpackiam: Several year ago, @mrdanielgrothe and I (thanks to @richvillodas who set it up and came along) had the chance to meet and int… - 2 years ago

@john_starke: I just heard Gordon Fee has died. Only in the last five years have I really meaningfully discovered him (beyond hav… - 2 years ago

@kjgheroman: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@sgcmills: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@jasonstaples: RT @sccarlson: RIP Gordon Fee. Such a terrible loss: he was easily one of the foremost textual critics of the past 50 years. He embodied th… - 2 years ago

@piper_frank: RT @DerrickHamre: Few people had a greater impact on my life than this man. I quoted #GordonFee on Sunday. I can't read the Apostle Paul wi… - 2 years ago

@DanielMora0697: RT @PensandoLenguas: Falleció el erudito pentecostal Gordon D. Fee, y aquí un artículo en su honor. Para leer artículo: - 2 years ago

@CAHutch1990: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@B_A_Purtle: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@gpackiam: Several year ago, @mrdanielgrothe and I (thanks to @richvillodas who set it up and came along) had the chance to me… - 2 years ago

@piper_frank: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@golfnpreacher: RT @robhoskins: One of my heroes and favorite theologians Dr. Gordon Fee is with Jesus today. He once said, “Some day you will hear ‘Fee is… - 2 years ago

@bobo_brizinski: RT @AndyRowell: We loved Gordon Fee. He got choked up when he taught. He sang heartily in chapel with arms raised when he wasn't holding so… - 2 years ago

@emilencfs: RT @PensandoLenguas: Falleció el erudito pentecostal Gordon D. Fee, y aquí un artículo en su honor. Para leer artículo: - 2 years ago

@rebornwilly: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@JamiePDavies: Fee & Stuart was one of the first books on biblical interpretation I read, and I remember devouring it. Still have… - 2 years ago

@RussGBartlett: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@piper_frank: RT @DPCassidyTKC: I'm thankful for the life of Gordon Fee. May his rest be sweet and his reward abundant. - 2 years ago

@DerrickHamre: Few people had a greater impact on my life than this man. I quoted #GordonFee on Sunday. I can't read the Apostle P… - 2 years ago

@confessinmill: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@JonRobinNZ: - 2 years ago

@J_John1972: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@Noloepiscopari: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@quasiaesthete: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@piper_frank: RT @FredFredSanders: Eugene Peterson and Gordon Fee ran track together at SPU in the 50's. - 2 years ago

@ThomasNelsonBr: O teólogo pentecostal Gordon Fee, autor da obra "Como ler a Bíblia livro por livro", partiu. Mas com certeza o seu… - 2 years ago

@RiverosRF: Crítica lo que quieras al pentecostalismo, pero ya quisiéramos tener la erudición y devoción al Señor del Dr. Gordo… - 2 years ago

@HollenbachRay: Celebrating the life-long gift that is Dr. Gordon Fee. Years ago I heard him lead four-morning devotional in Columb… - 2 years ago

@SAGUBibTheo: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@judsontaylor: Gordon Fee was a Bible scholar. He loved Tom Wright. Did Fee have any interest in systematic theology, and if so, d… - 2 years ago

@judsontaylor: What should I read by Gordon Fee besides How the Read the Bible for All Its Worth and How to Read the Bible Book by… - 2 years ago

@joel_edmund: In Praise of Dr. Gordon Fee (d. October 25, 2022) - 2 years ago

@BrooksGoerzen: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@bobosborne21: I want to publicly acknowledge my debt to Gordon Fee who passed away yesterday at the age of 88. After my first con… - 2 years ago

@robhoskins: One of my heroes and favorite theologians Dr. Gordon Fee is with Jesus today. He once said, “Some day you will hear… - 2 years ago

@Paul_Urruchi: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@jeffbamaca: Gordon Fee’s commentary was the very first one I owned. I was writing an essay on 1 Corinthians 7 in my undergrad s… - 2 years ago

@rafaeldelimaok: Gordon Fee, una mente brillante, ahora en presencia del Creador. Descansa en paz maestro. - 2 years ago

@adalehunt: RIP to Gordon Fee. Big time text critic and major commentary writer. - 2 years ago

@pj_wils: RT @wdavidotaylor: "Let me hear you pray, let me hear you sing, and I'll write your theology." That's what the NT scholar Gordon Fee told… - 2 years ago

@DPCassidyTKC: I'm thankful for the life of Gordon Fee. May his rest be sweet and his reward abundant. - 2 years ago

@BishopDASherron: I’ll never forget being a young college student and pastor trying to find a way to connect the Bible with the peopl… - 2 years ago

@malthus_m: RT @gutsiqueira: Deixo minha homenagem ao Gordon D. Fee, falecido ontem aos 88 anos. Foi o primeiro assembleiano, ainda na década de 1960,… - 2 years ago

@JohnHBLee: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@sccarlson: RIP Gordon Fee. Such a terrible loss: he was easily one of the foremost textual critics of the past 50 years. He em… - 2 years ago

@adedapoben: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@jrice612: RT @cmeadows37: RIP Gordon Fee!🙏😢 - 2 years ago

@Welber_noficial: RT @won_paulo: RIP, Gordon Fee. Pensa em um acadêmico de qualidade e piedade… Homenagem a um pentecostal que incendiou a mente teológica de… - 2 years ago

@flaviopivaral: RT @TeologiaV: Ayer pasó a la presencia del Señor el erudito del Nuevo Testamento Gordon D. Fee Teólogo reconocido por buscar una relació… - 2 years ago

@Dan_Ray: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@dtneary: We owe a lot to this dear gentleman, scholar, and minister. I’m grateful he’ll live on through our libraries. Alum… - 2 years ago

@LouisWilliamOl1: RT @mbird12: I just heard the sad news that Gordon Fee passed away. I only ever corresponded with him, I never met him in person, but he wa… - 2 years ago

@charisma_news: Renowned #Pentecostal New Testament Scholar Gordon Fee Dead at 88: - 2 years ago

@AndrewMihaleff: Vale Gordon Fee. Thank you for your service to the body of Christ, now enter into your rest #welldone #goodandfaithfulservant - 2 years ago

@YoleidyParraM: RT @metodismo_quote: Murió uno de los mejores Teólogos Pentecostales :( Dios bendiga a Gordon Fee, les estaré agradecido por sus libros y… - 2 years ago

@joaolucasluc: Perdemos um grande servo do Senhor! Dr Gordon Fee agora com o Pai no céu 🥲 - 2 years ago

@ZacharyCWagner: Rest in peace, rise in glory, Dr. Gordon Fee. - 2 years ago

@postbarthian: Sad news. I've learned so much from Gordon Fee. - 2 years ago

@DanielMGurtner: RT @richvillodas: I learned that the Pentecostal New Testament scholar, Gordon Fee passed away yesterday. Gordon lived a few short minutes… - 2 years ago

@RealPaulolusca: RT @gutsiqueira: Deixo minha homenagem ao Gordon D. Fee, falecido ontem aos 88 anos. Foi o primeiro assembleiano, ainda na década de 1960,… - 2 years ago

@FredFredSanders: Eugene Peterson and Gordon Fee ran track together at SPU in the 50's. - 2 years ago

@pepieri: Gordon Fee ha partido a la presencia del Señor. - 2 years ago

@jeanpzamora: RT @PensandoLenguas: Falleció el erudito pentecostal Gordon D. Fee, y aquí un artículo en su honor. Para leer artículo: - 2 years ago

@FredFredSanders: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Gordon Fee - #GordonFee #Gordon #Fee #rip - 2 years ago

@nickloyd: Sad to hear of the passing of Gordon Fee. He was a brilliant scholar and his work influenced and helped shape my ap… - 2 years ago

@kenmcall: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@SoyCristianoes: RT @JoALandeta: Me acabo de enterar que hoy partió a la presencia del Señor Gordon Fee, uno de mis maestros favoritos y de quien he aprendi… - 2 years ago

@AndyRowell: We loved Gordon Fee. He got choked up when he taught. He sang heartily in chapel with arms raised when he wasn't ho… - 2 years ago

@DrAIWilson: RT @regentcollege: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Emeritus Dr. Gordon D. Fee—a treasured colleague, teach… - 2 years ago

@marksweetnam: Sad to hear that Gordon Fee has passed away. His commentaries ate among my favourites and the clarity and incisiven… - 2 years ago

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