Gordon Christian

American ice hockey player
Died on Tuesday June 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Gordon Christian:

@JackpotNick: Gordon Lightfoot - Christian Island - 8 years ago

@seb_gordon: RT @brutofficiel: "Il y a plus de gens qui meurent à la rue l'été que l'hiver" Christian @Pagechris75 raconte ce qu'est la canicule quand o… - 8 years ago

@Avinu_Hymns: - 8 years ago

@shahrilathif: Need a film acting by leo, tom hardy, tom hanks, gordon levitt, christian bale. As together - 8 years ago


@websterssay: @KayBurley @jimboeleven Isn't Gordon Brown a Christian,you'd think they'd get on? Or is it a case of wrong kind of Christian? - 8 years ago

@Orthodoxia7: RT @Orthodoxia7: @nlmnewzealand @amonk1215 @karmalchambers @RichNChrist57 @bobonfarm @MajestaLove7 @gerty_gordon @WhatASaviour7 @BkcProv311… - 8 years ago

@laura_guitard: RT @Orthodoxia7: @nlmnewzealand @amonk1215 @karmalchambers @RichNChrist57 @bobonfarm @MajestaLove7 @gerty_gordon @WhatASaviour7 @BkcProv311… - 8 years ago

@alfredocs_a: @DonEleodoro13 Christian Gordon @ti_tan1 señalo que Deporte Color origino unos años despues el Video Loco. - 8 years ago

@gdouglasbarrett: + Ben Piekut, @ted_gordon, Christian Wolff, Michael Gallope, Michael Parsons, @UnaMonaghan - very hard to go wrong! - 8 years ago

@ATalzio: 🌲 Christian Gordon 🌲 - 8 years ago

@Butler1999: @DavidWoods007 I think we may have saved the best with Christian David. A lot like Gordon Hayward. Best for him i… - 8 years ago

@jyoti_christian: Recipe for MedTech Gordon Ramsay style - interactive session #medtechcore17 #healthtechweek - 8 years ago

@thelyfemagazine: The #1 article on The Lyfe. Reverend Gordon W. Oliver – A Father’s Day Tribute - 8 years ago

@gordon_hughes2: RT @bulldoghill: US Christian Minister Sentenced to 20 Years for Plotting to Massacre Muslims - 8 years ago

@gordon_struth: On behalf of white British males of Christian origin I condemn and apologise for this heinous act. Is that not how it works? - 8 years ago

@ChrisRpxx: 🎢- Fact about Christian Gordon - 8 years ago

@nicknewman801: "Your safety, your peace, your prosperity lie in obedience to the commandments of the Almighty." - Gordon B Hinckley #Christian #lds #mormon - 8 years ago

@DAVENPORT_RP: CHRISTIAN GORDON — Vingt deux ans. — Sorcier. — Alpha. — Sensible & Impulsif. — @ChrisRpxx - 8 years ago

@strike_out27: Justin Bour pega sencillo con rodado fuerte a jardinero central Ender Inciarte. Dee Gordon anota Christian Yelich a… - 8 years ago

@SemperLiber9: @Yahuwah7 Ok, first antishyster is a christian, capitalist propaganda site. And this George Gordon character has no… - 8 years ago

@5150Adam: #MayMustGo Gordon Brown tried to do a deal with the DUP in 2010. People are having a go at the Christian DUP. What if they were Muslim? - 8 years ago

@jim_gordon: @DumbDonald666 @theClaudiaInez Ayn Rand Pop Christian cult. Forget we walk on the shoulders of those who came befor… - 8 years ago

@Doug_T79: RT @GeorgeRichards: Here in Atlanta, Christian Yelich doubled, Dee Gordon covered and smothered home. #DeepSouthBallparkEats - 8 years ago

@AzzurraTalzio: 🌲 Christian Gordon 🌲 - 8 years ago

@HeraldSports: RT @GeorgeRichards: Here in Atlanta, Christian Yelich doubled, Dee Gordon covered and smothered home. #DeepSouthBallparkEats - 8 years ago

@GeorgeRichards: Here in Atlanta, Christian Yelich doubled, Dee Gordon covered and smothered home. #DeepSouthBallparkEats - 8 years ago

@Gordon_nordrog: @magicalmatt42 @ToasterTuesday @TASKvsTheWorld My point is that in comics, the concept of the judeo-christian god w… - 8 years ago

@_christian__d3: RT @ItsMaleHumor: Gordon Ramsay with kids vs with adults 😂😭 - 8 years ago

@gordon_struth: @KNS780 BTW, I've got Muslim friends. I also have evangelical Christian friends. I know whose beliefs I respect mor… - 8 years ago

@dcwmarveI: RT @DCEUNews: The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Director: Christopher Nolan Starring: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-levitt - 8 years ago

@Mrscambriel: RT @DCEUNews: The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Director: Christopher Nolan Starring: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-levitt - 8 years ago

@hiramboyd: @PFF_Mike @PFF_Gordon Christian Kirksey is someone who folks should take a hard look at - 8 years ago

@gordon_davies: @fionaunwin @RogerDewey1 @magstogether @theresa_may @jeremycorbyn Oh and btw I'm a former Methodist minister and a… - 8 years ago

@fionaunwin: @gordon_davies @RogerDewey1 @magstogether @theresa_may @jeremycorbyn He has his own agenda. I just ask you, do you… - 8 years ago

@BoeyJosa: @GoaliePuke Uh Melvin Gordon, Christian McCaffrey, Leonard Fournette, and LeSean McCoy? Saints and Pats just have b… - 8 years ago

@m_gordon_umc: RT @EmbreeChristina: Marking the "Christian" box and Making Disciples are Not the Same Thing - 8 years ago

@christian_huye: @ItsMaleHumor @PaintballKing76 Gordon Ramsey is a god in my 👀. - 8 years ago

@christian_huye: RT @ItsMaleHumor: Gordon Ramsay with kids vs with adults 😂😭 - 8 years ago

@damn_christian: RT @BasebaIlKing: After a fan got hit with a ball, Dee Gordon went to check on her and came back with a present ⚾️❤ - 8 years ago

@nialldeacon: @frozenwarning you don’t remember devout christian and son of a church minister Gordon Brown being forced out of po… - 8 years ago

@Conal316: As if I believe Tim Farron is resigning because of his Christian Beliefs and not because he's the least inspiring leader since Gordon Brown - 8 years ago

@gordon_jacklin: RT @HLECCC: Here's This Week's HLE Christian Country Countdown! If You Missed It This Weekend Catch A Replay Monday Night @ 7:00PM & Wed Ni… - 8 years ago

@selegmzrvival: RT @DCEUNews: The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Director: Christopher Nolan Starring: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-levitt - 8 years ago

@gordon_wales: RT @Peston: I respect @timfarron for conceding clash between secular liberal politics and his Christian faith, & opting not to be a hypocri… - 8 years ago

@mar1ners: This is what our liberal immigration open doors have done to our Christian Country. Tony Blair, David Cameron, Gord… - 8 years ago

@LivingBread: Christian's at large ignore most of the methods,practises & principles found in the book of Acts.Greg Gordon - 8 years ago

@PjandOly: RT @chuckolson429: The forming of the soul that it might be a dwelling place for God is the primary work of the Christian leader. –Gordon M… - 8 years ago

@liamoverdose: RT @DCEUNews: The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Director: Christopher Nolan Starring: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-levitt - 8 years ago

@Paul__Christian: RT @toryboypierce: Alastair Campbell condemns Tory deal with DUP as dangerous.The same deal Gordon Brown tried with DUP in 2010 when Ally w… - 8 years ago

@MacTalk_Live: IF YOU MISSED: @BradBerry29 joined talks @UNDmhockey, The Stanley Cup Playoffs, #Leadership & Gordon Christian - 8 years ago

@MacTalk_Live: 1:05: @BradBerry29, of @UNDmhockey joins us to talk #leadership, Stanley Cup Playoffs & the passing of Gordon "Ginn… - 8 years ago

@chuckolson429: The forming of the soul that it might be a dwelling place for God is the primary work of the Christian leader. –Gordon MacDonald - 8 years ago

@ZombieRatCheese: Susan and Gordon Scott can't miss 'em married three times same ceremony in India while |Radical Hindu Converts now oopsy Christian HUNTERS - 8 years ago

@LSynmoie: @KingJames you should trade shumpert and jr smith/ Christian Thompson for rockets Eric Gordon and lue Williams - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Gordon Christian - #GordonChristian #Gordon #Christian #rip - 8 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Gordon Christian (1927 - 2017), died at age 89 years: was an American ice hockey player. He played with the…… - 8 years ago

@christian_j2: RT @LegionHoops: ICYMI: Gordon Hayward has "legitimate interest" in joining the Heat this summer. (via ESPN) - 8 years ago

@christian_yanes: RT @LegionHoops: ICYMI: Gordon Hayward has "legitimate interest" in joining the Heat this summer. (via ESPN) - 8 years ago

@Christian_Azz: RT @GuyCodes: Gordon Ramsay with kids vs with adults 😂😭 - 8 years ago

@Christian_F1012: RT @BleacherReport: Gordon Hayward to Boston? His daughter’s shirt had some people wondering if it was a sign of things to come 🍀 - 8 years ago

@Christian_2024: RT @BleacherReport: Gordon Hayward to Boston? His daughter’s shirt had some people wondering if it was a sign of things to come 🍀 - 8 years ago

@MiamiHeatshow: Miami Heat Reportedly in the Mix to Sign Gordon Hayward - Christian Post - 8 years ago

@MiamiHeatNews5: Miami Heat Reportedly in the Mix to Sign Gordon Hayward - Christian Post - 8 years ago

@JamieLeeWilson_: RT @360_cre8ive: Director, Christian Gordon with @JamieLeeWilson_ ahead of weekend workshops 👍🏻 - 8 years ago

@mlreinert24: Our server at brunch looks like Christian Bale and Joseph Gordon-Levitt had a baby and I'm not mad - 8 years ago

@PhanieMiranda33: Christian Yelich, Dee Gordon Miami Marlins Fanatics Authentic Framed Autographed 8" x 10" Black Jerseys Photog - 8 years ago

@aDyslexicdoG: @TheAtheistPig The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimates 43,… - 8 years ago

@360_cre8ive: Director, Christian Gordon with @JamieLeeWilson_ ahead of weekend workshops 👍🏻 - 8 years ago

@ArtistdeeDd: RT @missmith603: @gordon_hughes2 @jmsexton_ @LeslieMarshall @dailykos Uh, because the left has systematically removed so many Christian sym… - 8 years ago

@Bov1ce: RT @daviesinator: RBs who ran for over 2000 yds in college (since 2014): -Melvin Gordon -Tevin Coleman -Derrick Henry -Christian McCaffrey… - 8 years ago

@BrittanBuhrig: RT @daviesinator: RBs who ran for over 2000 yds in college (since 2014): -Melvin Gordon -Tevin Coleman -Derrick Henry -Christian McCaffrey… - 8 years ago

@Christian_Wain: RT @paddypower: Look at Craig Gordon for the England goal and remember - he plays for a team that went undefeated in the SPL. - 8 years ago

@daviesinator: RBs who ran for over 2000 yds in college (since 2014): -Melvin Gordon -Tevin Coleman -Derrick Henry -Christian McCaffrey -D'onta Foreman - 8 years ago

@Christian_Dyer: Shocking goalkeeping from Gordon though. - 8 years ago

@judge_gordon: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 8 years ago

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