Gord Downie

Died on Wednesday October 18th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Gord Downie:

@ArtsMusicMovies: #RollingStone Watch Gord Downie Craft Final LP in Poignant New Video - 7 years ago

@gina_bruscato: RT @MarcioNovelli: My tribute to the late, great Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip. #GordDownie #gorddownieRIP #Gor… - 7 years ago

@JSSBennett: Halifax Public Library (NS CA) sing-along pays tribute to Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@TheBake76: RT @macleans: All the ways Gord Downie was an ally of First Nations people in Canada, by @perrybellegarde - 7 years ago


@CelebStarzNews: Watch Gord Downie Craft Final LP in Poignant New Video - 7 years ago

@tpelly: Gord Downie's Final Album Is A Gift : The Record : NPR - - 7 years ago

@Canada24News: A friendship with Gord Downie forged on the ice - 7 years ago

@lionrampant2: RT @CBCMusic: Gord Downie's #IntroduceYerself comes out tomorrow and you'll hear new songs on @CBCRadio2. We decode the album: - 7 years ago

@DannyDare4: RT @EdmontonOilers: If you're coming to tonight's #Oilers game, arrive early & be in your seats by 6:55pm for a special Gord Downie tribute… - 7 years ago

@shena_tamara: RT @cbcradioq: Watch Gord Downie record the final track for his upcoming album - 7 years ago

@Smiley_Stanger: @MapleLeafs #Leafs #GoLeafsGo Gord Downie will never die!!!!!!!!!! @LeafsMaz20 - 7 years ago

@georgiastraight: Watch #GordDownie in the studio recording posthumous solo album Introduce Yerself: - 7 years ago

@AKarina_Sanchez: RT @AristeguiOnline: .@JustinTrudeau, con lágrimas, habló de la muerte de su amigo Gord Downie: - 7 years ago

@CheynezMommy: RT @hockeyesque: one last story about our friend - 7 years ago

@rock_nt: #musicnews Watch Gord Downie Craft Final LP in Poignant New Video - 7 years ago

@HistoryDean: RT @CAN150Project: The one. The only. Gord Downie. RIP #canada #music #podcast #history #RIP - 7 years ago

@friskfryslan: Wolf's Home van Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@HarryBarnesBT: Review: Gord Downie's farewell album is intimately universal - 7 years ago

@Susanamaria: RT @nprmusic: 'Introduce Yerself,' Gord Downie's final album, is a gift. - 7 years ago

@friskfryslan: @dalvoorde Introduce Yerself van Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@lokolYork: RT @MetroNewsCanada: Watch as @choirchoirchoir brings hundreds of fans together for an emotional singalong tribute to Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@LeafsNationFan: RT @kseeenniia: "Gord Downie was an incredible person, and left his legacy with us. We would like you share your thoughts tonight" #Toronto… - 7 years ago

@GovGPAA: .@hockeyesque reflects on what made Gord Downie so special. A really beautiful tribute in @macleans. - 7 years ago

@Dayal7310954662: RT @SahiramDas: #HappyDiwali #HelloDiwali #Dhanteras What is actual Diwali, which makes us divine always happy Watch- - 7 years ago

@noahsmygirl: RT @hockeyesque: one last story about our friend - 7 years ago

@SherriKuczeryk: #Toronto Fans sing Bobcaygeon at Choir! Choir! Choir! tribute to Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@MoRadio_: Rick Mercer remembers Gord Downie #GordDownie #TheTragicallyHip - 7 years ago

@brisky27: RT @hockeyesque: one last story about our friend - 7 years ago

@smitchell012: RT @JohnTory: Last night in Toronto, a beautiful tribute to Gord Downie in Nathan Phillips Square by @choirchoirchoir. #TorontoSingsForGord… - 7 years ago

@Cheoffrey: RT @JohnTory: Last night in Toronto, a beautiful tribute to Gord Downie in Nathan Phillips Square by @choirchoirchoir. #TorontoSingsForGord… - 7 years ago

@nicolegchin_: RT @hockeyesque: one last story about our friend - 7 years ago

@RossMcCracken: RT @hockeyesque: one last story about our friend - 7 years ago

@scooter_204: RT @MetroNewsCanada: Watch as @choirchoirchoir brings hundreds of fans together for an emotional singalong tribute to Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@BarbByersCLC: RT @AndreaBaillie1: A choir of over 1,000 pays tribute to Gord Downie outside Toronto city hall - 7 years ago

@lechat33: RT @TorontoStar: Fans gather at Nathan Phillips Square for @choirchoirchoir's Tragically Hip sing-a-long in honour of Gord Downie. - 7 years ago

@tjhammy: RT @JohnTory: Last night in Toronto, a beautiful tribute to Gord Downie in Nathan Phillips Square by @choirchoirchoir. #TorontoSingsForGord… - 7 years ago

@lechat33: RT @680NEWS: Hundreds turn out for singalong in honour of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@macFaddo: RT @ThatEricAlper: Joseph Reid of Napanee ran the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon dressed as Gord Downie. Photo by Steve Russell htt… - 7 years ago

@NCSlate: - 7 years ago

@Pepperfire: RT @ThatEricAlper: Joseph Reid of Napanee ran the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon dressed as Gord Downie. Photo by Steve Russell htt… - 7 years ago

@eden1985: Walked into a random Gord Downie tribute concert. His brother was speaking when I took these pictures. Bless.… - 7 years ago

@habs1973: RT @Ginohard_: CBC's 2009 NHL Playoffs Montage with City and Colour and Gord Downie will always be legendary - 7 years ago

@Lushmanfoo: RT @JohnTory: Joined hundreds in Nathan Phillips Square tonight to celebrate the life and legacy of Gord Downie. #TorontoSingsForGord https… - 7 years ago

@michaelp2153: 'Go to the angels, Gord': Charlie Angus pays tribute to Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@RossanaWyatt: RT @m_layton: Such an amazing Gord Downie tribute tonight at Nathan Phillips Sq by @choirchoirchoir. - 7 years ago

@Gregory_G_Cain: RT @macleans: Gord Downie "gave everything he had to this world," writes The Rheostatics’ Dave Bidini - 7 years ago

@Report24CA: Choir! Choir! Choir! hosting singalong tribute to Gord Downie at Nathan Phillips Square #D25 - 7 years ago

@rcgeorge2012: Remembering Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@katrinagalas: RT @SeamusORegan: This description of Gord Downie from his obituary in the New York Times is everything. - 7 years ago

@torontonewsfeed: #toronto #news : ‘Gord would’ve loved this’: Downie’s brother thanks public for Toronto sing-along - 7 years ago

@CKSamcro: RT @CTVNews: Gord Downie's brother thanks crowd at Hip sing-along, calls for Indigenous reconciliation - 7 years ago

@godammitkitty: "Really? He just said he was 'Gord from Kingston'" <3 Remembering Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@jessicazita: RT @CTVNews: Gord Downie's brother thanks crowd at Hip sing-along, calls for Indigenous reconciliation - 7 years ago

@Realistology: RT @JohnTory: Joined hundreds in Nathan Phillips Square tonight to celebrate the life and legacy of Gord Downie. #TorontoSingsForGord https… - 7 years ago

@solemnlykissed: RT @the_edge: "Ahead by a Century" at the Gord Downie Tribute with @choirchoirchoir was just what we needed tonight #GordDownie - 7 years ago

@agathonfric: A beautiful story about a beautiful guy: “Remembering Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@dawnyb: The Wiltern remembers Gord Downie. #TragicallyHip - 7 years ago

@Loveguelph1990: RT @CTVToronto: LIVE NOW: Nathan Phillips Square hosts sing-a-long to remember Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@Osheafan: RT @JohnTory: Joined hundreds in Nathan Phillips Square tonight to celebrate the life and legacy of Gord Downie. #TorontoSingsForGord https… - 7 years ago

@Osheafan: RT @the_edge: "Ahead by a Century" at the Gord Downie Tribute with @choirchoirchoir was just what we needed tonight #GordDownie - 7 years ago

@brealeona: Gord Downie’s Final Act "was to turn the microphone to the crowd, as if to say 'it’s your conversation now.'” - 7 years ago

@Y108Rocks: Gord Downie’s Family is Hoping for Some Kind of Public Memorial–At Some Point - 7 years ago

@brrkie: RT @MadameChantelle: Gord Downie is to #reconciliation what Terry Fox was to cancer research in 🇨🇦. #SecretPath - 7 years ago

@headpointer: RT @CTVToronto: Tragically Hip album sales, audio streams skyrocket after death of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@Northofsevn: Tragically Hip music sales jump 1,000% after Gord Downie's death - 7 years ago

@MelanieKayePR: Ontario Dad Runs Marathon Dressed As Gord Downie To Raise Funds - 7 years ago

@sabreu13: RT @TorontoComms: Tomorrow, Toronto sings together for Gord at 8 pm on Nathan Phillips Square. Celebrate the life and legacy of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@DeanDettloff: In light of Gord Downie's death, here's an @americamag article I wrote on Secret Path, an album about Chanie Wenjack - 7 years ago

@HeidiPom: RT @Canada: A musician, a poet and an advocate for truth and reconciliation – Gord Downie was a great Canadian who will be missed. Rest in… - 7 years ago

@RyanHicks306: Gord Downie's Secret Path in Concert - 7 years ago

@MomladyViolet: RT @EcoLawyer_RDL: CELA's tribute to Gord Downie's green legacy - 7 years ago

@NFFTT: Tragically Hip fan carves 'Gourd Downie' tribute pumpkin - 7 years ago

@CBCDay6: Hockey star @wick_22 remembers #GordDownie as a supporter of women's hockey and a person you could hang out with.… - 7 years ago

@TheStromboShow: LISTEN: @TanisRideout remembers Gord Downie's relationship with water + @LOWaterkeeper - 7 years ago

@jadbeavis: 'No dress rehearsal, this is our life:' Gord Downie and the Canadian conversation - 7 years ago

@JamesDurling: RT @TorontoStar: #ICYMI Joseph Reid ran the @scotiabank marathon dressed as Gord Downie in tribute to the late musician #STWM - 7 years ago

@HardingClass: RT @RussellPhotos: Joseph Reid ran Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon dressed as Gord Downie in tribute to the @thehipdotcom front man.… - 7 years ago

@roegue7: RT @macleans: Remembering Gord Downie in pictures: - 7 years ago

@hovrcreative: Rest In Peace Gord Downie from the Tragically Hip... you were one fine Canadian! 🇨🇦 - 7 years ago

@TheSummitFM: Tune in at 6:00 PM for our rebroadcast of @OngoingHistory's tribute to the late Gord Downie and the history of… - 7 years ago

@jennjilks: @downiewenjack Colonial settlers owe this to Chanie Wenjack & Gord Downie, & all the children & #MMIWG, who dance a… - 7 years ago

@adaoust13: RT @CJAY92: Ron Maclean and Hockey Night in Canada paid tribute to Gord this weekend, and it was perfect. WATCH: - 7 years ago

@rhuibers1: RT @dfriend: The Tragically Hip album sales and streams soar in Canada after Gord Downie’s death. The details: - 7 years ago

@bluffers_parks: RT @CTVToronto: Tragically Hip album sales, audio streams skyrocket after death of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@MorrisonElectr5: RT @JohnTory: This is going to be a great event: Toronto Sings for Gord this Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Nathan Phillips Square. Come to sing and… - 7 years ago

@thomaskguy: RT @downiewenjack: If you are in Toronto and would like to celebrate Gord's life, NOW Magazine has compiled a list of events:... - 7 years ago

@cjdesilva: This interview with @SondreLerche made me certain that I truly love him. He defines the strong kind of masculinity💖 - 7 years ago

@mnlrick: RT @RussellPhotos: Joseph Reid ran Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon dressed as Gord Downie in tribute to the @thehipdotcom front man.… - 7 years ago

@TimmyG_hotstove: RT @CTVToronto: Tragically Hip album sales, audio streams skyrocket after death of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@torontonews3: Tragically Hip album sales, audio streams skyrocket after death of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@chelseasiler: More on the #STWM runner dressed as Downie ➡️ he was raising 💰 for @downiewenjack fund ❤️ - 7 years ago

@MKirouacEDU: RT @CTVNews: Canadians cranked up the Hip after Gord Downie's death - 7 years ago

@EarlLambert: RT @JeffLemire: Print of my Gord Downie image now for sale right here. - 7 years ago

@Bwagg4: trudeau's river of tears, gord downie? i was reading many different native indian post today,many.they love gord downie,what he's done! - 7 years ago

@AvacyninChains: RT @CTVToronto: Tragically Hip album sales, audio streams skyrocket after death of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@Cloudeeahh: RT @Indie88Toronto: This amazing Gord Downie mural just went up in Buffalo. -@CarlinIndie88 - 7 years ago

@myblocktyler: RT @TorontoComms: Tomorrow, Toronto sings together for Gord at 8 pm on Nathan Phillips Square. Celebrate the life and legacy of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@erinpepler: RT @elamin88: If you missed it: I wrote this about Gord Downie and the ways he taught us to see ourselves. - 7 years ago

@CTVToronto: Tragically Hip album sales, audio streams skyrocket after death of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@Kanadagirl: RT @downiewenjack: If you are in Toronto and would like to celebrate Gord's life, NOW Magazine has compiled a list of events:... - 7 years ago

@mlnangalama: CBC: WATCH the full interview as Gord Downie's brothers remember his legacy and look to move his mission forward… - 7 years ago

@CBC: WATCH the full interview as Gord Downie's brothers remember his legacy and look to move his mission forward… - 7 years ago

@TaleFinn: RT @MadameChantelle: Gord Downie is to #reconciliation what Terry Fox was to cancer research in 🇨🇦. #SecretPath - 7 years ago

@NickFillmore: CBC: Enough Gord Downie already! - 7 years ago

@rnanjad: RT @cbcradio: "It compounds the grief when you know so many other people are grieving." - 7 years ago

@morningshowlisa: RT @MadameChantelle: Gord Downie is to #reconciliation what Terry Fox was to cancer research in 🇨🇦. #SecretPath - 7 years ago

@lilystromb: RT @PopWrapped: Canadian icon and @thehipdotcom lead singer #GordDownie passes away from cancer - 7 years ago

@CisumEntkansasc: Neil Young, Drake Remember Tragically Hip's Gord Downie Neil Young and Drake paid tribute to… - 7 years ago

@ericandersonyxe: RT @downiewenjack: Don't miss CBC's q today; Mike and Patrick Downie will be talking to Tom Power about Gord's legacy with Secret... https:… - 7 years ago

@iramey: RT @cbcradioq: #GordDownie's brothers on feeling the nation's grief: "This country weighs a lot." - 7 years ago

@Piglets_Eeyore: @AnneWheaton 1/2 Big issue here north if the 49th because our PM shed tears when talking about the of loss of Gord… - 7 years ago

@WaterfrontBIA: RT @TorontoComms: Tomorrow, Toronto sings together for Gord at 8 pm on Nathan Phillips Square. Celebrate the life and legacy of Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@GimmieThatLoot: RT @LowestOfTheLow: "If Canada wants to really be a country then it needs to include everybody." - Gord Downie #SecretPath - 7 years ago

@HolsKitchenYGK: RT @cbcradio: "It compounds the grief when you know so many other people are grieving." - 7 years ago

@darialafontaine: RT @cbcradio: "It compounds the grief when you know so many other people are grieving." - 7 years ago

@MrGaunt: RT @smash_pages: Charity print by @JeffLemire honors Tragically Hip's Gord Downie - 7 years ago

@CBCMusic: RT @cbcradioq: #GordDownie's brothers on feeling the nation's grief: "This country weighs a lot." - 7 years ago

@jammirante: I feel bad for Gord Downie, his family, his fans. But this is not public grief this is conspicuous compassion. #GordDownie #TragicallyHip - 7 years ago

@LCO_ATA_Local77: RT @RMComedy: Continued & sustained love to Gord Downie, his children & those close to him. His is an example to all Canadians. - 7 years ago

@Melietcetera: RT @downiewenjack: Don't miss CBC's q today; Mike and Patrick Downie will be talking to Tom Power about Gord's legacy with Secret... https:… - 7 years ago

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