
American actor (Goodfellas)
Died on Saturday December 29th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Goodfellas:

@nLehmansTerms: I swear 75% of Goodfellas is just foreshadowing. - 6 years ago

@VegetaSolo1: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@MajeakaNdanga: @NchakoE The Godfather 1, 2, and 3 Goodfellas Scarface - 6 years ago

@Raganaustin: @RealCoryMachado Comedy: National Lampoons Vacation (1982 R Rated Version) Drama: Goodfellas - 6 years ago


@PizzaALoveStory: RT @nhsnackshack: You never know who you’re going to bump into in #newhaven! Our manager had the pleasure of meeting legendary actor Paul S… - 6 years ago

@KontraDB: Ja sam kao dijete slušao Eminema, 2Pac-a, Rage Against The Machine, gledao Sopranose, Goodfellas i South Park. Evo… - 6 years ago

@CheckRight42: @DannyParkins who’s responsible for the Goodfellas/Layla audio montage.... it just made me even more depressed. But a fine piece of work - 6 years ago

@dejaaamarie: when karen wake Henry up with the pole to his face on goodfellas i die every time. he looked at her like "bitch" 💀💀💀 - 6 years ago

@iamchrissantana: @RealCoryMachado Goodfellas , Scarface, The Godfather trilogy etc. - 6 years ago

@ultimateplusone: Business bad? "Fuck you, pay me." Oh, you had a fire? "Fuck you, pay me." Place got hit by lightning, huh? "Fuc… - 6 years ago

@A_F: @jkatallie I feel like Ray Leota in Goodfellas you in Murray Hill? - 6 years ago

@Ruetheday852: RT @ninaandtito: And if ya don’t know, now ya know. How many BILLIONS of OUR TAX DOLLARS have these shitty mobsters stolen from federal pr… - 6 years ago

@JeezusHimself: @NchakoE Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@tobiassilvano: RT @LostInFilm: 'Goodfellas' (1990, Martin Scorsese) - 6 years ago

@paolo_sf: RT @albhere: Couple of criminal #GoodFellas packing heat.... - 6 years ago

@firstrowreviews: @JoeyWinterDay Goodfellas isn't a bad choice - 6 years ago

@albhere: Couple of criminal #GoodFellas packing heat.... - 6 years ago

@estabunjee: Because of #kidmafia Next week it’ll be double, then double again. Next thing you know you’re getting Goodfellas J… - 6 years ago

@RoboD4ni: RT @AndreDThompson: After he died we took care of the rest. But we didn’t make some bullshit sentimental video for likes/RTs and then take… - 6 years ago

@jdanielaguado: RT @ActorTrivia: Filming Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@AZZKOR: @hulkcass10 @ColossusNick Maaaate your on for a treat get them watched especially goodfellas an epic movie with a monster cast 😎 - 6 years ago

@MichaelR8derz: RT @allthingscomedy: And here is the @rayliotta Chantix commercial with footage from Goodfellas cut in. 📽 Joseph Lindquist #rayliotta #smok… - 6 years ago

@kwnoop: RT @ActorTrivia: Filming Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@ActorTrivia: Filming Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@MartinWhitman1: RT @deedeegop: Paul at the Goodfellas Restaurant in New Haven #goodfellas #NewHaven #paulsorvino - 6 years ago

@tvisjustabox: RT @stevetheunk: Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@stevetheunk: Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@MissyMisfire: @flyfoot100 Yes! I was watching GoodFellas.. but I had to take some Nyquil get into bed cause I have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn.. 😪 - 6 years ago

@InsanelyGifted2: Now playing Goodfellas - Collarossi Feat. Big Pokey (Prod. June James).mp3 by ! - 6 years ago

@C_Notebeats: RT @allthingscomedy: And here is the @rayliotta Chantix commercial with footage from Goodfellas cut in. 📽 Joseph Lindquist #rayliotta #smok… - 6 years ago

@AndreDThompson: After he died we took care of the rest. But we didn’t make some bullshit sentimental video for likes/RTs and then t… - 6 years ago

@MrssMellow: Funny how, Like a clown I amuse you..? #goodfellas - 6 years ago

@cydneyjin: Omg sorry but Ray Liotta KIND OF looks attractive in Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@100hcp: 【12/12(水)発売!!】 WOLF & THE GOODFELLAS 『RIGHT NOW』/ 2,160円(税込) 1年ぶりの3rdアルバムが緊急リリース!! 詳細は⇒ - 6 years ago

@natedigad: I didn’t just start watching Goodfellas at 2:53 am. Wait. I did. - 6 years ago

@diskunion_punk: 【12/12(水)発売!!】 WOLF & THE GOODFELLAS 『RIGHT NOW』/ 2,160円(税込) 1年ぶりの3rdアルバムが緊急リリース!! 詳細は⇒ - 6 years ago

@Its_Kamau: @Ireri_TheOne 3 is redundant. They should have stopped at 2. Have you checked Goodfellas, Scarface, Raging bull, 12 angry men. - 6 years ago

@RoamingTheVoid: Goodfellas is kinda on an I’ll take that - 6 years ago

@DianeK23502279: GoodFellas - Layla Piano Ending - 6 years ago

@land1600: BLACK CHRISTMASの配布CDをやっと聞いてるんだけど2ndLiveの洋ちゃんのミス全く気づいてなかった…台風のせいにしましょう。台風で曲の終わりが飛んだ #黒田崇矢 #goodfellas - 6 years ago

@Power1022radio: The_Goodfellas_Sia_Kendrick_Lamar_Lumidee_Wayne_Wonder_Elephant_Man - The_Goodfellas_The_Greatest_Diwali_Riddim_Bootleg_Short_Edit_Clean - 6 years ago

@abelwankanobi: Has anyone seen the movie Goodfellas? - 6 years ago

@peter_and_louie: @AoDespair He's narrating Goodfellas II : The Pecker Files. - 6 years ago

@Tyquand3a: RT @McJesse: Add any song from Goodfellas to this shot of Romney and it magically becomes the end of a Scorsese movie about an anti-hero wh… - 6 years ago

@iamrahatp: @htapohcysp0 Psycho, Vertigo, Godfather, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space O… - 6 years ago

@BabaKar82739093: @ASametSarikaya Şimdi Goodfellas senin bu resmi ana ekranda paylaşıp sempatizanlarımızdan yazar seni evli çocuklu holigan seni 😂😂🤪 - 6 years ago

@DELAROSA116: RT @SpiderTrades: @WayneDupreeShow 🤔 1. Shawshank Redemption 2. Star Trek: Wrath of Khan 3. High Noon 4. Goodfellas 5. L.A. Confidential 6… - 6 years ago

@zhangyunbo6: 我顶了一个 @YouTube 视频 - 6 years ago

@JacquieMc2: @WayneDupreeShow In no order: The Matrix V for Vendetta Spy Shawshank Redemption Wizard Of Oz Goodfellas Aliens Pri… - 6 years ago

@rmrm1387: @WayneDupreeShow If Goodfellas isn’t on your list then your lidt doesn’t count - 6 years ago

@WeaponizedFunk: Films That Are Perfect In My Eyes: Goodfellas Big Trouble in Little China The Empire Strikes Back Alien Ghostbu… - 6 years ago

@RaMelbourne2017: I had two DVDs my junior year. One was 'Fletch' and one was 'Goodfellas,' and I watched those movies so much. I jus… - 6 years ago

@KrabbypAddie: reflecting on how pumping iron (1977) and goodfellas (1990) have the same energy. icons - 6 years ago

@devotedfriend72: RT @Bryant3oo: Watching “Goodfellas” for the first time with @devotedfriend72. Whiskey and Chardonnay on tap! ❤️🥃😈😏 - 6 years ago

@bbcsbitch: Almost every movie I agree with + Goodfellas 00s rom coms + titanic - 6 years ago

@CraigKoban: GHOST is on TV right now. I can’t believe this movie was nominated for Best Picture alongside GOODFELLAS. - 6 years ago

@djbighappy: SOME ALONE TIME RELAX ENJOYING MY DAY OFF LIBG AZZ WEEK — watching Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@Valerie85083493: RT @CMPunk: @TravisStevens Scorsese’s mom in Goodfellas. - 6 years ago

@nicksisto13: @ColinFlaherty7 I hope u force ur girl to watch goodfellas but that won’t happen - 6 years ago

@SSJsergio: RT @alamolaredo: Find out what it truly means to be a gangster in our screening of GOODFELLAS. - 6 years ago

@mod3rd: @CMPunk @TravisStevens How goodfellas didn’t win best picture is still one of the most bizarre things in history of the academy awards - 6 years ago

@ynsmr_room202: RT @rebelandsummer: 🌅2/17 日 👑東京スーパースターズ 💎見汐麻衣 with Goodfellas 🍷渋谷7th FLOOR スーパースターズは久しぶりのライブで、この日は曲を多く演奏します。埋火や見汐さんの歌とギターはめちゃくちゃ好きで、憧れと言って差… - 6 years ago

@CMPunk: @TravisStevens Scorsese’s mom in Goodfellas. - 6 years ago

@Bryant3oo: Watching “Goodfellas” for the first time with @devotedfriend72. Whiskey and Chardonnay on tap! ❤️🥃😈😏 - 6 years ago

@Appyeq1: KY boy just told me that it’s impossible to eat an entire piece of pizza and a breadstick in one sitting from goodf… - 6 years ago

@Stecks7: @LazyLightning55 @DividedShane I really liked the 1990 remake of it too I think it was called Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@kathuerun: Goodfellas (1990) - Finally seeing this makes me wonder if Wolf of Wall Street was called-in for Scorsese; they're… - 6 years ago

@iambradywhite: @MichaelBerrySho DeNiro. Heat, Bronx Tale, Goodfellas, Copland. Great stuff. - 6 years ago

@DennisF71476177: @TeraFirmax0 @BeefDamn Goodfellas, such a good movie! - 6 years ago

@BourbonKnight: @TheHerd @ColinCowherd Why is it that EVERY ad before a Twitter video is Ray Liotta quitting smoking? I get that I… - 6 years ago

@jlfalbo: @briankoppelman Yes, want that. Q: Godfather I, Godfather II, or Godfather III? Goodfellas or Casino? - 6 years ago

@missheathercole: @AntonioSabatoJr @BreitbartNews Was this an audition tape for Worst Comedians Ever? Oh it wasn't it was just a newl… - 6 years ago

@jiranmdo: You know, we always called each other goodfellas @speedwell__ - 6 years ago

@JohnnyAraiza: RT @alamolaredo: Find out what it truly means to be a gangster in our screening of GOODFELLAS. - 6 years ago

@Malzworld872: @boston_girl79 See, in theory this is a good idea. Until you wake up like Henry Hill did on goodfellas. - 6 years ago

@Eiggam5955: JFC how much Adderall has Donny been snorting this week? He looks and sounds like Ray Liotta at the end of Goodfellas. - 6 years ago

@chelsea_r0se: Watching Goodfellas for the first time and wondering if goodfellas pizza is named after the film? 🍕 #pizzaalways - 6 years ago

@MM47821446: Actor Frank Adonis, Best Known For Role In ‘Goodfellas’, Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@Flipperooney: I rated Goodfellas (1990) 10/10 #IMDb - 6 years ago

@TheAbyssOfWhoa: My co-worker has that Joe Pesci goodfellas rage inside him. his name sounds like Pecan. He misheard a conversation… - 6 years ago

@thewellywall: RT @IanRSalmon: Two scallies. A lot of weed. The ghost of Elvis. More swearing than Goodfellas. A proper scouse night out. Downstairs @Roya… - 6 years ago

@ktieclarke: goodfellas have finally made a vegan pizza which is falafel flavoured ?! my two favourite things - 6 years ago

@cobblers1965: @Mrsdelboydave Home goodfellas fat bastard portions 😊 - 6 years ago

@IDtheMIKE: I'm on call this week. When I get paged in the middle of the night, I turn on the TV while I work to help me stay… - 6 years ago

@BroRonoaZoro: Deniro has a broad range in his body of work you had to have only seen Casino Heat and Goodfellas if you think he p… - 6 years ago

@VMiloscio: JIMMY! Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@AxenNC: Daily Movie quote: “As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.” -Goodfellas Probably one… - 6 years ago

@slowhat: If god ain't a @unc Tarheel, then why are @rayliotta 's eyes Carolina blue? #collegebumpersticker #sports #goodfellas - 6 years ago

@beamarting: "Uno de los nuestros" = Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@Obstacle_2: @TrippSuetholz @intellegint I can’t think of anything Coppola has made that wasn’t done better by contemporaries. Goodfellas > godfather - 6 years ago

@OhNoMig: Hola, podrías responder este tweet nombrando tu película favorita de todos los tiempos? La mía es Goodfellas. - 6 years ago

@ennasuite: @JamesSPackard @Newsy "Speaking" is generous. He is rambling loudly and incoherently as though he were seated aroun… - 6 years ago

@dsawyer20: Is it just me or does Trump sound like Joe Pesci in GoodFellas when he talks? #WorstPresidentEver - 6 years ago

@BrownsObsession: RT @allthingscomedy: And here is the @rayliotta Chantix commercial with footage from Goodfellas cut in. 📽 Joseph Lindquist #rayliotta #smok… - 6 years ago

@noPynchonhere: @MadAboutMovies Now that I have your attention, it’s an absolute abomination that none of you have Goodfellas on yo… - 6 years ago

@WOLF197718: RT @mitsunaga69: 2019年1月6日 ⚫光永光&東海BADBOYS⚫ vo/光永光 Gt/新堂達矢 Ba/中川幸尚 Dr/CHOP 1/6三重 津 大門 (exBASS-1) 『NEXT!!️』 WOLF(fromWOLF&THE GOODFELLAS)… - 6 years ago

@VeraPtDaRzrAway: @SingTheLetterG Could give a fuck less, goodfellas is on anyway. - 6 years ago

@salmahh_yusuf: RT @Aliyu_MG: 93. The Goodfellas 94. The departed 95. Face/off 96. Murder on the Orient Express 97. Flight 98. The Darkest hour - 6 years ago

@ronniemick: There are many essays & editorials & think-pieces that have been written about GOODFELLAS. This may be the best one… - 6 years ago

@MrSmythe5: @JerryDunleavy Goodfellas. - 6 years ago

@tangalangtanga: Wow when he and the crew walked out it was reminiscent of the movie GOODFELLAS... I mean wow🤭 - 6 years ago

@Crime_Shark: RT @BobbyChaconFBI: #tbt Sitting my first wire. December, 1987, Queens, NYC. OPERATION KENRAC. Target: Lucchese LCN Family. The real Goodfe… - 6 years ago

@yusufasil92: Bu goodfellas ananızı mı sikti naptı hee? - 6 years ago

@incredibIIe: RT @anthonyfjoshua: GoodFellas® #AJBXNG - 6 years ago

@nika_kavelj: RT @McJesse: Add any song from Goodfellas to this shot of Romney and it magically becomes the end of a Scorsese movie about an anti-hero wh… - 6 years ago

@Skiptnm4567: @Brasilmagic Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@prernamaynil: #NewHeader #Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@Layyreed: Goodfellas is the best movie of all time - 6 years ago

@Fabricio_Fail: indo logar goodfellas depois de ter achado uma BOMBA - 6 years ago

@musicletter: "Girl with Basket of Fruit": il nuovo album degli Xiu Xiu. #Musicletter La Tempesta Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@THEChrisMack: @ToddStefan +10000 points for Goodfellas GIF usage - 6 years ago

@Gkhanus: RT @Gkhanus: Önce çarşı.. Simdi goodfellas. Kendi egolarını tatmin etmek adına sallayıp duruyorlar. Hic kimse Besiktaştan büyük değil. Y… - 6 years ago

@Film2L: The best (n.17)Goodfellas: - 6 years ago

@AntonioQezada: Goodfellas es una puta obra maestra - 6 years ago

@Fxbixn_Crxz: If you haven’t watched Goodfellas I don’t even know what to say to you. - 6 years ago

@WOLF197718: RT @diskunion_punk: 【12/12(水)発売!!】 WOLF & THE GOODFELLAS 『RIGHT NOW』/ 2,160円(税込) 1年ぶりの3rdアルバムが緊急リリース!! 詳細は⇒ - 6 years ago

@JoeInSlowMo: RT @McJesse: Add any song from Goodfellas to this shot of Romney and it magically becomes the end of a Scorsese movie about an anti-hero wh… - 6 years ago

@Alevesek: With sound on / just like goodfellas ; ) - 6 years ago

@SeeSunnySierra: BF: I’m going to trim the sides of my hair & leave the top curly (image of Lyle Lovett immediately enters my mind,… - 6 years ago

@MediaFromAndrew: This EP was an entire mood in high school bruh. Had me and the homies actin’ like straight up goodfellas, so fire 🔥 - 6 years ago

@FilmAddictDavid: RT @McJesse: Add any song from Goodfellas to this shot of Romney and it magically becomes the end of a Scorsese movie about an anti-hero wh… - 6 years ago

@666GoreRoll: RT @IKnewThemWell: #filmeditor Thelma Schoonmaker #BOTD 4 of many collaborations with Director Martin Scorsese over many years... Who's Th… - 6 years ago

@bob_bobbydri: @GuyAdami GoodFellas I'm funny how I mean, funny like I'm a clown - 6 years ago

@Peckinpaw: New Year Deals! Check out Goodfellas (DVD, 2007) Robert DeNiro, Pesci, Liotta Brand New *Free Shipping*… - 6 years ago

@joeygedb: @CoolioJones0508 @donwinslow @DEADLINE Ive got a horrible feeling it will be naff like the departed. But my hopes r… - 6 years ago

@ethanpetz: @Jbegu Hasn't even seen Goodfellas - 6 years ago

@adamsteezy: Goodfellas will always be my favourite movie - 6 years ago

@death_records__: RT @orwelldone2: [Thread] Les Affranchis/Goodfellas a beau être considère par beaucoup comme un chef d’œuvre, pour moi il reste extrêmement… - 6 years ago

@yellowfrogs0066: RT @WOLF197718: 《WOLF & THE GOODFELLAS 》 2019年も よろしくお願い致します!! - 6 years ago

@BriShu812: Can we all agree that Robert DeNiro gave a ketchup bottle a happy ending in Goodfellas? - 6 years ago

@GoodfellasPie: I mean... it’s 2019. 😉🍅 Shop Goodfellas merch at our locations! - 6 years ago

@xxxavier71: @TuiteroRegio Casino , goodfellas ,hoffa, carlitos way, scarface - 6 years ago

@RGBanks: @SlowBurnJury @mid90smovie @JonahHill @sternshow I loved the scene from goodfellas playing when he got home . It w… - 6 years ago

@flipcritic: RT @AlbertGalera: It's hard for people to understand editing, I think. It's absolutely like sculpture. You get a big lump of clay, and you… - 6 years ago

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