Goo Hara

South Korean singer (Kara) and actress (City Hunter).
Died on Sunday November 24th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Goo Hara:

@yyoonieseok: RT @MinSerendipity7: Nos últimos meses todo mês acordei com a notícia que alguém havia morrido Sulli Goo Hara E agora o Cha In Ha Eu n sei… - 5 years ago

@ArinahRidduan: RT @ECPV1: After Sulli's suicide then Goo Hara and now Cha In Ha found dead in his house. What's wrong in earth!? Another life's gone 😕💔 A… - 5 years ago

@eunsangonlee: RT @balloon_wanted: KARA's Park Gyuri message to Goo Hara "A week has gone by. I'm not sure how the days have passed by..." "I've been at… - 5 years ago

@amonwanlee: RT @ECPV1: After Sulli's suicide then Goo Hara and now Cha In Ha found dead in his house. What's wrong in earth!? Another life's gone 😕💔 A… - 5 years ago


@aiy__aiy: RT @ECPV1: After Sulli's suicide then Goo Hara and now Cha In Ha found dead in his house. What's wrong in earth!? Another life's gone 😕💔 A… - 5 years ago

@IvonnyVil: REST IN PEACE - Jonghyun (28) - Sulli (26) - Goo Hara (29) - He Sukun (24) - Cha In Ha (28) - 5 years ago

@btspark_j: RT @ECPV1: After Sulli's suicide then Goo Hara and now Cha In Ha found dead in his house. What's wrong in earth!? Another life's gone 😕💔 A… - 5 years ago

@BinksMoonchild_: @miamiatzo Realmente querem que eu acredite na inocência dele (um homem rico que poderia facilmente manipular qualq… - 5 years ago

@bellaella7: Korean actor Cha In-ha, 27, found dead – the third death, after those of singers Goo Hara and Sulli, to rock Korean… - 5 years ago

@kimjxxz: RT @giiovangogh: @loeydick Eu não acredito, se foi tão fácil pros responsáveis pelo suicídio da Jang Jayeon e o namorado abusivo da Goo Har… - 5 years ago

@namjooniefav: RT @MinSerendipity7: Nos últimos meses todo mês acordei com a notícia que alguém havia morrido Sulli Goo Hara E agora o Cha In Ha Eu n sei… - 5 years ago

@kvmylle: RT @MinSerendipity7: Nos últimos meses todo mês acordei com a notícia que alguém havia morrido Sulli Goo Hara E agora o Cha In Ha Eu n sei… - 5 years ago

@xbunnygirl: RT @giiovangogh: @loeydick Eu não acredito, se foi tão fácil pros responsáveis pelo suicídio da Jang Jayeon e o namorado abusivo da Goo Har… - 5 years ago

@BbiBbimbap: RT @notpannchoa: Knets reminisce Goo Hara and Sulli's friendship (ft. Goo Hara's relationship with her parents) - 5 years ago

@valleesm: RT @MinSerendipity7: Nos últimos meses todo mês acordei com a notícia que alguém havia morrido Sulli Goo Hara E agora o Cha In Ha Eu n sei… - 5 years ago

@byunverses: RT @giiovangogh: @loeydick Eu não acredito, se foi tão fácil pros responsáveis pelo suicídio da Jang Jayeon e o namorado abusivo da Goo Har… - 5 years ago

@peachyyjisoo: RT @bpteaparty: I'm sorry the world was cruel to you both. I'm sorry we couldn't stop the pain. I'm sorry we couldn't do anything. Rest in… - 5 years ago

@peachyyjisoo: RT @bpteaparty: Kpop stans, let's help bring Goo Hara's sexual abuser to jail. Their case is still ongoing and the pig is still roaming fre… - 5 years ago

@wonderroanne: RT @ECPV1: After Sulli's suicide then Goo Hara and now Cha In Ha found dead in his house. What's wrong in earth!? Another life's gone 😕💔 A… - 5 years ago

@peachyyjisoo: RT @TheJihyeLee: Top trending on Korea Twitter is #최종범_처벌 or “Punish Choi Jong-bum,” who is Goo Hara’s ex-boyfriend that she is suing for… - 5 years ago

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