Glyn Houston

Welsh actor (Doctor Who).
Died on Wednesday July 3rd 2019

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Tweets related to Glyn Houston:

@MisterVMCFeegs: Glyn Houston 1925-2019 - 6 years ago

@GarethLlewe: RT @CynulliadCymru: Heddiw mae @LeanneWood yn talu teyrnged i Glyn Houston, actor o'r Rhondda, a fu farw'n ddiweddar - #datganiad90eiliad h… - 6 years ago

@Adrian_Dalby: Keep It in the Family S2/E5: Smoke Without Fire 29/9/80 Robert Gillespie, Pauline Yates, Stacy Dorning, Jenny Quayl… - 6 years ago

@RussellRElliott: RT @AssemblyWales: #90secondstatements - @LeanneWood pays tribute to Glyn Houston, an actor from the Rhondda, who recently passed away. htt… - 6 years ago


@snowspain: @Raphaelite_Girl A fan! I see Bunter has passed away - 6 years ago

@peterbergelin: RT @CynulliadCymru: Heddiw mae @LeanneWood yn talu teyrnged i Glyn Houston, actor o'r Rhondda, a fu farw'n ddiweddar - #datganiad90eiliad h… - 6 years ago

@UndebPlaidCymru: RT @AssemblyWales: #90secondstatements - @LeanneWood pays tribute to Glyn Houston, an actor from the Rhondda, who recently passed away. htt… - 6 years ago

@LeanneWood: RT @CynulliadCymru: Heddiw mae @LeanneWood yn talu teyrnged i Glyn Houston, actor o'r Rhondda, a fu farw'n ddiweddar - #datganiad90eiliad h… - 6 years ago

@CynulliadCymru: Heddiw mae @LeanneWood yn talu teyrnged i Glyn Houston, actor o'r Rhondda, a fu farw'n ddiweddar -… - 6 years ago

@AssemblyWales: #90secondstatements - @LeanneWood pays tribute to Glyn Houston, an actor from the Rhondda, who recently passed away. - 6 years ago

@Adrian_Dalby: Keep It in the Family S2/E4: And Not a Drop to Drink 22/9/80 Robert Gillespie, Pauline Yates, Jenny Quayle, Stacy D… - 6 years ago

@Doctor_Who: Glyn Houston 1925-2019 - 6 years ago

@CDogdays: I loved him in Lord Peter Wimsey. He will always be Bunter to me. Glyn Houston obituary - 6 years ago

@PhillipTaylor: RT @PhillipTaylor: Glyn Houston, Welsh actor who enjoyed a long career in scores of films and television shows – obituary - 6 years ago

@MiladyMell: RT @Classicbritcom: Glyn Houston (23 October 1925 – 30 June 2019) R.I.P - 6 years ago

@Adrian_Dalby: Keep It in the Family S2/E2: Home Is Where the Heat Is 8/9/80 Robert Gillespie, Pauline Yates, Jenny Quayle, Stacy… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Film producer Artur Brauner; actors Glyn Houston, Eddie Jones; MLB's Paul Schramka; guiarist Ya… - 6 years ago

@telegraphobits: RT @PhillipTaylor: Glyn Houston, Welsh actor who enjoyed a long career in scores of films and television shows – obituary - 6 years ago

@see_venice: RT @guardianobits: Glyn Houston obituary Actor who often played soldiers, sailors and police officers in popular films and television drama… - 6 years ago

@CJMiller7: RT @Morris__Bright: Welsh actor Glyn Houston has aged 93. Over 175 big & small screen appearances. A staple of many films and TV dramas. Yo… - 6 years ago

@govauctionnews: RT @britishpictures: Glyn Houston obituary - 6 years ago

@HelloToTheSun1: RT @britishpictures: Glyn Houston obituary - 6 years ago

@DenisHinds2: RT @guardianobits: Glyn Houston obituary Actor who often played soldiers, sailors and police officers in popular films and television drama… - 6 years ago

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