Gladys Maccabe

Northern Irish artist.
Died on Sunday February 25th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Gladys Maccabe:

@WomenAloudNI: RT @ACNIWriting: Excellent ‘for the record’ obituary of Gladys Maccabe (1918-2018) @ArtsCouncilNI @RoyalUlsterAcad @theRSAorg - 7 years ago

@ACNIWriting: Excellent ‘for the record’ obituary of Gladys Maccabe (1918-2018) @ArtsCouncilNI @RoyalUlsterAcad @theRSAorg - 7 years ago

@MrsD_Daily: Inspiration to a generation of women artists in Northern Ireland A glamorous and stylish woman, Gladys Maccabe work… - 7 years ago

@MrsVickiDay: Inspiration to a generation of women artists in Northern Ireland A glamorous and stylish woman, Gladys Maccabe work… - 7 years ago


@brianjohnspencr: RT @EamonnMallie: Sadly reporting passing of artist Gladys Maccabe. She was 3 months short of 100. Below 'Heading to Church.' Ar dheis Dé g… - 7 years ago

@ACNIWriting: RT @RoyalUlsterAcad: A lovely article in the Belfast Telegraph reflecting on the life of Gladys Maccabe HRUA. - 7 years ago

@RoyalUlsterAcad: A lovely article in the Belfast Telegraph reflecting on the life of Gladys Maccabe HRUA. - 7 years ago

@ISLANDartsbiz: Talented artist Glady MacCabe has passed away aged 99. Lovely article in the Belfast Telegraph about Gladys, who fo… - 7 years ago

@WifieMaterials: The Randalstown-born woman wasn't just an acclaimed painter. - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Gladys Maccabe (99) British artist - 7 years ago

@ACNIWriting: A pioneer, a wonderful legacy and a long life : #Belfast Artist Gladys Maccabe (5 June 1918-2018) @artscouncilni… - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Gladys Maccabe is no longer with us - #GladysMaccabe #Gladys #Maccabe #rip - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Gladys Maccabe - 7 years ago

@brianjohnspencr: RT @EamonnMallie: An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer and painter Gladys Maccabe dies aged 99. - 7 years ago

@Kim_Mawhinney: Gladys Maccabe was an extraordinary woman and artist. Condolences to Chris and the family. - 7 years ago

@osteoporosisNI: Sad news. One of the great post-war Belfast artists group An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer… - 7 years ago

@rosalindpan: An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer and painter Gladys Maccabe dies aged 99 - 7 years ago

@LurigDramaCDall: RT @ACNIWriting: Thanks Gladys Maccabe MBE (1918-2018) - 7 years ago

@ACNIWriting: Thanks Gladys Maccabe MBE (1918-2018) - 7 years ago

@FotoJen10: RT @EamonnMallie: An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer and painter Gladys Maccabe dies aged 99. - 7 years ago

@HumptysPiles: RT @EamonnMallie: Sadly reporting passing of artist Gladys Maccabe. She was 3 months short of 100. Below 'Heading to Church.' Ar dheis Dé g… - 7 years ago

@Celt_Bhoy: RT @EamonnMallie: An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer and painter Gladys Maccabe dies aged 99. - 7 years ago

@mylesie: RT @EamonnMallie: An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer and painter Gladys Maccabe dies aged 99. - 7 years ago

@kevinpbreslin: RT @EamonnMallie: An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer and painter Gladys Maccabe dies aged 99. - 7 years ago

@EamonnMallie: An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer and painter Gladys Maccabe dies aged 99. - 7 years ago

@FuneralTimes: We regret to inform you of the recent death of Gladys Maccabe MBA MA HRUA. For more details visit: - 7 years ago

@JimFromWoodburn: RT @EamonnMallie: Sadly reporting passing of artist Gladys Maccabe. She was 3 months short of 100. Below 'Heading to Church.' Ar dheis Dé g… - 7 years ago

@Sabs0000: RT @EamonnMallie: Another joyous example by Gladys Maccabe who has died. Her works regularly grace walls of @eakingallery Belfast. In our t… - 7 years ago

@Cafe_Smart: - 7 years ago

@EqualizerMarina: An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer and painter Gladys Maccabe dies aged 99 -… - 7 years ago

@eveningnew: RT @EamonnMallie: Sadly reporting passing of artist Gladys Maccabe. She was 3 months short of 100. Below 'Heading to Church.' Ar dheis Dé g… - 7 years ago

@universalmindpo: An inspiration for Northern Ireland women artists: writer and painter Gladys Maccabe dies aged 99 - 7 years ago

@katmcshane442: RT @EamonnMallie: Sadly reporting passing of artist Gladys Maccabe. She was 3 months short of 100. Below 'Heading to Church.' Ar dheis Dé g… - 7 years ago

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